
True Brit Cover Reveal




Author Bio:

Con Riley lives on the wild and rugged Devonshire coast, with her head in the clouds, and her feet in the Atlantic Ocean.

Injury curtailed her enjoyment of outdoor pursuits, so writing fiction now fills her free time. Love, loss, and redemption shape her romance stories, and her characters are flawed in ways that makes them live and breathe.

When not people watching, or wrangling her own boy band of teen sons, she spends time staring at the sea from her kitchen window. If you see her, don’t disturb her—she’s probably thinking up new plots.

Where to find the author:


Facebook Page:


Publisher: Figment Ink Ltd

Cover Artist: Natasha Snow


Winning the United Kingdom’s favorite singing contest is a challenge for half-Afghani Pasha Trueman. He doesn’t have the best voice, but success would be life-changing. His strategy is simple—he’ll make the British public love him.


Ex-soldier Ed Britten has a different agenda. Winning means he’ll keep a promise made after a deadly Afghan ambush. His voice is his weapon, but he leaves his heart unguarded.


Ed and Pasha’s discovery that the contest isn’t a fair fight calls for creative tactics. Staging a fake love story could bring victory, only there’s more at stake than the prestigious first prize. If winning means surrendering each other, they could both end up losing.



Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



Ed and Pahsa discover that winning the Brit Pop! contest will take more than singing their hearts out. In this excerpt, Ed discusses a new plan of attack with Pasha:


Ed put down his mug and stepped much closer. The toes of his boots touched the tips of Pasha’s scruffy knock-off Converse trainers. “Is that really what you think we need to do all of the time from now on? Be affectionate whenever there might be a camera or people around? Verbally, I mean. And act like we’re….”


“In love?”


Did Pasha usually sound so breathless? Ed tilted his head to one side and tracked the quick flick of Pasha’s tongue wetting his lower lip.


“That’s…” Pasha hesitated, “that’s exactly what I think we should do. And I don’t think verbal affection on its own will cut it either. We should… we should probably touch. A lot. But naturally, you know? As if we have a hard time keeping our hands off each other.”


“Like this?” Ed reached for the half-full mug Pasha clutched to his chest and made sure both his hands covered Pasha’s for an extended moment as he slowly took it from him.




“And like this?” Ed pushed the strands of hair covering Pasha’s eyes to one side. “Hi.”


This time Pasha slowly smiled instead of answering.


“And what about if we hold hands?” Ed awkwardly threaded his fingers through Pasha’s. “Is that too much, do you think?”


Pasha shook his head. “No.” He cleared his throat. “No, that’s exactly what I meant by natural.” He tugged his fingers away and wiped his palms on his trousers as if they were sweaty. “You’re taking to this much faster than I thought you would.”


There wasn’t much Ed wouldn’t do to get to the finals.


Pages or Words: 62,000 words

Tour Dates: February 8, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, SA McAuley, Love Bytes, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, Christy Loves 2 Read, BFD Book Blog, Amanda C. Stone, The Hat Party, Molly Lolly, Charley Descoteaux, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, The Hat Party, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons, Multitasking Mommas, My Fiction Nook, MM Good Book Reviews, Smoocher’s Voice, Velvet Panic, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, The Hat Party, Nephylim, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Andrew Q. Gordon, Cate Ashwood, Dawn’s Reading Nook


Sales Links:

All of my titles on

All my titles on

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bare Threads Book Tour



Author Bio:

Award winning author DP Denman writes character-driven contemporary romance about gay men. Her stories are real and intense, but resolve in endings that make people want to read the book all over again. She is from the Pacific Northwest and bases all of her stories in Vancouver, British Columbia.

In her spare time, she is a dedicated LGBTQIA rights activist, fighting for those who have been marginalized and abused. To that end, 25% of the royalties from every book go to support LGBT charities.

Where to find the author:



Publisher: North Shore Press

Cover Artist: LC Chase


Liam is not a family man. He’s learned to avoid the entanglement and its mire of expectations; expectations he’s destined to crush. Unfortunately, his usually placid boyfriend is pushing him into the arms of his new family and he’s fighting every step. When a person he never expected to see again reappears, Liam finds a reason to make a few concessions for the sake of real love and the only man he is willing to call family.

