
Kiss My Ash Book Blast

TourKiss my Ash_FINAL_HiRes

Author Bio:

Multi-published, best-selling author Renee George has been a factory worker, an army medic, a nurse, a website designer, a small press editor, an artist, and a teacher, but writing stories about sexy alpha men is the BEST job she’s ever had. When she turned thirty, she went back to college and earned her BA in creative writing. She has been married to the love of her life, a wonderful man who supports in every way, for over half her life (and that is a VERY long time!). She happily lives in a small, Midwest town with her husband, two needy dogs and a very independent cat. Anything else you want to know, just ask. She’ll give you all the nitty gritty dirt.

Author Contact:


Publisher: Ellora’s Cave


A werewolf who’s hairless in full shift.

A water sprite who can’t hold his shape at the slightest touch of water.

An ash-tree nymph with a black thumb who kills every bit of flora in her vicinity.

That’s Fortunate, Missouri, in a nutshell—the town for abnormal paranormals. Nymph Romy, however, can one-up them all—her particular flaw is killing her. But thanks to a possible love spell, the wolf and the water sprite could be Romy’s key to cheating death. And the three misfits may find that even imperfect creatures can still create a sexy, loving, perfect union.

Inside Scoop: Sol, Romy and Lucien love each other—emotionally, spiritually and physically. Which means both ménage and male/male action. You lucky reader, you.

A Romantica® paranormal erotic romance from Ellora’s Cave



Categories: Bisexual, Erotica, Fantasy, Fiction, Menage/Poly, Paranormal, Romance



By reading any further, you are stating that you are at least 18 years of age. If you are under the age of 18, please exit this site.

An Excerpt From: KISS MY ASH

Copyright © RENEE GEORGE, 2014

All Rights Reserved, Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

Mathias was a korrigan, a fairy dwarf, and to his detriment, he’d been born male. An abomination amongst the korrigans, who were always female. Even his own mother had wanted him dead, but you can’t kill an immortal.

When he finally strolled out from behind the counter, his height no more than four feet, he held a red clay pot filled to the brim with a dark, loamy soil. Carefully, he handed it to Romy. “Here.”

She stepped away. “And what the hell am I supposed to do with dirt?” Maybe Mathias was tired of her bringing back dead plant after dead plant. It didn’t matter how much she watered the damn things, fed them, or even talked to them—none survived. She’d stopped giving them names after a while, awash with guilt and shame over each death.

His red eyes sparkled with excitement. “In this soil, there is a very special seed, my girl. Very rare and unique. I’m entrusting you with its care.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me. There is no way in hell I’m taking on a ‘rare and unique’ plant. No. No. No. Give me a hardy shrub or weed. Better yet, maybe a cabbage. I won’t feel so bad about a cabbage when it croaks.”

Romy was a dryad; specifically, an ash tree nymph. Which meant, in theory, plants should flourish around her, but she couldn’t even keep her own tree alive. Her mother had postulated it had something to do with the sperm donor, aka Romy’s biological father, but the elder dryad had refused to say more on the subject. Tree nymphs were traditionally a love-’em-and-leave-’em race of females. They didn’t get involved with beings they considered no more than means to an end. Males born to tree nymphs always developed into the same race as the male halves of the couplings, while the females were always dryads.

Unfortunately, something had gone very wrong in the making of Romy. It hadn’t taken long after the dryad equivalent of puberty set in before her people had decided she was toxic.

She pushed the pot back to Mathias. “Uh-uh. You’ve seen my track record.”

When her “birth defect” had eventually started to affect the trees of her forest six months ago, Romy had been summarily kicked out by the other dryads. Of course, her people had called it a “long, extended respite” and sent her to the town of Fortunate, Missouri.

The moniker, over the years, had become a joke. The town had been named after the Fortunate Isles, also called the Isles of the Blessed, and had been used for more than two hundred years as a dumping ground for the “paranormally challenged”. Those who didn’t fit in with their own kind were sent to Fortunate to finish out their days. For immortals like Mathias, the end of days was a long-ass time.

For Romy, well…without a tree to tend, she wouldn’t live another year, the chlorophyll drying in her veins. The plants were test subjects for her, to see if she could sustain life. So far, they’d served only to help ease the ache of dying. But as far as tending plants and making them flourish, she failed constantly.

