
Moonstruck Book Blast

moonstruck cover


Author Bio:

Shannon West currently lives in the South with her husband and family. A lover and avid reader of M/M romances, she began writing them a few years ago and now has over forty short stories, novellas, and novels to her credit. She was a finalist in the Rainbow Awards for 2013 and very honored to be an All Romance Ebooks Top Ten Author for 2013. She loves men and everything about them, and believes that love is love, no matter the gender. She mostly spends her days at the keyboard, trying to elude housework, which stalks her relentlessly.

A 2014 Rainbow Awards nominee in Science Fiction

Author Contact:


Twitter: @shannonwest8

Amazon Page:



Author Note about ‘Moonstruck’:

I used to teach high school English and at one point I taught a class called Pacesetter, which was a kind of pre-AP Literature class. One of the units focused on Cultural Differences and how they had caused so much prejudice, misunderstanding and downright hatred over the centuries. Kind of a “man’s inhumanity to man” theme. Really fascinating and also horrible to realize how utterly cruel human being can be to each other because of the difference in our skins, our religion or our sexual orientation. In Germany, Hitler tried to exterminate the Jews, the homosexuals and anyone else who disagreed with him politically. In Australia, the British tried to “breed the black” out of Aborigine and English mixed children to keep their race pure. In Rwanda, the Hutus tribe set out to exterminate the Tutsi tribe because they looked a little “more white” than the Hutus, and came very close to wiping them off the map. These stories abound all over history and literature. So I thought if a new breed of human (one that could shift into a wolf) were to be discovered, what would be the outcome? It would be nice to think we would accept them, but in reality, we’d probably do the same as so many other cultures–marginalize them and/or eradicate them. This is where I got the idea for the story and it will follow the lives of a small group of wolves who join with a few Alaskan wolves, who have already had their lives mostly destroyed by the government. Two alphas from these groups fall in love and decide not to just go along and meekly accept their fate. Instead they refuse to go into the camps and they try to fight for their own lives and for the future of their species.

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press

Cover Artist: 3 Rusted Spoons


Special Agent in Charge Jaden Malik’s meeting with the old gray alpha was the first step in an attempt to convince him a fight by his pack against their removal by the Bureau of Lupine Affairs or the BLA would not only be futile but would lead to their utter destruction. When he’s attacked by the son of the old alpha, he takes the handsome man hostage to ensure the pack’s cooperation and then finds to his horror that the man is his mate.

Tyler Jenkins is furious at his capture and Malik’s plans to take his pack to one of the government preserves for wolf shifters. Malik is a shifter himself, and Tyler can’t understand how he can betray his own kind. Tyler’s pack has evaded capture for over thirty years, since the camps were first created, and he has no intention of being put behind bars. Despite his growing attraction to Jaden, Tyler manages a dangerous, daring escape with his pack, turning the tables on Malik by putting him in his own silver handcuffs and taking him with them.

Tyler has only one chance to save what’s growing between them. He has to make it good or risk losing his lover and his mate forever.


Categories: Erotica, Fantasy, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal



His shoulder began to throb from the silver bullet the big one had dug out of his shoulder. Before they’d started, their alpha had given him an injection to deaden the pain, but it was coming back now with a vengeance. Malik had surprised Ty with the gunshot and caught him off guard, but the attack on the agent proved to Ty, at least, that these bastards could be beaten. His father wasn’t even willing to try. Bile churned in his gut and the blood roared in his ears as the reality of his situation sank in. From free man and son of the alpha to hostage of a hated enemy and prisoner in the span of a heartbeat—how the fuck was that even possible?

He shook his head frantically and Malik reached up to pull down the gag from around his mouth. Ty practically spit the words at him. “You son-of-a-bitch! Let me go! I’ll fight you by myself. Just release me and give me a chance, or are you afraid of a fair fight?”

“So you’ve been yelling for some time now, which is why you’re wearing the gag. No more fighting. You’re my prisoner now and prisoners don’t get to make challenges. So settle your ass down.”

Ty glared at the big leader, standing in front of him with his arms crossed over his chest. “What’s the matter, are you scared?” Ty said, taunting him. “I’ve made a challenge, so either accept it or admit you’re afraid to fight me!”

