
Christmas, snow and…a merman? Book Blast


MT1 - Final

Author Bio:

Beany lives in Western Australia. She first started reading romance novels in 2008, but it wasn’t until January 2010 when her Kindle got delivered that the world of erotic romance opened its doors to her, and she hasn’t looked back.
With suggestions and support from friends, her muse—“affectionately” known as PITA—was finally able to break free, and in January 2014 her first story was written. Since she can’t put PITA back in his box, Beany has decided to give in and team up with him. Together they’ve made plans to write both MF and MM stories.


Where to find the author:



Beany Mail

Beany’s Website

Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Latrisha Waters



It’s up to Calder to show his Christmas-hating merman what the season is really about.


Calder lives a quiet life in his cabin on the edge of the bay. He has his best friend Erik and for now, that’s enough. Then his life takes an unexpected turn when an event causes him to come face-to-face with a real merman.

Tamesis knows that soon the waters will freeze over, which means that dreaded time of the year is coming—Christmas. As a merman he is not affected by the change in water temperature, but when it freezes over he can no longer spend his days watching the man on the shore. That all changes when Calder falls into Tamesis’s world.

The more the two get to know each other, the more they start to care, but will they be brave enough to admit their feelings? Or will Tamesis end up with an even bigger reason to hate Christmas?


Categories: Fantasy, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



The man ducked his head in what Calder guessed was embarrassment. “Forgive me, my name is Tamesis.”

“Nice to meet you, Tamesis, my name is Calder.” Calder would have held out his hand, but he didn’t want to move from his cocoon.

“Yes, I know,” Tamesis said as he smiled at him.

Calder frowned. “How do you know my name?”

Calder watched, fascinated as Tamesis blushed. Between the blush and Tamesis’s green hair, it reminded Calder of Christmas.

I need to figure out a way to get home.

“Uh, well you see, I’ve been watching you,” Tamesis admitted.

Calder raised an eyebrow at that. “Because that doesn’t sound creepy at all.”

“It doesn’t?” Tamesis looked relieved.

Okay…Looks like he doesn’t understand sarcasm.

“I’m sorry, it sounds very creepy actually. I was being sarcastic when I said it didn’t.”


Calder watched as Tamesis seemed to slump down in his position, all while still lying on his side next to Calder. A feeling of sadness flooded him and Calder realised that it was like all of the other times he’s felt emotions flood him when he’d looked out over Hudson Bay. Giving into his instincts, he snuggled a little closer to Tamesis, who tightened his arms around Calder. In that moment Calder realised that not only was Tamesis holding him, but they were both naked.

“Um, Tam? Why are we naked?” he asked, then looked up into Tamesis’s eyes.

“You were cold, I had to save you. The clothes would have hindered that,” Tamesis replied, but he looked confused for some reason.

“I see, and how did you save me? How were you able to survive without needing to be saved yourself?” Calder asked curiously. His curiosity grew when he saw Tamesis gulp and seem to gather his courage.

“The cold does not affect me—”

“Why not?” Calder interrupted.

“Because.” Tamesis paused and looked into Calder’s eyes, almost as if he was searching for something. He must have found it because he continued, and what he said shocked Calder right to his core.

“I’m a merman.”

Pages or Words: 21,412 words

Tour Dates: December 24th, 2014


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Bayou Book Junkie, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Christy Loves To Read, The Hat Party, BFD Book Blog, Cathy Brockman Romances, Elin Gregory, Molly Lolly, My Fiction Nook, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Queer Town Abbey, Fallen Angel Reviews, Carly’s Book Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Hearts on Fire, Love Bytes


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My Mate, Jack Book Blast



Author Bio:

Rainbow Award winner Garrett Leigh is a British writer and book designer, currently working for Dreamspinner Press, Loose Id, Riptide Publishing, and Black Jazz Press. Her protagonists will always always be tortured, crippled, broken, and deeply flawed. Throw in a tale of enduring true love, some stubbly facial hair, and a bunch of tattoos, and you’ve got yourself a Garrett special.


When not writing, Garrett can generally be found procrastinating on Twitter, cooking up a storm, or sitting on her behind doing as little as possible. That, and dreaming up new ways to torture her characters. Garrett believes in happy endings; she just likes to make her boys work for it.


