
Finding Matt Book Blast

FindingMatt_final cover


Author Bio:

JD Ruskin writes character-driven romance stories about complex men from a variety of backgrounds. JD is greatly influenced by her time in the Midwest, from the bustling streets of Chicago to the cornfields of rural Illinois. She enjoys writing stories with juicy plots, memorable characters, and smoking hot encounters.

JD’s first novel, When One Door Opens, was a finalist in the Rainbow Award and the winner of 2014 Epic E-book award. When not writing, she has a passion for traveling, photography, and graphic design.


Author Contact:


Facebook: jd.ruskin.books

Twitter: @JDRuskin1184


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Brooke Albrecht


When six-year-old Matt Wilson and his Shih Tzu, Pixie, step out of the Stanton Community Hospital and disappear, his desperate parents convince Jaron Greenberg, a local pet psychic, to aid the police in the search. Jaron specializes in finding lost kitties and fixing problem pooches. He isn’t prepared for a case with so much at stake. And as soon as he starts, the abilities he’s had since childhood begin changing and growing in unexpected ways.


Paulo Silva is a veteran detective new to the small town of Stanton. As the low man on the totem pole at Stanton PD, he isn’t happy when the chief assigns him to babysit the pet psychic instead of actively working the missing child case. As Jaron uncovers clues, Paulo starts to wonder if he might be the real thing. Or maybe it’s just his testosterone reacting to what he’s sure is mutual attraction.



Categories: M/M Romance, Paranormal



THE HYSTERICAL yapping of a dog could be heard through the thin walls separating the small office from the main business area. It must be bath time for the Pomeranian. Resisting the urge to sigh, Jaron Greenberg gave his prospective client what he hoped was a reassuring smile. “I’m sorry about the noise. Most dogs love getting the full spa treatment at Pampered Pooches, but a few are nervous about getting their paws wet.” A chorus of barks joined the Pomeranian in doggy solidarity.

The old woman’s eyes widened behind her thick glasses as Jaron’s Newfoundland poked his massive head up to see what the racket was all about. The dog’s thick black coat and calm demeanor meant more often than not he blended in as he sprawled half-underneath the desk on the black tiled floor.

“Don’t worry,” Jaron said, scratching Bear’s ears. “He’s a furry ball of mush.”

Mrs. Reynolds smiled politely but clutched her leather purse to her flower-covered bosom. It was hard to blame her. Bear really was a bear of a dog. A hundred and sixty pound teddy bear.







Pages: 230

Tour Dates: December 5th


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Inked Rainbow Reads, Wake Up Your Wild Side, BFD Book Blog, Tara Lain, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, BFD Book Blog, The Blogger Girls, My Fiction Nook, Fallen Angel Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Sinfully Sexy, Queer Town Abbey, Jade Crystal, LeAnn’s Book Reviews


Sales Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Hidden Gem, Unicorns and Rainbow Poop, On The Right Track (Audio Book) Book Tour




Author Bio:

Sam Kadence has always dreamed about being someone else, somewhere else. With very little musical talent, Sam decided the only way to make those dreams come true was to try everything from cosplay at the local anime conventions to writing novels about pretending to run away to become a musician.

Sam has a Bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing, sells textbooks for a living, enjoys taking photographs of Asian Ball Joint Dolls to tell more stories, and has eclectic taste in music from J-pop to rock and country. All of which finds its way into the books eventually.



Lissa Kasey lives in St. Paul, MN, has a Bachelor’s Degree in Creative Writing, and collects Asian Ball Joint Dolls who look like her characters. She has three cats who enjoy waking her up an hour before her alarm every morning and sitting on her lap to help her write. She can often be found at Anime Conventions masquerading as random characters when she’s not writing about boy romance.

Author Contact:;;;

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press & Harmony Ink Press

Cover Artist: Hidden Gem – Siobhan,



Categories: Alternate Universe, BDSM, Contemporary, Fantasy, Gay Fiction, New Adult, Paranormal (Please note: Not all books contain all elements.)




First Glimpse by Lissa Kasey


Aki swept up a bottle of McNaughton’s favorite scotch and headed toward the broad Irishman. The man’s shoulders were arched forward, back tense, hair a sexy mess, and face covered with a couple days’ growth. Obviously the cop was on a difficult case. The detective hadn’t yet asked for him, just for his usual meal—almost bloody steak with a baked potato.

