
The Adventures of Cole and Perry Cover Reveal


Author Bio:

Armed with her Batman notebook, fourth grade Amanda C. Stone was ready to start writing stories about unicorns, family members, and her imaginary friends Pink Amanda and Blue Amanda. Today, Amanda is armed with a new notebook, along with a laptop, and a never ending supply of caffeine. Her stories are about all kinds of things, but the most important aspect is people falling in love.

Where to find the author:

Newsletter Signup:

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Amanda C. Stone


It all started when Cole met Perry in a bar. Over three years they had some exciting adventures, and misadventures. The six stories included in this book are all about their journey from bar to wedding.

The Anniversary
Another cancellation of plans by his boyfriend forces Cole out to the neighborhood bar. Not long after arriving he meets Perry. Even as exciting as Perry is, he’s unsure how the night will end.

The Fight
Cole and Perry are struggling to make time for each other and constantly at each other’s throats. A fight to the death will decide who is right or wrong in their arguments. But Cole really doesn’t want to shoot Perry.

The Threesome
Deciding they want to spice up things in the bedroom, Perry wants to have a one-time threesome. Cole’s nervous and doesn’t want to ask any of their friends to join them. Perry finds the perfect solution.

The House
After two and a half years together, Cole and Perry want to buy a house. Once they find the perfect house, they get to spend their first morning together in their new space. Perry will have to help Cole decide which room is his favorite.

The Baby
Both Cole and Perry are exhausted. Taking care of a three month old is hard when she’s up all night and is always hungry. If only they could find where they put the bottle warmer.

The Wedding
Cole is ready to make his commitment to Perry life-long. After careful planning, they created the perfect event. What could possibly go wrong? If only Cole didn’t ask the same question.


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance



“Cole. I have a surprise for you. I want you to close your eyes and keep them closed until I tell you to open them.”

Cole looked up from his magazine at the doorway Perry’s voice drifted in from. He put the magazine on his nightstand and closed his eyes.

“They’re closed,” he called out. He wasn’t sure where Perry was in their apartment, but he sounded close.

Rustling and a strange squeaking noise reached his ears. Cole furrowed his brows trying to figure out what Perry was up to and what he was hearing.

“Okay. Go ahead and open your eyes.”

Cole popped his eyes open. He closed them and then re-opened them again. Nope, he still was seeing what was in front of him.

“Perry. Why is there–?”

Perry cut him off before Cole could finish his thought.

“So, we had talked about fantasies and things like that. I told you this was mine. So I’d like to introduce you to Freddy. Freddy, I’d like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Cole.”

Cole smiled at how nervous Perry was. His boyfriend was adorable trying to be brave with his ideas.

“Nice to meet you, um, Freddy. Perry, where did you meet Freddy?”

Perry had a small smile on his face that showed Cole he appreciated he was alright with what was happening.

“Online. I found Freddy on some website. Can’t remember the name now.”

Cole was stunned. His boyfriend didn’t go to those types of websites for any reason. Just meant Perry wanted to have the threesome and was willing to do it without asking one of their friends. Cole was so happy Perry had found a way to have his fantasy.


Pages or Words: Around 17,000 words





1 – What is your secret indulgence?

Not sure if it’s a secret or not. But I’ve got a major sweet tooth. Candy bars, cupcakes, cookies. Mmmm!


2 – Favorite way to unwind at the end of the day?

Reading. I read for at least an hour before I fall asleep. Sometimes not that long, but most days I need that time to decompress after being “on” all day.

Tour Dates: January 1, 2015


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Havan Fellows, Lee Brazil, Bayou Book Junkie, The Hat Party, Love Bytes, Velvet Panic, Inked Rainbow Reads, 3 Chicks After Dark, Decadent Delights, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Molly Lolly, BFD Book Blog, Amanda C. Stone, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Charley Descoteaux, Hearts on Fire, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, My Fiction Nook, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, MM Good Book Reviews, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Christy Loves To Read, Cate Ashwood


Sales Links:




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Skye Jones First Book! Claimed by Love Book Tour

Claimed by Love

Author Bio:

Skye Jones is an erotic romance author who likes to write about that moment when lust and love meet head on.
Where to find the author:
Facebook Author Page
Publisher: Liquid Silver Books
Cover Artist: Liquid Silver Books
Kayley Edwards has spent the last four years closing herself off after a vicious attack by her lover left her scarred and terrified. After fleeing her native Alaska, she ran the length of the country and began a new life in Miami far from her family and friends.

