
Seduction in Red Book Tour

front coverSM


Author Bio:

D.t. Peterson lives in the suburbs of Philadelphia. He enjoys traveling, and being outdoors. His hobbies include canoeing, hiking, whitewater rafting, and furniture making. His debut novel was The Cove.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Jared Rackler


Trevor is young, rich and single; completely open and out about who he is, unwilling to hide it from anyone. Cody is shy and inexperienced, exploring the desires he secretly craves to fulfill for the first time. Unknowingly, they venture down a path which neither of them could have ever imagined.




“I’m Trevor,” he said smiling broadly, stretching out his hand.

“Hi, I’m Cody,” I said shaking his hand.

He held my hand longer than I was used to and I gazed at the rings on his fingers and the bracelets on his wrists.

“How did you know what I was drinking?”

“I noticed you as soon as you walked in,” he said, seductively, smiling.

“Noticed me?”

“Yeah, I’ve never seen you before. You must be new.”

“Oh,” I half smiled back, “I’ve never been here before. It’s my first time.”

“Thought so,” he continued, in between swigging on his beer and checking me out.

“Huh?” I replied, leaning closer towards him, unable to hear him above the music.

“C’mon,” he shouted above the blaring disco music as he grabbed the beer bottles off of the bar, “follow me.”

He led me around the dance floor, to the back of the club where it was less noisy.

“Here,” he said sitting down, closely, next to me at a table, “This is better.”

“It is, I can hear you now.” I agreed.

“You’re really cute,” he started, “but you look really young. How old are you?”

“Just turned twenty one,” I stated proudly.

“Sweet,” he said grinning deviously, “but you look younger…”

“I get that a lot…” I replied.

“It’s cool, I’m twenty three. Not too old for you is it?”

“No idea yet,” I replied nervously.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Yeah,” I replied.

“Have you done anything yet?”

“Done anything?”

“Yeah, you known, been with another guy?”

“Oh, no. Not yet.”

“Hot. But you want to?”

“I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.”

“Guess that’s why you’re here,” he chuckled.

“Yeah, I suppose so, I’m curious…”

“How about you?” I asked.

“Me?” he said proudly, “I’ve been out awhile. Can’t ya tell?”

I could actually. He had an air of confidence about him, secure in knowing who he was, not caring about what anyone else thought. He had long blonde hair and stunning blue eyes. He was almost androgynous looking. I couldn’t help but not look at him as I had followed him from the bar, gazing at his lean and slender body.

Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:

October 10: Rainbow Gold Reviews

October 13: MM Good Book Reviews

October 14: The Hat Party

October 15: Michael Mandrake

October 16: Love Bytes

October 17: It’s Raining Men

October 20: Fallen Angel Reviews

October 21: Prism Book Alliance

October 22: Havan Fellows

October 23: Amanda C. Stone

October 24: Iyana Jenna

October 27: Cate Ashwood

October 28: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

October 29: Inked Rainbow Reads

October 30: BFD Book Blog

October 31: Parker Williams, Kimi-Chan

November 3: Regular Guys, Hot Romance

November 4: Queer Town Abbey

November 5: Multitasking Mommas

November 6: Wicked Faeries Reviews

November 7: Jade Crystal


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Love’s Home Book Blast



Author Bio:

Iyana writes M/M short stories and novellas. Her works have been published by Evernight Publishing, JMS Books, Books to Go Now, Torquere Press, Bitten Press, Leap of Faith Publishing, Breathless Press, and Alfie Dog Fiction.


Iyana lives in Jakarta, a city famous for its traffic jams, a lot of cars and motorcycles, and people selling stuff on the roads. You can spend two hours on the road going to a place you can reach in half an hour in a normal situation. Thanks to the traffic jams, though, Iyana can come up with a lot of stories, mostly shorties, as she prefers to spend the time during her trips writing into her cell phone rather than sleeping.