Book four of the Saving Liam Series


Categories: M/M Romance



He nodded along annoyed by the reasonable advice and the situation. He didn’t like admitting it, but they were right. There was no reason to rush. He had just imagined coming home from the trip, unpacking his suitcase, falling to one knee, and having Liam in his arms laughing and crying and accepting his proposal. Meeting the family was supposed to tip the balance in his favor. As tempting as it was to blame the ill-timed conversation for Liam’s continued refusal, it wasn’t his parents’ fault.
Liam had a way of clinging. Waiting for him to change his mind was tradition in their relationship. He didn’t jump into things, not even the easy ones. Every new opportunity represented a threat. He thought the step from living together to marriage would be easy, but apparently, it took the same patience and careful persistence as everything else.
He ended the video chat seconds before Liam walked through the front door.
“I’m home.”
“In here,” he called back.
He heard the dull thump of sock-covered feet on the floor before Liam appeared sweaty and wearing a timid smile.
“How was the workout?” He tried to shrug off the annoyance still thrumming across his forehead, threatening to burst into a headache.
“Good.” Liam stepped further into the room.
The tension between them rippled across his stomach. He didn’t want things to feel strained just because they couldn’t agree on how it would look when they celebrated their twentieth anniversary. They both wanted one. It was a good start.
“Come here.” He held out his hand and pulled Liam into his lap. “I’m sorry for pushing this marriage thing so hard.” He wrapped arms around him. “I want it but not enough to tear us apart trying to get it.”
“It’s my fault, too. I’m being a pain in the ass.”
He twitched a smile. “Stubborn is nothing new for you.”
“It’s not because I don’t want to be with you.”
“I know that.” He kissed Liam’s shoulder. “If I thought you planned to leave this would be a totally different conversation.” He looked up into Liam’s face, studying what he had already memorized. “I want to be with you for the rest of my life. You want to be with me for the rest of yours. That’s enough for now.”
“For now?” Liam cocked a challenging eyebrow.
“I’m not giving up on this.”
“I figured.”
“One day you’ll understand what I’m talking about and we’ll have a honeymoon so hot we’ll melt the sheets.”
Liam smiled. “If this is a ploy for hotter sex we can skip the ceremony and find some new tricks online. There must be a blog somewhere with decent ideas.”
“I’m sure there are several.”
Liam didn’t need any help being hot in bed. He had a great imagination, little inhibition, and thousands of hours of experience in porn. The only way things between them could get any hotter would be the first night he made love to his new husband, gold bands gleaming in the sunlight, and knew Liam was his.





1. What is a typical writing day for you?
I plop down in front of the computer first thing in the morning (6am) and write for 2-3 hours. That always takes priority. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is. The alarm goes off at the same time 365 days a year and I get up, make coffee, and write (or edit). Once that’s finished, I spend some time reading a couple of chapters of someone else’s book, do an hour or so of marketing, and then focus on the other job that actually pays the bills. 
2. How do you deal with distractions?
Writing first thing in the morning helps minimize that. Otherwise, it depends on the distraction and how important it is. If it can wait, I add it to the daily list and let it sit until later. I’m very selfish about my writing time. I don’t like to sacrifice it unless absolutely necessary.
3. What is the worst time suck you have?
OMG, YOUTUBE! I don’t spend much time on there because it’s dangerous. I’ll log on to research something and six hours later I’m surfing videos that have nothing to do with the topic I was researching. It’s like walking into a bookstore to buy a magazine. Hours later you stumble back out with a bag of books, a smoking debit card, and wonder where the afternoon went. I cannot be trusted anywhere near that site without supervision!

Pages or Words: 63,000 words

Tour Dates/Stops:


Bayou Book Junkie

Velvet Panic

Prism Book Alliance



Multitasking Mommas

Wake Up Your Wild Side

Inked Rainbow Reads

The Hat Party



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Love Bytes

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

MM Good Book Reviews

Molly Lolly

Rainbow Gold Reviews



BFD Book Blog

3 Chicks After Dark


Parker Williams

Sales Links:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Strike of the Diamondback Book Blast



Author Bio:

Short, sexy and sweet— where a little love goes a long way.

That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s stories. She was introduced to M/M Romance through her sister, Stephani, and read it for years. Then, she thought it was time to put her own stories on paper. Jackie began writing short and sweet stories that ended with a happily ever after.

Thinking back to her own book addiction, where there were many nights Jackie stayed up way too late so she could read just one more chapter— yeah, right— Jackie decided to write short romances for young adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give high school and college students, or working men and women something they can read during their lunch hour, in between classes or just when they want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of everyday life.


Where to find the author:

You can find Jackie at:





Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Latrisha Waters


Two years ago, TL came across his fire ant mate, Rio. Duty kept them apart, and they were only able to love each other from afar.