When her cousin and his friends decide to vacation nearby, he invites her to join them, saying he has important news. Determined not to let fear rule her life, Kayley agrees to meet with them, only to have her world turned upside down. His friends include the two gorgeous men who’ve haunted her dreams for months, kindling her desire, and challenging her to take a chance on love.

Pack alpha, Luke Johnson, has sensed Kayley in his visions for years. He and his mate, Sean Wallace, know she is meant to be theirs. But how will she react when she finds out the world they inhabit is one she never dreamed existed? As passions collide, Sean finds himself acting as a bridge between his strong willed alpha and a skittish Kayley. But can they break through Kayley’s defenses and convince her to join their family?

Just as it seems the three may have a future together, a ghost from Sean’s past strikes at the heart of their happiness. They must fight for everything they hold dear to win their chance at love.

Categories: Bisexual, Erotic Romance, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Romance, Paranormal


“Hey.” Luke’s deep voice sent another shiver skittering up Sean’s back. “Miss me?”

“Always.” Sean turned and buried his face in Luke’s neck. As he inhaled deeply
he heard Luke do the same. Soft lips nuzzled at him moving down until they found the mating mark he’d placed on him when they’d bonded. Luke’s tongue laved over the spot
dragging a low moan out of Sean. It always hit him deep in his belly when Luke paid attention to the sensitive area. “How did it go?” he murmured as Luke continued his ministrations.

“Crappy. The guy was a pain in the ass” Luke said with a quirk of his lips. “I mean literally. Dude had this big old set of stone thrones like something out of a movie
and he offered me the one next to him. My ass went numb about twenty minutes in.”

Sean waggled his eyebrows. “Maybe I’ll have to massage it later bring it back to life.”

“Ass CPR?” Luke snorted. “Sounds…interesting.”

Pages or Words: 84,500

Tour Dates/Stops:


Up All Night, Read All Day



Amanda C. Stone



Christy Loves To Read



Love Bytes



Wake Up Your Wild Side

MM Good Book Reviews



Dawn’s Reading Nook

Bayou Book Junkie



Prism Book Alliance



Charley Descoteaux

Molly Lolly



BFD Book Blog



Carly’s Book Reviews

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Velvet Panic

Multitasking Mommas
Carly’s Book Reviews

Sales Links:

Rafflecopter Prize: E-copy of ‘Claimed by Love’

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Just Stay Book Blast



Author Bio:

Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Aria enjoys the year round sunshine and laid back environment of the west coast. She lives with her husband and two children on a quiet hill that gives her lots of time to read and write. Her first series was a semi-traditional look at sexy gigs found online. She has now ventured into the exciting M/M world of gay erotica. She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to drop her a note or visit her at

Where to find the author:


Twitter: @ariagracebooks


Publisher: Surrendered Press

Cover Artist: Sexy Men Pix


When Spencer agreed to help take down the leader of a Portland crime family, he didn’t realize he’d end the night with the bloodied body of an unknowing accomplice in his arms. His initial interest in Dylan was purely physical but when Dylan stepped in front of Topher’s gun and saved Spencer, the lust quickly turned into something more. Something he wasn’t sure he’d ever find in the fast-paced dot com world he was from.

For mature readers.


Categories: M/M Romance



He looks over his shoulder at his back, straining to see the smeared blood. “This should be fun.”

I turn around and step back to him. “Oh, right. Well, um, I can, you know, help with your back…if you want.”

Dylan’s eyes drop to my crotch and slowly trail up to my face. “Sure, if you don’t mind.”

I silently follow him into the bathroom. He turns on the bath faucet and sets the temperature. Looking down at his boxers then back at me, he steps over the side of the tub and lowers himself into the rising water, careful to keep his bandages dry. “Ahh, that fucking hurts but it feels good.”

I reach for the bar of soap and unwrap the delicate paper surrounding it. Dipping it in the water with a hand towel, I lather it up. “Lean forward a little.”

