
Red Dirt Heart 3 Book Tour



Author Bio:

Who am I?

Good question…

I am many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer.

I have pretty, pretty boys who live in my head, who don’t let me sleep at night unless I give them life with words.

I like it when they do dirty, dirty things… but I like it even more when they fall in love.

I used to think having people in my head talking to me was weird, until one day I happened across other writers who told me it was normal.

I’ve been writing ever since…


Author Contact:


Facebook: N.r. Walker

Facebook Fan Page: N.R. Walker Author

Twitter: @NR_Walker



Publisher: N.R. Walker

Cover Artist: Sara York


Life for Charlie Sutton has never been better, or busier. With Travis now a permanent fixture of Sutton Station, a permanent fixture at Charlie’s side, Charlie’s convinced he couldn’t do anything on his ever-growing to-do list without him.

He can run a multimillion dollar cattle business, finish his degree, try and further the local beef industry, deal with staff issues, Ma’s failing health, and an attention-demanding wombat. He can even deal with an unexpected visitor and some shattering news.

He can deal with it all, as long as he has Travis.

But what happens when he doesn’t?

Red Dirt Heart 3 is the story of Charlie Sutton finally realising he can be the man Travis Craig deserves, even if he doesn’t have Travis. It’s a story of love, family, holding on, letting go and coming home.




We climbed into the ute and Travis drove, only mumbling under his breath once or twice about what side of the road he was on. I thought we were headed to find something to eat, but he pulled up at a pet store.

“What are we doing?”

“You’ll see,” was all he said as he was getting out.

I followed him into the pet shop, past the puppies, fish and birds down to the kennels and produce. When he stopped at cat beds, I shook my head. “Oh, no no no. We’re not getting a cat. We used to have one, it lived in the shed and the bloody thing was feral.”

He didn’t even look at me. “It’s not for a cat, Charlie.” He picked up a cushion-box looking thing with a hole in the front. The label called it a cat igloo. “It’s for your damn wombat.”

“Oh,” I said brightly. “Well, that’s okay then.”

He pushed Nugget’s new bed into my chest. “So he sleeps in his bed, not ours.”

A sales guy, about eighteen years old, walked up and was looking at us funny. He probably just heard what Travis said, and I didn’t care. I just shrugged, guessin’ that I’d come a long way in the last six months. “How did I know he’d think it was playtime?”

Travis sighed and turned to the sales assistant. “Do you have any feed pellets for wombats?”

He raised his eyebrows. “Wombats?”

I nodded. “Yep, you know, ‘bout this big,” I held up my hands to show him, “shape of a brick, cute little thing.”

Travis took a god-fucking-help-me breath. “About a year old, pain in the arse, stubborn as hell, boot-chewin’, gets into everything type of wombat.”


Tour Dates/Stops:

October 17: SA McAuley, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Rainbow Gold Reviews

October 20: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

October 21: Love Bytes, Hearts on Fire

October 22: Nic Starr, Jade Crystal, Wake Up Your Wild Side

October 23: Nephylim, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Emotion in Motion

October 24: Amanda C. Stone, My Fiction Nook, Prism Book Alliance

October 27: Fallen Angel Reviews, Parker Williams

October 28: MM Good Book Reviews, Multitasking Mommas

October 29: Smoocher’s Voice

October 30:BFD Book Blog, Queer Town Abbey



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Manipulation Special Release

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Author of:

The Angel of 13 Street (Rainbow Awards honorable mention 2010)
The Wish (Rainbow Awards 3rd place winner 2010)
Settling the Score (2012 Lambda finalist, Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention 2011)
Diversion (Rainbow Awards honorable mention 2012)
Duet (Rainbow Awards honorable mention 2010)
Naked Tails (Rainbow Awards 5th place winner 2013)
Corruption (Rainbow Awards honorable mention 2014)



Lucky Lucklighter has a new life. His old life wants him back.

He traded trafficking for taking down criminals with the Southeastern Narcotics Bureau, and a drug-lord lover for a man on the right side of the law. Bo Schollenberger found the way past the thorny defenses of Lucky’s heart, and made Mr. I-Get-Along-Fine-Alone think about his and his closets, stevia in the sugar bowl, and a picket fence—with a good lock on the gate.

Now Bo is missing, and a voice long silenced asks, “Did you miss me?” Lucky must deal with a devil from his past to get Bo back.

