
A Dangerous Reality Book Blast



Author Bio:

Bestselling author Layla Wolfe is satisfied with a leather jacket, one bad-ass pink camo compound bow, and a vicarious outlaw lifestyle. Layla Wolfe is the pen name of multi-published erotic romance author Karen Mercury.

Where to find Layla:

Publisher: Quicksilver Books

Cover Artist: Jan Bowles/Red Poppy


Keep your lovers close—and your enemies in bed.


My club sent me to track him down. And when my mission was over, I never wanted another one again. When I found him, I kicked the shit out of Havelock Singer. I issued the mightiest beatdown of all time. Problem is, we’re evenly matched. We’re equals in every way, and when we finished whaling on each other, exhausted, we fell into each other’s arms.

I’ve never regretted it for an instant. It’s been the ride of my life. But loving another man in the MC world is a risky business. As if our business isn’t already brutal and ruthless enough, Lock’s homophobic sergeant-at-arms Stumpy gets an eyeful of our lovemaking and blackmails us into doing some of his dirty work, or be exposed for what we are—a couple of deviants.

This run into the Indian reservation is sleazy and beneath us, but now I’m cornered, and I’ll do anything to keep my sweet master Lock from being lynched by his club.


When that kingpin Carmine Rojas got a load of my beautiful stallion Turk Blackburn, he’d stop at nothing to have him—and Rojas gets what he wants. It’s my fault we’re in this situation. I should’ve kicked Turk’s ass and sent him packing back to The Bare Bones. I wasn’t even close to being ready to come out, but now they’re forcing my hand.

I can hear my destiny calling me. Either I’ll slink back to my club like a hetero bounty hunter with no morals—and no respect from anyone in my own backyard—or I’ll step up to the plate and be the lion of the day.

Either way, my lover and I are screwed. Our clubs are going to hound us underground or into another country before we escape this mess—if we don’t die trying.

“Living off the grid and being an outlaw brings a dangerous reality.” –Ron Perlman

Publisher’s warning: This book is not for the faint of heart. It contains scenes of gay sex, consensual BDSM, illegal doings, dubious consent, and man-on-man violence.



Categories: BDSM, Bisexual, Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery, Romance, Thriller






Pages or Words: 80,000 words



Tour Dates: January 12, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Fallen Angel Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Molly Lolly, Amanda C. Stone

MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Bayou Book Junkie, Velvet Panic, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Jade Crystal, Iyana Jenna, Love Bytes, Queer Town Abbey, Andrew Q. Gordon



Sales Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Wrong Man Cover Reveal




Author Bio:

Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to a well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles both be men! Lane discovered the M/M genre a fews ago and was instantly hooked. Her first novel was a finalist in the 2013 Rainbow Awards and her third received an Honorable Mention in the 2014 Rainbow Awards. She loves travel, chocolate, and wine (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband and the coolest yellow lab ever in an almost empty nest.

Where you can find Lane:


Facebook: LaneHayesauthor

Twitter: @LaneHayes3


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson



Successful owner of an upscale boutique in fabulous West Hollywood, Brandon Good swears by his personal edict to “live in the present.” After a bad break-up, he agrees to dog sit to keep his mind off his ex. Never did he expect the dog to belong a man from his past, the only man to ever truly break his heart.


When Jake Westley relocates to join the WeHo fire department, the last thing he anticipates is reuniting with his secret high school love. Thrilled with the prospect of reconnecting with Bran, Jake feels no guilt in using his charming old dog as an unwitting matchmaker. As they rekindle their friendship, it becomes clear the intense attraction they once felt is stronger than ever. But as hard as they try to leave the past behind, painful memories resurface. Bran will have to confront his fears and consider the possibility that the man he swore was absolutely the wrong one might be perfect after all.



Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance



Again, I questioned my sanity. Something was odd in my world for sure. My heart was beating double time when he finally turned onto my street. A quick escape was my best bet. I had my fingers wrapped around the car door handle and was ready to rip my

other hand from his grasp when he slowed down. He must have sensed my intent to bolt, because he held on to me until I was forced to give him a “what the fuck?” look.


“Let me walk you to your door.”


“Jake, let’s not do this. Please. I really don’t want this evening to get any weirder than it already has been. Thank you for tonight. For dinner and pretending to—”


“Hey, nothing is weird here. It’s dark, and I’m walking you to your door—”


“I’m a big boy. I’ve got this.” I detached my hand from his grip and opened the door.


“Thanks again.”


When I reached the sidewalk, he was waiting for me. The man obviously was hard of hearing.


“You are stubborn.” I gave him my best evil eye before I trudged up the path ahead of him.