Dylan looks deeply into my eyes before scooting forward and resting his cheek on the side of the tub. With gentle strokes, I wash away the smears of blood on his back and side. When there isn’t anything left on his back, I hold my breath and move the towel to the outside of his bronze bicep.

One eye peeks open and Dylan smiles faintly without stopping me. “I could just fall asleep.”

“Well, I probably can’t lift you out without hurting your shoulder so try to stay awake for another minute.” With much more force, I run the sudsy towel over the front of his torso, stopping about an inch from the waist band of his wet boxers.

Pages or Words: 240 pages

Tour Dates: December 29th, 2014


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Molly Lolly, Amanda C. Stone, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, Queer Town Abbey, Bayou Book Junkie, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, The Hat Party, Love Bytes, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Hearts on Fire, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Velvet Panic, Nephylim, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Fallen Angel Reviews, Jade Crystal, Andrew Q. Gordon, Cathy Brockman Romances, 3 Chicks After Dark


Sales Links:







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Nights Like These Cover Reveal



Author Bio:

CHRIS SCULLY lives in Toronto, Canada where she grew up spinning romantic stories in her head. When the tedium of a corporate day job grew too much, she took a chance and found her creative escape in writing. Always searching for something different, she has discovered a home in M/M romance and strives to give her characters the happy endings they deserve.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Bree Archer


Starting over sucks. At forty, Miles Koprowski thought he had life all figured out. He had a nice car, a hot young lover, and a cushy job… and then he didn’t. Call it fate, or karma, or a downturn in the market, but this opinionated cynic is now forced to play rent-a-cop in a dying office building in the burbs just to make ends meet. Throw in an unhinged ex, a coworker who hates him, and a hot new boss, and suddenly everything is uncertain.

Miles doesn’t plan on liking the night shift or becoming embroiled in a mystery that reawakens old passions and puts him in danger. And he certainly doesn’t plan on falling for the overbearing head of security, Colton Decker, former soldier and doting dad. But nights like these can change a man, make him start to believe there’s more to life than a high paying job and a warm body in his bed. With a thief on the loose and his new job in jeopardy, Miles will have to decide what’s truly important. He might discover things he never knew he wanted… as long as he makes it through the night.



Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery



“Why don’t you watch where you’re going, dumb—” I managed to sputter before my mouth stopped working entirely and dropped open. The ability to speak, to think, deserted me at the first sight of the hunky stranger standing in front of me, his face contorted with apology as he tried to mop up my sodden jacket with a handful of napkins. He was a few inches taller than me—closer to six feet—and on the stocky side. His broad shoulders filled out a nicely tailored suit, and he projected an air of confidence that I’d never be able to pull off in a million years. He was clean-shaven too, with a dark buzz cut that made me long to run a hand over his head simply to feel the texture. And gorgeous. Did I happen to mention that?

In short, he was the kind of guy you’d want to be stranded with on a deserted island; the kind you could count on to save you. If you were so inclined. Me? I didn’t need saving.

A pair of friendly, light-colored eyes now stared back at me, bemused. Odd that his lips were moving, but no sound was coming out.

“What?” I asked, blinking back to attention. I couldn’t remember the last time anyone had literally made me speechless. Me, Miles Koprowski, who never met a silence he didn’t want to fill.

Hell, I couldn’t recall the last time I’d been on the receiving end of a full-body pat-down either. At least not so quickly. His hands were still drifting over my chest, wiping up the last drips of coffee, and the simple touch was doing alarming things to my heart rate.

“Are you okay?” he demanded. “Did you get burned?” Before I could react, he seized my wrist and held my hand up for inspection. Strong, lightly calloused fingers, I added to my mental list. Working hands. Dumbly, I looked down. The skin on the back of my right hand was red and stung like a son of a bitch, but it wasn’t blistering. I did flinch slightly when he skimmed his thumb over the sensitive area, but not from pain, more from the touch itself. My entire body lit up, as though I’d stuck a finger in an electrical socket. “It doesn’t look too bad. I think you’ll live. Put some aloe on it when you get home.”

“Doctor?” I croaked, because really, that would be too perfect.

“Nope. Just seen a lot of injuries.” His lips twitched with barely contained amusement. “Sorry to disappoint you.” Sense of humor, check.



