
Always Been You Book Tour



Author Bio:

Jess Buffett was born and raised in New South Wales, Australia. She is a mum of two, married to her high school sweetheart.

Jess is a hopeless romantic who is a huge fan of M/M and M/F romance with a happy ending—anything with hunky men in all their glory, whether they be Shifters, Vampires, Cowboys, or the boy next door.

A caffeine addict who shamefully can’t make a decent cup of coffee to save her life, Jess believes in soul mates, happily ever afters, and in love at first sight, but that sometimes people need a second or a third for the brain to catch up.

Where you can find Jess:


Facebook Author Page

Friend on Facebook

Publisher: Reckless Lovers Press

Cover Artist: Jess Buffett


After recovering from a shooting that took the lives of his best friends, Seth Hall returns to his hometown for the first time in eleven years with his two children in tow. Intent on setting up a happy, stable life for them, he vows not to allow his past to intervene with their future. That is until Jared, the boy who had broken his heart all those years ago, returns to his life a full grown man who knows exactly what he wants…Seth.


Jared Stewart thought he had lost his only chance to be with Seth after a series of misunderstandings and mistakes. When Seth finally comes home and back into Jared’s life, Jared vows to do anything it takes to keep him there. However, while Jared and Seth grow closer, they discover that not everyone is so happy for them.
Will they be finally able to make a life for themselves together? Or will they be torn apart again, by people they thought they could trust?


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance




Straightening his back, he met Jared’s gaze.

“Fine. Let’s take a seat and get this over with, shall we?”

“Is that the way you talk to all of your clients? Cause I have to say, I’m surprised you get much business then,” drawled Jared.

Ignoring the comment, Seth led them to one of the booths. He cast a glance towards the kitchen, but Sal seemed to be preoccupied. Maybe telling the man to just ‘go for it’ hadn’t been a smart move. Something told him things were going to cost more than he thought.

Taking a seat opposite one another on the old scuffed booth with weathered red leather seating, that he absently noted to himself had to be added to the ever growing list of things that needed replacing, Seth launched straight into professional mode. He needed details to come up with something that the future bride wanted and that’s all he was focused on. At no time did he notice how good Jared looked, or how muscular he had gotten. Seth hadn’t even taken note of Jared’s soft pink lips or his large firm hands.


Not at all.

Pages or Words: 45,680 words, 206 pages


1 – First and foremost: Do you have any pets and do you have pictures you could share of them?

No I don’t. lol I can’t even keep a gold fish alive.


2 – If you like candles, what’s your favorite scent?

Vanilla. I know that’s pretty common, but I love the simplicity of it. It’s gentle.


3 – What food do you think you could eat every meal?

Mango Chicken with Naan bread. I love the stuff.


4 – When you were a kid, did you ever get in trouble at school? What did you do?

No I didn’t. lol I was the good girl who stayed out of trouble, handed in my homework on time and generally did as I was told…you know…when they were looking. LOL


5 – Thought provoking question: If you wrote a book that got terrible reviews, who would you go to to make it better?

I have a friend online, and she actually helped me with expanding Always Been You. She picks me up when I feel down, gives me a metaphorical slap over the head when I need it. LOL Her name is Kristina Galbert.


Tour Dates & Stops:


Cate Ashwood



Parker Williams



Inked Rainbow Reads



Molly Lolly






Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

BFD Book Blog



Bayou Book Junkie



Wake Up Your Wild Side

Rainbow Gold Reviews



Lee Brazil

Prism Book Alliance



MM Good Book Reviews


Sales Links:

Amazon US:
Amazon UK:
Amazon CA:
Amazon AU:




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A Shot of J & B Cover Reveal

A Shot of J&B 400x600


Author Bio:

Lou Sylvre lives and writes on the rainy side of Washington State, penning mostly suspense/romance novels because she can’t resist giving her characters hard times but good love. Her personal assistant is Boudreau, a large cat who never outgrew his kitten meow, and he makes a point of letting her know when she’s taken a plot tangent too far. He (Boudreau) invites readers to give their feedback as well!

