A Spartan Love Book Tour

A Spartan Love-final


Author Bio:

Kayla Jameth grew up on the family farm in Ohio, baling hay, raising cattle, and making maple syrup. An unrepentant tomboy, her father taught her to weld before she graduated from high school.

She attended Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University and later, Texas A&M University in her pursuit of veterinary medicine, taking her farther away from her rural roots. You can transplant the county girl, but you can’t make her a city slicker. Besides, it was only going to be for a little while, right?

But it wasn’t all hard work for Kayla, her sojourn as the princess of the Celestial Kingdom left her with the title sir and a costume closet the envy of many knights, lords, and ladies. See? She does have some ladylike qualities complete with the title of Lady to back it up.

After declaring for years that she was just a veterinarian who wrote not an author, Kayla now finds herself living in Spring, Texas (practically Houston) and writing m/m erotic romance. The location is probably a bigger surprise than the genre. Never the kind of girl to discuss makeup and clothing designers, she would rather be outside getting dirty with the boys.

Kayla shares her home with a cat, two guinea pigs, a gerbil, three guppies, a husband and a son and daughter.


Author Contact:




Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Catt Grant


Alone, Andreas toils on a remote farmstead for a Spartan overlord. When a kryptes enters his world, Andreas fears for his life. The dread warriors stalk and kill helots—like Andreas’ father—as part of their training.


Andreas sees only one way to save himself: he must tame the fearsome warrior.


But what began as self-preservation develops into attraction. Yearning for the company of someone other than his ferret Ictis, Andreas decides to trust the Spartan warrior and risk the fate that claimed his father.


Born to rule by the sword, Theron sees the world as his and acts accordingly, taking everything Andreas offers and reaching for more. However, love between men in Sparta is considered shameful and requires either exile or suicide to redeem Sparta’s honor. Now, only the gods can save them from the terrible price Sparta extracts from men who desire other men.



Categories:Erotica, Fiction, Historical, M/M Romance. MAY be considered to have paranormal elements.


Words: 77,000


The hut door slammed behind him as he set off at a fast lope. He needed to get away. Find a place where their combined scent didn’t interfere with his thoughts and make him wish for something he couldn’t have.

Running until his breath came hard and fast, Theron tried to outpace the chaotic mess in his head. Surely Andreas wasn’t foolish enough to risk their lives with an unguarded tongue. He had to know how Sparta’s rulers felt about men who preferred their own sex.

He’d told the man it was as much as their lives were worth to allow it to ever come to light. It was the law. This was Sparta, not some other poleis where the rules of pederasty held sway. The man wasn’t his erômenos, some free-born youth seeking a mentor. Andreas could make no such claims of Theron. They weren’t equals. And never would be.

No. There was no escape down that line. Sparta simply didn’t tolerate what they had done. They had to keep it secret, it was the only way. What more could he do to make Andreas see that?

Theron slowed and looked around. It took longer than he would have liked for him to determine where he was. In his turmoil, he’d run east through the fields instead of into the forest with no thought for the trail he’d blazed, clear for anyone to read. Now he would have to keep going to the nearest village to make it appear as if the slave had been the one to leave. Theron couldn’t risk anyone wondering what he’d been doing in that hut.

What had he been doing in there?

Tour Dates/Stops:

Hearts on Fire
Prism Book Alliance

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews
The Hat Party
Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
3 Chicks After Dark

Love Bytes
BFD Book Blog
MM Good Book Reviews
Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

Regular Guys, Hot Romance
Fallen Angel Reviews

Parker Williams

Amanda C. Stone

My Fiction Nook

Wake Up Your Wild Side
Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

Crystal’s Many Reviewers
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

the Twins: Talon ps & Princess so
Inked Rainbow Reads

Cate Ashwood
Molly Lolly

Sales Links:

ebook: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5629

paperback: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5630


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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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