Words: 69,000




I’m glad to have Chris Scully as a guest here on Parker. You might say I’m hooked on her books.

The first time I read a book by her, it was ‘Inseparable’:
After a car accident, Adam wakes up in a hospital room with no memory and a man named Joe, who acts like his boyfriend. So when Joe says Adam is straight—and Joe’s not—and they’re just best friends and roommates, Adam is more than a little confused. But as Adam starts to fill in the gaps, the one thing that becomes apparent is that Joe is the missing piece that can’t be replaced

It was a very light story (though it did have a few moments of angst), and I devoured it. Joe and Adam were…. wow. Together they were amazing, especially after they cut through all the misconceptions about their relationship. I wrote to Chris and begged (hey, I ain’t proud) for another story. This led to her writing ‘When Adam Kissed Me’:
Nine and a half weeks ago, Joe Massone got the surprise of his life when his straight best friend and secret crush, Adam, kissed him. At the time, Adam was recovering from an accident that left him with temporary amnesia and broken ribs, so Joe isn’t sure if he should take it seriously. Is Adam really gay? Or was the blow to his head to blame? Having secretly loved Adam since they were teenagers, Joe doesn’t want to get his hopes up and have his heart broken. 

Despite that first kiss, Joe and Adam are still in limbo—now more than friends, but not quite lovers. Adam’s injuries have meant they can’t take their relationship to the next level, and for Joe, not much has changed from when they were just best friends and roommates. He starts to think neither of them is ready to take that final step. 

Patience stretched to the limit, Adam makes plans to break the stalemate. But when Joe sabotages things by inviting their friends along, Adam is left to wonder if their new relationship is over before it’s even started. Before he gives up, though, he’s determined to prove to Joe he wants more than just a kiss.
Having Joe and Adam back was totally squee worthy for me. I knocked everything else aside for a chance to read this story, and Chris did NOT disappoint me.
Basically what I’m saying is that I adore her writing. The style is so clean and the characters are so realistic, you can’t help but get pulled into her worlds, and then make them your home.

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, The Hat Party, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Queer Town Abbey, Havan Fellows, Amanda C. Stone, Gaylist Book Reviews Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Love Bytes, Fallen Angel Reviews, Molly Lolly, Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, EE Montgomery, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, MM Good Book Reviews, My Fiction Nook, Cate Ashwood, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Velvet Panic, Andrew Q. Gordon, Kristy’s Brain Food

Sales Links:





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Trouble Comes in Threes Book Tour


Author Bio:

M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!

When not writing, she’s exploring the latest M/M novel to hit the market, watching her beloved Steelers, or sitting glued to HGTV. That’s if she’s not on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two children.

She was a finalist in the Rainbow awards for 2013.


Author Contact:

Drop by her blog at

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond


A snowstorm in the South—on New Year’s Eve—is a perfect recipe for a catastrophe. After two soul-crushing bad breaks, Kirk’s waiting for disaster number three to strike when naturally, two stray cats arrive on his doorstep during the storm and decide to make themselves at home. Tenderhearted Kirk lets them stay even though there’s something decidedly odd about his overly friendly felines.


Out of the punishing weather, and full of tuna, Dolf and Tal are happy to be snug in Kirk’s house. But then their human goes outside for firewood and suffers a nasty fall that leaves him unconscious. Now the two cats have no choice but to reveal themselves.


Kirk wakes up to find the two kitties are actually Dolf and Tal. They’re cat shifters—and his destined mates. Being part of a feline threesome is enough for Kirk to grapple with, but soon he learns they come from a clowder that doesn’t believe humans and shifters should mix. Kirk knew those two cats would be trouble. Little does he know the real trouble lies ahead.




Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Menage/Poly, Paranormal, Romance



Dolf picked out the saw he wanted, then followed Tal to another aisle. His mate pointed out the different kinds, but Tal’s words had rapidly faded into a meaningless buzz. There, on the air currents in the store, was the sweetest scent. It was light and flowery, reminding him of honeysuckle. He breathed deeply, taking the scent into himself. His cock hardened immediately and his head spun. A yowl threatened to escape.