And if Bo isn’t willing to come? A drug ring needs its back broken before flooding the US with a designer high, seductive and undetectable. But there’s a fine line between good and evil, and a truckload of temptation urging Lucky to cross.




Lucky entered “Victor Antonio Mangiardi” into the computer’s search engine. Pages of social media sites appeared. Dang! Lots of Victor Antonio Mangiardis in the world. Hopefully, the rest weren’t as lawless as the one Lucky sought.

Nothing new. He tried “Victor Mangiardi arrested,” “Victor Mangiardi court,” and “Victor Mangiardi trial.”

“Victor Mangiardi hearing,” paid off in the form of a news article he hadn’t read before. He struggled to breathe even before the image came clearly into view. Victor, smiling, happy, and standing on the courthouse stairs.

The article read: Suspected drug trafficker Victor Mangiardi appeared before Judge Tyson Levinson…

His arraignment. This photo was taken at Victor’s arraignment. But he was laughing. An image came to mind of this same man in court, in rumpled clothes, disheveled and gaunt. During all their time together, Lucky had never seen his former lover looking less than perfect. Victor had even managed to pull himself together during the flu, while Lucky had lain in bed too sick to move. The haggard appearance in court had to have been an act to win the jury’s pity.
Here he was, with no apparent care in the world. Victor’s lawyer stood to one side, a uniformed cop on the other. Several other people trudged behind him, none of whom Lucky recognized, except for…

Lucky jabbed the magnifying button again and again. The enlargement distorted the face, but he’d know this man anywhere. It couldn’t be. It just couldn’t.

Standing a few feet behind Victor Mangiardi was none other than Walter Smith.


“But I thought you needed to speak with Mr. Smith,” the receptionist said as Lucky stormed past her desk.

“Something came up.”

“He’ll be in later this afternoon.”

Lucky jabbed the down arrow button on the elevator. “I changed my mind.”

Holy fuck! Walter and Victor. Walter swore there’d been no deal made to get Victor out of his charges, yet Victor didn’t seem at all worried in the picture. And the reason might have been who stood behind him, both literally and figuratively.

But Victor was dead. He’d hanged himself in his cell.

All the way home Lucky dredged up details he’d sworn to forget. He’d returned from a run to find certain items missing from the house he shared with Victor, the painting of Victor’s mother being the most noticeable. And damning.

Victor loved that painting.

And then there were airline tickets to Rio: one for Victor, one the feds led Lucky to believe was for another plaything Victor planned to drop Lucky for. Only after Victor died, at Lucky’s own trial, did the bastards reveal the passport made out in that name, with Lucky’s picture.

The feds had started closing in, and Victor planned to leave the country and take Lucky with him. As in most aspects of their relationship, he’d kept the details to himself. Besides, Lucky wouldn’t have willingly run and left his family behind. Victor hadn’t intended to offer a choice. Manipulative bastard.

They’d been arrested before they could leave. Or had they?
Lucky recalled the picture. What if Victor made the deal before his arrest? What if, instead of a drug trafficker and a narcotics agent, the men in the photo were merely actors? Walter made one hell of a leading man, as he’d proven time and again in boardroom showdowns.
Arranging a fake death wasn’t hard; Walter had done the same for Lucky. In fact, Walter suggested the plan.

“Fuck. What if he isn’t dead?” Lucky asked himself out loud. He waved an impatient hand at his landlady’s greeting and marched into his house. She sat on the porch much of the day. If anyone stuck anything in the mailbox, she’d know. She had to have seen who delivered the picture yesterday. And yet she’d lied about seeing anyone. With no postmark, the mail carrier sure hadn’t brought the damning piece of evidence. Never again would he trust Mrs. Griggs beyond fixing faulty plumbing and feeding cats.

He’d pack a few things, stay in a motel, and avoid all contact with the SNB until he figured out what was what. What about Bo? How did he figure into the equation? If Bo came to harm because of Walter…
Lucky dragged a duffel out of the entryway closet and charged into his bedroom. A few pairs of jeans, underwear, T-shirts. He crossed into the bathroom for his shaving kit.

Scrawled in red marker across his bathroom mirror: “Did you miss me?”

A face appeared over his left shoulder. A blur swung down. Blackness.



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A Bittersweet Haunting/ A Holiday Job Zombie Run Book Blast

ABittersweetHaunting_ChaseNacht_smZombie Run Nachtphoto



Author Bios:

Jackie Nacht

Short, sexy and sweet— where a little love goes a long way.

