
Christmas in His Heart Book Tour


beacon hill at night


Author Bio:


Somewhere in a small town in up-state New York are a librarian and a second grade teacher to whom I owe my life. That might be a touch dramatic, but it’s nevertheless one hundred percent true.

Because they taught me the joy of reading, of escaping into worlds crafted of words.

Have you ever been nine years old and sure of nothing so much as that you don’t belong? Looked at the world from behind glasses, and wondered why you don’t fit?

Someone hands you a book, and then you turn the page and see… There you are, running from Injun Joe in a dark graveyard; there you are fencing with Athos; there you are…beneath the deep blue sea- marveling at exotic creatures with Captain Nemo.

I found myself between the pages of books, and that is why I write now. It’s why I taught English and literature for so many years, and it’s why my house contains more pounds of books than furniture.

If I’d had my way, I’d have been a fencer…or a starship captain, or a lawyer, or a detective solving crimes. But instead, I am a writer, and I’ve come to realize that’s the best thing in the world to be, because as a writer, I can be all those things and more.

If I hadn’t learned to value the stories between the pages, who knows what would have happened? Certainly not college…teaching…or writing.




I annoy, love, respect, scare, seduce, hurt, anger, infatuate, frustrate, flatter, envy, amuse and tolerate everyone. I just do it better in writing thanks to a little thing called…edits.


Okay no, seriously…I’m a simpleminded person who enjoys the escape from real life through a book. I write with the group Story Orgy and hope to continue doing so for a long time. I also am privileged to be with the Pulp Friction writers, creating intermingling books in a world all our own. And just like every other red-blooded human—I love hearing from people. So feel free to drop me a line—whether it’s a comment on my blog, an email, a tweet, or you track me down on FaceBook or Google +…it’s easy to catch someone who wants to be caught.

Author Contact:

Lee Brazil’s Group on Facebook:

Lee Brazil on Twitter: @LeeBrazil

Havan Fellows on Twitter: @Havanfellows

Lee Brazil on Pinterest:

Havan Fellows on PInterest:

Publisher: Lime Time Press

Cover Artist: Laura Harner


Christmastime brings joy to hearts everywhere. Between snow angels, festive clothing, holiday decorations, and of course, all the beautiful lights, it’s hard not to partake in the season.


Unless you no longer have Christmas in your heart.

Dermot Alasdair has never shared the horrific memories that keep him from celebrating the happiest time of the year, nor does he ever plan to. He’s fine being alone and shut off from everyone; he has his restaurant and that’s all he needs. He believes that, too…until the craft store next door from his eatery hires a perpetually smiling annoyance. Really, it isn’t normal for someone to be that happy all the time.

Xander Leahman didn’t know what he was getting into when he accepted an invitation to visit his best friend and help her interview people for the newly created position of manager at Craft Time. When a surly man bumps into him and then walks away with an enticing sway to his hips, Xander decides the position—and Dermot—are perfect for him. Now all he can think of is finding ways to get Dermot out of his clothes. Well that, and how to open this grinch’s heart to the Christmas season and, hopefully, love.



Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, Romance, Holiday



“Hey! Good morning!”

The cheerful greeting broke through his concentration, and Dermot looked up to see the new manager of the Craft Time craft store sweeping the sidewalk in front of the shop. “Hey,” he muttered sourly. Xander Leahman made his head ache. Just one glance and he wanted to snap at the man to comb his hair, put on a heavier jacket, and for Christ sakes why wasn’t he wearing gloves outside in this weather?

Dermot wasn’t going to stop. He had no plans stop and talk to the smiling man. Xander bubbled more than a bottle of shaken soda water. Dermot didn’t have time for his chatter, and he didn’t have time for the strange, compelling not-quite-nausea he seemed prone to in Xander’s company.

Maybe he was allergic to the man’s cologne, or deodorant, or shampoo. Dermot leaned forward and sniffed surreptitiously, but he couldn’t smell anything other than cinnamon and vanilla. An overwhelming urge to bake overcame him, and he jerked himself upright.

