
One Thing Leads Book Tour



Author Bio:

I’m a southern boy. Well, “boy” may be a stretch. I’m sixty-one this year, but I still feel like I’m twenty-two and act like I’m nine-and-a-half. Grew up in north Alabama, smack-dab in the middle of the Bible belt.

I discovered I was attracted to boys at age fourteen. Twenty minutes after that, I found out that being gay was the unforgivable sin, not blaspheming the Holy Spirit, as my little Baptist church had taught me. So, as so many like me have always done, I hid from everyone, including and especially myself.

At age forty-nine I came out to myself, my wife, and my three wonderful children. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done and the best thing that ever happened to me.

I started writing shortly after discovering anime. There’s this thing called “fandoms,” you see—well, I know you probably know about that. I grew my skills slowly, feeding on the dribbles of praise and criticism my mailing lists provided. In 2011 I decided to try my hand at original fiction and found I have a talent for telling stories that touch people’s hearts and make them laugh. For me there’s no greater high in all the world. The next year I somehow screwed up the courage to submit to a publisher and was given a thumbs up. Now I’m happily sharing my tales with those who care to read them.

My day job is editing and engraving sacred music for a mainline publisher in Chicago, where I live with an antisocial cat who refuses to be named. I enjoy fine wines, jazz, and the darkest chocolate I can get my hands on.

I write in a variety of genres, from gay romance and erotica to science fiction and mainstream thrillers, each category under a different pseudonym. Jude Dunn is the one I use for gay romance. My work is sometimes subtle, sometimes fiery, but always brimming with characters who tackle their challenges with an unwavering love of life.

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoy your time here.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson


Dion Bellamy is twenty-seven and studying social work at the University of Chicago. He has lived with Kenji Okamura, a construction worker, for a year and a half. Dion loves Kenji and passionately hopes Kenji feels the same, but he has never said the three big words. Then Grayson Sinclair, Dion’s schoolmate and a vivacious, oversexed playboy, comes between them.


One step at a time, barely aware where his steps are leading, Dion descends the slippery slope into a life of depravity. First, Grayson ensures Kenji is out of the way. Then he entices Dion to go clubbing with him, gets Dion drunk and high, and then takes him to a sex club, where he films Dion giving blow jobs to multiple men. He threatens to put the video online unless Dion signs a contract to work as a prostitute. Though he hardly understands how he reached this point, Dion must now figure out how to escape his fate and save himself.




“God,” Dion screamed, throwing his hands in the air in disgust. He and Kenji glared like dogs circling each other before attacking. Finally Dion broke the tension. “I need some air,” he said, then spun on a heel and strode to the bedroom. Kenji sat still as stone, listening to Dion slamming drawers as he found clothes suitable for going out.


How did this happen? I wanted to come clean. I thought if we talked about it—


After quickly dressing, Dion stormed to the front door.


“Where are you going?”


“Out,” Dion said without looking at Kenji. “Does that meet with your approval?”


“Dion, don’t be—”


The sound of the door slamming rang in Kenji’s ears. Footsteps fell hard and fast down the stairs. When they stopped, he looked away from the door. He closed his eyes at the muffled sound of another door slamming hard two floors below. When he opened his eyes a few minutes later, he looked down, surprised to see dots of blood on the seat of the recliner. He opened his hands and saw that his fingernails had broken the skin of his palms.


You Want Some Company Tonight, Honey?
Just how do you pick up a prostitute? And why would you want to? Well, other than the obvious reason, I mean. I’m Jude Dunn, author of the new gay erotic romance, One Thing Leads,  I bring up this topic because I had to deal with this when researching the book.
Like most people, I don’t solicit sex from hookers. Grayson Sinclair, the oversexed playboy in my novel, doesn’t either. He likes something far more perverse. He gets off on turning men into whores. He weasels his way between two lovers—Dion and Kenji—gets Kenji out of the way, and leads Dion down a very dark path. Before he knows it, Dion is in so deep he doesn’t know if he can save himself from virtually becoming a slave.
Want to experience the thrill of what that’s like without having to go through it in real life? ThenOne Thing Leads  is a read you cannot pass up.
About Jude. I’m a southern boy who lives in Chicago and enjoys fine wine, dark chocolate, and plays jazz piano from time to time. Most of all, I love writing gay romance and erotica that will touch your heart and make you laugh.
Pre-order One Thing Leads <use this URL for the text to the left, including the word “Pre-order”:>
More info about One Thing Leads <use this link for the text to the left, including “More info about”:>
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Twitter: @jude_dunn
Pick up a free PDF or two of my unpublished stories:
Tell me what you wish gay authors wrote about here:
Thank you, Parker, for the opportunity to guest blog for you!