The big leader stepped closer to him, taking his chin in his hand and forcing him to gaze directly into his eyes. “Be careful, Ty. Continue to run your mouth and I’ll gag you again, but it won’t be with this rag,” he said contemptuously, flicking at the cloth pulled down from his mouth. He rubbed his hand over his groin and smirked at him. “Do you understand my meaning?”

Ty flinched, but kept his gaze steady. “I’m not afraid of you, you bastard,” he said, and it would have been perfect if his damn voice hadn’t cracked there at the end, which pissed him off. He wasn’t afraid of this wolf, but there was something about him…something that fascinated and infuriated him at the same time.

Malik’s eyes softened and grew darker as they stayed fixed on his. A long, infinitely strange moment passed during which they simply gazed into each other’s eyes. It seemed like even the air around them almost crackled with energy. Ty swore that for a moment he could see the sparks flying between them. Then one of the others cleared his throat, breaking the mood. Jaden shook his head and released Ty’s chin abruptly, turning toward his men. “We’re heading back to camp. We can notify headquarters to expect us with the newcomers in two days’ time. Keep close and vigilant. I don’t trust these people to keep their bargain.”

Ty dropped his gaze so the rogues wouldn’t see the emotions that surely must be blazing in his eyes. His father would keep his filthy bargain—Ty had no doubt of it now, and he wouldn’t add to his father’s shame by creating any more of a scene, because this was a dishonor. They should have fought these trespassers off, given up their lives if necessary to defend themselves. Ty was deeply ashamed of his father for rolling over and giving in so easily. Were they cowards to be so afraid of a fight? Ty wasn’t afraid, and he’d make sure this government lackey—this traitor—knew that soon enough. He was aware of the big man reaching for him, and he put his head back up, his eyes defiant and met the agent’s steely gaze without flinching. He forced a tight rein on his emotions, because he knew they showed plainly on his face and he would not give away his private thoughts, no matter how wildly they raged inside his head. He had a strange feeling that this man knew exactly what he was thinking anyway and was quietly amused by it. His father and the rest of his pack had left the clearing, leaving Ty alone with these savages. As the others prepared to leave the clearing, Malik took deliberate stock of him, even walking around behind Ty to look him over. When Ty glared back at him, the man met his gaze with an impassive coldness, though his eyes lingered for a long time on Ty’s face. Ty hoped he could see the hatred and antipathy raging there, and he thought he might, because the alpha quirked up one eyebrow as he gazed into Ty’s eyes. The corners of his mouth lifted in a slightly contemptuous smirk, which only served to fuel Ty’s rage.

Malik reached down and took hold of the rope on Ty’s wrists, and for a second, Ty thought he actually might release him. Instead he took off the rope and held his wrists in an iron-like grip as he reached for a set of silver cuffs hanging from a loop on his camo pants. He quickly and efficiently snapped them on Ty’s wrists and a feeling of extreme weakness and lethargy came over Ty, so profound that he immediately wilted and looked up at the agent with astonishment. The cuffs began to make his wrists ache, and he groaned in pain before he even realized it. The cuffs were draining his energy and making him feel weak. His knees buckled a little.

Malik immediately put an arm around his waist to hold him up. “Steady now. You’ll get used to them in a minute. Don’t fight it.” In another couple of minutes, the ache did decrease, though the weakness remained. Ty felt like an idiot, standing there being held up by another man in an embrace so close they might be mistaken for two lovers.

Before he could gather the strength to pull away, Malik took a silver chain looped on the back of his belt and fixed it to the handcuffs, thus tethering Ty to him. Ty gave him an incredulous look and tried to jerk away, only to be shocked at the strength in the delicate-looking chain as it held him effortlessly. Malik smiled down at him and nodded toward each of the four or five big men standing behind them, regarding him with frank curiosity.

“These are members of my team. Follow their orders as you would mine.”

“That’ll be easy enough, since I have no intention of following yours either.”

Ty was aware of the angry, surprised looks the others were giving him—all except for Malik. He showed no emotion at all, except maybe amusement as Ty smirked at him and raised one eyebrow in defiance, deliberately baiting him. It was taking everything in him to stand there as if he were unaffected by all that had happened, when all he felt like doing was collapsing to his knees. The silver from the cuffs seemed to be leaching into his bones. “You’re going to be fun,” Malik said softly and held his gaze so long Ty felt a shiver of fear down his spine, though he’d rather die than let this bastard know it. Maybe, considering his situation, he should tone it down a tad. He shuffled his feet and lowered his gaze. Better to bide his time so they might relax and think he was cowed down by them.