He was an executive chef, not a pastry chef. He didn’t bake, and especially not something as…plebeian as oatmeal raisin cookies, which was what Xander smelled like.

“Excuse me.” He deliberately stepped around Xander, who put out a hand and caught his arm.

“I saw you coming down the street.” Xander set the broom aside and picked up a steaming mug from the windowsill. “It’s not as good as Prudence’s coffee, but I made it fresh this morning.”

Blinking in astonishment, Dermot stared from the mug to the hand on his arm. He could really… “Thanks.” He accepted the mug and inhaled the rich aroma of good coffee, scented with cinnamon and…yeah, vanilla. And he’d thought it was Xander who smelled so good? He didn’t know whether to be relieved or embarrassed. “I needed this. That walk feels longer every day that the temperature drops.” The first sip exploded on his tongue with soothing heat and delicious flavor and he bit back a moan of appreciation.

Words: 35,562



After writing Pulp Friction, did you find it easier to do this story as co-authors?


Havan: Yes.

Lee: I am not sure what to attribute it to, but it was really easy to write this book.


*sits and looks around*

*shoulder bumps Lee*

*checks nails, picks at cuticle*

*finishes coffee…steals Lee’s*

*smacks hand*

*rubs hand and notices Parker staring*



Oh wait…you wanted a more elaborate answer? But you asked a yes or no question…Lee he only asked a yes or no question…

*eyes Havan* You know what he meant.

Okay…but be warned, most people are extremely happy with my short and sweet answers – so you only have yourself to blame for what follows:

*sips coffee and nods*

*clears throat and uses grown-up voice*


First and foremost, thank you Parker for having Lee Brazil and me (um…I’m Havan Fellows *waves*) over today. You know I love any opportunity to yank on your *looks down* chain…

*spews coffee* Havan!


*blinks innocently and pours another cup of coffee* Now about Lee and my chemistry…oh baby it’s off the charts! *giggles* But seriously—and shouldn’t that be a four-letter word?—while writing Christmas in His Heart, Lee and I mentioned more than once to each other that our long standing friendship definitely made the writing process easier. Sure, writing in a group first with Story Orgy and then Pulp Friction definitely helped, but aside from those learning experiences our personalities really and truly do just click with each other.


So I wouldn’t limit it to just our experiences with Pulp Friction (though those finale books are a serious crash course in learning to play well with others! lol) but maybe more a mixture of everything that we’ve experienced together in our numerous years together. It’s respect for each other not only as friends and authors but as human beings as well. It’s the fact that Lee knows when to say, “Havan, be quiet and write now…”

And the fact that Havan has the best imagination… from the moment we met, she’s inspired me to write better, to see possibilities. Bringing all that life and joy to the page is the key to writing well. And I think the end result is that she encourages me to write more when less is my instinct, and I curb her tendency to…er… ramble eloquently?


As for the ending results…I like it! *blushes and sneaks a peek at Lee* But hey, it’s no secret I’m my co-writer’s #1 fan…*winks* lol

*blushes* Back at you, Havan. Thank you having us over Parker!

Oh yes, Parker…anytime you want me to yank on your chain again just give me a holler! 🙂


Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Parker Williams

MM Good Book Reviews

EE Montgomery



Multitasking Mommas

Carly’s Book Reviews

LeAnn’s Book Reviews

Amanda C. Stone



Queer Town Abbey

BFD Book Blog

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Cathy Brockman Romances

Bayou Book Junkie



My Fiction Nook

Molly Lolly

Hearts on Fire

Inked Rainbow Reads

Fallen Angel Reviews

Tara Lain



Love Bytes

Iyana Jenna

MM Good Book Reviews

Sales Links:




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Miracle on Mistletoe Lane Book Tour

Miracle on Mistletoe-1800x2700


Author Bio:

Derrick Knight was born and grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin. Derrick earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition from the University of Wisconsin-Stout and a Master’s Degree in Health Services Administration from University of St. Francis in Joliet, Illinois. For the last seventeen years, Derrick has been employed as a neonatal nutritionist in a neonatal intensive care unit at the largest teaching hospital in Illinois outside of Chicago.