Where to find the author:


Author Page:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Reese Dante


Six years ago, Brian Harrison helped save the life of Jackie Vasquez, and he’s never really forgotten him. After the rescue, Brian ended his employment with Jackie’s uncle Luki and left the US for England, aiming to distance himself from the confused feelings—not lust, but not brotherly—that then sixteen-year-old Jackie engendered. Now Jackie has become a man, and when they meet again by chance, lust with a dose of D/s rope kink is definitely on the list of possibilities. As they get to know each other, though, lust shows every sign of growing into love, deep and true.


When Jackie moves to London for graduate studies in criminal psychology, he and Brian hope they’ll be able to enjoy each other’s frequent company. But they haven’t factored in the claim Brian’s police job with Scotland Yard will make on his time, especially when the “Gaslighter crimes” sap investigative resources. An abandoned aide dog named Soldier leads to a breakthrough clue, and a chain of discoveries fall like dominoes. As Brian rushes to beat the criminal’s game before it escalates to true terror, he comes to an undeniable conclusion: Jackie Vasquez, the man he loves, is in mortal danger.


Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, BDSM (light), Suspense, Romance



“So, anyway, Brian,” he said, ending a not uncomfortable lull in the conversation. “I’m looking forward to the ride to airport. I want to hear more about your work, and London, and whatever. But,” he gestured toward the window, “here comes Sonny and Luki and Bear. I’ll get more coffee on.”

He rose, but before he turned toward the kitchen, he faced Brian and leaned forward, kissed his cheek swiftly and softly. He intended to step away, but Brian caught first one of his hands, and then the other, and held them both in one hand.

“Jackie, thank you for that. But what I’d like even more is if you were to kiss me—” Brian lifted the index finger of his free hand and touched his own lips. “—just here. Will you?”

“Yes,” Jackie whispered, and without any conscious decision to do so, added, “Yes, sir.” He leaned forward and touched his open lips to Brian’s, found them soft when he added a bit of pressure, and sent his tongue darting just inside for a taste. They broke the kiss together, but as it ended, Brian sucked and then nipped at Jackie’s bottom lip.

Brian smiled, and after he let go of Jackie’s hand, stroked once over Jackie’s shoulder and arm—a comforting touch, Jackie thought. “Thank you, Jackie,” Brian said, his eyes sparking with something like mischief. “That was lovely.”

Pages or Words: 76,000 words, 194 pages

Tour Dates: February 17, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Emotion in Motion, Inked Rainbow Reads, BFD Book Blog, MM Good Book Reviews, The Novel Approach, Molly Lolly, Bayou Book Junkie, Prism Book Alliance, Kimi-Chan, Rainbow Gold Reviews, The Hat Party, Christy Loves 2 Read, Sinfully Sexy, Kristy’s Brain Food, My Fiction Nook, Multitasking Mommas, Charley Descoteaux, Iyana Jenna, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Velvet Panic, Love Bytes, Cate Ashwood, Fallen Angel Reviews, Queer Town Abbey, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Velvet Panic, Nephylim



Sales Links:

 20% off paperback and 15% off ebook at Dreamspinner.. The code is SHOTOFJB, and it’s good on preorders starting Tuesday, February 17th and good until March 25th. 


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A Very Holland Valentine Book Blast



Author Bio:

Toni Griffin lives in Darwin, the smallest of Australia’s capital cities. Born and raised in the state she’s a Territorian through and through. Growing up Toni hated english with a passion (as her editors can probably attest to) and found her strength lies with numbers.

Now, though, she loves escaping to the worlds she creates and hopes to continue to do so for many years to come. She’s a single mother of one and works full time. When she’s not writing you can just about guarantee that she will be reading one of the many MM authors she loves.

Where to find the author:



E-mail: info(at)

Publisher: Mischief Corner Books

Cover Artist: Freddy MacKay


Valentine’s Day is fast approaching and with it the completion of the renovations to their home. None could be happier about this then Zack who can’t wait to get away from Maryanne and all her fussing.