“Let’s get going—it’ll be dark soon,” Malik finally said and turned on his heel to take off down the trail to where they’d camped, pulling Ty along behind him like a stray puppy.

Rather than get into an undignified struggle with Malik that he probably wouldn’t win anyway, Ty huffed out a breath, giving in. He ungraciously allowed the alpha to pull him along by the chain into the woods and down a long shady pathway there. He dragged his feet as much as he dared, slowing Malik down and once even making him stumble. He concentrated on sending a wave of hatred at the agent’s back and was surprised to see him glance back at him from time to time as if he actually felt it.

Words: 43,397

Tour Dates: November 17, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, Molly Lolly, Sinfully Sexy, Decadent Delights, Cate Ashwood, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Iyana Jenna, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Multitasking Mommas, Velvet Panic, 3 Chicks After Dark, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, The Hat Party , Carly’s Book ReviewsMy Fiction Nook, Queer Town Abbey, Fallen Angel Reviews

Sales Links:!moonstruck/cs7x

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The Sparkler: Gin Rickey 2 – Alex and Ricky (CockTails #7) Book Blast




Author Bio:

Multi-published, best-selling author Renee George has been a factory worker, an army medic, a nurse, a website designer, a small press editor, an artist, and a teacher, but writing stories about sexy alpha men is the BEST job she’s ever had. When she turned thirty, she went back to college and earned her BA in creative writing. She has been married to the love of her life, a wonderful man who supports in every way, for over half her life (and that is a VERY long time!). She happily lives in a small, Midwest town with her husband, two needy dogs and a very independent cat. Anything else you want to know, just ask. She’ll give you all the nitty gritty dirt.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Renee George


Ricky McNeil doesn’t do relationships, especially with hot, rich dudes like Alex Michaels. No, he and Alex find mutual and intense satisfaction together–and if Ricky thinks about Alex too often and wants him too much … that doesn’t mean anything. Right?

Alex wants Ricky day and night, but figures asking for an exclusive relationship with the sexy, tattooed man is the best way to scare him off. Even so, Alex can’t resist inviting Ricky to his parents’ home for a holiday barbecue. No one’s more surprised than Alex when Ricky says yes.

Will attending a family event as a couple bring them closer together … or be the end of everything between them?



Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



A delicious tension rose in Alex when Ricky stroked his face and curled a hand behind his neck. Suddenly, he felt dizzy and light headed, the tightening in his chest threatening to burst him wide open. His pulse hammered with anticipation. When Ricky pulled him down and their lips brushed, he nearly collapsed to the ground.


“What about these,” Ricky said, his voice low and seductive. “Are these pretty lips mine?”


“Yes,” Alex whispered. “Yes.”


Ricky’s hand trailed down Alex’s neck to his chest, his hand resting over Alex’s heart. “And this? Can I have this too?”


“Fu-uck,” he stuttered, reaching back to brace himself.


“Is that a no?”


“No,” Alex said. His skin dampened as his whole body trembled. “I mean, not a no. Jesus, I’m sweating.” His breath quickened, and he felt the edge of a panic attack. God, Ricky was going to be the death of him.


“Slow down, Alex,” Ricky said, his voice calm. “Just breathe.”


Alex took a deep breath, held it for a second, and then blew it out slowly.


Ricky wrapped his arms around Alex’s waist and kissed his neck. “Again.”


He took another deep breath and after a slow exhalation, Ricky’s lips drifted across his again. Alex leaned down, slanting his mouth into the kiss, melting against Ricky’s body as he opened for the delicious invasion. The heated stroke of his lover’s tongue inside his mouth felt electric. They didn’t usually kiss. Not like this. They didn’t do this kind of intimacy. They didn’t…

Pages: 55 pages

Tour Dates: November 14th, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams

Amanda C. Stone

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

BFD Book Blog

Molly Lolly

Inked Rainbow Reads

My Fiction Nook

Wake Up Your Wild Side

The Hat Party

Love Bytes

Fallen Angel Reviews

MM Good Book Reviews

Multitasking Mommas

Tara Lain

Michael Mandrake

It’s Raining Men

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents




Sales Links:

CockTails #1 The Wallbanger –

CockTails #2 The Hot Toddy –

CockTails #3 The Gin Rickey –

CockTails #4 The Dirty Martini-

CockTails #5 Wallbanger 2: The Old Fashioned

CockTails #6 The Hurricane: Hot Toddy 2-

CockTails #7 The Sparkler: Gin Rickey 2 –

(And they’re all free through Kindle Unlimited.)