“You look like you could use a drink,” Aki told him as he slid into the chair beside him. He turned an empty glass over and poured three fingers of the golden liquid.

McNaughton sighed, his dark eyes roaming over Aki’s small body, platinum blond hair pulled up and styled with sparkling pins, see-thru knit top, and super-short skirt, then over his bare legs down to the gleaming heels. The shoes were a silver mesh of crystals that slid up just past his ankles. A gift from McNaughton. The cop sucked in a deep breath and slid his hand over the covered part of Aki’s thigh. He knew better than to touch bare flesh to bare flesh. Aki was a cognitive psi, could see entire lives of horrors with a single touch, and he was sure McNaughton’s past was filled with a lot of nasty memories.

“Wish you had time for me tonight. But I’ve got a feeling you’re booked up tight.” He glanced back at the room bustling with companions and potential customers. Aki was the only psi in the room, his pale-pupiled blue eyes telling the world that he was different.

“I’m sure Bart can fit you in.” Aki’s eyes scanned the room until he found his boss, who was engaged with negotiations with another client. “Looks like you need some trouble eased tonight.” He leaned in close enough his breath ran across McNaughton’s cheek.

McNaughton turned his head, lips nearly close enough to touch. “Would love a bit of time with your shine.”

“Words like honey, McNaughton.”

The cop flashed him one of his rare, heart-stopping smiles then nodded as Bart appeared beside them. “Table seven is ready, Aki. Number one.” Bart told him.

Aki grabbed Bart’s wrist with a gloved hand. “The cop needs some time tonight. You can make that happen, right?”

“Of course.” Bart nodded to them and took Aki’s vacated seat and Aki made his way to his next client of the evening. There were only two services Aki performed. A hand job and a blow job, one and two. This client wanted number one—which meant he was cheap since rarely did anyone ask for a hand job from him. But his prices were astronomical anyway.

“Hello,” Aki smiled at the man as he slid into the chair opposite him. The client was dressed nice, button down shirt, pressed pants, but he was bald and a little heavier around the waist. A politician probably. “If you’re ready we can head upstairs.”

The man barely spoke, but he leered, eyes tracing over Aki’s form more like he was cattle than a night of entertainment. Even in his worst moments McNaughton had never done that. It wasn’t appreciation, but something darker. Aki sighed internally and hoped this would be fast. He knew a thousand ways to get a man off in minutes. Something about him just set off Aki’s creep radar.

“I hear some wait months for the pleasure of your time,” the man said with slightly accented speech.

Not usually. The only ones who waited weeks were because their schedule and Aki’s conflicted or because they’d done something to upset him or Bart. Most clients got in within a few days if not the same day of requesting Aki’s time. And regulars were always given precedence over someone not yet vetted like this client. “If I don’t please you I can see if Preston or Royce is available.”

“I was hoping for Candy originally.”

Was always good to be told he was second choice. Aki gritted his teeth. “Candy only serves a special kind of client. And he does have a wait list.” Mostly because he took clients who wanted a little more kink than any of the other male companions preferred. Aki was going to recommend this client be removed from the premises after the service was over.

“I guess you’ll have to do then. Won’t you?” He gave Aki a chilling smile.

Bastard. Aki got up from his seat and offered his gloved hand to the man who followed closely. They’d reached the stairs when the man grabbed him, yanked Aki against him and shoved his hand up Aki’s skirt, groping him and sending him into a spiral of nightmares.

A dark room. The metallic stink of blood. Screams. The sound of knives being sharpened. Metal bars clanking. Crying. Pain. The music of an ice cream truck. How odd. It was all ripped away a moment later, but Aki’s stomach was already heaving. The small plate of fruit and yogurt he’d had for dinner was not going to stay down.

Someone carried him unceremoniously to the private companion bathroom near the kitchen and set him in front of the toilet just as the mash of fruits and dairy came up. Aki heaved a couple of minutes, his brain swirling with the images that thankfully began to fade just as quickly as they’d come. With any luck he’d be able to brush his teeth, wash his face and go about his work day.

He glanced up to find Manny, the head of security standing at the door. McNaughton knelt beside Aki. Had held his hair back and even used his jacket to cover Aki’s bottom. The skirts really were too short.

“Bart is already having the guy removed. He should never have touched you like that. Sorry I didn’t get to you quicker,” Manny told Aki. “Grateful to you, Detective, for responding so quickly.”

McNaughton stroked Aki’s back, using the soft material of the sweater to run circles over his spine. “Want to talk about it?”