When Striker escapes the tortures of the anti-venom pack, running into the wild, he didn’t expect to encounter his mate. However, he is a shell of his former self, broken from the abuse done to him.

Rio saved TL once, and when his TL comes to ask for help, Rio finds himself shocked that the venom he’s always loved is holding their mate, a mate they’ll have to heal together.


Authors Note: The first half of this book overlaps in timeline to Pursued by the Wandering Spider. For better reading enjoyment, it is best the series be read in order. Thank you.



Categories: Alternate universe, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly (MMM), New Adult, Post-Apocalypse, Romance, Science Fiction, Paranormal




Chapter One


Two years ago


TL was in a fucking load of trouble. This nasty bitch of a viper was giving him one hell of a fight. He swung his arm and landed a punch to her horned nose. She hissed and came back at him with a wicked-looking blade. The viper was completely bald, her entire body covered in snakeskin. She was lean and sleek, but TL knew firsthand, she was very fucking lethal. He jumped back as she swung, and he went for his hunting knife.

The snake had already gotten a piece of one of his wings, making it completely impossible for him to fly his way out of this situation.

The viper female She was strong, and he was in her territory. Why the hell hadn’t he waited for Boone? TL sliced the knife through the air, causing a deep gash to her chest but not enough to bring her down. She charged him, crazed, fangs leaking the venom TL wanted nothing to do with. He kicked out and missed. She tackled him to the ground, sinking her blade deep in his side.

“Ahhh!” TL screamed out in utter agony. The white-hot pain caused him to fall back, completely defenseless as his enemy straddled him.

With the last of his strength, he pushed up, slicing the viper under the arm. She screamed, hissed, wriggling around, more snake than human, much like the venom she presented right on top of him. TL attempted to get out from underneath, still bleeding like crazy. He managed to break free, and try to gain as much distance as he could while unable to get off his damn hands and knees.

She came back, maddened and enraged, and TL held up his arms, waiting for his end. She slithered toward him at a speed only venom of superior strength could match.

A boot shot out in front of him, connecting with her face, just a mere feet from his own body. He glanced up to see a man standing above him with a ball mace in his hand and enough other weapons on his body for a small army. The muscular man pulled a machete and went after the female. TL’s head fell back. He didn’t even have enough strength in him to see who won. Closing his eyes, he let the darkness take him.

Pages or Words: 17,250

Tour Dates: February 1, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, Decadent Delights, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Tara Lain, Love Bytes, Andrew Q. Gordon, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, The Blogger Girls, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Rainbow Gold Reviews, , MM Good Book Reviews, Hearts on Fire, The Hat Party, Velvet Panic, Carly’s Book Reviews, Charley Descoteaux, Fallen Angel Reviews, My Fiction Nook


Sales Links:





a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Way Things Are Book Blast

The Way Things Are Book Blast



Author Bio:

A.J. Thomas writes romantic suspense. She’s earned a Bachelor’s degree in Literature from the University of Montana and worked in a half-dozen different jobs, from law enforcement officer to librarian, before settling down. Life as a military spouse has tossed her around the country so many times she doesn’t know how to answer when people ask her where she’s from, but she delights in living as a perpetual tourist, visiting new places and discovering amazing things.


Her time is divided between taking care of her three young children, experimenting with cooking and baking projects that rarely explode these days, and embarrassing her husband with dirty jokes. When she’s not writing, she hikes, gardens, researches every random idea that comes into her head, and develops complicated philosophical arguments about why a clean house is highly overrated. Her work has won multiple awards, including the 2013 AMB Ovation Award for Best LGBT Inter-racial Romance, and the 2014 Rainbow Award for Best Gay Contemporary Fiction.


Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:




Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Bree Archer


A night of drunken confusion at nineteen resulted in Patrick Connelly fathering a child. Determined to be there for his son, Patrick walked away from a sport he loved and forever hid his sexuality. After Patrick’s brutal divorce and a vicious hate crime, his son, Jay, has become obsessed with graffiti. Hoping for a fresh start, Patrick moves Jay to his childhood home in Seattle. Within two weeks, Jay is arrested again. On his way to pick Jay up, Patrick stops an assault, then finds himself in handcuffs too. Thinking things canʼt get any worse, heʼs confronted by the sexiest man heʼs ever seen—his sonʼs new probation officer, Ken Atkins.


