Black & Blühe By RJ Jones

Black & Blühe By RJ Jones

Black and Bluhe 600

Author Name: RJ Jones

Book Name: Black & Blühe

Series: Out of the Blue

Book: Two

Book can be read as a standalone, but characters from book one do make an appearance


Release Date: July 31, 2015


Grayson Black has never forgiven himself for not saving his identical twin brother, Jet, from a savage beating at their father’s hands ten years ago. Jet’s near-death never would have happened if Gray hadn’t been so focused on his boyfriend at the time. He has sworn to take care of his brother ever since. Gray can’t afford a distraction from his self-imposed mission, the type of distraction presented by the gorgeous blond showing up at their gigs.

Kris Larson is a firefighter with the San Francisco Fire Department. Since splitting from his girlfriend, his favorite way to spend nights off is watching the Black Brothers play in the bars of the Bay Area, especially the guitarist. But it’s not until the brothers are left homeless after a fire at their apartment building that Kris has the opportunity to know the real person behind the brooding façade.

Gray fights his attraction to Kris, but with a meddlesome twin who just wants him to be happy, it’s a losing battle. Before Gray and Kris can have a lasting relationship, though, Gray must learn to forgive himself, let go of the past, and lay more than one demon to rest.

Pages or Words: 57,000 words


Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Erotica, M/M Romance, Romance




Sales Links:

  Out of the Blue (#1) will be discounted for the duration of the tour.



About the author:

RJ started as a reader and eventually made the progression to reviewing. It wasn’t until two men popped into her thoughts, insisting on telling her their story that she started to write. It started with one scene. A hot and dirty one in the shower.
RJ’s initial thought was if she could write their scene then they’d shut up and allow her to concentrate on other aspects of the day. That shower scene was 3000 words long and three hours of work. But they didn’t shut up. They told her their entire story and she didn’t sleep for days. Sometimes she couldn’t keep up with what they were telling her and she had to keep a notebook by the bed.
Whilst RJ was writing their story a side character decided he needed his story told too. Then other characters followed suit.
You see the problem? If RJ ever wants to sleep again then she needs to write.
RJ is a wife and a mother to two boys. Even her dog is a boy.
She is surrounded by males.

RJ writes emotionally charged, character driven romances. Her guys will always get their HEA, but it will never be easy.

Where to find the author:

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Publisher: Vivid Blue Press

Cover Artist: Meredith Russell

Tour Dates & Stops:


Prism Book Alliance


Hearts on Fire

Bayou Book Junkie


Jessie G. Books


Carly’s Book Reviews

The Hat Party


Love Bytes


Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


My Fiction Nook


The Novel Approach


Just Love Romance


Molly Lolly

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