Aki sighed. “Same crap. Just weird. Darkness, crying, smelled blood. Heard knives.” He shook his head. “The guy could work at a butcher for all I know. The memories get so jumbled.” Often with his own horrific past. “Thought I heard a kid. And bars rattling like in a jail. And the music from an ice cream truck.”

McNaughton nodded like it made perfect sense to him and helped Aki get up and make his way to the sink where there were spare toothbrushes and endless varieties of paste. The cop leaned over and kissed Aki’s hair. “Gotta go. I’ll have Bart reschedule me sometime this week though. Love that you wore my shoes.” He was gone a moment later.

Aki cleaned up and made his way back to work. At least the night was almost over. He was sad that McNaughton hadn’t stayed. Would have liked to see that smile another time or two. At least the rest of the night flew by without incident, even if the detective didn’t return.

“Sleeping with me tonight?” Candy asked as he stripped out of their work clothes, leaving just a pair of bright pink underwear and crawled into bed. His purple hair was already brushed and eyes heavy with sleep.

“Please,” Aki whispered. He stripped off everything but his underwear too. After putting his shoes and pins away, he washed his face.

“Heard that guy touched you. What a jerk.”

“He wanted you to begin with.” Aki curled up beside his best friend.

Candy flicked off the light. “I would have brought him down a few pegs.”

Aki smiled, but he didn’t want to think of the horrible man at all. Those memories just needed to go away. He had enough of his own to battle with each day. He fell asleep hoping to wake up with less nasty memories each day.

The next afternoon Aki was up early and at Artie’s for breakfast—best 24/7 diner in the area—when McNaughton arrived. The man sat down at his table without asking and pushed a pair of slim, jeweled, yellow flat sandals into Aki’s hands. “What’s this for?” Aki asked.

He just shook his head. He threw a stack of cash on the table and motioned to the waitress. “Anything he wants is on me.” He then got up from the table and headed for the door.

“Well that was weird,” Aki said to LuAnn, the waitress.

She pointed at the Vid screen. “He had a rough night. Caught the guy who was killing kids.” The Vidscreen was turned to the news. Something about a man named the “Ice Cream Killer” had been captured. Apparently he used an ice cream truck to lure kids in, kidnapped them, raped them and killed them. Real monster.

A picture popped up of the guy. It was the client from the Gem. Maybe that’s why McNaughton was at the Gem. No matter what he hoped the detective visited him tonight. The new yellow shoes would need a new skirt to match…


Hidden Gem





“So I was thinking since you and I both care about Tommy, we have something in common. See, Tommy is stressed, and I thought we could do something nice for him.”

Dane sat but glared at the man suspiciously. “What sort of nice thing?”

Bas motioned to the bags. “We’re going to make him cookies.”

Dane gulped. “I don’t like food.”

You won’t be eating it. Tommy will. He canceled a class to come here. Did he tell you? He was taking a theater class at the community college back in Minnesota. Had to withdraw to be here. And with college, you know that means giving up any money paid. Not that money matters much to you guys. Though as young as you all are, I hope you’re well invested.”

Bas shrugged at him and began taking things out of the bags. Flour, eggs, sugar—both white and brown—food coloring, butter, vanilla, and lemons.

“I didn’t know,” Dane said quietly. He’d thought Tommy would be the least affected by his problems. Of course he’d been wrong about that too. Couldn’t he do anything right? “I don’t know anything about cooking.”

“That’s okay. I got this recipe online. It’s pretty easy. We’re making unicorn poop cookies.”


“They are sugar cookies with food coloring in them to make them all rainbow-like. Unicorns are good luck and all that. Supposed to be the embodiment of goodness and purity.” Bas picked up his tablet, tapped the screen, and flipped it so Dane could see. The cookies really did look like a big pile of rainbow poop.

“Looks tasty,” Dane grumbled.

“We shall see, right? Think you can measure for me?” He pulled out a couple of cookie sheets and turned on one of the many ovens. “I got permission to use the kitchen here, but we can’t get too rowdy or they’ll kick me out.” He winked at Dane. “I’m pretty sure the orderlies outside are to make sure I’m not burning the place down.”

Dane got up and moved around the counter to stare at the list of ingredients. Bas plugged in a big mixer and took the mixing bowl out of it, bringing it to the counter for them to fill.

“This is really for Tommy?”

“Sure. We can send some to Ru and Adam too if you’d like. I heard they are only an hour or so away.”