Plans are being finalized for all four couples for the happy day. However, sleezy tradies, an over protective mother-in-law and unexpected complications throw spanners in the works.



Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal



Zack sighed. He loved his mother-in-law, really he did. However, living with her for the last few months was starting to wear a little thin.
Since their house was currently undergoing major reconstruction, Zack, along with his mate and their daughter, and Brian, Marcus and their boys had all moved in with Maryanne and Joe.
Zack couldn’t believe how lucky that had turned out to be. There was no way he would have been able to stay home and hide himself away from all the construction workers while pregnant. He shuddered to think of what would happen if one of them should see him.
“Are you sure I can’t get you anything?” Maryanne asked him for what seemed like the thousandth time that morning.
Zack reached down and placed a hand on his swollen belly. “I’m sure. We’re just fine,” he replied.
Simon and Zack had been completely surprised by this little bundle of joy. They’d been trying for nearly six months when Hayley had sat them down and asked for a brother or sister.
After the first couple of new moons with Zack not falling pregnant, he had started to get a little worried that there might be something wrong. He and Simon had decided to keep their attempts to themselves so they could surprise the family when and if he fell pregnant, and if it didn’t happen, then he wouldn’t have to share their disappointment with everyone.
The realisation that Zack was indeed expecting came as a complete shock. Zack hadn’t been like Jason, Brian and Rick. He hadn’t had an ounce of morning sickness. He’d woken up one morning, in the room he and Simon were sharing at Maryanne and Joe’s. It was the last week of school for the year, less than two weeks till Christmas, and Zack was looking forward to the holidays. He’d started to get dressed, only to find out his favourite pair of jeans were extremely tight. Zack turned to Simon, who was also getting dressed for his day at the office.
“Do I look fat to you?” he asked.
Simon stared at him, wide-eyed. “Is that supposed to be some sort of trick question?” Simon asked him, looking Zack over warily.
Zack giggled at how careful his mate was being. “No, you smarty, my pants aren’t fitting. Do I look like I’ve put on some weight?”
Zack lifted his shirt so Simon could take in his body and twisted this way and that. Simon sucked in a breath, walked up to him and dropped to his knees. Holding Zack still, Simon leaned forward and placed a kiss against his belly. “Yes, love. It looks like you’ve put on some weight.”
Zack stared at his mate for a second before his actions clicked. “You mean…” He stared down, his hands holding his shirt rucked up under his chin, at the small protuberance he could see in his belly. “But… how? I haven’t…”
Simon kissed his stomach again and whispered, “Love you, thank you for making me the happiest man on earth. Love you too, little one. Can’t wait to meet you.”
Zack wiped at the tears gathering in his eyes, then placed one hand on the small bump and threaded the other through his mate’s silky locks.
That had been seven weeks ago, his principal, Donald Murphy, hadn’t been happy about the late notice of their supposed surrogate giving birth and Zack needing time off. Hopefully he’d given enough notice in December for his boss to find a substitute; he didn’t think it would be a problem with the six-week school holiday period. Classes were just starting back up now in the last week of January, and Zack missed his students.
Thinking about his students also made him think about something else he missed. Home. Thankfully the construction work should be finished soon, and they would all be able to go home. He loved Maryanne and Joe to bits. But the woman fussed like there was no tomorrow. He knew she did it out of love, but sometimes Zack hid in his room just to get a moment of peace and quiet.
Of course he couldn’t tell his mate that his mother was smothering him. All the Holland boys thought sun shone out of their parent’s butts, and most of the time, Zack agreed.
However, even though this was the fourth pregnancy in the family, none of the other three had had to live with Maryanne. Yes, she had visited, but she always had to leave as well. There was no leaving for either Zack or Maryanne at this time. He really couldn’t wait to get home.
“You hungry, Zack? I can make you something to eat if you’d like,” Maryanne asked as she walked back into the living room not even five minutes after she’d asked him the last time.
“I’m fine, thanks.” Just then, his stomach grumbled. Okay, maybe he was a little hungry. “A sandwich might be nice if it’s not too much trouble,” he conceded.
“No trouble at all. I’ll be back in a minute.”
It had been all right at the start of the school holidays, but as soon as he started to show more than he could reasonably cover up, Zack was confined behind closed doors.
Hayley was also missing during the day now. She had gone from a half day at kindy last year to a full school day at prep. Zack hated that he wasn’t there for his girl on her first full day at school. Simon was dropping her off in the mornings on his way to work and Maryanne picked her up in the early afternoons when school finished and brought her back. Another hour or so and Zack could see his little girl again. He missed having her around during the day. He’d gotten so used to having her right there during the school holidays.
She was growing up so damn fast. Some days he felt like he blinked and she’d changed on him. Zack knew it was all a part of growing up, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.
“Here you go, honey. You let me know if there’s anything else you need. Are you cool enough? It’s supposed to be a scorcher out there today. I can get you a fan if you like.” Maryanne handed Zack his sandwich and then immediately turned and to start looking around, for the fan, Zack assumed.
He sighed quietly. “I’m fine for the moment. Thanks for the food.” He smiled at her before taking a bite. Maryanne studied him for a second before she reluctantly nodded.
“Do you want me to turn the television on? Are you comfortable? How’re your feet today? Any swelling?”
Zack really was hard-pressed not to roll his eyes. Seriously, the woman needed to calm the hell down.
He finished chewing and swallowed his mouthful. “I’m fine, thank you. I happy here with my book.” Zack held up the iPad he was reading a book on and then placed it back on the arm of the couch. “My feet feel fine as well. Nothing Simon can’t take care of tonight when he gets back from work.”
Zack grinned mischievously and winked at Maryanne.
She chuckled, then fussed a little with her clothes. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m fine, Maryanne, truly. If I need anything, you’ll be the first person I call.”
“Good.” She smiled at him, nodded, and then thankfully left him alone.
Zack sighed in relief, turned his iPad back on and ate his sandwich. A hard kick to his stomach had him rubbing at the offending area. “I know, little one. Not long now and you too get to deal with the awesomeness that is your grandma.”