For Mathias to trust her with a “special” plant…no way was she taking on that kind of responsibility.

It was one thing to kill a common houseplant, but a whole ’nother thing to be responsible for something “rare and unique”. Was Mathias crazy? Romy shook her head again. “I can’t. Don’t you have an air plant or something? Hell, those suckers don’t even require watering.”

He patted her hands, his fingers soothing and gentle. “Ah, but my dear, I hope this may be the answer to—”

Mathias’ explanation was cut off by a barking baritone. “Ah, shit!”

Romy put the pot on the counter as she scooted around Mathias to see who the unfamiliar voice belonged to.

In the greenhouse area beyond the main shop, two long, well-muscled legs and a firm ass, all packaged in perfectly tight jeans, stood nestled between two rows of plants.

“Hello,” Romy said.

The owner of the legs and ass straightened, making him a foot taller than Romy. And oh goddess, did he have an upper body and face to go with the lower half—thickly muscled chest and broad shoulders crowned by a face with bow lips, a Roman nose and the brightest green eyes. All framed by messy, shiny black hair that fell about his shoulders. It was as if the gods had decided to create perfection.

Ridiculous though—they would never do that. But hot damn, they’d come pretty close.

“Uh, hello yourself,” he said back, dusting his palms against his jeans.

His really low voice, which would have better suited a grizzly bear, sent a humming through Romy that made her body sing.

“What have you done now, Lucien?” Mathias asked when he walked into the back. His presence was enough to break the harmony, and Romy snapped out of her new-guy-induced daze.

“What a great name.” She smiled. It made her feel foolish, but she couldn’t punch down the giddiness.

“It’s a name.” He shrugged then leaned over again, which gave Romy another clear shot of his fabulous ass. When he stood once more, he held a small plant, cradling the roots carefully. He looked at Mathias. “I broke the pot, but the fern is fine.”

Lucien had a slight accent, but Romy couldn’t put her finger on the origin. If possible, it made the young man even more exotic and mysterious.

Mathias shook his head, making his red beard sweep his chest. “Where’s Sol?”

“I’m here!” Sol Winter, who’d been working for Mathias long before Romy had moved to Fortunate, stepped out from behind the last row of plants. He wore a baby-blue polo shirt that matched his light-blue eyes. It also complemented his tan, a deep golden bronze. Natural, according to him. Strange for an elf, but who was Romy to judge? His long blond hair was pulled into a ponytail. He often wore it down and spilling over his shoulders, but generally had it tied back for work.

Sol was taller than Lucien by several inches and a little broader. His smile brightened when he saw Romy. “Hey, you.” His mouth turned down in sympathy. “Kill another one?”

They’d had a strange relationship ever since Romy had arrived in Fortunate, which generally involved spirited banter and sarcasm. Even when the conversation turned a little mean, Romy was still thankful for Sol. He was the closest thing she had to a friend.

“Shut the fuck up.”

“Nice.” He raised a brow. “Bitchy much?”

Even though she was certain Sol was gay, it didn’t stop her from having some wicked fantasies about him. After all, the man was hot-hot and knew how to dress. “Takes one to know one.”

“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the oak this morning.” Sol scooped a handful of topsoil and pitched it at her.

“Oh no you didn’t.” In retaliation, Romy grabbed a nearby hose and squeezed the nozzle trigger, dowsing Sol where he stood.

“Stop!” Lucien yelled.

Too late. At Lucien’s shout, Romy turned, the spray of water slapping across the man’s face—and Lucien instantly melted into a clear puddle on the greenhouse floor.

Mortified, she dropped the hose. “Oh no!” She shook her head and stumbled forward. “What have I done?” Not only was she a plant killer, apparently she was a man killer as well.

Two lips formed in the clear pool. “I’m fine. Really.”


