
The Adventures of Cole and Perry Book Tour




Author Bio:

Armed with her Batman notebook, fourth grade Amanda C. Stone was ready to start writing stories about unicorns, family members, and her imaginary friends Pink Amanda and Blue Amanda. Today, Amanda is armed with a new notebook, along with a laptop, and a never ending supply of caffeine. Her stories are about all kinds of things, but the most important aspect is people falling in love.

Where to find the author:

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Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Amanda C. Stone


It all started when Cole met Perry in a bar. Over three years they had some exciting adventures, and misadventures. The six stories included in this book are all about their journey from bar to wedding.

The Anniversary
Another cancellation of plans by his boyfriend forces Cole out to the neighborhood bar. Not long after arriving he meets Perry. Even as exciting as Perry is, he’s unsure how the night will end.

The Fight
Cole and Perry are struggling to make time for each other and constantly at each other’s throats. A fight to the death will decide who is right or wrong in their arguments. But Cole really doesn’t want to shoot Perry.

The Threesome
Deciding they want to spice up things in the bedroom, Perry wants to have a one-time threesome. Cole’s nervous and doesn’t want to ask any of their friends to join them. Perry finds the perfect solution.

The House
After two and a half years together, Cole and Perry want to buy a house. Once they find the perfect house, they get to spend their first morning together in their new space. Perry will have to help Cole decide which room is his favorite.

The Baby
Both Cole and Perry are exhausted. Taking care of a three month old is hard when she’s up all night and is always hungry. If only they could find where they put the bottle warmer.

The Wedding
Cole is ready to make his commitment to Perry life-long. After careful planning, they created the perfect event. What could possibly go wrong? If only Cole didn’t ask the same question.


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance



“Cole. I have a surprise for you. I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them.”

Cole looked up from his magazine at the doorway Perry’s voice drifted in from. He put the magazine on his nightstand and closed his eyes.

“They’re closed,” he called out. He wasn’t sure where Perry was in their apartment, but he sounded close.

Rustling and a strange squeaking noise reached his ears. Cole furrowed his brows trying to figure out what Perry was up to and what he was hearing.

“Okay. Go ahead and open your eyes.”

Cole popped his eyes open. He closed them and then re-opened them again. Nope, he still was seeing what was in front of him.

“Perry. Why is there–?”

Perry cut him off before Cole could finish his thought.

“So, we had talked about fantasies and things like that. I told you this was mine. So I’d like to introduce you to Freddy. Freddy, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Cole.”

Cole smiled at how nervous Perry was. His boyfriend was adorable trying to be brave with his ideas.

“Nice to meet you, um, Freddy. Perry, where did you meet Freddy?”

Perry had a small smile on his face that showed Cole he appreciated he was alright with what was happening.

“Online. I found Freddy on some website. Can’t remember the name now.”

Cole was stunned. His boyfriend didn’t go to those types of websites for any reason. Just meant Perry wanted to have the threesome and was willing to do it without asking one of their friends. Cole was so happy Perry had found a way to have his fantasy.


Pages or Words: Around 17,000 words


“Hurry Perry! It’s almost time! Finishing blowing those up.”
Cole ran around trying to get the streamers and “Happy Birthday Parker” sign hung on the wall.
“I can’t believe we’re lucky enough to celebrate Parker’s birthday with him.” Cole could hear Perry’s enthusiasm as he took a break from inflating red latex. Ever since they got the request, both Cole and Perry had been ecstatic to host Parker’s birthday. Not only was Parker a friend of theirs, they were both fans of his writing. Plus he had mentioned something about them visiting a place called “Manada”. They’d never been but were eager to go from all of the things Parker told them.
“Do we have enough decorations?” Cole ran a critical eye over the party area. It seemed something was missing, however he couldn’t figure out what.
Perry did the same thing. They looked at each other and realized what was missing at the same time.
“Birthday candles!” They cried together.
Cole dashed into the kitchen, frantically searching through all of the bags of party supplies. He mumbled to himself as he went bag by bag. They had to be somewhere; he remembered putting them in the basket at the store.
“AHA!” Cole crowed triumphantly and brought the candles back into the decorated room.
With a wave in Perry’s face, Cole opened the package. He placed three candles on the cake. Perry smiled at him, love shining through his eyes. One quick peck and Cole surveyed the fruits of their hard work.
“It looks perfect. Parker is going to be so thrilled with the party we’re throwing him.” Perry pulled him down to kiss his forehead. Cole closed his eyes for a moment and savored the feel of his husband’s lips against his skin.
The sound they had been anticipating broke them apart. A final glance and they both sat down in front of the computer. Cole took a deep breath, and then hit the button to connect the video call.
After a moment of buffering, Parker’s face came up on the screen with a huge smile.
“Hey! Happy Birthday, Parker!”
Parker blushed, just a little, and then responded. “Thanks guys. You didn’t have to go all out for my… Wait. Are those condoms?”
Both of them cracked up at the look on Parker’s face. It only took a moment for Parker to start laughing along with them.
“The best part is on the cake. It was all Cole’s idea. Show him babe.”
Cole continued to chuckle as he picked up the cake and carefully tipped it to show Parker. It didn’t take long for Parker to see the three naked men printed on the cake with penis shaped candles stuck right where their cocks would have been. They all got a huge laugh over the best birthday cake Parker could ever have.
“That is perfect! You got me exactly what I wanted for my birthday. Three hot guys who are ready to be blown.”
Cole sat as close to Perry as he could after putting the cake back down. He was grateful they could spend Parker’s birthday together, even if they couldn’t be in the same place. He just hoped Parker would talk more about the trip to Manada they were planning. Cole couldn’t wait!