Pages or Words: 24,000 words

Tour Dates: February 16, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, My Fiction Nook, Molly Lolly, Kristy’s Brain Food, Bayou Book Junkie, Cate Ashwood, BFD Book Blog, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Blogger Girls, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Angel Martinez, Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Fallen Angel Reviews, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, All I Want and More Books, Inked Rainbow Reads, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Bike Book Reviews,


(Publishing on February 17) Multitasking Mommas


Sales Links:






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Whispers of Home Book Blast

whispers of home


Author Bio:

Born and raised in Southwest Michigan, April lives with her husband and two kids. She has been an avid reader for several years. Writing her first story at the age of ten, the characters in her head still won’t stop telling their stories. If April isn’t reading or writing she can be found outside playing with a farm full of animals or taking a long walk in the woods.


Where to find the author:

If you wish to contact her please email You can also find her on Facebook


Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Carmen Waters


All Jaron McAllister wanted to do was get out of the small town where he grew up. After being bullied all his life for being gay, that’s exactly what he does. He loses all contact with everyone in the town of Pickleville, including his emotionally distant mother and the only true friend he ever had.

When his best friend and mother of the child they share, get murdered he knows he must ask for help in the one place he thought he would never go back to. Coming back home isn’t easy and finding himself attracted to the town man-slut spells disaster. Travis Heath isn’t at all what his reputation suggests though.



Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



Jaron had been to the grocery store three times this week. Going only once a week would be grand, but very unlikely to happen apparently. He seriously needed to start making lists every week.

“I want the little man cookies.” Bobby was practically bouncing in the cart, pointing at an elf.

“The fudge ones?”

Bobby nodded his head. Jaron grabbed them off the shelf and placed them in the cart.

“Good choice,” someone spoke from behind Jaron. The voice was deep and made him moan in appreciation. He turned to put a face to that wonderful voice.