The hardest part of Kenʼs job is working with difficult parents, and the undeniably handsome Patrick Connelly is going to be a difficult parent. A chance encounter and steamy hookup with Patrick leave Ken blindsided. As they work together to try to keep Jay on the right path, the passion between them proves impossible to resist. When the assault Patrick prevented comes back to haunt them and Jay gets into trouble again, Ken must convince Patrick that ensuring his sonʼs happiness doesnʼt have to mean sacrificing his own.



Categories: Contemporary, Erotic (light), Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance




Ken shook his head, the motion making his entire body sway again. “I can’t believe you,” he said in disgust. “You have a child home alone right now, who needs an actual fucking role model in his life and actual supervision, and you’re here.” He gestured around at the dusty office. “I would have figured you’d be a bit old and butch for most of the clientele at this place.”


Patrick opened his mouth to deny that he was there selling himself, then stopped. “I’m not that old. And I am an employee of Corbin’s Attic.”


Ken chuckled. “You work for the club?”


“Yes. I had a shirt, but some vicious little drama queen insisted I dance with him, and he wouldn’t take no for answer.”


“You should have called one of the bouncers. They’re serious guys.”


“Uh….” Patrick scratched the back of his head. “I am pretty sure none of the other bouncers here would have come to my rescue.”


Other bouncers?”


“Yeah. Which reminds me, I need to steal another shirt.” The security T-shirts were in a small, tumbling stack on top of boxes in the corner, next to five bigger stacks of black aprons and towels. He sorted through the T-shirts to find his size, then held it up so Ken could see the stenciled yellow “SECURITY” on the back.


“You’re a bouncer?”


“Just until I get my first check from the Port. And until Jay gets in trouble again and has to pay another fine. And maybe until the owner finds someone else to use as eye candy when he wants to make the guy who refuses to go out with him jealous.”


Ken choked. “That was the owner? The blonde guy you were wrapped around out there?”


“That was Corbin Hollis, yes. Which is why none of the other guys would dare help me. He’s my best friend. He’s letting me pick up some hours here because I’m broke.”


Ken looked at him again, just for a moment, before he dropped his gaze to the floor. “I should let you get back to work, then.”


Patrick caught Ken as he stumbled toward the door. “Hang on, now. I told you why I was here. Shouldn’t you be fair?”


“No,” Ken said. “I shouldn’t be here at all. Not if one of my parents works here, that’s for damn sure.” Patrick wrapped his arms around Ken’s waist and tried to hold him steady while Ken squirmed. When he slumped back against Patrick’s chest, the hard cock straining against the denim of Ken’s jeans made Patrick freeze and nearly drop him.

Pages or Words: 252 pages

Tour Dates: January 30, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Molly Lolly, MM Good Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, My Fiction Nook, Inked Rainbow Reads, The Hat Party, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Havan Fellows, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Cate Ashwood, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Lee Brazil, Velvet Panic, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Iyana Jenna, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews


Sales Links:






a Rafflecopter giveaway

Nights Like These Book Tour


Author Bio:

CHRIS SCULLY lives in Toronto, Canada where she grew up spinning romantic stories in her head. When the tedium of a corporate day job grew too much, she took a chance and found her creative escape in writing. Always searching for something different, she has discovered a home in M/M romance and strives to give her characters the happy endings they deserve.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Bree Archer


Starting over sucks. At forty, Miles Koprowski thought he had life all figured out. He had a nice car, a hot young lover, and a cushy job… and then he didn’t. Call it fate, or karma, or a downturn in the market, but this opinionated cynic is now forced to play rent-a-cop in a dying office building in the burbs just to make ends meet. Throw in an unhinged ex, a coworker who hates him, and a hot new boss, and suddenly everything is uncertain.

Miles doesn’t plan on liking the night shift or becoming embroiled in a mystery that reawakens old passions and puts him in danger. And he certainly doesn’t plan on falling for the overbearing head of security, Colton Decker, former soldier and doting dad. But nights like these can change a man, make him start to believe there’s more to life than a high paying job and a warm body in his bed. With a thief on the loose and his new job in jeopardy, Miles will have to decide what’s truly important. He might discover things he never knew he wanted… as long as he makes it through the night.



Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery



“Why don’t you watch where you’re going, dumb—” I managed to sputter before my mouth stopped working entirely and dropped open. The ability to speak, to think, deserted me at the first sight of the hunky stranger standing in front of me, his face contorted with apology as he tried to mop up my sodden jacket with a handful of napkins. He was a few inches taller than me—closer to six feet—and on the stocky side. His broad shoulders filled out a nicely tailored suit, and he projected an air of confidence that I’d never be able to pull off in a million years. He was clean-shaven too, with a dark buzz cut that made me long to run a hand over his head simply to feel the texture. And gorgeous. Did I happen to mention that?