DSCN0705 gay_birthday_cake images-9

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


The Hat Party

Christy Loves 2 Read

BFD Book Blog



My Fiction Nook

Prism Book Alliance



Velvet Panic

Love Bytes



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Lee Brazil



Havan Fellows



Full Moon Dreaming



The Novel Approach



Parker Williams



Bayou Book Junkie



MM Good Book Reviews

Cate Ashwood


Sales Links:




a Rafflecopter giveaway

No Denying Sin Book Blast




Author Bio:

In one word, crazy. Just crazy enough to have 3 4 different muses running around in her head, driving her to sheer exhaustion with new plot bunnies and complex characters.


In addition to being a computer geek and a metalhead, Sharita loves live music, reading, and perusing the net for sexy men to be her muses. She’s also a founding member and contributor to the heavy metal ezine


Where to find the author:



Michael’s Blog:

BL’s Blog:





Publisher: Triad Literary

Cover Artist: Sara York


Living in the Big Easy is downright deadly especially if you’re a stripper. When another exotic dancer is found dead in her apartment, the heat mounts on Frankie and his fellow detectives to find the killer. Due to the magnitude of this unsolved mystery along with the LaBoy murders, tension runs high at nineteen making it hard for all to breathe around the police station and sending everyone into a frenzy.

There’s no denying Frankie’s love for Kajika but in the back of his mind, hot thoughts of the mutual jerk off with Orrin Daugherty loom over his head. Though the feelings are mutual, Orrin wants nothing to do with this and pushes Frankie away. Add in to the mix his fascination with partner Vance Morain along with his severe case of blue balls and you got one hell of a predicament for these for complex and volatile men.

The men at nineteen are burning with desire for one another and pleasure is beginning to be almost as important as business.

Will the sinful disruptions stop them from finding the killer roaming the streets of the Big Easy?

This is book 3 of N’awlins Exotica Series. Doesn’t necessarily need to be read in order.

WARNING: Lots of lewd dialogue and smoldering sex between males.


Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Romance, Thriller



“Good morning, Officer Daugherty.” A young male clerk behind the desk in the fitness center called out to him.

“Mornin.” Orrin nodded and kept going. He wondered if the glow from getting some was still on his face from the night prior or if he’d really caught the man’s eye as he hoped.

Either way, he had to admit he hadn’t felt this good in days—no, make that weeks. He’d slept, had sex, and a good breakfast when he finally rolled out of bed at two p.m. With all that going on, he felt he could get through just about anything, including work. Despite this, he was grateful to have the full day off until his next shift at four a.m. tomorrow.


Pages or Words: 47,377 words



1 – What is your secret indulgence?


SL: Gummy worms. *smiles*

Tour Dates: January 26, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Cate Ashwood, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Rainbow Gold Reviews, My Fiction Nook, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Love Bytes, It’s Raining Men, Decadent Delights, Tara Lain, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Nephylim, Andrew Q. Gordon, Queer Town Abbey, Because Two Men Are Better Than One


Sales Links:

Amazon –

ARe – 9awlinsexoticabook3-1693823-356.html

Smashwords –
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just A Little Unwell Book Blast




Author Bio:

Iyana writes M/M short stories and novellas. Her works have been published by Evernight Publishing, JMS Books, Books to Go Now, Torquere Press, Bitten Press, Leap of Faith Publishing, Breathless Press, and Alfie Dog Fiction.