 “The Wallbanger” will be FREE for readers from Nov 14-16 2014


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In The Blue Moonlight Book Blast

SMIn the Blue Moonlight H. Lewis-Foster






Author Bio:
H. Lewis-Foster lives in the North of England, and has always worked with books in one form or another. As a keen reader of gay fiction, she decided to try writing herself, and is now the proud author of several short stories and her debut novel ‘Burning Ashes’. She was also delighted to see her first play performed earlier in 2014.
H. likes to create characters who are talented, funny and quite often gorgeous, but who all have their faults and vulnerable sides, and she hopes that you’ll enjoy reading their stories as much as she loves writing them.

Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing

Cover Artist: Lily Velden in collaboration with Design Bug


Simon has a good job and a nice house, and according to his best friend Chris, he’s turning into a boring old fart. So it’s totally out of character when Simon bares his bum to the local constabulary on a night out with his brother’s student mates. He hopes he’s put the incident behind him, when Simon bumps into one of the officers. Simon fears he’s in trouble, then thinks he’s in luck when PC Mark Timmis buys him a drink – but life in a rural English town is never as simple as it seems.






On a count of three from Tim, the most vocal of the group, six students and one financial expert lowered their trousers to reveal a remarkably varied set of backsides. Glancing sideways, Simon spied a pert pair of buttocks which could have graced a swimwear ad, a scrawny little bum which could barely have held up its owner’s jeans, and an unusually hairy arse adorned with a love-heart tattoo.


Then Simon looked round at the uniformed recipients of their cheeky display. Their jaw-dropping looks of surprise were priceless, and Simon genuinely hoped a passer-by had snapped them on a mobile phone. Simon soon realized, however, that it was he and his mooning chums who were far more likely to end up on YouTube.

Only one of the policemen wasn’t gaping like a truncheon had been shoved somewhere unexpected. A smile crept onto the face of the tall, blond and undeniably handsome officer. Simon instinctively smiled back, until he noticed the copper’s colleagues had recovered their professional poise and were readying themselves for action. Tim gave his orders once more.

“Leg it!”

Pages: 22 pages

Tour Dates: November 12, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

The Hat Party

Inked Rainbow Reads

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

BFD Book Blog

Prism Book Alliance

Amanda C. Stone

Fallen Angel Reviews

MM Good Book Reviews

Multitasking Mommas

My Fiction Nook

Andrew Q. Gordon

Dawn’s Reading Nook

Molly Lolly

Jade Crystal

Because Two Men Are Better Than One


Velvet Panic



Sales Links:



a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Right Words Cover Reveal



Author Bio:

Lane Hayes is grateful to finally be doing what she loves best. Writing full-time! It’s no secret Lane loves a good romance novel. An avid reader from an early age, she has always been drawn to well-told love story with beautifully written characters. These days she prefers the leading roles to both be men. Lane discovered the M/M genre a few years ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel was a 2013 Rainbow Award finalist and her third received an Honorable Mention in the 2014 Rainbow Awards. She loves red wine, chocolate and travel (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband and the coolest yellow Lab ever in an almost empty nest.

Author Contact:


Twitter: @LaneHayes3

Facebook: LaneHayesauthor



Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson



Escaping an abusive relationship left Luke Preston anxious and spouting panic-induced poetry. Desperate for a fresh start, Luke accepts a job remodeling a tired old beach house for a professional soccer player and his model girlfriend. While his passion is literature, not sports, focusing on the renovations eases his anxiety. Until the job he signed up for turns out to be more complicated than advertised.



Sidelined with a serious injury, soccer star Michael Martinez decides his beach house is the perfect place to recuperate. Remodeling might be the diversion he needs to keep his mind off his busted knee. Falling for the pretty designer with some quirky habits wasn’t on the drawing board. Unfortunately, Luke didn’t build a big enough closet for Michael to hide in. Having a star-powered sports career used to be all Michael lived for, but he’ll have to reevaluate his plans and find the right words if he wants to build more than a beach house with Luke.



Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, Humor, Romance



“You think you are braver than any other people—whereas you’re just as brave, and no braver.”


“Quote?” His eyes sparked with humor.