Growing up Derrick was an avid reader of mystery novels. Agatha Christie was his favorite author. Ever since childhood Derrick dreamed of becoming a writer. He planned on writing mystery novels until a couple of years ago he read his first gay romance novel and he became hooked on the genre.

When Derrick is not writing, he is working on restoring his Arts & Crafts home, tending to his garden, and being an advocate for improving infant nutrition. Currently. Derrick resides in Peoria, Illinois with his two cats Iris and Madison Grace.


Author Contact:


Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Reese Dante


Joe Koehler and his six-year old son, Joey, are down on their luck. Currently, Joe is unemployed due to a bad economy and taking care of a medically complex son. Recently father and son become homeless due to their apartment catching on fire and Joe being without any insurance. They are forced to live in Joe’s old red pick-up truck. Eventually father and son take refuge at Hope House, a local homeless shelter, which is run by a kindly, yet mysterious, elderly woman named Emily.


Sidney Maier recently inherited his grandparents home but the house is in desperate need of repair. Skills Sidney greatly lacks. He befriends a fellow church member Emily who is the Interim Director at Hope House. Sidney tells Emily that he needs help with remodeling his new home. Also, he confides in her, that he is lonely and wishes he could meet someone special.


Emily and her assistants orchestrate for Joe and Sidney to meet where an instant attraction forms between both men. Joe and Sidney embark on a journey of courtship, but soon a negative force learns of their budding romance and wants to stop it at any cost. Emily and her assistants must all use their special talents if Joe and Sidney are meant to live happily ever after.


Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Holiday



When Joe lifted his head, he saw the man he had been fantasizing about since Joey was discharged from the hospital. He quickly stood up then nervously swayed back and forth. Partly because he was nervous seeing the man whom he secretly desired, but also because he did not want Sidney to know that he was living here at a homeless shelter. He did not want Sidney’s pity.

“Oh, I…” Joe struggled to find the right words.

“The church hired Mr. Koehler to finish remodeling our library,” Emily said smoothly. “We needed someone right away and by the Lord’s work Mr. Koehler was available. My assistants and I think he is a Godsend.” Emily’s cell phone began to ring. “I need to take this call. It’s my husband.” She looked at Joe. “Would you be willing to give Mr. Maier a tour of Hope House while I take this call?”

Before Joe could respond, Sidney interjected.

“I would like that very much.”

The excitement in Sidney’s voice did not go unnoticed by either Joe or Emily.

“Good,” Emily said, taking her husband’s call as she walked away.

For a few moments Joe and Sidney just stared at each other, both men wanting to say something but too afraid. Finally, Joe mustered up the courage to start the conversation.

Pages: 163 pages

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


MM Good Book Reviews


Amanda C. Stone


Cate Ashwood


Hearts on Fire


Inked Rainbow Reads


Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


Molly Lolly


Parker Williams


Multitasking Mommas


3 Chicks After Dark


Wake Up Your Wild Side


The Hat Party


Because Two Men Are Better Than One


Prism Book Alliance




Jade Crystal


Queer Town Abbey


Iyana Jenna


Love Bytes


Book Reviews and More by Kathy


Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves


My Fiction Nook


BFD Book Blog

Sales Links





a Rafflecopter giveaway

A Spartan Love Book Tour

A Spartan Love-final


Author Bio:

Kayla Jameth grew up on the family farm in Ohio, baling hay, raising cattle, and making maple syrup. An unrepentant tomboy, her father taught her to weld before she graduated from high school.

She attended Cleveland’s Case Western Reserve University and later, Texas A&M University in her pursuit of veterinary medicine, taking her farther away from her rural roots. You can transplant the county girl, but you can’t make her a city slicker. Besides, it was only going to be for a little while, right?

But it wasn’t all hard work for Kayla, her sojourn as the princess of the Celestial Kingdom left her with the title sir and a costume closet the envy of many knights, lords, and ladies. See? She does have some ladylike qualities complete with the title of Lady to back it up.