“Me? You’re the difficult one. I’m trying to be nice—”


“You don’t have to prove you’re nice to me. I get it. That doesn’t mean—suit yourself.”


“Humor me.”


I fished my key from my pocket as I approached the well-lit front porch.


“Here I am, safe and sound. No need for worry,” I said flippantly as I turned to Jake.


“You ca—”


I swallowed my words. He was closer than I expected. Much closer. I felt the warmth from his body but wasn’t prepared for the hunger I saw in his eyes. I licked my bottom lip nervously. I knew what was going to happen, and though I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, I wasn’t going to stop him. He bent slightly and brushed his nose against mine. I felt his breath on my lips as I waited for him to close the distance between us. Neither of us moved. He smelled delicious, that intoxicating combination of soap and a hint of musky cologne I’d noticed the morning he hugged me in my kitchen. I could have happily buried my nose in his shirt or in the curve where his neck met his shoulders. I closed my eyes and leaned in the tiniest bit closer, expecting him to take over. He still didn’t move.


“Aren’t you going to ki—”

And then he pounced. He crashed his mouth over mine and snaked his arms around my waist, fusing our bodies together. His hands traveled up and down my back while he licked a sensual line across the seam of my lips, requesting entry. I heard myself moan as his tongue danced and collided with mine in a lustful assault. I arched into him instinctively. Jake lowered his hands to my ass, drawing me in tightly as he thrust his hips forward. The friction was hot, and his demanding kisses had my head reeling. This was nothing like our frantic make-out sessions years ago.


Just as that errant thought surfaced to remind me whom I was grinding against like a teenager on my front porch, Jake turned his full attention to my mouth. I was painfully hard, but he was right. We shouldn’t be doing any of this. But I couldn’t seem to stop myself. I bit at his jaw and then licked my way to his ear, flicking the lobe gently with my tongue until I felt his teeth at my neck. I made a strangled sound and went limp in his arms. He was overpowering in a subtle, almost unexpected way. I was two seconds away from ripping his shirt when a car went down my street blaring hip-hop music at an obscene volume. I pulled away and rested my forehead against his shoulder. We stood quietly catching our breath for a moment.


Then Jake pressed a soft kiss on my cheek and stepped away. “Good night, Bran. Thank you for… well, just thank you. I’ll see you soon.”


I stared after him like an idiot, watching him open his door and start the SUV. I heard the familiar hum of distant traffic and smelled the fragrant sweet star jasmine from my neighbor’s garden. Everything looked and seemed to be in place, but something was different.

Pages or Words: 220 Pages

Tour Dates: January 9, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, My Fiction Nook, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Amanda C. Stone, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, Fallen Angel Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Havan Fellows, The Hat Party, The Blogger Girls, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Love Bytes, Lee Brazil, Kristy’s Brain Food, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Up All Night, Read All Day, Christy Loves 2 Read, Hearts on Fire, Charley Descoteaux, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, 3 Chicks After Dark


Sales Links:












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Moment of Impact (Book one in the Moments in Time series) Book Blast



Author Bio:

Karen Stivali is a prolific writer, compulsive baker and chocoholic with a penchant for books, movies and fictional British men. Karen is a multiple award-winning author of contemporary romance. She writes novels about love…like real life, only hotter.

Where are you most likely to find the author?


Facebook Author Page



Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Anna Sikorska


Outside Collin Fitzpatrick’s dorm room is a dangerous place. Beyond his door the students of his small, conservative college think he’s straight, as does his Catholic family who’d disown him if they learned the truth. Inside, he’s safe with his incredibly sexy roommate Tanner D’Amico. Their room makes a perfect place to hide away and fall in love. The moment they cross the line from roommates to lovers, Collin becomes caught between their heavenly passionate encounters and the hellish reality that someone might find out and destroy everything. Tanner’s not used to being so confined, and wants to show the world how much he loves Collin. But Collin’s not sure he’s ready for the impact stepping outside will make.



Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Gay Fiction, New Adult, Romance



Excerpt from MOMENT OF IMPACT (Book 1 of the Moments In Time Series by Karen Stivali)

Don’t blow this. Not now. Not when he’s right here. So close. So… Forcing myself to move, I reached out and clutched at his shoulder. His skin was smooth, warm. I pressed my fingers into his flesh with enough force, he flinched. His gaze darted to mine, wary.

Swallowing hard, I willed myself to maintain eye contact. “I didn’t think I wanted that, until I met you.”

Tanner’s gaze raced back and forth between my hand, which was still gripping his shoulder, and my eyes, which felt like they were about to bulge out of my skull. I couldn’t blink. Couldn’t breathe. Couldn’t think. Do something. Say something.