“Yes. Mark Twain. Sorry. It’s a weird habit.”

“It’s not weird. It’s… refreshing. Different. I’m used to hanging out with a bunch of jocks who honestly might not know who Mark Twain is.”


“Please tell me you do,” I pleaded with mock gravity.

“I do. Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer.” He smirked.


“Well done.” I giggled when he pumped his fist in the air like an adolescent.

I held his gaze in silence and allowed myself to bask in the peaceful moment.


“I think it’s awesome you have something that gives you strength. And pardon me for saying so, but… it’s really fucking sexy that it’s bookish. Maybe a pair of librarian glas—”


“Shut up.” I felt an insta-blush at his suggestive words and was glad twilight had taken over.


Michael chuckled beside me. Not so long ago, I would have been sure he was laughing at me. My experience with jocks was limited to thuggish high school idiots who I carefully kept at a distance. They intimidated me with their size and musculature. I tried to intimidate with my brain. It didn’t always keep me from getting teased but certainly solidified the divide between us.


Michael wasn’t like those boys. I sensed an innate kindness in him, evident in his willingness to hold my hand while I shared my own war story with my ex. Instead of pissing me off, the mention of me wearing sexy librarian glasses went straight to my groin. I stood up and tried to clandestinely adjust my half-hard cock as I walked toward the edge of the terrace.


I heard the scratch of his crutches behind me and turned to find him standing a couple feet away.

“You know I was teasing, right?” His voice sounded deep and impossibly sexy. “I like you, Luke. I like that you’re different. You’re extraordinary.” He smiled softly and reached out to brush a stray hair away from my eyes. I was bewitched and in danger of being swept away by the moment. He was too charming for my good.


“You don’t know me. Not really. So please don’t be offended if I don’t—”


“Fine. Don’t believe me. But you’re a fighter. I can tell. And I see this colorful, rainbow aura around you I think is… sexy as hell.”


“Thank God! I was sure my rainbow glitter bag had a hole in it, and I’ve been desperately trying to gather the bit—”


“Stop it. Take the compliment. You’re going to have to work on believing the good things too, you know.”

I chuckled. He was right. “Thank you. I can tell I’m getting better, but I’m a work in progress.”


“Aren’t we all?”

We stood in the dusky evening staring at each other for a long moment. I licked my bottom lip and had moved to step aside when I felt his hand on my shoulder.


“Come here.”


I swallowed hard. “Why?”


He didn’t answer right away, but when he did, he pitched his voice low in an exaggerated whisper. “You have something in your hair. Let me get it.”


I knew he was up to something but I played along. “What is it?”


Michael set his forefinger on his lips, then reached out to caress my ear before running a lazy hand through my hair.


“Glitter. And there’s a lot of it. Red, purple, orange, gr—”


I giggled and swatted at his hand. He didn’t back away. Instead he gently moved his hand to my neck and pulled me forward so that our lips were inches apart.


“Can I kiss you?”


Pages: 204 pages



Tour Dates: November 12th


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams

Fallen Angel Reviews

BFD Book Blog

Regular Guys, Hot Romance

Andrew Q. Gordon

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Love Bytes

Molly Lolly

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Multitasking Mommas

Cate Ashwood

Sinfully Sexy

MM Good Book Reviews

Wake Up Your Wild Side

Book Reviews and More by Kathy

Havan Fellows

Rainbow Gold Reviews

3 Chicks After Dark

Sales Links:



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Ryan’s Wizard Book Tour



Author Bio:

Beany lives in Western Australia. She first started reading romance novels in 2008, but it wasn’t until January 2010 when her Kindle got delivered that the world of erotic romance opened its doors to her, and she hasn’t looked back.

With suggestions and support from friends, her muse—“affectionately” known as PITA—was finally able to break free, and in January 2014 her first story was written. Since she can’t put PITA back in his box, Beany has decided to give in and team up with him. Together they’ve made plans to write both MF and MM stories.

Author Contact:

She can be reached at

Or visit her at

Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Latrisha Waters


An alpha ends up with more than he bargained for when he finds his mate…his wizard mate.

After years of no contact, Oliver “Olly” Grey was finally able to reunite with his cousin Aiden. He’s surprised to find that Aiden now has a mate—a male, shifter mate—named Lex. And it’s Lex’s pack mates that Olly is there to help save. What he hadn’t expected was Lex’s brother Ryan.