After declaring for years that she was just a veterinarian who wrote not an author, Kayla now finds herself living in Spring, Texas (practically Houston) and writing m/m erotic romance. The location is probably a bigger surprise than the genre. Never the kind of girl to discuss makeup and clothing designers, she would rather be outside getting dirty with the boys.

Kayla shares her home with a cat, two guinea pigs, a gerbil, three guppies, a husband and a son and daughter.


Author Contact:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Catt Grant


Alone, Andreas toils on a remote farmstead for a Spartan overlord. When a kryptes enters his world, Andreas fears for his life. The dread warriors stalk and kill helots—like Andreas’ father—as part of their training.


Andreas sees only one way to save himself: he must tame the fearsome warrior.


But what began as self-preservation develops into attraction. Yearning for the company of someone other than his ferret Ictis, Andreas decides to trust the Spartan warrior and risk the fate that claimed his father.


Born to rule by the sword, Theron sees the world as his and acts accordingly, taking everything Andreas offers and reaching for more. However, love between men in Sparta is considered shameful and requires either exile or suicide to redeem Sparta’s honor. Now, only the gods can save them from the terrible price Sparta extracts from men who desire other men.



Categories:Erotica, Fiction, Historical, M/M Romance. MAY be considered to have paranormal elements.


Words: 77,000


The hut door slammed behind him as he set off at a fast lope. He needed to get away. Find a place where their combined scent didn’t interfere with his thoughts and make him wish for something he couldn’t have.

Running until his breath came hard and fast, Theron tried to outpace the chaotic mess in his head. Surely Andreas wasn’t foolish enough to risk their lives with an unguarded tongue. He had to know how Sparta’s rulers felt about men who preferred their own sex.

He’d told the man it was as much as their lives were worth to allow it to ever come to light. It was the law. This was Sparta, not some other poleis where the rules of pederasty held sway. The man wasn’t his erômenos, some free-born youth seeking a mentor. Andreas could make no such claims of Theron. They weren’t equals. And never would be.

No. There was no escape down that line. Sparta simply didn’t tolerate what they had done. They had to keep it secret, it was the only way. What more could he do to make Andreas see that?

Theron slowed and looked around. It took longer than he would have liked for him to determine where he was. In his turmoil, he’d run east through the fields instead of into the forest with no thought for the trail he’d blazed, clear for anyone to read. Now he would have to keep going to the nearest village to make it appear as if the slave had been the one to leave. Theron couldn’t risk anyone wondering what he’d been doing in that hut.

What had he been doing in there?

Tour Dates/Stops:

Hearts on Fire
Prism Book Alliance

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews
The Hat Party
Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
3 Chicks After Dark

Love Bytes
BFD Book Blog
MM Good Book Reviews
Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

Regular Guys, Hot Romance
Fallen Angel Reviews

Parker Williams

Amanda C. Stone

My Fiction Nook

Wake Up Your Wild Side
Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

Crystal’s Many Reviewers
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

the Twins: Talon ps & Princess so
Inked Rainbow Reads

Cate Ashwood
Molly Lolly

Sales Links:




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hitting Black Ice Book Tour



Author Bio:

Heloise West, when not hunched over the keyboard plotting love and mayhem, dreams about moving to a villa in Tuscany. She loves history, mysteries, and romance of all flavors. She travels and gardens with her partner of 10 years, and their home overflows with books, cats, art, and red wine.


Author Contact:

Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Syneca Featherstone


ER physician’s assistant Hunter guards his heart carefully, but that doesn’t stop him from falling for Shawn, the front desk clerk. He keeps his distance from relationships for a reason, but just can’t help himself when it comes to Shawn.

Shawn is on the run from the law and love to protect himself and anyone else involved. One man is dead because of him, and his life now is simple and easily thrown into a bag at any hint of danger. Until he meets Hunter, and he no longer wants to run.


Forced into a hostage situation, buried passion explodes in the aftermath, and sex in the supply closet brings their hearts back to life. Tentatively, step by step, they begin to explore a relationship together until the past catches up with Shawn.