Then his mouth crashed into mine.

I like kissing. I always have. Even though I wasn’t super into any of the girls I’d been with, kissing was the one thing I still enjoyed. Warm mouths, wet tongues, moving together. It felt good. I seriously thought I’d done some decent kissing in my life.

I was wrong. Tanner’s mouth on mine for one fucking second proved to me that what I’d done before might have looked like kissing, might have felt like kissing, but was like the frozen french bread pizza version of kissing. Nothing like the real thing.

Nothing like this.

His tongue swept into my mouth, hot and velvety. His hand gripped the back of my neck, tugging me upright. Everything fell away. Disappeared. The whole world was this one kiss. I could have drowned in it and died happy.

Tanner pulled away, breathing hard, his forehead pressed to mine. The room spun like a carnival ride.

“You okay?”

His voice sounded lower than usual. Deep and gravelly. I gave a shaky nod, and he tipped his head back, looking at me.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” My heart beat double time as I realized he still had his hands on me. And he was still naked. And I was probably harder than I’d ever been in my entire life. Jesus.

“We can stop.”

“No.” That wasn’t what I wanted. Not at all. “I just… I mean… we’re roommates. What if this doesn’t work out?”

Tanner’s lips pulled into a grin so sexy my brain turned to oatmeal. He rubbed the back of my neck. “So, one kiss and you’re already thinking about what happens if we break up?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know.”

“Let’s see how we feel after another kiss.”

Pages or Words: 125 pages

Tour Dates: January 7, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Fallen Angel Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Molly Lolly, Amanda C. Stone, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Bayou Book Junkie, Velvet Panic, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Jade Crystal, Iyana Jenna, Love Bytes,Queer Town Abbey, Christy Loves 2 Read


Sales Links:


Dreamspinner Press:

All Romance Ebooks:


Main Author pages:







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Wild and Precious Book Tour

Wild and Precious


Author Bio:

After years of hearing characters chatting away in her head, CJane Elliott finally decided to put them on paper and hasn’t looked back since. A psychotherapist by training, CJane enjoys writing sexy, passionate stories that also explore the human psyche. CJane has traveled all over North America for work and her characters are travelers, too, traveling down into their own depths to find what they need to get to the happy ending.

CJane is an ardent supporter of gay equality and is particularly fond of coming out stories.

In her spare time, CJane can be found dancing, listening to music, or watching old movies. Her husband and son support her writing habit by staying out of the way when they see her hunched over, staring intensely at her laptop.


Where to find the author: CJane at Her website is Twitter: and Facebook:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: AngstyG


Aspiring writer Brent Granger has good friends and a great job at an arts magazine in DC, but he’s batting zero in the arena of love. Brent begins to get a clue why things aren’t working with women from his strong attraction to his gorgeous, gay, and already attached boss, Graham Stoneford. When he sees a personal ad from a man that quotes his favorite poet, Brent decides to do something wild and answer.

Enter Cody Bellstrom, easygoing bisexual musician, who is happy to initiate Brent in the ways of gay sex. Brent now has a new problem: he realizes he’s gay and no one in his life knows it. Cody tires of hiding their relationship, but Brent finds it challenging to come out to family, friends, and especially to Graham. In the end, Brent must confront the truth of where – and with whom – his heart lies.



Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



As Brent sat cross-legged on a pillow, tearing pieces off the rubbery bread and dipping them into various dishes he couldn’t identify, he realized he was having more fun than he’d had in ages. Along with being thoughtful and smart, Graham was one of the most hilarious people he’d ever met, and Brent was in stitches for most of their lunch.

“If only my dates could be like this,” Brent said, after another bout of laughter between them, then widened his eyes. “Oh, wow, man, that sounded dumb.”

Graham didn’t seem fazed. “They’re not? But why? You’re so fun to talk to. Any woman would be nuts not to appreciate you.”

“Uh, well, tell them that. But I guess I don’t really appreciate them either. I don’t know, it’s like, awkward and boring most of the time. Whatever. Ari keeps trying to set me up, but…. Anyway, how did this get into talking about my love life, or lack thereof?”

Graham regarded him, warmth in his eyes, and said softly, “You’ll find it, Brent. Everyone deserves to have love in their life. You’re young. You’ll find it.”

Graham’s words touched Brent, but the intensity of the moment made him uncomfortable. Even worse, he noticed he was getting aroused.

He shifted on his pillow with a weak laugh. “Hey, no more of this ‘young’ crap, okay? You’re not that much older than I am.”

Pages or Words: 80 Pages



And now a special post from CJane Elliott

When asked ‘Can the Wild thing and the Precious thing ever be the same thing?’