It was as if Jaron’s thoughts had conjured him up and placed him right next to the Oreo cookies . Travis Heath got hotter since high school. And taller. When did men stop growing? Jaron was probably at the guys shoulder, but it was hard to tell from down the aisle. Travis Heath’s strawberry blonde hair was longer than it had been in high school and could be seen curling around the cowboy hat he wore.

The two women at the end of the aisle clammed up upon seeing him. Jaron didn’t blame them. He wouldn’t want to be caught talking shit either.

“I haven’t seen you guys in town before.” His smile was kind but his brown eyes—oh God help him—held mischief, as if the guy was up to something.


Pages or Words: 44,597 words


1 – What is your secret indulgence?

I have two teenage children so a ‘secret’ indulgence just doesn’t exist of me. However, he have a chocolate factory near my home town. They have these double dipped chocolate-covered peanuts that are so very yummy. I try to hide those as long as I can. My kids can sniff those things out like bloodhounds though.

2 – Favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?

Reading, definitely. I’m really into M/M paranormal romance at the moment.

3 – Favorite beverage (alcoholic or non)

Coffee and I drink it all day long.

Tour Dates: February 16, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, Love Bytes, Wake Up Your Wild Side, BFD Book Blog, MM Good Book Reviews, Bayou Book Junkie, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Fallen Angel Reviews, Decadent Delights, Cate Ashwood, The Hat Party, Michael Mandrake, Velvet Panic, Kristy’s Brain Food

Sales Links:




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Have a Little Faith In Me Book Tour

young man imagine by laying on the sofa


Author Bio:

Brad Vance writes gay romance, erotica and paranormal stories and novels, including the breakout hits “A Little Too Broken” and “Given the Circumstances.”

Where to find the author:

Keep up with Brad at, email him at, and friend him on Facebook at

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Aubrey Watt


When Rocky met Dex, it was hate at first sight. Country superstar Dex Dexter represented everything that budding rock star Rocky McCoy had left behind him in the Deep South – the religion, the homophobia, the hypocrisy, the lies. And Rocky represented everything that Dex had denied, had turned away from, had refused…


When Rocky met Dex, it was love at first touch. Double booked in the same slot on the main stage at CrossFest, they fought for the microphone like two dogs fighting over a bone. And when their hands met…


Rocky has had enough. “No more falling for straight guys. No way. No matter how hot. Especially if the ‘straight guy’ looks to me like a major closet case.”


Dex has had enough. “No way. I can’t be gay. I can’t lose my family, my friends, my career. I can’t.”


What they’ve had enough of doesn’t matter. It’s what they’ve never had enough of that will bring them together…



Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance



Rocky picked up the Gibson Hummingbird. Chris Cornell played one of these. What more did he need to know?

He knew exactly what he wanted to play. How many times had he played this song, how many times had he stretched his voice, discovering his own vocal range. The notes of “Like a Stone” flowed from his fingers in a waterfall, and the words were a flock of birds banking wildly in front of the cascade, flirting with disaster.

He came to the end, the roaring finish, his eyes closed as he sang the epic wave of notes in the last word of the song, “alone.”

He’d only ever played the song when he was alone with Korey, who was no cheerleader. Korey would nod, say, “Good job.” And then tell him where he missed something.

When he was done, he opened his eyes. His new friends were speechless. “Was it okay?” he asked doubtfully.

“Holy fucking great mother of God,” Rick gasped. “Who the fuck are you? Where did you come from?”

Rocky smiled. “Under a rock. I’ve been living under a rock.”