That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s stories. She was introduced to M/M Romance through her sister, Stephani, and read it for years. Then, she thought it was time to put her own stories on paper. Jackie began writing short and sweet stories that ended with a happily ever after.

Thinking back to her own book addiction, where there were many nights Jackie stayed up way too late so she could read just one more chapter— yeah, right— Jackie decided to write short romances for young adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give high school and college students, or working men and women something they can read during their lunch hour, in between classes or just when they want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of everyday life.


T.A. Chase

I’m T.A. Chase, and I write stories about men loving men, but my stories are more than that. It’s about one person finding the other half of themselves. It doesn’t matter whether that person is male or female. I’m a happily married woman living in the Midwest with my husband of fifteen years. I’ve been writing for six years now, and because of my awesome readers, I’ve been able to do it full time for over a year.


Author Contact:

You can find Jackie at:






TA Chase:



Publisher: MLR Press/ eXtasy Books

Cover Artists: Kris Jacen/ Carmen Waters



A Bittersweet Haunting

In a moment of youthful curiousity, these six men were marked forevermore.


Jersey Paranormal Investigation was created when Braden and his five friends were marked by the Jersey Devil during their childhood. Now, they all have special gifts when it comes to the supernatural. Years later, Braden finds himself on his next job only to come face to face with the beautiful victim, Mack. Not all is it seems and Braden and his team will have to figure out why Mack is being targeted and to keep from falling for the man in the process.


A Holiday Job Zombie Run

This Halloween, Drake is about to meet one guy he can’t say goodbye to.

And Drake is about to meet his match.

After a casual encounter, Drake can’t seem to stop thinking about Wilson. Even though Wilson pretty much thanked him for a nice time and walked out of his dorm and his life.

Now Halloween is approaching, and Drake is being roped into volunteering for the charity fun run. Having to dress as a zombie is horrible enough, but seeing Wilson at the starting line has Drake ducking for the trees. Will Wilson look past the gory makeup to see Drake actually cares about him? Will Drake finally be able to capture Wilson’s heart?