FBI agent Nick Truman has finally found his man, but when Shawn escapes, he focuses his attention on Hunter. Shawn returns, even though it means sacrificing himself to save Hunter from the man who framed him for murder.



Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery, Romance



It was nine o’clock. They’d long lost the reservation. Hunter turned away from the warm lights of the restaurant, heart heavy. Shawn was too good to be true. For all he knew, he had a problem like Jerry’s, who’d often left him waiting, wondering, and ultimately fearing as dinner sat cold on the table. He gave in and took a step toward home.


He whipped around.

Shawn rushed toward him. He slipped on the snowy sidewalk, nearly going down, but Hunter ran at him, and they crashed together so hard his teeth clicked. Shawn’s arms went around him and his around Shawn, and they managed to hold each other up.

“I’m sorry,” were the first words out of Shawn’s mouth.

“All you deserve is pizza crusts,” Hunter mock-growled and kissed him, unconsciously trying to taste booze on his breath. Like Jerry and too many broken promises. Relieved it was only peppermint mouthwash, he didn’t stop kissing him.

When Hunter let him speak, Shawn said, “I’m starving, I’ll take it.” He pushed Hunter a little away from him. “Jesus. You’re freezing.”

“And starving. There’s a Greek pizza place down this way, come on—”

“I’ll make it up to you,” he said, taking Hunter’s hand.



1 – What was the most nerve wracking part of writing ‘Hitting Black Ice’?

The most nerve wracking was writing the ending when the guns come out, every plot point had to be firing on all eight, and dealing with the aftermath. I almost wimped out, but a friend shoved me in the right direction.

2 – Do you see yourself visiting this world again?

I didn’t for so long. I really thought this was a one-off, but the very last chapter surprised me with a twist that has led me to a sequel.  My editor has also suggested that Nick needs to tell his story, too.
3 – What else is on your ‘To Be Written’ pile?

Besides the above, the stories in my queue are another contemporary romance with a mystery at its heart and a number of historicals. There’s a fantasy romance and a medieval fantasy lurking back there, too.
4 – How did you celebrate when you got the contract for the book?

Prosecco, as I don’t like champagne. 😉
5 – What do you think you’ll be feeling as the clock ticks toward release day?

I’m swinging between elation and terror right now.

The terror:  Like that dream where I’m in school and the teacher is giving a test in a subject I’ve never heard of, I’m naked, and there are tables nearby that need to be waited on and someone tells me they’re in my station.

Elation because a lot of hard work and time went into getting this story into shape and just the reactions of my editor and writer’s group make me feel like it’s a good story.

Thanks so much for having me here, today!


Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Jade Crystal

Molly Lolly



The Blogger Girls

Amanda C. Stone



The Hat Party



Parker Williams



Charley Descoteaux

3 Chicks After Dark



Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Because Two Men Are Better Than One

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves



Love Bytes



Inked Rainbow Reads



LeAnn’s Book Reviews



Multitasking Mommas



BFD Book Blog



Prism Book Alliance



MM Good Book Reviews

Fallen Angel Reviews


Sales Links:



a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Alpha King Book Tour

The Alpha King Cover Photo


Author Bio:

Vicktor “Vic” Alexander wrote his first story at the age of ten and hasn’t stopped writing since. He loves reading about anything and everything and is a proud member of the little known U.N. group (Undercover Nerds) because while he lives, eats, breathes, and sleeps sports, he also breathes history and science fiction and grew up a Trekkie. But don’t ask him about Dungeons & Dragons, because he has no idea how to play that game. When it comes to writing he loves everything from paranormal to contemporary to fantasy to historical and is known not only for being the Epilogue King but also for writing stories that cross lines and boundaries that he doesn’t know are there. Vic is a proud father of two daughters one of whom watches over him from Heaven with his deceased partner Christopher. Vic is a proud trans* and gay man, and when he is not writing, he is hanging out with his friends, or being distracted by videos of John Barrowman, Scott Hoying, and Shemar Moore. Vicktor has published numerous bestselling novels and has a WIP list that makes him exhausted just thinking about. He knows that he will be still be writing about hot men falling in love with each other, long after he is living in an assisted living facility, flirting with the hot, male nurses.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Rooster & Pig Publishing

Cover Artist: Vicktor Alexander


Centuries after the destruction of Earth, destiny is being fulfilled and plans are in motion to restore not only the Earth, but mankind, to its former glory. One family is fated to bring about this amazing destiny. One man puts it all in motion, the day he crashes on to the wolf-planet of Tumaro and met his mate.