Ryan Shepherd was happy to have found his brother Lex, and even happier to know that his brother was happily mated. But there is something about Aiden’s cousin Olly that Ryan doesn’t trust, especially when he also smells like the man currently holding his pack members captive. Yet that doesn’t stop Ryan from wanting to hold and comfort the man, and eventually he realizes why—Olly is his mate.

Now the four of them need to plan a rescue mission, but what happens when they run into the two men that had held Lex captive and those same men come to the cabin in the middle of the night?



Categories: Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal



Aiden burst out laughing and moved one hand to ruffle Olly’s hair.

“Hey!” Olly exclaimed as he pulled back in order to glare at Aiden, who just smiled bigger and pulled him back into his arms.

“I couldn’t resist,” Aiden said, the laughter evident in his voice.

“Yeah, whatever. Anyway, back to what I was saying, but hopefully without interruptions this time.” Olly looked pointedly at Ryan when he said that. Ryan seemed to be studying him intently, but didn’t utter a word.

Olly looked away and started talking again. “I know where the pack is, or at least, I know where a bunch of canine shifters are being held.”

“How do you know that they’re part of our pack?” Lex asked, sounding like he was trying to restrain his eagerness.

Olly turned to him. “Because I heard a few of the guards talk about how they captured a bunch of them together.”

“And why didn’t you get caught?” Ryan asked, anger in his voice.

“Because,” Olly paused, then sighed. “The house they’re being held in belongs to Walter.”

Aiden gasped and when Olly looked at him, he saw the horror that was on his face.

“How long has Walter had shifters imprisoned on his property?” Aiden asked, outrage in his voice.

“I don’t know for sure, but it would be a number of years.” Olly couldn’t face any of them as he said that.

“Who is this Walter?” Ryan growled.

Olly looked up at him, then looked away as he replied, “My father.”

Pages: 157 pages


1 – I hear tell there is going to be a wizard named Will Parkinson. Can you confirm or deny that rumor?


There will be if a certain someone gets me a shutterstock photo of what this Will Parkinson will look like *hint hint*


2 – How is writing M/M different than writing M/F?


Aside from the sex scenes? I don’t find it all that different. At the end of the day it’s a journey of two people who find love and each other, regardless of whether they’re two men or a man and a woman. Surprisingly, my M/M characters are more chatty than my M/F characters.


3 – So, tell us more about this Will Parkinson character. I mean, assuming you’re actually going to be making one.


Well he’s going to be a wizard obsessed with Beanie Babies. I haven’t yet decided if he’s going to be good or evil or if he’s going to end up as a main character or secondary character. Who knows, he might even be straight. Or he could be a very old wizard whose only friends are the beanie babies he surrounds himself with until one day…hm…hello plot bunny, why yes, I do think I’ll keep you.


4 – Where do you think the magic comes from? A gift of nature? Something from old gods? Other?


I think nature itself is magical. The animals, the places, the seasons, everything. They give the world a hint of magic that so many people seem to overlook. There’s magic everywhere if you just take the time to look.


5 – Will Parkinson would be a cool wizard. It’s not a question, just a statement of fact. 😉
Your statement has been noted.


6 – Will you be venturing into other shifter types?


Well my MF series has felines and a falcon (for now), I’ve got mermen coming up (they’re a kind of shifter, right?) in December and February. As for other shifters, there is definitely a possibility. If the right plot bunny hops along then any shifter can be included. I’ve also got a plan for a little koala but shhh, don’t tell PITA, we need to be working on our vampire NaNo story.


7 – What scares you most about writing?


That people will hate my story. Although it’s not really a fear, I know there will be people out there who love my story and some will hate it. I have no way of pleasing everyone and if I try then who knows what the story will end up like.


8 – What genre do you most want to try and why?


Hm…good question. Maybe a ménage, that might be fun to write. I think I’ve got an idea for one in my WIP folder but I’m not going to check in case PITA goes off on a tangent. 

Beany 🙂

Tour Dates:

Tour Stops:


MM Good Book Reviews


Love Bytes


The Hat Party


Inked Rainbow Reads


Carly’s Book Reviews


Parker Williams




Molly Lolly


BFD Book Blog


Amanda C. Stone


Hearts on Fire


Multitasking Mommas


Cate Ashwood


Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


The Blogger Girls


My Fiction Nook


Iyana Jenna



Sales Links:‘-s-Wizard/

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