A Bittersweet Haunting
Turning, Mack made his way to the old flight of stairs that creaked with every step he ventured. Goosebumps popped up on his flesh the more he ascended. Breathing heavily, Mack took the last step and cautiously made his way down the hallway. The air hung thick, and he almost choked on it. The closer he got to room 212, the more his flight instinct raised its red flag. The only reason he kept going was that he did not want to embarrass himself by returning empty-handed because he had been spooked.
Standing in front of the door, Mack’s hand trembled as he reached for the handle, finally turning it. Blowing out a breath, Mack decided to just get it over with. As fast as he could, he entered the room, searching for the box that held the spare linens.
Out of nowhere, a blast of freezing cold air hit him in the face, knocking him on his ass. Whipping his head around, Mack searched for an open window, only to find that all of them were tightly shut.
I’m getting the fuck out of here.
Climbing to his feet, he grabbed a box, praying that it was the right one and took off out of the room, not even bothering to close the door as he descended the steps two at a time.
Clutching the box to his chest, he leaned against the wall at the base of the stairs and caught his breath.
“Hey, are you okay?” Nick came up to him, relieving him of the box.
Mack wiped his sweat-soaked forehead. What the hell was that? His heart was still pumping, and his mouth couldn’t even form the words to lie to Nick and tell him he was okay.
Megan came up next to Nick. “You all right?”
Nodding, Mack rasped out, “I’m fine…just…” He just couldn’t say it. There was no way he was going to say something weird happened upstairs, especially when he actually didn’t see anything. Hell, was it all in his head because he was freaked about going upstairs? Possibly.
Shaking it off, he finally answered, “I’m fine. Let’s go, Nick, and get the Ivy Room set up.”
“Are you sure?” Megan eyed him with concern.
“Yes, tea starts in forty-five minutes. I better get moving.”
For the next half hour, Mack and Nick set up the room. The linens were placed on the tables—thankfully Mack had grabbed the right box. They both worked in unison, setting the silverware up and getting the china out for each member of the party coming in.
“I’m just going to fill up their water glasses,” Mack called over to Nick who was doing the final touches on center pieces.
Going behind the bar, Mack grabbed a pitcher and began getting ice out of the bar well. As they both worked, the curtains billowed as a gust of wind came into the room. Mack shot a look toward Nick to see him wide eyed as the room’s temperature suddenly plummeted. Before Mack even had time to think, the bar rack above him came crashing down upon him.
“Mack!” Nick cried out from across the room as glasses began shattering all around him.
Stunned, Mack couldn’t even move an inch as the shards of glass surrounded him. The floor, the bar, even his body was covered in the sharp glass. He feared if he moved so much as an inch, he would cut himself. The sounds of people screaming and hollering broke him out of his shock, and he slowly raised his head, feeling glass fall from his hair, to stare at Megan from across the room.
“Don’t move, Mack. We’re coming to help you.” Megan gingerly made her way to him, accompanied by the sound of glass crunching under her feet.
“Not…moving.” Mack felt the glass slide down from the top of his head and fuck if that didn’t give him the biggest case of the willies.
“I’m going to need some help and a pair of gloves,” Megan called to Nick.
Nick nodded and ran out of the room.
Megan pursed her lips as she began pulling large pieces of glass off him.
“Are you okay?” Megan asked quietly as she worked the glass out of his hair.
“Not even close.” Mack’s voice trembled, and he hated that.
“What happened?” Megan asked.
Nick came up behind them and answered. “There was this blast of cold air, and then the whole bar rack came crashing down on Mack. It was a ghost.”
“It wasn’t,” Mack denied. If he denied it enough, maybe he would eventually believe it himself. Maybe.
“Hon, that rack is oak. It’s as solid as they come. Wind wouldn’t have caused it to break. Plus the windows aren’t open. I think you had an encounter, and a violent one at that. I think I’m going to need to make a call.”
“It’s not that bad.” Even as Mack said that, he knew it was a lie. Something inside him felt violated, and an air of malice hung thick over him.
“Then let’s just have it checked out for peace of mind. Okay?” Megan grabbed the gloves from Nick and began plucking the tiny shards off his shoulder and neck. Her gloves came away from his skin with a trace of blood.
Swallowing, Mack gave in. “Maybe you’re right. Make the call.”
A Holiday Job Zombie Run
 “Will you knock that off?” Drake batted Ian’s hand away.
    “Look, asshole, I need to put this makeup on you. You volunteered!” Ian charged back in and began putting the prosthetic on his face.
    “Don’t you think you’re going overboard on this? I mean, why don’t you just squirt some ketchup on me?” Drake was thoroughly annoyed.
    He’d volunteered to be a zombie for Ian’s frat charity run. He had thought he would just tear some holes in a white shirt and put a little makeup on, but no, Ian wanted to scare the hell out of everyone. The guy thought he was on Skin Wars or some shit. Drake wanted to scratch the prosthetic on his cheek that was currently being painted to look like a zombie. He thought he looked ridiculous. Shaun was splattering paint all over his shirt.
    “This is just a Zombie Run, guys. I’m not going to be in a movie or anything.” Drake stared up at Ian, annoyed.
    “Have fun and live a little. You’ve been in a pissed-off mood for the last month.” Ian pointed out.
    And why shouldn’t he be? He hadn’t found the guy he’d hooked up with last month, and it was now his all-new obsession. He hadn’t had sex with anyone since and was constantly long necking the corridors in hopes of finding that white-blond head.
    It didn’t matter how hard he tried; the guy was nowhere. Drake was beginning to wonder if the guy even went to their college. Shaun had helped him, but so far, his friend couldn’t spot him either.
    Drake had never been so caught up with a person in his life. Unbelievably, he’d had dreams of the guy and those sapphire eyes, but it was like this damn race. Whenever he tried to go after him in the dream, the guy took off in a crowd and he couldn’t find him. Drake growled in irritation at his own thoughts.
    “It’s not that bad,” Ian chastised, probably mistaking his growl for a complaint about the stinky paint that was being applied to his face.
    Drake wasn’t going to correct Ian on the matter. Then, he would have to explain to all his friends again about the big about face he’d had this year. They all had looked at him like he had lost his ever-loving mind. And he had. He didn’t even know the guy’s fucking name, yet he was hunting him down all over campus like some stalker.
    Shaun came in with a grotesquely painted face and a smile. “Didn’t Quinn do a great job?”
    Shaun was actually happy to look like the dead. Really. Didn’t that shit all over his face itch like crazy, or was it only bugging the hell out of me?
    “You look like you got ran over by a truck.”