Another thing Iyana loves is kitties. Right now she has three of them. Their names are Cil, Horus, and Betsy, and one kitten. When she doesn’t write, she plays with them, or they would play with her when she writes.


Author Contact:







Publisher: JMS Books

Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs |


Sometimes you need a break, to get away somewhere, but in the end you always return to a place you call home. The saying goes, “Home is where the heart is.” It doesn’t matter if it’s big or small, pretty or shabby, what matters is it’s your Love’s Home.

This collection features five of Iyana Jenna’s best-selling gay contemporary romance stories. A homeless PA finds a home in an actor’s life. An abduction almost steals a man from his loving boyfriend. A love triangle nearly ruins everything. A sex slave is rescued by an unlikely savior. A young man discovers a new home after he loses everything.

Contains the stories:

  • A Home for Jesse
  • A Single Black Rose
  • Misunderstandings
  • Will and Pleasure
  • Ya Like That?






A Home for Jesse

This ain’t so bad. Jesse pats his laden backpack. He stretches himself on the bench and lowers his head onto the bag, grimacing at the bumps pressing against his head and neck. Awesome. He is going to have major cricks and headaches come morning. That is if he’s not suffering from early signs of pneumonia.

Jesse shifts and grunts and finally gives up. He sits up, takes off his jacket, and spreads it over his front before he lies down again. Moving a bit again to find the most comfortable position, he thinks, Fuck, now my shorts are stuck in the crack of my ass. Jesse reaches down and pulls them free — ah, that’s better.

He takes a deep breath. So he’s a bum now, is he? His ma would be heartbroken if she knew. She could blame him for being such a hard head and insisting on having his own way. Jesse stares blankly at the leaves swaying on treetops, at the shadows of the swings dancing in the dark, at the stars blinking mockingly down at him. At least the fact that they are up there means that the sky is cloudless and Jesse doesn’t need to worry about the possibility of rain tonight. Getting soaked when the only place he has to sleep is this park would be a pain in the ass, not to mention hazardous to his health. Jesse also hopes no cops will come patrolling tonight.

Weary to the bone, Jesse curls both hands under the side of his face and gives in to slumber.
Pages: 268 pages

Tour Dates: October 30th


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams
Rainbow Gold Reviews
BFD Book Blog
Queer Town Abbey
Inked Rainbow Reads
Full Moon Dreaming
Multitasking Mommas
Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews
Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
MM Good Book Reviews
Lee Brazil
Cate Ashwood
Havan Fellows
Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings
Love Bytes
3 Chicks After Dark
The Hat Party
Velvet Panic



Sales Links:
Amazon US:
Amazon UK:

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The Scent of Jasmine Book Blast



TheScentofJasmine - LilaBruce


Author Bio:

Lila Bruce lives in the North Georgia Mountains, where the air is sweet and the summers are hot. When not writing, she spends her time adding to her ever-growing pack of basset hounds and dreaming of being able one day to leave behind her evil day job.


Author Contact:


Cover Artist:


Four years ago Jessica Taylor thought she was ready to leave small town living behind and headed West. Now she’s back in Cedar Creek, a little older, a lot wiser, and ready to live the quiet life for a while.

It’s been eight months since her fiancée walked out and shattered Grace Donnelly’s dreams of a happily ever after. Her friends tell her it’s time to start living again, but the breakup with Emma was still just too raw for Grace to wash her hands and move on.

After a chance meeting at her brother’s bakery, Jessica finds herself unable to get Grace off of mind. She’s sure she feels an attraction from Grace as well, but will Jessica be able to convince Grace to stop living in the past and take a chance on a future together with her…



Categories: Contemporary, Lesbian Romance



Jessica Taylor stood there grinning, a slight dusting of flour decorating the bridge of her nose. She held a rack of cinnamon rolls at chest level, drawing Grace’s gaze to the slender woman’s chest, the white t-shirt and bright green apron seeming to accentuate the fullness of her breasts. She had long, dark hair that was tied back into a pony tail. And her eyes…her eyes seemed to dance as they stared at Grace from other the display case.

