Author Bio:
Beany lives in Western Australia. She first started reading romance novels in 2008, but it wasn’t until January 2010 when her Kindle got delivered that the world of erotic romance opened its doors to her, and she hasn’t looked back.
With suggestions and support from friends, her muse—“affectionately” known as PITA—was finally able to break free, and in January 2014 her first story was written. Since she can’t put PITA back in his box, Beany has decided to give in and team up with him. Together they’ve made plans to write both MF and MM stories.
Author Contact:
She can be reached at beany.sparks@gmail.com
Or visit her at www.beanysparks.com
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Cover Artist: Latrisha Waters
An alpha ends up with more than he bargained for when he finds his mate…his wizard mate.
After years of no contact, Oliver “Olly” Grey was finally able to reunite with his cousin Aiden. He’s surprised to find that Aiden now has a mate—a male, shifter mate—named Lex. And it’s Lex’s pack mates that Olly is there to help save. What he hadn’t expected was Lex’s brother Ryan.
Ryan Shepherd was happy to have found his brother Lex, and even happier to know that his brother was happily mated. But there is something about Aiden’s cousin Olly that Ryan doesn’t trust, especially when he also smells like the man currently holding his pack members captive. Yet that doesn’t stop Ryan from wanting to hold and comfort the man, and eventually he realizes why—Olly is his mate.
Now the four of them need to plan a rescue mission, but what happens when they run into the two men that had held Lex captive and those same men come to the cabin in the middle of the night?
Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal
Aiden burst out laughing and moved one hand to ruffle Olly’s hair.
“Hey!” Olly exclaimed as he pulled back in order to glare at Aiden, who just smiled bigger and pulled him back into his arms.
“I couldn’t resist,” Aiden said, the laughter evident in his voice.
“Yeah, whatever. Anyway, back to what I was saying, but hopefully without interruptions this time.” Olly looked pointedly at Ryan when he said that. Ryan seemed to be studying him intently, but didn’t utter a word.
Olly looked away and started talking again. “I know where the pack is, or at least, I know where a bunch of canine shifters are being held.”
“How do you know that they’re part of our pack?” Lex asked, sounding like he was trying to restrain his eagerness.
Olly turned to him. “Because I heard a few of the guards talk about how they captured a bunch of them together.”
“And why didn’t you get caught?” Ryan asked, anger in his voice.
“Because,” Olly paused, then sighed. “The house they’re being held in belongs to Walter.”
Aiden gasped and when Olly looked at him, he saw the horror that was on his face.
“How long has Walter had shifters imprisoned on his property?” Aiden asked, outrage in his voice.
“I don’t know for sure, but it would be a number of years.” Olly couldn’t face any of them as he said that.
“Who is this Walter?” Ryan growled.
Olly looked up at him, then looked away as he replied, “My father.”
Pages: 157 pages
1 – I hear tell there is going to be a wizard named Will Parkinson. Can you confirm or deny that rumor?
There will be if a certain someone gets me a shutterstock photo of what this Will Parkinson will look like *hint hint*
2 – How is writing M/M different than writing M/F?
Aside from the sex scenes? I don’t find it all that different. At the end of the day it’s a journey of two people who find love and each other, regardless of whether they’re two men or a man and a woman. Surprisingly, my M/M characters are more chatty than my M/F characters.
3 – So, tell us more about this Will Parkinson character. I mean, assuming you’re actually going to be making one.
Well he’s going to be a wizard obsessed with Beanie Babies. I haven’t yet decided if he’s going to be good or evil or if he’s going to end up as a main character or secondary character. Who knows, he might even be straight. Or he could be a very old wizard whose only friends are the beanie babies he surrounds himself with until one day…hm…hello plot bunny, why yes, I do think I’ll keep you.
4 – Where do you think the magic comes from? A gift of nature? Something from old gods? Other?
I think nature itself is magical. The animals, the places, the seasons, everything. They give the world a hint of magic that so many people seem to overlook. There’s magic everywhere if you just take the time to look.
5 – Will Parkinson would be a cool wizard. It’s not a question, just a statement of fact. 😉
Your statement has been noted.
6 – Will you be venturing into other shifter types?
Well my MF series has felines and a falcon (for now), I’ve got mermen coming up (they’re a kind of shifter, right?) in December and February. As for other shifters, there is definitely a possibility. If the right plot bunny hops along then any shifter can be included. I’ve also got a plan for a little koala but shhh, don’t tell PITA, we need to be working on our vampire NaNo story.
7 – What scares you most about writing?
That people will hate my story. Although it’s not really a fear, I know there will be people out there who love my story and some will hate it. I have no way of pleasing everyone and if I try then who knows what the story will end up like.
8 – What genre do you most want to try and why?
Hm…good question. Maybe a ménage, that might be fun to write. I think I’ve got an idea for one in my WIP folder but I’m not going to check in case PITA goes off on a tangent.
Beany 🙂
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