Words: 27,000

Tour Dates: November 26


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Molly Lolly, The Hat Party, BFD Book Blog, For the Love of Bookends, Love Bytes, Tara Lain, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, It’s Raining Men, My Fiction Nook, Fallen Angel Reviews, Cate Ashwood, MM Good Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Decadent Delights, Havan Fellows, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Kimber Vale, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Queer Town Abbey


Sales Links:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Out of CTRL Book Tour

outofctrl_800 cover


Author Bio:

I’m SA Welsh and I write because the voices in my head keep making me. I love reading and I love letting the characters and stories in my head come to life in a book. I can’t function in the morning without a cup of tea and when I’m not writing I’m reading. I have enough books to last me through an apocalypse but don’t ask me to share them unless you are a fellow book worm and know how to treat and appreciate a good book. It is thanks to the writers that inspired me to put myself out there that I became an author and the editors that make sense of my chaos that I keep writing. You can find me on facebook or on my website

Author Contact:

Publisher: Totally Bound

Cover Artist: Emmy Ellis


Andrew had no intention of ever going back home. But circumstances force him to face his painful past and the friend who betrayed him. Andrew Finley has no intention of going back to his hometown—ever. After he’s caught hacking into the CIA, he builds himself a new life as a computer guy for the very government agency he hacked. But over the past few months, something has been bothering him, and his boss is acting more paranoid than usual. Every time an operation fails, Andrew collects information that could prove someone is selling secrets. Now he’s pretty sure his boss is trying to kill him, so he has no choice but to go back home to buy some time. Home may be more dangerous than facing his boss. Nine years ago, his former best friend and first crush Teddy betrayed him, and let his evil sister and her minions send him running. But he’s back now and not everything is as clear-cut as he thought. Teddy may not be a Judas but can Andrew catch his fireman without getting burned, or is coming home going to kill him? One corrupt boss, one evil sister, enough family drama to fill a dozen daytime chat shows and an ex-best friend whom he’s been in love with for half his life makes for one hell of an interesting trip home.


Categories: Contemporary, Erotic, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance


Pages: 197


He brought up his search protocols and entered the name. There was nothing on the Net but he kept digging. Within a few minutes, he’d turned up quite a bit of information, not least of which was that the man was connected to a few corruption cases in the alphabet agencies.

Holy shit.

“How the hell do you know this man, Genie?”

“I dated him for a while last year before I figured out he was bi with a strong leaning toward your side of the fence. We chat when he’s on assignment abroad, which is why I know how to set up your secure thingies. We’re friends and I’m sort of his beard, I guess you’d say, when he needs to be seen with a girlfriend,” Genie explained with a shrug as if what she’d done were an everyday occurrence.

Who knew, maybe for her it was. Andrew always figured beautiful people lived completely different lives to the rest of the ordinary ones. Hell, he’d be moving up in the world if he were one of the ordinary people.

Shaking his head, he ignored the comment about his ‘secure thingies’ and continued sifting through the information. The man seemed honorable, had served two short tours overseas before being recruited somewhere. That’s when everything went a little blacked out. There was a lot of classified stuff in the file he’d found but a few hours under his software should clear that up if he needed to delve further.

From what Andrew could see, Agent Christopher Hammer was a decent man and good at his job. Apart from a speeding ticket from when he was a teen and a written warning for ‘reckless behavior in pursuit of the enemy in combat’ the man was clean. Squeaky even.

“Reckless behavior? What kind of man is he, Genie? You could be in danger! I knew you two were going to be trouble the second Mom popped you out.” Sara sighed but it was an improvement from shrieking any day.

“Yeah, right. Your life would be more boring than drying paint without us, and you know it,” Genie shot back with a mock glare.

Sara stood for a second, mouth in a comical O. She snorted. “Yeah, probably. So what do we do now?”

 “We? A second ago you were squealing and looked like you needed a Valium and now you what? Want to take on the CIA?” Andrew couldn’t help the skepticism leaking through into his words.

Tour Dates:


Parker Williams

MM Good Book Reviews



LeAnn’s Book Reviews



Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents



Love Bytes



The Blogger Girls



Fallen Angel Reviews



Molly Lolly



The Hat Party



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

BFD Book Blog



Sales Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Shifting Weight Book Tour



Author Bio:

Tina is a retired Air Force brat and has lived in several states as well as a handful of countries. She has always had a soft spot for literature and is a voracious reader. When she isn’t writing, she can be found cuddled up with a good book. Though Tina adores a thrilling novel with sappy lovesick heroes, she is terrified of things that go bump in the night. This makes for quite a complicated relationship with zombies, something that she just can’t get enough of.