Garrett also works as a freelance cover artist for various publishing houses and independent authors under the pseudonym G.D. Leigh. For cover art info, please visit

Where to find the author:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: G.D. Leigh


Will Barter’s been in love with his best mate Jack for as long as he can remember. They’ve shared everything: love, life, laughs, even Will’s first kiss. But Jack’s straight, and Will’s long-buried infatuation means nothing until their last summer together draws to a close.


Then one night, everything changes, but with Will bound for university in Leeds, and Jack for his dream DJ job in Ibiza, there’s no time to explore their blurred lines. Before long all that’s left are secrets, lies, and misunderstandings.


In the months that follow, anger and hurt overshadow fifteen years of friendship, and Will must dig deep to remember Jack is his mate… his best mate, and nothing matters more than that, right?


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



“So, are you game, or what?”
Will blinked. “Eh?”
Jack laughed. He lay back on Will’s bed and folded his arms behind

his head, all dark eyes and shaggy hair. “You’re such a dreamer. No wonder you don’t notice any blokes. I was saying we could practice kissing if you want. You know, so you’re not nervous next time the bottle lands on you.”

This time Will couldn’t stop the beer going down the wrong way. He coughed. “Next time? What are you going to do? Out me to the whole school by snogging my face off? I’d rather smooch the girls.”

“Liar.” But Jack looked sheepish all the same. “Okay, maybe we shouldn’t mess around in front of other people, but I still reckon you should try your techniques out on me. Ginny says I’m the best kisser in the whole school, and she should know.” Jack swooned and pitched into a fit of weed-fueled giggles.

Will dove at him and pushed him off the other side of the bed. “It’s not funny, arsehole. I’m the only gay in the whole bloody town. I’m going to die a virgin at this rate.”

Jack hit the floor with a thump. He lay there a moment, still laughing, then hauled himself back onto the bed. “Chill out, mate. No one said anything about bonking.”

Will tried to grin. Chill out. Yeah, right. Jack had been taking the piss since that stupid bloody bottle had put the idea of them kissing in his daft head. “You’re not funny.”

Jack sobered and stared with an expression Will couldn’t decipher. “I wasn’t joking, at least not about the kissing part. We’re friends, right? Ginny and Meg snog all the time.”

He had a point. The girls were always messing around with each other, and Will had often watched them and maligned the fact that girls had it easy… from his point of view, at least. They could do whatever they wanted and no one cared. It would be a different story if Will jumped on Jack in the middle of the park. Snogged his face off and squeezed his arse.

So why not do it here? No one will ever know.

Pages or Words: 104 pages

Tour Dates: December 23, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Velvet Panic, Havan Fellows, Lee Brazil, Bayou Book Junkie, Love Bytes, EE Montgomery, 3 Chicks After Dark, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Molly Lolly, BFD Book Blog, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Carly’s Book Reviews, Charley Descoteaux, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Sinfully Sexy, Fallen Angel Reviews, Dawn’s Reading Nook, MM Good Book Reviews, Up All Night, Read All Day, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Cate Ashwood, Christy Loves To Read


Sales Links:

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Shifting Gears – Shifting Paradigm Book Two Book Blast



Author Bio:

Tina is a retired Air Force brat and has lived in several states as well as a handful of countries. She has always had a soft spot for literature and is a voracious reader. When she isn’t writing, she can be found cuddled up with a good book. Though Tina adores a thrilling novel with sappy lovesick heroes, she is terrified of things that go bump in the night. This makes for quite a complicated relationship with zombies, something that she just can’t get enough of.

Where to find the author:



LinkedIn: Tina Blenke

Instagram: tinablenke



Tumblr: tinablenke

Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Latrisha Waters


Justin has graduated high school and feels the pull to find his destined mate away from the sanctuary of his Shifter family. He makes the decision to leave the sacred Pack Lands to enter the world of the Changeless humans. Only one other Shifter has ever left the sacred homelands searching for his mate and Justin is hopeful that he’ll be just as successful but the threat of violence against Shifters is ever threatening as conflict escalates.

Connor has worked hard to make a name for himself. He is an influential member of society with contacts with the business and political leaders of Whitewater. He owns and manages a successful nightclub that is soon branching off into additional prospects that will open even more red carpet opportunities for him. Everything is falling into place for him financially but he has no one with whom to share his accomplishments.