Holy hell, she is fucking gorgeous.

Grace opened her mouth to respond but looking at the other woman’s emerald eyes, could suddenly think of nothing but purple dildos. Mortified, she just stood there, saying nothing.

Keeping her gaze on Grace, Jessica slid the rack of cinnamon rolls into the case.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

Grace flushed briefly and the shook her head. “Oh no, that’s ok, you just startled me, that’s all. I didn’t hear you come out from the back.”

“So how would you like it?” the woman drawled. Gone was the nerdy teenager with wire-rimmed glasses. This woman looked more like she had just stepped off the runway rather than out of a kitchen.

Grace shook her head and blinked at her. “Um, I…um, excuse me?”

“Your cinnamon roll. Would you like it in a box or bag?”

“Oh. A box please,” she said quickly. “And I need sex…I mean six! I need six cinnamon rolls,” Grace added, reddening as she spoke.

Oh my word, I have got to get out of here, she thought to herself.



Words: 16,930

Tour Dates: October 29, 2014

Tour Stops

Parker Williams

Cate Ashwood

Inked Rainbow Reads

The Hat Party

Full Moon Dreaming

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Prism Book Alliance

My Fiction Nook

Regular Guys, Hot Romance

Michael Mandrake

Velvet Panic

Fallen Angel Reviews

Queer Town Abbey

Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

Hearts on Fire



Sales Links:



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To Catch A Threeve Book Blast

To Catch a Threeve_coverin



Author Bio:

Alexis Duran was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest. At the University of Oregon, her fascination with people and relationships led her to major in Sociology, but her main love has always been creative writing. She’s worked in museums, fashion, finance and film production. Her favorite job so far was Administrative Assistant in a haunted Victorian Mansion. She’s had several short stories published in the mystery, horror and literary genres and is the author of the Masters and Mages erotic fantasy series. Her fiction has won several awards including the Rupert Hughes Award from the Maui Writers Conference. She lives with one dog and four and half cats. She is currently working on the next Masters and Mages novella and several other erotic novellas.


Author Contact:

Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde


Axel Blackwood catches a thief and is astounded to see that he closely resembles Liam Alloway, the love he lost seven years ago in an attack by the evil woodland folk known as threeves. Axel suspects he’s fallen prey to dark magic, but can’t help becoming infatuated with his prisoner. He’s overwhelmed with the hope that he can at last bring his lost lover home, despite everything that warns him it’s all a diabolical trick. 

Bryn Darrow, the half-threeve, half human orphan sent to trick Axel and rob him of much more than a simple gem finds himself equally as fascinated with his handsome human captor and the lure of someplace to call home, but he knows deep down that the constable is in love with a dangerous illusion. When he’s commanded by the threeves to murder Axel and steal a witch’s powerful grimoire, he’s forced to decide between the only family he’s ever known and the one person who might rescue him from a life of isolation and pain.

Will Axel and Bryn be forced into a deadly confrontation before they can discover the truth?



Categories: Erotica, Fantasy, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



“What are you, Bryn Darrow?” Axel asked.

“Wish I knew,” Bryn answered, shaking his head and chuckling. “You can go on pretending I’m this Liam person if you want.”

“If you ever try to act like Liam again, I’ll let Drummond lop your head off. He’s itching to, you know.”

“You started it,” Bryn snapped. “And now you’re getting friendly again.”

Axel jerked his hands away from Bryn’s back as if he’d been burned. “I’m looking for your clan sign. Why’d you remove it?”