Author Contact:



LinkedIn: Tina Blenke

Instagram: tinablenke



Tumblr: tinablenke

Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Latisha Waters


Jason is a West Coast wolf Shifter who leaves his native Pack Lands to search for his destined mate. When he finds the large muscled man working out a local gym, Jason is ecstatic and apprehensive. Eric is a Changeless human and there are tense sides to the politically heated debate around the integration of Shifters and Changeless. Jason is at risk of losing control of his wolf without bonding with his destined mate. But, will Eric accept that Jason is a Shifter? And can Eric trust Jason after his heart has been left shattered from a previously failed relationship.


Categories: Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance



Jason allowed himself to run that night. Elation filled him making it easier to relax and allow his wolf to flow into his mind and body. The shift was seamless, years of transitioning helped his wolf to take control in under a few painless minutes. Jason knew of wolves who could never shift because the pain was so intense. It was unknown what the cause was but some insisted that it was because the Shifter’s true mate had never been found and the man could not control the beast inside of him.

The old wives’ tale had haunted Jason especially as years passed without locating his mate. Now that he knew Eric existed, it was one less thing to worry about. Now he could focus on worrying about Eric finding out he was a Shifter. Eric’s acceptance. If the two would find love and happiness despite fate playing a factor, then, and only then, could Jason think about starting a family with Eric. Maybe he was jumping the gun, but he had always wanted a man to love and a family to care for. Was it too much to want? Shouldn’t he be satisfied with finding a mate? All of this thinking and stress was weighing him down. Yes, he had found his mate, but would Eric want Jason?

His legs pumped harder as he made his way across hills and through forests with large trees reaching up towards the skies. It was not the familiar woods of his home on the Pack Lands but it felt good to stretch his limbs, pull deep pulls of fresh air into his lungs, and feel the wind tickling through his fur all over his body. With a grin, he imagined his large bear of a mate with sexual wants that matched his own.

Pages: 60 pages



What makes your world in Shifting Weight unique or different?
I created this world of Shifters and Changeless in a fictional city called Whitewater set in the Pacific Northwest to reflect diversity and the conflicts surrounding such a society. Shifters live in the forests uninhabited by the Changeless humans in part to keep to their traditions but also because it’s safer for them to live there. A majority of the Changeless don’t believe in the integration of the two species which leads to fear, conflict, and violence.
With this background, the braver Shifters are leaving the safety of their Pack Lands to seek out their destined mate. Some are fearful and would rather stay on their lands and face the insanity of not tying their wolf to another wolf. This is a painful experience and the young Shifters don’t want to end their lives this way.
In the first book of the series, Shifting Weight, Jason leaves to find his mate. He feels the pull and can’t deny it any longer. He realizes that he’s facing adversity. Not only does he have to find his mate among the millions of Changeless in the world but he has to convince the human that their destiny has been predetermined. If that wasn’t hard enough, this is in the harsh reality of a prejudiced world already seeking segregation from the Shifters. Those challenges would be difficult for any young man seeking out his other half but to top it off Jason is gay.
His proclivity for men isn’t an issue on the Pack Lands and Jason has a strong personality that won’t let anyone stand in the way of him finding his love no matter the consequences. He remains cautious and holds the fact that he’s a Shifter close to his chest in the event that his mate doesn’t approve. Though Jason is confident in who he is, he also dreams of a man who will dominate him and his wolf in the bedroom making all his fantasies come true.
It’s a tough order but Jason has high goals and is determined to find his happily ever after.


Tour Dates: November 17, 24, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, January 5, 12, 19, 26, February 6


Tour Stops:


Decadent Delights



Parker Williams



MM Good Book Reviews

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Carly’s Book Reviews

Queer Town Abbey

Molly Lolly



Prism Book Alliance

Amanda C. Stone


Multitasking Mommas


Hearts on Fire



Cate Ashwood



Dawn’s Reading Nook

BFD Book Blog



Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

Love Bytes



Inked Rainbow Reads

My Fiction Nook



Crystal’s Many Reviewers



Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

 Sales Link


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Cranberry Pi Book Blast



Author Bio:

Somewhere in a small town in up-state New York are a librarian and a second grade teacher to whom I owe my life. That might be a touch dramatic, but it’s nevertheless one hundred percent true.