Talon Versuthion always knew that some kind of way, life was going to screw him over. His parents died when he was just a boy and he can’t remember a thing about them. He was adopted by a great family only to have them tell him that he is a Vermithian, one of the most despised humanoid species. Even worse than that? He has no idea that a prophecy was made about his family, one that mentions that someone from the Versuthion family will bring back a pure human race. And there are people out there who will stop at nothing to make sure that never happens. No matter what.
While on a delivery for the GPA with his adopted sister Josie, however, Tal’s space shuttle crashes onto Tumaro, the notorious wolf-shifter planet. Tal is lucky to be alive, though Josie can’t be found. He is desperate to find her, but destiny steps in and history is changed forever. Because the Alpha King of the planet, Blazell Roughshire, is Talon’s mate. And before the two men can even settle into their new relationship they must deal with conspiracy, murder, kidnapping and a centuries old plot to completely eradicate the human race. Will Blaze be able to keep his mate safe from those who would see him dead? Is Tal truly the only one left from his family who can fulfill this centuries old prophecy? And can Tal, who has made it a point to never fall in love with anyone, open his heart and let Blaze be Passion’s hero?
Warning: This book contains references to abuse, rape, torture, and violence. It also
contains hot sex between a young man with an affinity for celebrities that may sound familiar to
you and his hot possessive Alpha mate. This is a R&P Whips & Chains novel which means the
story contains BDSM elements. BDSM is a Lifestyle and while certain elements of it are not
dangerous, please do not engage in any part of the BDSM Lifestyle without a trained
professional on-hand.(This is a re-edited, re-published novel. The publisher has been changed.
Over 22,500 words have been added to the original)


Categories: Alternate Universe, BDSM, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction



“Where the hell are my clothes? More than that. Where the hell is my sister?” Talon yelled, pulling the bedcovers up to his chin.
Blazell laughed heartily, not at all deterred by his mate’s little freak-out. “Your clothes
were destroyed in your accident, my love. I took the liberty of removing the hospital gown you
wore when I brought you here to our bedroom,” he stated with amusement.
“Our bedroom?” Talon questioned in a small, hesitant voice, quivering with fear and shock.
“Yes, love, our bedroom. Where we will sleep and make love, more so the latter than the
former.” He didn’t know how to respond about the man’s sister. He hadn’t heard anything about there being anyone else found at the crash. He would fully admit he was being rather selfish at the moment and only wanted to focus on his mate’s well-being and Talon’s sudden appearance in his life. Once they were fully bonded, Blazell would look into Talon’s missing sister. Blazell knew that made him an asshole, but, at the moment, he couldn’t bring himself and his wolf to feel ashamed.
Talon shook his head in bewilderment. “But you don’t even know me, and I certainly don’t know you!”
“My soul knows yours, my heart embraces yours, and my life and I were made for you as
yours was made for me. I know you in the deepest parts of me, even though my mind may not,”
Blazell declared. “You were made for me,” he said as he placed his hands on either side of his
mate’s face, his thumbs delicately caressing Talon’s cheeks. “As I was made for you.”
Words/Pages: 92,505 words, 258 pages

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Tara Lain



MM Good Book Reviews

Carly’s Book Reviews

Amanda C. Stone



Queer Town Abbey

EE Montgomery

Cate Ashwood

My Fiction Nook

Love Bytes



Multitasking Mommas

Fallen Angel Reviews

Inked Rainbow Reads



Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons

Molly Lolly

Parker Williams



Sales Links


a Rafflecopter giveaway