Justin makes the decision to move to the city and meets his mate when Connor hits him with his car. Connor’s initial reaction is to push Justin away because of his young age but the draw to the young Shifter is too much for Connor to resist. Justin struggles with finding his own way and fights for the chance to prove himself to Connor.

Justin is faced with making the right decisions so he doesn’t push Connor away while fighting with his own wolf to maintain control of his mind and his body. He fights with his own self-doubt in the hopes of proving to Connor that he doesn’t need the man’s success he only needs the man.


Categories: Alternate Universe, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Paranormal



The hospital room was easy enough to find once Jason let the central desk know who he was looking for. At the end of the long white hall was a bay of rooms, set in a circular pattern around the nurses’ station and Justin’s room was on the far right. Glass doors allowed Jason to see into the room and see his cousin’s smiling face talking to a doctor in a long white lab coat. The room was filled with a half dozen vases filled with colorful flowers ranging from wild flowers to orchids and even roses. Odd considering Justin only knew Jason and Eric in the city and Justin’s family hadn’t been contacted about the accident.

Justin beamed when Jason entered the room holding his own bouquet of daisies and a get well card purchased from the downstairs gift shop. Justin lay propped upright with his left leg in a cast and elevated on a stack of pillows. An IV was hooked to his arm and a few scratches covered his forearms and left cheek but other than that he looked good. The benefits of youth had been on his side when the accident occurred.

Pages or Words: 93 pages, 19,009 words

Tour Dates: December 23, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, The Hat Party, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, My Fiction Nook, Bayou Book Junkie, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, BFD Book Blog, MM Good Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Crystal’s Many Reviewers, Carly’s Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Queer Town Abbey, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Fallen Angel Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon


Sales Links:




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Down Under Author Showcase

DownUnder_January Is Banner


January is Down Under Author Showcase Month!
How many trips of a lifetime begin by opening a book or turning a page? Are Australia and New
Zealand at the top of your “most desired vacation” destinations? Well, beginning in January, you can
begin your journey to these faraway places through the books and stories of 28 Down Under writers.
For the entire month of January, Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words is showcasing 28 authors
from Australia and New Zealand. Journey by way of these authors stories and settings through
the mountainous regions and rocky coasts, and cities of New Zealand, or the vastly different and
beautiful territories of Australia! Get to know the authors and let them act as your travel guides,
introducing you to faraway countries, places they call home.
Think everyone in the US, CAN, AUS, and NZ all speak the same English? Oh the joy of discovering
what an “esky”, “chilly bin”, “jandals”, “mozzie” or even a “woop-woop” is. Each day brings a new
author, new books, new giveaways and, yes, new surprises.
In addition to these wonderful authors and their novels, Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words
has multiple event prizes to be awarded to readers who participate in the Down Under Author
Showcase Scavenger Hunt. Visit each author’s page in January, search out the Scavenger Hunt
word or phrase, and then follow the directions on the Showcase page at our website.
For all the details and information for our first January Down Under Author Showcase, visit

Check out our participating authors below (in no particular order):

N.R. Walker
Christian Baines
Anne Barwell
Nic Starr
Renae Kaye
Meredith Shayne
John Terry Moore
John Wiltshire
Lily Veldon
Barry Lowe
L.J. LaBarthe
Beany Sparks
Jack Burnes
Nicki J. Markus
Michelle Rae
A.B. Gayle
Lisa Harris
Isabelle Rowan
N.J. Nielson
Bette Browne
Lisa Henry
Toni Griffin Pelaam
RJ Jones
Penny Brandon
Cecil Wilde
Ellen Cross
Maggie Nash

Plus Down Under publishers:
Wayward Ink Press
And coming in May 2015, Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words’ First Annual Authors
Across The Pond Showcase.

Hot Reads For The Trevor Project

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**Author Bios**


– Rain Carrington
When she isn’t taking out gay bashers with her mean right hook she is at her desk writing steamy stories of man on man love. Rain also spends time with her beloved family and friends and in her spare time maybe sleeps for a few hours.

Rain is an ally in the gay rights crusade, she also loves animals and tries her best to stop animal abuse.

She is at her desk now getting some of her other stories ready for publication and will let them out as she they are ready so keep an eye out for Cabin Fever next!