Iyana lives in Jakarta, a city famous for its traffic jams, a lot of cars and motorcycles, and people selling stuff on the roads. You can spend two hours on the road going to a place you can reach in half an hour in a normal situation. Thanks to the traffic jams, though, Iyana can come up with a lot of stories, mostly shorties, as she prefers to spend the time during her trips writing into her cell phone rather than sleeping.

Another thing Iyana loves is kitties. Right now she has three of them. Their names are Cil, Horus, and Betsy, and one kitten. When she doesn’t write, she plays with them, or they would play with her when she writes.

Where can you find Iyana?


Twitter: @IyanaJenna


Publisher: JMS Books

Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs



Patrick Trafford is pleased with the simple life he has, spending his time tending a tiny garden accompanied by his best friend, Chad, who just happens to be a cockroach. Nevertheless, he can’t hide the excitement bubbling in him when a man suddenly appears in the garden.

Damien Abner politely welcomes, albeit somewhat at a loss, Patrick’s warm offer to spend time with him. To have a coffee, watch some movie, and dance along with the characters in it.

They begin to date and Patrick has never been happier, though he barely knows who Damien is — not that it matters to him. For him, being clueless does mean bliss.


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance




Patrick floats through the following day. When Damien shows up, Patrick takes him immediately to near the TV, sets the video cassette into place, and clutches Damien’s hands as they dance. He offers coffee and cookies this time and finally brings his guitar out to the sitting room. Patrick feels a bit uneasy when Damien keeps looking at him instead of his guitar.

“Do you like it?”


“My guitar.”

Confusion flashes across Damien’s good-looking face for a second.

“Oh, absolutely.” His smile cracks. He shifts on the couch to make space for Patrick. Patrick plops down next to him and begins to sing. It’s “More Than Words,” one of his favorite songs. Damien listens carefully.

Damien is silent, even after Patrick has stopped singing. His eyes turn soft.

“So, what do you say? What do you think of my voice?” Patrick asks impatiently.

Damien’s still quiet. Then he closes his eyes and reaches out a hand. He touches the side of Patrick’s face.

Patrick holds his breath and closes his eyes too. He doesn’t dare to move. Damien’s hand feels so warm and good on his skin.

He lets out a heavy sigh when the hand is gone and opens his eyes.

“That’s the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard,” Damien says.

Patrick doesn’t know what to do. He puts aside his guitar — grabs it back — lays it down on the table — takes it back again and holds it close to him. He rocks slowly on the couch.

“Thank you,” he murmurs — not sure whether he is expressing gratitude for the compliment or the touch.

Damien stands up.

“You’re leaving?” Patrick asks, disappointed.

“I have other things I need to do, Patrick.”

Patrick swallows deep. He turns away. “Okay. It’s almost dark anyway and I haven’t been to the garden.”


“Will you come again?”

“Do you want me to?”

“I’d love you to.”

“So I’ll come.”

Damien waves and walks away.

As if to remind Patrick he’s there, Chad crawls up Patrick’s shirt front. Patrick palms him up and puts him on the table.

“Do you like him, too?” Patrick asks.

Chad only chirps.

Pages or Words: 5,600 words

Tour Dates: January 23, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Nephylim, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, BFD Book Blog, Lee Brazil, Inked Rainbow Reads, Andrew Q. Gordon, MM Good Book Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Christy Loves 2 Read, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Cate Ashwood, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Velvet Panic, My Fiction Nook, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Carly’s Book Reviews, The Hat Party


Sales Links:

JMS Books:


All Romance Ebooks:






a Rafflecopter giveaway

What’s In A Name? Book Blast



Author Bio:

Born in the Heartland of Nebraska, Pat Henshaw has made America hers by living in Texas, Colorado, Northern Virginia, and Northern California. She has found joy in visiting Mexico, Canada, Europe, Nicaragua, Thailand, and Egypt, and relishes trips to Rome, Italy, and Eugene, Oregon, to see family.

Pat has spent her life surrounded by words: Teaching English composition at the junior college level; writing book reviews for newspapers, magazines, and websites; helping students find information as a librarian; and promoting PBS television programs.

