Bare Threads Book Tour



Author Bio:

Award winning author DP Denman writes character-driven contemporary romance about gay men. Her stories are real and intense, but resolve in endings that make people want to read the book all over again. She is from the Pacific Northwest and bases all of her stories in Vancouver, British Columbia.

In her spare time, she is a dedicated LGBTQIA rights activist, fighting for those who have been marginalized and abused. To that end, 25% of the royalties from every book go to support LGBT charities.

Where to find the author:



Publisher: North Shore Press

Cover Artist: LC Chase


Liam is not a family man. He’s learned to avoid the entanglement and its mire of expectations; expectations he’s destined to crush. Unfortunately, his usually placid boyfriend is pushing him into the arms of his new family and he’s fighting every step. When a person he never expected to see again reappears, Liam finds a reason to make a few concessions for the sake of real love and the only man he is willing to call family.

Book four of the Saving Liam Series


Categories: M/M Romance



He nodded along annoyed by the reasonable advice and the situation. He didn’t like admitting it, but they were right. There was no reason to rush. He had just imagined coming home from the trip, unpacking his suitcase, falling to one knee, and having Liam in his arms laughing and crying and accepting his proposal. Meeting the family was supposed to tip the balance in his favor. As tempting as it was to blame the ill-timed conversation for Liam’s continued refusal, it wasn’t his parents’ fault.
Liam had a way of clinging. Waiting for him to change his mind was tradition in their relationship. He didn’t jump into things, not even the easy ones. Every new opportunity represented a threat. He thought the step from living together to marriage would be easy, but apparently, it took the same patience and careful persistence as everything else.
He ended the video chat seconds before Liam walked through the front door.
“I’m home.”
“In here,” he called back.
He heard the dull thump of sock-covered feet on the floor before Liam appeared sweaty and wearing a timid smile.
“How was the workout?” He tried to shrug off the annoyance still thrumming across his forehead, threatening to burst into a headache.
“Good.” Liam stepped further into the room.
The tension between them rippled across his stomach. He didn’t want things to feel strained just because they couldn’t agree on how it would look when they celebrated their twentieth anniversary. They both wanted one. It was a good start.
“Come here.” He held out his hand and pulled Liam into his lap. “I’m sorry for pushing this marriage thing so hard.” He wrapped arms around him. “I want it but not enough to tear us apart trying to get it.”
“It’s my fault, too. I’m being a pain in the ass.”
He twitched a smile. “Stubborn is nothing new for you.”
“It’s not because I don’t want to be with you.”
“I know that.” He kissed Liam’s shoulder. “If I thought you planned to leave this would be a totally different conversation.” He looked up into Liam’s face, studying what he had already memorized. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You want to be with me for the rest of yours. That’s enough for now.”
“For now?” Liam cocked a challenging eyebrow.
“I’m not giving up on this.”
“I figured.”
“One day you’ll understand what I’m talking about and we’ll have a honeymoon so hot we’ll melt the sheets.”
Liam smiled. “If this is a ploy for hotter sex we can skip the ceremony and find some new tricks online. There must be a blog somewhere with decent ideas.”
“I’m sure there are several.”
Liam didn’t need any help being hot in bed. He had a great imagination, little inhibition, and thousands of hours of experience in porn. The only way things between them could get any hotter would be the first night he made love to his new husband, gold bands gleaming in the sunlight, and knew Liam was his.





1. What is a typical writing day for you?
I plop down in front of the computer first thing in the morning (6am) and write for 2-3 hours. That always takes priority. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. The alarm goes off at the same time 365 days a year and I get up, make coffee, and write (or edit). Once that’s finished, I spend some time reading a couple of chapters of someone else’s book, do an hour or so of marketing, and then focus on the other job that actually pays the bills. 
2. How do you deal with distractions?
Writing first thing in the morning helps minimize that. Otherwise, it depends on the distraction and how important it is. If it can wait, I add it to the daily list and let it sit until later. I’m very selfish about my writing time. I don’t like to sacrifice it unless absolutely necessary.
3. What is the worst time suck you have?
OMG, YOUTUBE! I don’t spend much time on there because it’s dangerous. I’ll log on to research something and six hours later I’m surfing videos that have nothing to do with the topic I was researching. It’s like walking into a bookstore to buy a magazine. Hours later you stumble back out with a bag of books, a smoking debit card, and wonder where the afternoon went. I cannot be trusted anywhere near that site without supervision!

Pages or Words: 63,000 words

Tour Dates/Stops:


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