– Bey Deckard
Born and raised in a small coastal town in northern Québec, Bey spent his early summers on his uncle’s boat and running wild on the beaches of the surrounding islands, lighting fires and building huts out of driftwood and fishermen’s nets. As an adult, he eventually made his way to university and earned a degree in Art History with a strong focus on Anthropology. Primarily a portrait painter and graphic artist, Bey sat down one day and decided to write about the two things that he felt most passionate about: sex and the sea.

Bey currently lives in the wilds of Montréal with his best buddy, a spotty pit bull named Murphy. Caged: Love and Treachery on the High Seas is his first novel.

– Varian Krylov
Since her girlhood in a sunny coastal town in California, Varian Krylov has nurtured a love of words and a curiosity about the deep, dark forces at work in human nature, especially sexuality, and how they often paradoxically twine with our tenderest impulses. Her stories tend to explore the sometimes fine line between what arouses, and what frightens, what we’re driven to, and what we’re ashamed of.

As witty and seductive as I am sarcastic and self-deprecating, I spend as much time as possible thinking and writing about sex. No, not dense, inscrutable post-feminist texts on media representations of gender and the body–that was grad school. I write stories–short stories, novels, and starting a few weeks ago, screenplays–most of which poke and prod and the dark little corners of human sexuality. In a sense, nothing’s taboo, anymore. There’s no act, no fetish that hasn’t been made utterly banal in the proliferation of porn. What intrigues and excites me is the exploration of the conflicting impulses, the twisted psychology and turbulent emotions of people who find themselves unable to resist desires that lie beyond their own moral boundaries.

– Mathew Ortiz
Mathew Ortiz was born in Nuremburg Germany in 197O, the son of a quiet Army man and his loud Hungarian wife. Spending only two years in Germany, his family relocated to Fort Smith, Arkansas where he spent his youth in exile. Here is where he attended primary school and college, obtaining a degree in Nursing. He moved to Phoenix and met the bane and love of his life, Tim. When not on his laptop watching Are You Being Served or Keeping Up Appearances, Matt can be found either napping or reading with gusto.

– Joseph Lance Tonlet
Joseph is a born and raised Southern Californian–with a twenty-year stint of living in the Midwest. He loves the laid-back lifestyle of San Diego and considers himself lucky to live where people dream of vacationing.

A lifelong reader of m/m fiction, he began his writing career one night sitting at his MacBook and has never looked back. He writes to bring the characters he dreams about to life.

– Brad Vance
Brad Vance writes gay romance, erotica and paranormal stories and novels, including the breakout hits “A Little Too Broken” and “Given the Circumstances.” Keep up with Brad at, email him at, and friend him on Facebook at


**About the package**


PACKAGE NAME: Hot Reads For The Trevor Project


Get ready to lower your thermostat because your winter is about to get hot! For a limited time only, get SIX great reads by some of the hottest authors in M/M! A guilt-free guilty pleasure at an incredibly low price with all proceeds going to The Trevor Project!




Founded in 1998 by the creators of the Academy Award®-winning short film TREVOR, The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.





By Rain Carrington

In the Land of Enchantment, New Mexico, lives a man who has secrets. Levi Kape watches people at a bar nightly, writing things in his notebook and trying to blend in with the locals. His secrets keep him from getting close to anyone until Bobby Dawes comes off the road after a long haul in his 18-wheeler. After getting to know Bobby, he realizes he’d never been close to anyone. That was about to change.


Levi can’t settle down and not because he doesn’t want to, but because it could endanger his life. Bobby is a gentle, loving and strong man who doesn’t do commitment. He’s also a man that Levi wants more than anything, including his own safety.


Danger causes Levi to leave but he can’t forget the truck driver that drove into his life, changing everything. When Levi leaves, Bobby goes back onto the road, trying to forget the “Golden God” he’d fallen for, but with some help from friends with connections to dark people and places, Bobby finds his man and swears never to let him go again.


Can they save each other not only from the men who want Levi dead but from years of never seeking or finding the love they found in one another? Will the ultimate betrayal cost them the trust they need to make it work between them? Can Bobby save him, or be lost in a dark world alone…



By Bey Deckard

Sheltered and lonely, Jon’s life changes drastically when a strange ship sails into the harbour of his small port town one day. Trapped between the possessive pirate captain and his murderous first mate, he must learn to adapt or he will lose himself completely. An epic tale of love, treachery and revelation, this first installment of the Baal’s Heart trilogy brings you into the lives of three men so bound together by jealousy and lies that they must sail to the very ends of the earth to find forgiveness.


