Blood of Salar Book Blast



Book Name: Blood of Salar

Series? Masters and Mages If yes, what number? Book 2

Release Date: March 3, 2015

Author Name: Alexis Duran

Author Bio:

Alexis Duran was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. At the University of Oregon, her fascination with people and relationships led her to major in Sociology, but her main love has always been creative writing. She’s worked in museums, fashion, finance and film production. Her favorite job so far was cataloguing the collection in a haunted Victorian Mansion. She’s had several short stories published in the mystery, horror and literary genres and is the author of the Masters and Mages erotic fantasy series. Her fiction has won several awards including the Rupert Hughes Award from the Maui Writers Conference. She lives with one dog and four and half cats. She is currently working on the next Masters and Mages novel and several other erotic novellas.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:



Other: My blog at



Publisher: Loose ID



M’lan, headmaster of the order of Ka’alar and Jamil Jarka, king’s assassin, find their impossible love challenged to the utmost as a rebellion sweeps them apart, sending Jamil on a dangerous mission to assassinate the rebel leader, General Charvat. Unknown to anyone, Charvat is on his way to the temple to exploit the headmaster’s magical abilities.


When the rebel army arrives, M’lan is thrust into a struggle against political and sexual dominance as Charvat attempts to break his resistance. Violence and death mount, awakening within M’lan both the powers of destruction and the desire for revenge.


On the trail of his prey, Jamil begins to question his devotion to M’lan as his once innocent lover transforms into a mage and invades the assassin’s thoughts and dreams. The closer Jamil draws to M’lan, the more he puts his life and his very soul at risk. Jamil soon realizes that his lover might prove to be more deadly than the man he was sent to kill.


A final confrontation between assassin and monk might destroy them both, but Jamil is relentless in his determination to rescue M’lan, for he knows that only his love can master the mage.


Categories: Erotica, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



M’lan knelt beside the assassin’s bronzed body. He placed his palm on Jamil’s chest and silently beseeched Salar to remove the deadly impulses instilled in Jamil ever since he began his training as an assassin. Jamil closed his eyes and seemed to relax, but as the warm energy of the god seeped through M’lan’s fingers, Jamil jerked suddenly to full alertness. Like a cobra striking he seized M’lan’s wrist and gave it a painful twist, eyes flashing. M’lan sat back, startled.

Jamil did not let him go. He let out a slow breath and lifted M’lan’s fingers to his mouth. He kissed the knuckles of a clenched fist. “The last thing I need is more spells to confuse this simple warrior’s mind.”

“A prayer is not a spell!” M’lan tried to pull free but couldn’t. He gritted his teeth, fighting back a rising anger. Jamil’s strength both entranced and infuriated him.

“Stop trying to weaken me.” Jamil said in a wretchedly calm voice. “You must stay here and do your duty, I must go away and do mine. Nothing has changed.”

M’lan inhaled slowly, breath catching. “Let me go.”

Pages or Words: 60,000 words


40 – What’s the hardest step for you as a writer? Planning? Writing? Editing? Something else? I don’t plan, so cleaning up the mess I’ve made out of a slap-dash first draft is definitely the hardest. Editing is so hard, but very rewarding. I’m so happy when it’s over.

Tour Dates: March 10, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Bayou Book Junkie, The Hat Party, Inked Rainbow Reads, Velvet Panic, My Fiction Nook, Molly Lolly, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Cate Ashwood, MM Good Book Reviews, Multitasking Mommas, Divine Magazine, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake

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