“I don’t want Ru to know I’m here,” Dane said immediately. He didn’t need to mess up anyone else’s life.

“No worries. We need tell them nothing other than that they are from you.”

Sales Links:

Unicorns and Rainbow Poop






RU’S phone pinged with a new message from Tommy.


Looks like another one, sorry.


The text was attached to a photo of the cover of a magazine featuring Ru kissing his ex-boyfriend Kris and then a smaller picture of Kris kissing another guy. Headline for that one was Vocal Growth Star Jilted! Six months and still front page news.


He sighed. Even leaving California hadn’t helped. Here he was in the cold autumn of Minnesota, alone, but still stalked by the conservative media who thought anyone under eighteen didn’t deserve to recognize their sexuality. Sure he was gay. He’d known for years. Had even made the mistake of telling his father when he was eleven. Why did that make him a bad guy?


As part of a boy band that had traveled the world a few times and won a hefty number of awards, he was required to maintain a wholesome image. At least that’s what his former recording studio had told him. And wholesome didn’t mean kissing another guy, even when he and Kris had been exclusive for almost two years. So, while it was okay for other celebrities to come out and show pride, anyone under the magical age of eighteen was ridiculed, cast out, and treated as a pariah of the community.


Do you need me to come stay with you? Tommy texted again. He was a former bandmate but still a good friend. Tommy hadn’t cared when Ru told him he was gay. He did offer to kick the crap out of Kris after the guy had set them up to be photographed together, outing Ru to the whole world, only to then cheat on him. Would Ru’s heart ever stop breaking at the memory?


Ru texted back He never really loved me, did he?

On the right Track (audio) On the Right Track (Audible Audio Edition): Sam Kadence, Michael Stellman: Books


On the Right Track (Book)



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Questions for Hidden Gem:

For AKI:

1 – If you were to craft the perfect pair of shoes, what would they be like?

A: Oh they would be sparkles and lace. I’m thinking a stiletto type heel with rhinstones or maybe even real gems woven into a sheer lacy over the top of my foot. Maybe even an ankle boot style just so I could have more sparkles on them. And the lace has to be soft, none of that itchy, cheap, hemp stuff. Like if you took these two shoes and let them have a baby. Holds up his comscreen with a couple pictures on it.
S: Those look like wedding shoes.
A: I have lots of white shoes and they aren’t wedding shoes.
S: Sure, but all the last and glitter? Wedding shoe.
A: Pretty sure you wouldn’t be calling them that if they were all I wore to bed.
S: Nope. Then they’d be called fuck me shoes.

2 – Why aren’t you afraid of Shane? Big, powerful, and pretty scary.
A: I’ve met a lot of big scary guys in my life. More at the brothel than you’d think. They’re always security around, but some guys you just get a vibe from—like you know there’s something wrong with them and they’d love a chance to hurt you. I’ve never gotten that vibe from Shane. Even when rumors popped up about him. What kind of bad guy buys you shoes?
S: And flowers, hair pins, and chocolates.
A: Sometimes you beat guys up that were rude to me too.
S: They were asking for it and I just got there before Manny did.
A: But you’d never hurt me.
S: Not even if you asked me to.
A: Ropes don’t hurt.
S: Not as long as I tie them right.

3 – What’s your most prized possession?
A: I have to pick only one? Can I say my closet? I can fit about five hundred pairs of shoes in there and still have drawer space left for hair pins and lots of hanging rods for clothes.
S: Technically it’s our closet.
A: Whispers I’m slowly replacing his worn out stuff with good stuff. Shh. Don’t tell him. He now has seven brand new pair of shoes. Not shiny sparkly like mine, but shiny black like they were just polished.
Shane shakes his head.


1 – If you could regain your humanity by giving up a loved one, would you do it?
Since I have only one loved one I’d have to say no. I’ve watched a lot of people die. A lot of people suffer and spent decades alone wallowing in the bowels of the worst crimes ever to come to City M. If becoming human again would mean giving up the happiness I’ve found, I’ll stay a monster.

2 – What is so special about Aki?
S: All that glitters, right? Aki was really the first to not be afraid of me. I remember the first time I went to Hidden Gem after he’d begun working. No one wanted to serve me. I’d just finished a pretty horrible case and needed some time outside the warzone to recover but everyone shied away, except Aki. He walked up to my table and sat down, smiled like the sweet little angel he isn’t and asked me what’ll I have. Would have had him right there if I’d hadn’t thought I’d get thrown out and probably beaten for the trouble. For a long he was a break from the darkness. Now he’s always a shining beacon to guide me back after a rough day.
A: Words like honey, Shane.