Categories: Contemporary, Horror, M/M Romance, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance


Sales Links

A Bittersweet

Tour Dates: October 22nd


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Tara Lain, BFD Book Blog, Guilty Indulgence Book Club, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Blogger Girls, Jade Crystal, My Fiction Nook, Andrew Q. Gordon, Multitasking Mommas, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Cate Ashwood, MM Good Book Reviews, Amanda C. Stone, Love Bytes, Kimi-Chan, Fallen Angel Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents




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Hook, Line, & Sinker Cover Reveal




Author Bio:

Piper Vaughn wrote her first love story at eleven and never looked back. Since then, she’s known that writing in some form was exactly what she wanted to do. A reader at the core, Piper loves nothing more than getting lost in a great book—fantasy, young adult, romance, she loves them all (and has a two thousand book library to prove it!). She grew up in Chicago, in an ethnically diverse neighborhood, and loves to put faces and characters of every ethnicity in her stories, so her fictional worlds are as colorful as the real one. Above all, she believes that everyone needs a little true love in their life…even if it’s only in a book.


Author Contact:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond


When they were teens, Castor McCormick was the bane of Blake Kowalski’s existence. Their mutual animosity led to summers filled with rivalry. Now, nearly two decades later, Cas is moving back into the neighborhood to live in his grandmother’s old house. Blake tells himself he isn’t interested in seeing how snarky little Cas grew up, but when his mother dupes him into visiting his former nemesis, he finds out “pretty” can evolve into “sexy as hell” on the right man.

Cas didn’t think he wanted to see Blake again. No one has ever pushed his buttons like the arrogant boy he remembers from their youth. Turns out, the adult version of Blake still gets him hot under the collar—and everywhere else. With Blake on leave from work to nurse an injured leg and Cas taking time to move and unpack, they form a tentative friendship that turns into a sexual affair neither man can deny. But when Cas’s job sends him out of state to deal with a difficult client, their new relationship will be tested, and if they fail, Blake’s broken leg might not be the only thing to end up scarred.


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Romance



Blake’s mother didn’t live on a busy street, but being summer, the kids were out in full force. The occasional shout or burst of laughter broke the monotonous silence. And then there were the comings and goings of a certain new neighbor whom Blake had absolutely no interest in watching, even if he found his gaze frequently straying in that direction. He’d caught glimpses of the moving truck over the weekend, along with a dark blue Prius, which made him snort. No doubt the driver of a hybrid would hate his gas-guzzling Ford F-150. For some reason, it seemed fitting. He could picture the old Cas growing up into the tree-hugging, granola type.

Idly, he let himself wonder what the adult Cas might be like. When they’d first met as teenagers, the kid had reminded Blake of a scrappy little Irish chimney sweep, minus the accent. The pale skin, the freckles, that mop of messy dark hair. Put him in a newsboy cap and some wool trousers, and he could’ve been an extra in Oliver Twist. Blake had constantly ragged on him about it too. That is, until the following year, when postpuberty Cas showed up. Gone was the scrawny, gangly limbed half-pint from the previous summer. In his place stood a boy with the lithe, wiry body of a distance runner and a face like something out of a goddamn Botticelli painting. Only his smartass mouth had stopped Blake from falling to his knees in worship—though it certainly hadn’t prevented a wet dream or three.

Blake couldn’t lie. His mother’s mentions of Castor had made him curious despite himself. But he didn’t intend on giving in to her badgering about going over there. What the hell would he even say? Welcome to the neighborhood? Here’s a fruit basket. Let’s be friends? He could only imagine Cas slamming the door in his face in response. Blake chuckled and shook his head. Not going to happen. Not in a million years. No matter how much his mother pestered him.


Tour Dates: October 22nd, 2014

Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Hearts on Fire, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Multitasking Mommas, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Love Bytes, Andrew Q. Gordon, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, Inked Rainbow Reads, The Hat Party, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Cate Ashwood, Sinfully Sexy, Amanda C. Stone, Fallen Angel Reviews, Rebecca Cohen Writes, MM Good Book Reviews, Boy Meets Boy Reviews, Smoocher’s Voice, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Carly’s Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Queer Town Abbey, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Wicked Faeries Reviews



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Aidan’s Journey Book Tour



Author Bio:

After years of hearing characters chatting away in her head, CJane Elliott finally decided to put them on paper and hasn’t looked back since. A psychotherapist by training, CJane enjoys writing sexy, passionate stories that also explore the human psyche. CJane has traveled all over North America for work and her characters are travelers, too, traveling down into their own depths to find what they need to get to the happy ending.