Pages or Words: 291 pages


1 – What drives you as a writer?
First and foremost, my characters. I mean, I’m driven by ambition, by money, all that, too – but in the end it’s the characters who end up in the driver’s seat. Rocky and Dex are a perfect example of that. I started a story with the two of them last summer, intending to cash in on the “rock star” trend. It was supposed to be a 12-15k story, with a hot sex scene between the two of them that ended with a conflicted and closeted Dex running away, which would hold the door open for more stories. Then I started writing it…and all of a sudden the two of them started developing backstories – Rocky’s childhood as a preacher’s son, Dex’s in Mississippi, the very deepest of deep South states. And dammit all, that turned my lucrative story idea into a goddamn novel! I was so mad at them! But it was the right thing to do, and I’m glad I did it. I’m really happy with how their story turned out – they are definitely strong enough characters to carry a novel, and they deserved one.
2 – Have you ever wrote a scene that made you cry? What was it?
Oh, most of my HEAs do that! I mean, I hate crying. I hate to have to “deal with the feels.” But then I put my characters through so much shit, and then all the shit they’ve been through ends, and they start to make a life together, happy at last, and I bawl! Tom and Jamie’s HEA in “A Little Too Broken” still makes me cry when I read it.
3 – What do you do in your spare time?
What spare time! Seriously, right now I’m working two jobs – between “Being Brad” and the day job I’m still working that makes for 12-14 hour days. I’m hoping that changes soon – the success of “Have a Little Faith in Me” may well make that possible soon. I do love to travel, to see museums and plays and just be a culture vulture…so with luck I’ll be doing a lot more of that soon.
4 – Do you have any pets? Can you share a picture?
Oh yes. These are Leonard and June, but I think of them as Lord and Lady Grantham. My house is Downton Abbey and I’m Mr. Carson, always at their beck and call!
5 – If you could collaborate with any author, past or present, who would it be and what do you think you’d write about?
Wow, I’m so controlling I don’t know if I could collaborate! That sounds monstrously egotistical, I know. But, I think the best writers have unique visions. There are authors I adore, like Andrew Holleran, but his prose style is the polar opposite of mine – I couldn’t begin to imagine collaborating with him. Anyone whose prose I admire that much, I prefer to admire from a distance, I guess!

Tour Dates & Stops:


Parker Williams



Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves



Full Moon Dreaming



Because Two Men Are Better Than One

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Nic Starr

Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons



BFD Book Blog



Inked Rainbow Reads



Elin Gregory

Love Bytes



Kristy’s Brain Food



Bike Book Reviews

Hearts on Fire



Molly Lolly



Prism Book Alliance



Cathy Brockman Romances

The Novel Approach



MM Good Book Reviews

3 Chicks After Dark

Bayou Book Junkie



My Fiction Nook

Foxylutely Book Reviews


Sales Links:

Kindle Select exclusive:




Brad’s book that he donates money to charity for is going to be on special during the tour. He sent this note today:  A Little Too Broken is the charity book

Since this is in the middle of the tour, I wonder if we can work this in somehow. “The Worst Best Luck” was selected for a BookBub on February 19/20 – it’ll be free on Amazon those days, and has a 10k excerpt from “Have a Little Faith in Me” at the end.



Peter Rabe’s luck is about to change. Taking a co-worker’s car into the shop nets him a desperately needed $100 tip…and the attentions of Matt Kensington, master mechanic. Peter can’t believe that someone as hot as Matt could be interested in the young man his tormentors used to call “Peter Rabbit.” But, incredibly enough, he is. And when the Quadrillions lottery jackpot is up to $700,000,000, wouldn’t it be crazy of Peter not to buy a ticket on his lucky day? Matt doesn’t think much of money, having grown up on New York’s Upper East Side in the lap of luxury. He’d walked away from the professional drudgery his Harvard degree had qualified him for, to become a mechanic, to touch things that were real, to fix things that were broken. And a hot shy guy like Peter is another machine Matt wants to believe he can fix. But when Peter finds out he’s won the lottery, it almost feels like his luck has run out. Especially when Cody Burrell, his emotionally abusive ex-boyfriend, mysteriously re-enters his life just before he cashes the ticket and reveals his good fortune to the world… Peter must wrestle with the pressures of wealth on someone who’s grown up poor, the pressure of fame that comes with so much instant fortune, and most of all, with his own demons, the demons that Cody knows all too well how to manipulate.




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