3 – And finally, what’s YOUR most prized possession?
My first instinct is to say Aki, but despite legislation to the contrary, people aren’t possessions. So I’d have to say his contract. Paris handed it over after Aki got out of the hospital. It means that while he’s still considered indentured, the contract belongs to me and no one can take him from me because I have it. At least not legally. And goddess save the idiot who’d try…

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Parker Williams


Molly Lolly


The Novel Approach


Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


Amanda C. Stone


Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews


MM Good Book Reviews


Prism Book Alliance


Andrew Q. Gordon


BFD Book Blog

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Murder in Torbaydos Book Blast


SMmurderintorbaydos1400 (2)-1

Author Bio:

I am a gay man in my early forties. I escaped the London rat race by buying a small hotel in the beautiful coastal town of Torquay, England with my civil partner. My career has been in business but I have written articles on a freelance basis for a gay website that is part of the Gaydar group. I am passionate about reading and writing and try to squeeze both into my busy week. My hobbies include watching films, travelling and I am a keep-fit fanatic. The hotel provides me with a constant source of writing material, given my interactions with the weird and wonderful British public. I served briefly as a police officer in London and considered writing a story about this, but I do not think anyone would believe me. I am an alumnus from the great seat of learning known as Portsmouth University.

See the hotel Ian owns!


Author Contact:

Publisher: Torquere Press Publishers

Cover Artist: Ali Futcher


Old houses hide secrets, sometimes dark ones.


In the 1970’s, London based family, Marjorie, Stanley and their theatrically bent son fall in love with a dilapidated Victorian seaside villa. Dreaming of a better life by the sea, they transform the property into a luxury guesthouse, ignorant of the tragic events that occurred there at the beginning of the century. They discover that their guests are not the only other occupants in the building.

The souls trapped within the house offer the temptation of wealth and power, but all come with a deadly price. Stanley, supported by his ambitious wife, enters political office. Marjorie will stop at nothing to achieve her goals for her husband, no matter who gets in the way.


Thirty years later, an affluent gay couple, Jez and Graham, purchase the hotel, which now unoccupied has once again fallen into disrepair. They are blissfully unaware of the building’s grisly past. Jez falls under the influence of the spirits within the house, rapidly achieving fame, fortune, and a life beyond his wildest imagination, but the price is ultimately the corruption of his very soul.

Bound by a common destiny, both Marjorie and Jez’s fates lie inextricably intertwined across time and connected to the house. Their gruesome realisation is that death is not necessarily a release.



Categories: Fiction, Gay Fiction, Historical, Horror, M/M Romance, New Adult, Paranormal



I write this book in my twilight years. Though considerable time has passed since these tragic events occurred, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be controversial. Some people will suspect me of profiteering. However, if I am privileged enough to see this work published, then I will donate any proceeds to the affected surviving family members. The money would be of little use to me now, as I am elderly, and I have no heirs.


Perhaps writing this is a form of therapy, a way to assuage my own guilt. Goodness knows, I have spent much time reflecting on the ‘what ifs.’ Over the years, I have learned to forgive myself the errors of my past. However, I will never forget the pain that I have caused others through my poor decisions.

Words: 97,600 Pages: 298

Tour Dates: December 2, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, Havan Fellows, BFD Book Blog, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Cate Ashwood, MM Good Book Reviews, Queer Town Abbey, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Andrew Q. Gordon, Fallen Angel Reviews, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Elin Gregory



Multitasking Mommas

Sales Links:




a Rafflecopter giveaway

Saving Crofton Hall Book Tour

Saving Crofton Hall400x600


Author Bio:

Rebecca Cohen is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and baby son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other.

Author Contact:,

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Reese Dante


Benjamin Redbourn, Earl of Crofton, has no intention of giving up his beloved ancestral home without a fight. Faced with his mother’s gambling debts, forgery, and the possibility of foreclosure by the bank, Ben vows to make Crofton Hall pay for herself. But opening an Elizabethan manor house to the public isn’t a one man job. With time running out, Ben needs help—and fast.