CJane is an ardent supporter of gay equality and is particularly fond of coming out stories.

In her spare time, CJane can be found dancing, listening to music, or watching old movies. Her husband and son support her writing habit by staying out of the way when they see her hunched over, staring intensely at her laptop.

Author Contact: You can contact CJane at Her website is Twitter: and Facebook:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: L.C. Chase


The star of the University of Virginia theater department, Aidan Emery is lusted after and admired for living out and proud. He uses his talent and good looks to his advantage and never sleeps with the same guy twice. But his glamorous patina has been carefully honed to hide the pain he carries inside.

Aidan wasn’t always such a player. He starts college naively romantic, hungry for the attention he can’t get from his workaholic father and mentally ill mother. Unfortunately, that leaves him ripe pickings for predatory professor Rodney Montgomery. Rodney’s flattering regard seduces Aidan into a dysfunctional relationship that destroys his innocence.

Life looks up for Aidan when he finally breaks free of Rodney’s pull and moves to New York City to make it as an actor. Meeting sweet fellow actor Patrick Jaymes seems like the start of a fairy tale. But before Aidan can rebuild his life into happily ever after, family secrets rip him wide open, leaving him easy prey when Rodney decides he’s not willing to let Aidan go.



Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult


Pages: 326



Every good story begins with a journey. Mine started on a June day in 2011 as the Amtrak train pulled out of Union Station in Washington, DC. Lee and I were bound for New York City, ready to dazzle ’em all with our acting and singing chops. Look out, Broadway, here come Aidan Emery and Lee Dunlap, the stars of the U.Va. drama department! Jazz hands!

I was leaving my family home—which I’d recently been kicked out of by my father. I was also leaving behind a long-term, toxic relationship. Yes! I felt pretty fucking victorious sitting on that train, talking and laughing with Lee. I’d done it! Left my past behind! Right? I was sure, with all the surety of a twenty-one-year-old, that my dragons had been slain and New York City was where the gold awaited.

Not so fast there, bucko, I want to tell myself now. You’ll get to the gold, but you have many more hard roads to travel before you arrive. Oh, but don’t despair—there is a Prince Charming at the end of it all.


1 – What is the saddest book you ever wrote? Aidan’s Journey is the saddest. Aidan goes through such a bleak period during his college years that I almost couldn’t stand writing it, and it took him a long time to free himself from his demons. I was never more happy than when I got him to his happy ending

2 – What is the saddest story you ever read? I would say Borrowed Time by Paul Monette. It’s the true story of his lover’s death from AIDS back in the early days of the epidemic, when so much was still not known. It’s an amazing love story, beautifully written, and heartbreaking.

3 – Do you believe in happy ever after? I sure do! I totally believe that people can heal and grow and have love come into their lives. It might take some inner work and some outer conviction, but it’s possible. I believe that people are bigger than their circumstances and can overcome awful things. I think of all the LGBT youth and young adults who have dealt with homophobia, bullying, and worse, and how so many of them have come through. I want to see all of them come through. The happy ever after is possible, but it takes a community. None of the heroes in my stories made it to the HEA alone. They had friends and family who helped them out along the way.

4 – What’s your favorite genre? To write, contemporary. To read, contemporary and mystery. I’m in awe of people who can write mysteries.

5 – What’s your ultimate goal as a writer? To keep on writing as long as the muse agrees. I have a crazy goal to write a musical based off of one of my books. My son the musician wants to write the songs. I’ve never written a play, much less a musical, but why not? My secret fantasy is to start an LGBT youth theater troupe.

Tour Dates/Stops:

October 14: Love Bytes

October 15: Amanda C. Stone

October 16: MM Good Book Reviews

October 17: Wicked Faeries Reviews

October 20: Tara Lain, Michael Mandrake

October 21: Parker Williams, Multitasking Mommas

October 22: Cate Ashwood

October 23: Inked Rainbow Reads, It’s Raining Men

October 24: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

October 27: Rebecca Cohen Writes, BFD Book Blog, Smoocher’s Voice

October 28: Prism Book Alliance, Jade Crystal


Sales Links: paperback ebook


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