Parker Williams Blog – January 7


Can the Wild thing and the Precious thing ever be the same thing?’ Your thoughts?


That is a great question and one that made me think. The title, Wild and Precious, comes from a Mary Oliver poem, The Summer’s Day. It has a famous last line: Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? I love the idea of life being both wild and precious.


The “precious thing” is pretty obvious, at least to me. Life is precious, because it’s short and we aren’t going to be around forever. Go for what you really want in your life and don’t get stuck doing what you think you “should” do. People are precious. Treasure the ones who are true friends. Love is precious, especially romantic love, because it’s rare to find that one person who “gets” you, who you can be totally yourself with.


When I think of the “wild thing”, I think of the passion that’s there in every person, perhaps deep inside, perhaps totally hidden to them. Each of us has that passion, that spirit waiting and longing to be expressed. I link that passion to what is it people would do if they could do anything, if there were no limits. That’s the “wild thing” to me. What is your life about? If you had a reason for being on the planet at this time and in this place, what would that reason be? How about giving yourself permission to go wild with expressing your unique passion into the world?


And those questions bring us back to how precious and limited our time on earth really is.


So go wild with your wild and precious self! And find another wild thing to share your life with, if that’s what makes you happy.


At the end of Wild and Precious, Brent has not only given his life over to his true passions, but he’s found the perfect partner for his journey. Now that’s a happy ending!

Tour Dates: December 31, 2014 – January 21 2015


Tour Stops:


Love Bytes



Molly Lolly



Velvet Panic


Amanda C. Stone



Dawn’s Reading Nook

Inked Rainbow Reads



Parker Williams



MM Good Book Reviews



Smoocher’s Voice



Prism Book Alliance



Hearts on Fire

Cathy Brockman Romances



Bayou Book Junkie



Cate Ashwood



Book Suburbia



My Fiction Nook



BFD Book Blog



Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings


Sales Links:




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Always Been You Cover Reveal



Author Bio:

Jess Buffett was born and raised in New South Wales, Australia. She is a mum of two, married to her high school sweetheart.

Jess is a hopeless romantic who is a huge fan of M/M and M/F romance with a happy ending—anything with hunky men in all their glory, whether they be Shifters, Vampires, Cowboys, or the boy next door.

A caffeine addict who shamefully can’t make a decent cup of coffee to save her life, Jess believes in soul mates, happily ever afters, and in love at first sight, but that sometimes people need a second or a third for the brain to catch up.

Where you can find Jess:


Facebook Author Page

Friend on Facebook

Publisher: Reckless Lovers Press

Cover Artist: Jess Buffett


After recovering from a shooting that took the lives of his best friends, Seth Hall returns to his hometown for the first time in eleven years with his two children in tow. Intent on setting up a happy, stable life for them, he vows not to allow his past to intervene with their future. That is until Jared, the boy who had broken his heart all those years ago, returns to his life a full grown man who knows exactly what he wants…Seth.


Jared Stewart thought he had lost his only chance to be with Seth after a series of misunderstandings and mistakes. When Seth finally comes home and back into Jared’s life, Jared vows to do anything it takes to keep him there. However, while Jared and Seth grow closer, they discover that not everyone is so happy for them.
Will they be finally able to make a life for themselves together? Or will they be torn apart again, by people they thought they could trust?


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance




Seth was practically screaming in the other man’s face by this point. He couldn’t believe the guys nerve. Out the corner of his eye Sal made an appearance, but hesitated in the doorway, obviously unsure as to whether or not he should interrupt.

Lightning fast, Jared grabbed his wrist, using it to pull a struggling Seth closer until they were flat up against each other. He leaned in close to Seth, whispering into his ear. “Let’s get a few things straight. I have never felt sorry for you. I did not choose a school far away from you until you told me to. Everything we discussed stayed between us, and I would never have freaked over kissing you. And I’ll be damned if I let you run away from me again.”

Seth’s eyes widened at the same time Jared crushed their lips together, searing him right down to his toes. Jared’s arms became steel bands, and they held him tight. Dear god! He did not see this coming.

Pages or Words: 60,000 words

Tour Dates: January 7th, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, The Hat Party, Molly Lolly, BFD Book Blog, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Hearts on Fire, Carly’s Book Reviews, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Love Bytes, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Kristy’s Brain Food, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Sinfully Sexy, Iyana Jenna, Elin Gregory, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, MM Good Book Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon, Velvet Panic, 3 Chicks After Dark

Wake Up Your Wild Side, Lee Brazil, Queer Town Abbey, Foxylutely Book Reviews


Sales Links:

Keep an eye on her website – for details




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