In short, he was the kind of guy you’d want to be stranded with on a deserted island; the kind you could count on to save you. If you were so inclined. Me? I didn’t need saving.

A pair of friendly, light-colored eyes now stared back at me, bemused. Odd that his lips were moving, but no sound was coming out.

“What?” I asked, blinking back to attention. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had literally made me speechless. Me, Miles Koprowski, who never met a silence he didn’t want to fill.

Hell, I couldn’t recall the last time I’d been on the receiving end of a full-body pat-down either. At least not so quickly. His hands were still drifting over my chest, wiping up the last drips of coffee, and the simple touch was doing alarming things to my heart rate.

“Are you okay?” he demanded. “Did you get burned?” Before I could react, he seized my wrist and held my hand up for inspection. Strong, lightly calloused fingers, I added to my mental list. Working hands. Dumbly, I looked down. The skin on the back of my right hand was red and stung like a son of a bitch, but it wasn’t blistering. I did flinch slightly when he skimmed his thumb over the sensitive area, but not from pain, more from the touch itself. My entire body lit up, as though I’d stuck a finger in an electrical socket. “It doesn’t look too bad. I think you’ll live. Put some aloe on it when you get home.”

“Doctor?” I croaked, because really, that would be too perfect.

“Nope. Just seen a lot of injuries.” His lips twitched with barely contained amusement. “Sorry to disappoint you.” Sense of humor, check.

Words: 69,000


Nights Like These is my first novel. It’s taken me several years to work up to something of this length. My limited backlist includes four novellas and one short story (Snow on the Roof anthology) for Dreamspinner, and one self-published novella. Most of them were written on spec, meaning that the theme and length were pre-determined, but generally I’m drawn to the shorter form because as a writer it really forces you to be concise.

Fourth and Long was my first published novella; it’s a time-travel story about a guy whose life has been in a downward spiral since high school because of one stupid mistake. Through the power of magic (and a certain football coach) on the night of his high school reunion, he gets a “do-over” and relives that one crucial moment.

Inseparable has been by far my greatest success. Originally written for Dreamspinner’s Christmas Advent Calendar, it’s an unabashedly sweet and sappy friends-to-lovers story. The twist is that my main character was in an accident and has temporary amnesia, which means he has to trust his heart and instincts. So many people connected with these characters that it inspired me to continue writing. Joe and Adam’s story continues in When Adam Kissed Me.

Rebound is another Christmas novella. It’s funny and sarcastic; a cynical scrooge meets innocent farm boy who teaches him to believe in love again.

In September 2014 I tried my hand at self-publishing with a short erotic romance called Touch Me (you can find this on ARe and Amazon). It was a departure for me; a chance to try something new. It’s sweet and sad and steamy. It garnered the best reviews of my career, but unfortunately failed to reach a wider audience. I’m considering re-launching it in the future with a publisher.

As for what’s ahead? I am waiting to hear back from the publisher on another novel. It’s called Until September, and I will warn you—it’s a weeper. Archer Noble is a Cree Indian who is made guardian of his niece and nephew when his sister is killed. Ryan Eriksson is the sweet grade school teacher who teaches him what it means to be a family. This novel deals with some particularly Canadian issues, but I feel it’s relatable to anyone who has ever felt disenfranchised because of their skin color or background

My current work-in-progress is Happy. It’s a spin-off from When Adam Kissed Me. This is a story that’s been percolating for a while, but I have struggled for some time to get a sense of the character. Peter Georgiou is Greek-Canadian, in his early thirties and still lives at home. He is torn between pleasing his hard-working, orthodox family, and living the life he needs to live. It’s an experience many children of immigrants face. Things get even more complicated when his girlfriend’s brother returns home. It’s not exactly a coming out story–it’s more about figuring out what makes you happy and going for it. I’m not sure yet what the final length will be.

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Rainbow Gold Reviews

Hearts on Fire



Molly Lolly

Prism Book Alliance



Bayou Book Junkie



Parker Williams

Inked Rainbow Reads



Love Bytes



Amanda C. Stone

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Cate Ashwood



Decadent Delights



EE Montgomery



My Fiction Nook

MM Good Book Reviews

Sales Links:








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