Ashley Niven has experience managing events, and he also loves history. Being in charge of opening Crofton Hall is a dream come true. As he works with Ben to prepare the house as a venue for lavish weddings and receptions, Ashley finds himself drawn not just to the charm of the house but to the dashing Earl of Crofton. Even if Ashley can look past Ben’s playboy reputation, he fears an affair could prove too much of a distraction.

But Crofton Hall has many secrets, and something hidden for over four hundred years is about to change all their lives.

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



“How much?”

She wouldn’t meet his eye.


“Just short of five million to the bank.”

Ben lost his balance and landed heavily on his arse in a nearby chair.

“How the hell did you manage that? I only agreed to borrow five hundred

thousand, and that was for essential repairs, and the estate could easily

repay the loan in ten years.”

“I approached the bank with a business case for a visitor attraction.

They were very enthusiastic.”

“What gave you the right?”

“Your father left us both in charge of Crofton Hall, Benjamin,” she

said sharply.

He glowered at her and she deflated.

“I needed the money, and the only way I could get it was to tell the

bank I wanted to open Crofton Hall to the public.”

“And they agreed to lend the money without my permission?” he

asked carefully, hardly believing his mother’s audacity, but getting the

feeling he knew what she was going to say next.

“They might have been under the impression that you’d agreed to it,

and I was acting on both our behalves.”

“Really. And how would they have thought that?”

“Your signature isn’t exactly hard to copy.”

Ben covered his face with his hands, understanding what his mother

had done.

“I know I shouldn’t have, not without your permission, but I was

desperate. And the bank thought our business plan was excellent.”

He looked up at her. Elena’s eyes were red from crying, but there

was still an edge of defiance in her face. “How much is left?”

She shrugged. “A few thousand, maybe.”

“And you used Crofton Hall as security?”


The anger flashed through him, burning through his usual amicable

nature. “How could you have been so stupid? Were you even thinking past

your own selfishness?”

Elena cowered in her seat.

“You’ve ruined us, destroyed this family!”

“I didn’t mean—”

Ben didn’t want to hear her feeble excuses. “Oh, that’s all right, then.

We’ll tell the bank, you didn’t mean it, and they’ll forget all about it.”

Ben reined in his anger. Taking deep, slow breaths, he clenched and

unclenched his fists as he regained his calm. He watched Catlin pace up

and down. Harry stood slumped against the fireplace, shell-shocked. Now

was not the time to panic. He needed to know exactly how much trouble

they were in and deal with it. “Get me the paperwork.”

Without argument, Elena jumped to her feet and scurried over to the

writing bureau in the corner. From the folds of frills and ruffles of her

blouse, she fished out a key on a chain and unlocked the bureau. She drew

out a sheaf of paper. “It’s all here.”

“Right, let’s hope my economics degree wasn’t for nothing.” Ben

snatched the papers. “I suggest you all keep your distance until I’ve

finished reading.”

He sank into a chair by the unlit fireplace, blocking out the angry

thoughts as he scanned sheet after sheet. The figures danced before his

eyes, and he saw the terms and conditions his mother had agreed to. The

interest, compound interest, and payback terms were listed and

categorized in black and white with no way of denying the facts. They

were in deep shit, the bank would be at the door within weeks, and Ben

seethed internally at his mother’s gall.

The effort she’d put into defrauding the bank was amazing, the

business case had been full of fine details and promised an excellent

return, but little help would that do them now.


Ben stared around the sitting room; generations of Redbourns had sat

in here. Men who’d fought at Blenheim, Waterloo, and El Alamein —they

would never have given in and surrendered Crofton Hall in the face of

adversity. And it wasn’t about to happen while Ben was Earl of Crofton

either. As much as he wanted to rail against it, their only hope was to

convince the bank they were following through with the idea of opening

the house to the public.

“We can probably sell the London apartment. That’ll raise around

two million. Our trust funds are protected, so we can’t release the equity

from those. If we’ve any hope of holding on to her, Crofton Hall is going

have to earn her keep.”


1 – Did you find the time shift for the stories difficult?

This is my first contemporary, so for me it was getting my head around dealing with the different needs of this genre compared to a historical novels. Historicals are a lot of research, but contemporaries can be just as demanding… I’m sure you’re not surprised to learn I don’t own a manor house and haven’t had to turn my home in a wedding venue.

2 – Are you planning a series from this book?

Yes – the main characters will change but Crofton Hall will be the setting. Stately Passions is the name of the series, and I’ve plans for a number of novels. One will be set ‘below stairs’ with the arrival of new staff, another with an incoming historian and a TV cameramen, and even an old school murder mystery. Ben and Ashley will still be about but more in the background.