Deckard’s first novel is a masterful portrayal of sorrow, hope, and passion, with a narrative that twists the reader through a world set in the Golden Age of Piracy. A thrilling look into the darker side of human nature, Caged effortlessly melds serious historical fantasy with five star erotica.



By Varian Krylov

Aidan has always played it safe. Instead of pursuing his dream of creating innovative music that makes his soul sing, he settled for a degree in software, a job in a cubicle, and a spot in a generic band with his buddies.


And he’s always been straight. But when he’s seduced by magnetic local literary luminary Dario, Aidan must decide whether to keep playing it safe, or succumb to a ravenous passion and a nourishing love unlike anything he’s experienced before. Will he find the courage to go after real happiness if it means admitting he’s in love with a man?


Their journey together isn’t easy. Sometimes it isn’t safe. Even if Aidan has the courage to admit he’s in love with Dario, can he endure the repercussions of the traumatic event in Dario’s past?



By Mathew Ortiz

Duncan Blackthorne carried a heavy burden for one so young. One of the most powerful witches of the Earth Clans, his singular ability to control fire was both blessing and curse. The wallflower of his family, they had no idea of what turbulent waters churned under his calm surface. Never expecting to find love, he trudged through life, expecting nothing. Until the man in his dreams became more real and insistent, Duncan realized his dream lover was so much more than expected. Suddenly he had a real world dominant that rocked his body and a dreaming ghost lover who captured his heart. Now what the hell was witch to do?



By Joseph Lance Tonlet

Grif believes he’ll live his life as a virgin. After all, who would want him? How could anyone find him, a guy who came with less than man-sized equipment, worthy of their love?


What he hadn’t counted on were the two amazing men who would change his life. After entering college, he meets Tate, his fun-loving roommate. While years later, with Tate now just a memory, Wes, a handsome, rugged ex-marine who runs his own security firm enters his life.


Both men lead Grif through a twisted mesh of pleasure, pain, and denial, as they force him to see his value, despite his size and insecurities.



By Brad Vance

Sam Bradford is a down-on-his-luck former Special Forces soldier when he meets Derek Constantine, sexually confused billionaire. Together the two men will play a series of games that bring them ever closer together…and which in the end may be the death of them…


Sam’s Reluctant Submission

Sam’s down to his last five dollars when he meets Derek, who makes him an offer – come to my estate for a manhunt, evade me for two days, and you’ll make ten grand…but if I catch you, you surrender your ass to me! Sam’s got SERE training and he’s pretty sure his straight ass is safe, but anything can happen when the hunt is on…


Sam’s Reluctant Submission II: Urban Manhunt

In Part I, Sam lost his ass to Derek, but kept something more important – Derek submitted him, but didn’t break him, and that’s what Derek really wanted. Now Derek wants a rematch – fifty grand for an urban manhunt, if Sam evades Derek’s crew…if he doesn’t, it’s four on one and Sam’s ass is toast!


Sam’s Reluctant Submission III: Search and Rescue

In Part 2, Sam lost his ass to Derek again – and loved it! Which left him wondering if he was gay after all. Maybe a three way with Jake and Eddie will help him figure that out… And when Derek calls Sam to get his help with a search and rescue effort, what sexual sparks might be generated if they clash again in a “threematch”?


Sam’s Reluctant Submission IV: Avenging Devils

The epic conclusion to the saga of Sam and Derek! When Derek’s dark past rears its head to jeopardize the couple and their friends Jake and Eddie, Sam will have to call on his old Special Forces buddies to do battle with The Factory, a malevolent cartel bent on revenge. Will Sam and Derek rescue Eddie from his kidnappers? Will seeing Sam explore his top side with Eddie make Derek jealous…or make him want Sam to do that to him? Most frightening and dangerous of all, will Derek finally say the L word!


BONUS STORY – Eddie’s MMA Submission – the story of Sam’s friends Eddie and Jake

Eddie works across the street from Downtown Fight Academy. And he can’t stop thinking about Jake, the hot MMA fighter he ran into at the store. When Jake offers to train him, Eddie’s ready to throw down in the Octagon. But when Jake has him submitted, and pulls out a weapon you won’t see on TV, will Eddie tap out…or take the punishment?