Because they taught me the joy of reading, of escaping into worlds crafted of words.

Have you ever been nine years old and sure of nothing so much as that you don’t belong? Looked at the world from behind glasses, and wondered why you don’t fit?

Someone hands you a book, and then you turn the page and see… There you are, running from Injun Joe in a dark graveyard; there you are fencing with Athos; there you are…beneath the deep blue sea- marveling at exotic creatures with Captain Nemo.

I found myself between the pages of books, and that is why I write now. It’s why I taught English and literature for so many years, and it’s why my house contains more pounds of books than furniture.

If I’d had my way, I’d have been a fencer…or a starship captain, or a lawyer, or a detective solving crimes. But instead, I am a writer, and I’ve come to realize that’s the best thing in the world to be, because as a writer, I can be all those things and more.

If I hadn’t learned to value the stories between the pages, who knows what would have happened? Certainly not college…teaching…or writing.


Author Contact:


Author Page:

Twitter: @leebrazil

Publisher: Lime Time Press

Cover Artist: Laura Harner


As if starting a new job, picking up the reins of a disorganized former colleague, and moving back in with his parents while he saves for a down payment on a house of his own isn’t enough, Cecil Trace has just discovered that part of the Art Director’s job at the exclusive Linwood Academy is putting on a series of holiday pageants…with the first one celebrating Thanksgiving just three short weeks away.

He’s got enough on his hands getting reluctant students ready to wow their parents and the community with their brilliance, and preparing a holiday showing of his own artwork at a local gallery, he doesn’t need recalcitrant but brilliant math instructor Reese Cavelli arguing about every little detail.

While Reese understands the new Art Director’s urgency, he can’t allow Cecil to undermine his authority with the students. Reese can’t help being an ass to the new art director, and he knows in part his behavior is due to his own insecurities, but it’s also got a lot to do with the fact that the vibrant young artist is so damned sexy in his jeans and bohemian shirts. Every time he comes into contact with Cecil Trace, he finds himself


Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



The store doors whooshed open and a wave of cold air enticed him inside. The silver gum wrapper nagged at the back of his mind, but he was determined. No more picking up after other people. Not after coming in early and staying late and spending all his planning periods cleaning up Torey Crowe’s disaster of a classroom over the last week.

Pulling out his smartphone, he called up a list of items he needed and swung a cart out of the corral. He knew the store like the back of his hand, but it seemed unusually crowded this Sunday. Ducking into an aisle to detour around a woman who appeared to have at least six two-year-olds in her charge, he nearly collided with another cart. Cursing, he veered to the left quickly. Too quickly as he wound up hitting a hanging display of sandwich containers in gaudy plastic colors.

“Fuck!” Instantly, he backed up a little and bent to retrieve the objects that had fallen from the display. Something rammed into his backside and sent him sprawling forward onto the dirty linoleum. “Fuck!” he snarled, catching himself with his hands and pushing upright.


“Oh, excuse me.”

The pleasant baritone irritated him even more, because it seemed familiar. Spinning about, he found himself face-to-face with the devil himself. Or temptation. The man who’d hit him with the shopping cart was stooping to pick up the sandwich containers, and Reese didn’t have a very clear view of him, but what he saw was enough to make his cheeks burn even brighter and his heart falter just a bit before racing.

Golden hair, in a long, straight sheet fell forward over his face, long…too long for a man, really. Reese tried to sneer, but his fingers twitched again, and he wanted to reach out and push that hair back behind the man’s ear to see what sort of face it hid. He had an impression of slenderness, caught a glimpse of faded denim, and a shirt that looked a hell of a lot like his sister’s baby doll pajamas before his cock swelled. Embarrassed, he jerked his own cart and trotted down the aisle. “Watch where you’re going!” he choked out, racing for the produce department.

Words: 45,000

Tour Dates: November 21, 2014


Tour Stops:

Havan Fellows, Parker Williams, Hearts on Fire, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Multitasking MommasFangirl Moments and My Two Cents, The Hat Party, Cathy Brockman Romances, MM Good Book Reviews, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, My Fiction Nook,

Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Fallen Angel Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Jade Crystal, Queer Town Abbey, LeAnn’s Book Reviews


Sales Links: 


a Rafflecopter giveaway