Two of her fondest memories are touching time when she put her hands on the pyramids and experiencing pure whimsy when she interviewed Caroll Spinney (Big Bird and Oscar the Grouch). Her triumphs are raising two incredible daughters who daily amaze her with their power and compassion. Her supportive husband keeps her grounded in reality when she threatens to drift away writing fiction.


Where can you find the author?:



Book website:




Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: AngstyD


Barista Jimmy Patterson thinks it’s a good idea to get rip-roaring drunk on his birthday after he’s dumped by his boyfriend. When the burly owner of Stonewall’s Bar rescues Jimmy, the night starts to look up.


Now Jimmy just wants to know the bartender’s first name since he’s worn a different name tag every time Jimmy’s seen him. “Guy” Stone gives Jimmy seven guesses, one for each night he takes Jimmy out on a date.


While Jimmy’s trying to come up with his name, he’s distracted by the destruction of his coffee shop and what looks more and more like a hate crime.



Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



Stonewall [Saloon] was chaos when I got there. Guy and another bartender were mixing drinks as fast as they could. I squeezed in at the end of the bar near the hatchway and sat on an abandoned stool there.


I didn’t think Guy had seen me come in, so when there was a lull in the frenetic pace and he was nearly within arm’s reach, I called out, “What’s a guy gotta do to get a drink in this place?”


Guy looked up, grinned at me, and yelled back, “Fuck the bartender.”


A slim man sitting next to me perked up, gave Guy the once-over, and yelled, “Okay!”


Guy’s startled gaze met mine, and we broke out laughing.


The man next to me sighed and slumped over his beer. “I knew it was too good to be true,” he mumbled.


I patted him on the shoulder.


“Maybe next time,” I commiserated with him.


“Right,” he answered glumly.


Tour Dates: January 21, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Multitasking Mommas, Kristy’s Brain Food, Love Bytes, Christy Loves 2 Read, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, MM Good Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Havan Fellows, Charley Descoteaux, Wake Up Your Wild Side, The Hat Party, Fallen Angel Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon


Sales Links:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Wolf’s Sacrifice (Pack of Light) Book Blast



Author Bio:

Draven St. James is a born and raised Oregonian. She has traveled extensively in search of mischief and mayhem to fill her books. Her ventures have been quite successful in inspiring a wealth of stories. Of course at the end of the day, coffee within reach, laptop at the ready is where she finds her peace.

Where to find Draven:


Facebook Author Page



Publisher: Loose Id

Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs



Sean Maddox has one basic goal: to protect the Northwest Pack. That priority helps him stay grounded—until the day the pack rescues Liam. Suddenly Sean is finding any excuse to be around the sweet, blind shifter. But trying to focus his thoughts on keeping Liam safe and not exploring the whole laundry list of carnal fantasies he’s been having is anything but grounding. It doesn’t help that Sean’s wolf makes it damn clear it believes Liam belongs to him.


From the first deep breath of Sean Maddox’s intoxicating scent, all Liam wants to do is strip naked for the sexy beta and let the wolf claim him. Hiding away his desires seems like the best plan, given after a lifetime in captivity Liam is just learning what it means to be free. What does he know about being a mate? More to the point, would Sean even want him if he knew the truth? 


As Sean and Liam struggle with their growing craving for each other an old enemy steps out of the shadows. With secrets lurking and fate twisting two worlds together a sacrifice must be made, but can the two mates live with the consequences?




Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal



“You don’t have to stay here with me,” Liam murmured.

Sean twisted the cap off Liam’s root beer and pressed the condensation-slick bottle to Liam’s hand until his slender fingers curled around it.

“I know,” he responded, studying a drop of moisture slipping off the bottle to make a damp trail along Liam’s hand.

“Guarding me?” After propping the bottle between his thighs, Liam licked the drop that had traveled to the pulsing blue vein of his wrist.

“I can be around you without being part of your protective detail.” Sean swallowed past his suddenly parched throat. The man had no idea how seductive his innocent movements were.

Liam reached out until his hand was on Sean’s thigh. “Just giving you a hard time.”

You have no idea.

Pages or Words: 50,700 words



1 – What is your secret indulgence?
A Grande Six pump soy Chai.

2 – Favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?
A cup of coffee and a good book.

Tour Dates: January 20th, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Bayou Book Junkie, Love Bytes, Sinfully Sexy, Full Moon Dreaming, Christy Loves 2 Read, The Blogger Girls, Charley Descoteaux, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, My Fiction Nook, Inked Rainbow Reads, Jade Crystal, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Andrew Q. Gordon


Sales Links:




a Rafflecopter giveaway