That scent… that scent was seductive and alluring. It spoke to him, whispering things that made him need. His cat paced frantically in his mind, tail slashing madly. The need to pounce, to sink his canines in and drink that sweet, life-giving blood of his…. His gums tingled and saliva flooded his mouth.

He swallowed, then swallowed again as his head pounded, his heart rate spiking as one thought screamed through his mind: Mate! Another mate! Where was that scent coming from? Or who? And by the goddess, why? He already had a mate. What was their goddess thinking, giving him another? But he couldn’t ignore the reaction. It had been the same when he met Tal.

Pages: 234





1 – A list of your previous works, so that people know more about you.

The Nighttime series:

~Nighttime Wishes:




~Nighttime Dreams – Book #2


~Nighttime Promises – Book #3



The Gods series:




~Priceless French translation:

~Perfect – #2




~Pure – #3



The Bad Boys Club series: (this is a dark themed series)
~Lust and Ice


~Into the Darkness – #2 book


~Haunting the Night – #3


Moonlit Skies series
~Be My Alien




~Be My Human:

Leap of Faith series:
~Shadows in the Night:


~To Touch the Sky: Coming in March/April from DsP

The Wrapped UP series

~Wrapped in Leather:


The Harvest

~The Harvest: Taken 2nd edition:





~The Harvest: Journey’s End – Coming early Jan 2015

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2 – Why kitty shifters?

Why not kitty shifters, lol? *looks all innocent and stuff* Okay, okay, that’s not an answer. The why is a little more involved. While I like just about all shifters, cats are my fave. They’re a little mysterious. There’s a hint of danger that clings to them. Think not? Then you’ve never been stalked by a cat! It’s an experience, trust me. Cats can take you or leave you. They don’t slobber all over ya. *Snicker* Now the hubby is another matter.


So, you’ve probably figured out I have a cat. His name is Kitty-Kitty. Yes, he’s an independent little cuss, but I like that. And believe me, when he wants my attention, he gets it. One way or another, lol. And believe it or not, he comes when I whistle, and he plays chase too. He, ah, just does it in his own cat-like way.


~Do you plan to visit this world again?

Oh, absolutely. I’ve already started on the second book. Fur, Fangs, and Felines is the series name. The titles are based on clichés. The tentative title for #2 is Behind the Eight Ball and is about one of the betas, Heller. If you read the book, you’ll see Heller has issues with humans. *grins* Bet you know what direction that’ll take me!

Poor kitty.


~What was the most difficult part of writing this book?

Getting the worldbuilding down and making sure it made sense. I love it and I hate it. Worldbuilding makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, and keeps me up nights tossing and turning, lol. I firmly believe there has to be an element of realism even to things that don’t exist. I also think…. Oh, um, I seem to have someone tapping me on the shoulder here and…. I see. *glares at the person* Okay, fine!

So, Dolf, one of the characters, said just because we don’t *think* they exist doesn’t mean they don’t.

*Sigh* That’s the thing about cats. They are opinionated and gotta have the last word, lol.


~What was the most satisfying?

*Snort* Dealing with this group? Writing the end was the most satisfying, lol. The book gave me fits. I ripped it to shreds, moved whole pages, cut things, added stuff, screamed, cried, and drove my betas completely insane. Which they would tell you is nothing new when dealing with me.

*snicker* Poor betas.


~And finally, how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Oh, well, that’s depends on if she sells seashells by the seashore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I’m sure she sells seashore shells! It all depends on how many seashells she sells at the seashore.



Thanks for putting up with my special brand of insanity!


 Tal 300x450 Dolf 300x450

~art work by August (Gus) Li


Tour Dates/Stops:


Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Multitasking Mommas

Hearts on Fire



Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves


It’s Raining Men

Rainbow Gold Reviews



BFD Book Blog

Love Bytes

Velvet Panic

MM Good Book Reviews



Wake Up Your Wild Side

The Hat Party

The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat

 Michael Mandrake

Full Moon Dreaming



Because Two Men Are Better Than One

My Fiction Nook

Amanda C. Stone



Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

All I Want and More Books

Prism Book Alliance



Inked Rainbow Reads

Cathy Brockman Romances



Molly Lolly



Queer Town Abbey

Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

Parker Williams



Cate Ashwood

Fallen Angel Reviews

3 Chicks After Dark

Sales Links:





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