“Looking with your fingers instead of your eyes? Don’t get me wrong. I don’t mind it.” Bryn looked over his shoulder with that annoying, delectable smile. Only the memory of being spelled senseless stopped Axel from resuming his exploration of Bryn’s skin, kissing his neck, pushing him down into the grass—

Pages: 43,000 words/135 pages

Tour Dates: October 28, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams
My Fiction Nook
Prism Book Alliance
Multitasking Mommas
Inked Rainbow Reads
Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words
Cate Ashwood
Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews
Rainbow Gold Reviews
Love Bytes
Andrew Q. Gordon
The Hat Party
Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
MM Good Book Reviews
Jade Crystal
It’s Raining Men
Michael Mandrake
Fallen Angel Reviews
3 Chicks After Dark





Sales Links:



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For By Grace Book Tour

Cover Full


Author Bio:

Adrian J. Smith, or “AJ” as she is often called, is a part time writer with an epic imagination, sharp wit, and kind heart that gets her into a bit of trouble when it comes to taking in all the neighborhood stray cats. Being obsessed with science fiction, Smith often goes off on tangents about the space-time continuum. She is also a part time lunatic with a secretive past. It’s been rumored that she was once a spy for the government, but anyone who has gotten close enough to know the truth has never lived to tell the tale. When traveling around the world on various classified tasks, Smith requires the following be provided: buffalo jerky, mimosas, and eighty six pennies. This is all we know about the reclusive woman.

Author Contact:

Cover Artist: Heidi DeCausemaker

Publisher: Supposed Crimes, LLC


Being a Sheriff’s Deputy is not all about saving lives and arresting criminals, and each day Grace wonders if she’ll make it home.

While kids at the schools Deputy Grace Halling visits see her as the knight in blue-cotton armor, people involved in the cases she is dispatched to have a different opinion. She has every confidence in her ability to do her job and arrest criminals. She easily takes down a knife-wielding woman and a drunken combatant teenager without hesitation. Everyone—victim, suspect, or witness—has a story to tell or to lie about, and Grace is never perturbed by their tales.

That all changes when she looks down the barrel of a gun. She loses confidence in her ability as a deputy, she loses trust in herself and fellow officers, and she struggles to stay afloat as shift after shift passes. Grace cannot find her rhythm of being a deputy again. And when the Police Chaplain unexpectedly barges into her life, her personal and professional lives are flipped upside down. Grace struggles to find her even ground, worrying that the next time she stares a murderer in the face will be the last.




Deputy Halling tensed her shoulders as her cruiser sped up—she was always ready for the next suspect. The truck was already four blocks ahead of her and did not look to be slowing down. She reached up and hit the mouthpiece of the radio at her shoulder, tilting her head as she spoke. “337—speeder on Hosmer and 126th, heading northbound. Red Ford Ranger, early model, plate is boy-boy-charles-seven-zero-nine. In pursuit.”

“10-4,” dispatch responded.

Hitting the gas, Grace got as close to the truck as possible. They weaved in and out of traffic, cars pulling over to the side and hitting their brakes as the driver either caught sight of the truck or heard her sirens. He blasted through a red light, horns beeping continuously at him as she drove to catch up.
Grace slammed on her brakes. She let out a quick breath as a black mustang came to a forceful stop, letting her drive past them. She picked up her speed, scanning the roadway ahead to try and see where the Ford had gone. Biting her lip, Grace cocked her head to the side, skimming the intersections to make sure everyone had stopped or was coming to a stop before she went through them. One car was too close of a call for her.

Tour Dates/Stops:

8/18: Prism Book Alliance

8/25: The Hat Party, Velvet Panic, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/1: SA McAuley

9/8: Jade Crystal

9/15: Cate Ashwood

9/22: Fallen Angel Reviews

9/29: Hearts on Fire

10/6: My Fiction Nook

10/13: Wake Up Your Wild Side

10/20: Love Bytes, Regular Guys, Hot Romance

10/27: Parker Williams, Iyana Jenna

11/3: Dawn’s Reading Nook, Amanda C. Stone, LeAnn’s Book Reviews


Sales Links:
Amazon US
Barnes & Noble
Amazon CA

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