3 – Who is your favourite character of all that you’ve written?

Oh that is so hard. I love Ben from Saving Crofton Hall, and his ancestor, Anthony, was fun too. But out of everything I’ve written it has to be Lornyc Reagalos from my high fantasy series (Reagalos). I’ve ‘known him’ over a decade and every time I write him I fall back in love with the snarky little sod.

4 – Do you prefer men who wear boxers, briefs, or go commando?
Boxers, but the tight ones. However, there are times when going commando is necessary… kilts anyone?

5 – What do you think of the future of M/M romance?

It’s an ever growing genre and becoming more and more popular. I’d like to think that it will become more accepted in mainstream romance.



Tour Date/Stops:

November 17: Amanda C. Stone, Hearts on Fire

November 18: My Fiction Nook, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Multitasking Mommas

November 19: Inked Rainbow Reads, Velvet Panic, Fallen Angel Reviews

November 20: 3 Chicks After Dark, Cathy Brockman Romances

November 21: Prism Book Alliance, Love Bytes

November 24: MM Good Book Reviews, Cate Ashwood

November 25: Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Michael Mandrake

November 26: Nephylim, BFD Book Blog

November 27: The Novel Approach, Queer Town Abbey

November 28: Parker Williams, Full Moon Dreaming, Crystal’s Many Reviewers



Sales Links:

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Slippery Slope Book Tour



Author Bio:

Iyana writes M/M short stories and novellas. Her works have been published by Evernight Publishing, JMS Books, Books to Go Now, Torquere Press, Bitten Press, Leap of Faith Publishing, Breathless Press, and Alfie Dog Fiction.

Iyana lives in Jakarta, a city famous for its traffic jams, a lot of cars and motorcycles, and people selling stuff on the roads. You can spend two hours on the road going to a place you can reach in half an hour in a normal situation. Thanks to the traffic jams, though, Iyana can come up with a lot of stories, mostly shorties, as she prefers to spend the time during her trips writing into her cell phone rather than sleeping.

Another thing Iyana loves is kitties. Right now she has three of them. Their names are Cil, Horus, and Betsy, and one kitten. When she doesn’t write, she plays with them, or they would play with her when she writes.

Connect with Iyana:

Twitter: @IyanaJenna



Publisher: JMS Books

Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs


Actors Ethan Grey and Alex Haynes are gay, but in Hollywood, they can’t be open unless they’re willing to be typecast in future movies or they’re dating prominent gay producers. Since neither are willing to become stereotypes, and neither have studio boyfriends, they take another path — hiding their relationship under the cover of a pretend girlfriend.

What works for Ethan, though, doesn’t work for Alex, who screws up to the point of losing his job and the chance to get another. His manager finally finds him another job across the pond, where he meets Nathan Wells.

Nathan can be the prominent producer Alex needs to further his career, but there’s something Alex doesn’t know about the man. Soon Wells grows obsessed with Alex, and he’ll do anything to keep Alex from getting away.

Though Nathan wants Alex for himself, there’s still Ethan to think about. Is the love story between Alex and Ethan really over? Or will Ethan find a way to get his boyfriend back?


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

Words: 20,000



It was as if Nathan hadn’t been asleep at all. His mind kept buzzing with thoughts about Alex and the first thing in his mind when he opened his eyes in the morning was how stupid he’d been, behaving the way he had the previous night. He wouldn’t have blamed Alex if the man had decided to simply walk away.

Nathan rolled over and his eyes widened at the empty space next to him.

Alex truly had left him.

But the bedroom door thumped open and a pair of hazel eyes met his, full of qualms and—to Nathan’s delight—fear.

“Where’ve you been?”

Alex stepped in nervously before rushing to the bed, ignoring Nathan’s question, and plummeted straight into his arms, muttering, “Oh, Nathan, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Forgive me, please. Okay?”

Now what could he say to that?

Nathan pretended not to realize what Alex was talking about, though. He shifted and pulled himself into a sitting position, dragging Alex with him.

“Now Alex, what’s this all about?”

Alex could barely lift his face. Nathan put his hand beneath Alex’s chin and tilted his face up.

“Come on. Tell me.”

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

The Hat Party



BFD Book Blog



Bayou Book Junkie



Up All Night, Read All Day

MM Good Book Reviews



Parker Williams

3 Chicks After Dark



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Love Bytes

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