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:

October 20: Parker Williams

October 21: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

October 22: Sinfully Sexy

October 23: Cate Ashwood

October 24: Jade Crystal

October 27: Inked Rainbow Reads

October 28: Velvet Panic

October 29: Amanda C. Stone

October 30: Kimi-Chan

October 31: Fallen Angel Reviews

November 3: Emotion in Motion

November 4: Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

November 5: EE Montgomery, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

November 6: Love Bytes

November 7: Iyana Jenna

November 10: Prism Book Alliance, My Fiction Nook

November 11: Multitasking Mommas, Wake Up Your Wild Side

November 12: BFD Book Blog

November 13: Cathy Brockman Romances

November 14: MM Good Book Reviews


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Raine O’Tierney says the ‘Most Beautiful Words’





Author Bio:


Called “Queen of the Sweetness” (well, two or three people said it anyway!) Raine O’Tierney loves writing sweet stories about first loves, first times, fidelity, forever-endings and…friskiness?


Raine O’Tierney lives outside of Kansas City with her husband, fellow Dreamspinner Press author, Siôn O’Tierney. When she’s not writing, she’s either asleep, or fighting the good fight for intellectual freedom at her library day job. Raine believes the best thing we can do in life is be kind to one another, and she enjoys encouraging fellow writers. Writing for 20+ years (with the last 10 spent on M/M) Raine changes sub-genres to suit her mood and believes all good stories end sweetly. Contact her if you’re interested in talking about point-and-click adventure games or about which dachshunds are the best kinds of dachshunds!


Author Contact: | Dreamspinner Press Author Page | The Hat Party (LGBT Author Interviews!)


Facebook Fan Page | Twitter


Cover Artist: Brooke Albrecht


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press




Twelve-year-old Autumn’s world is shattered when her beloved Great-Pop, Tommy Johnson, suffers a stroke that leaves him comatose. With everyone around her resigning themselves to the inevitable, Autumn is the only one not willing to give up. She and Great-Pop have more secret stories to share with each other, after all. More stories about Roy McMillan—the great love of Tommy’s life whom he lost fifty years ago.


Autumn struggles to keep Great-Pop on this side of death’s door. But how can she compete with the beautiful and mysterious Valley—a place of surreal magic where the sun never fully sets? Especially when there’s someone familiar in the Valley who will do everything he can to keep Great-Pop from returning to her.


 list of books



Under the Table and Into His Heart 



At the Under the Table host club, Valentine’s Day means one thing: cash. Neglected housewives, newly ex-girlfriends, and lovelorn thirtysomethings pay for the attention of handsome men. Shy bartender Jem has always wanted to be a host, and when the club’s owner, Miss Rye, accepts a contract from a MensLove Convention, Jem volunteers to flirt and make out with another host for the ladies’ entertainment. Bailey, an older man who’s had his eye on Jem, convinces Miss Rye to let him be Jem’s partner, and everyone gets more than they expected—especially Jem and Bailey. 









Sweet Giordan, Please Remember
Giordan Stone is lucky, all things considered. Sure, he spent five years in a coma only to wake with a right leg that’s practically useless and no memories other than his name. But now he’s under the care of sassy southern surrogate mother, Chloe Devereaux, spending his days painting and healing. Giordan wants for nothing at all… until he looks out the window one morning and sees Chloe’s gorgeous son, Shane, standing there. Something very familiar stirs in Giordan. 
When he sketches, Giordan is able to go into an “art trance” where pieces of disjointed memory come back to him without time or place. More and more of these flashes are of Shane Devereaux and the intense, intimate experiences they shared together. Even though Shane keeps his distance now, Giordan is convinced his flashes are real. But he doesn’t have the whole story. Giordan is determined to fill in his memory blanks and convince Shane his feelings are genuine.




Somebody Nice!




Part of the Don’t Read in the Closet event through the Goodreads M/M Romance Group, authors choose from a selection of provided prompts and create a piece of free-fiction to share. Here is the prompt for Somebody Nice!
Name: Danny
Age: 35
Location: New York City
Sexuality: Male seeking Male
Looking for: a nice person! Who loves dogs! And children!
About Me 

This is Danny, he is a very nice person and he is very funny, but I think he is lonely. He helped me when my mom wanted to sell me to a reality show and now I live with him and I wanted to do something back for him so I want to find someone for him, because he has only me and Bunny, that’s his dog, who is really big. And I’m 7 years old and Danny is 35, which is really old, but that doesn’t matter he looks younger. Miss Portwood, my teacher said I need to say what Danny likes to do and he likes to walk with Bunny and work out and play football with me and Bunny and he works also, I think he is a police officer or something, he has a really cool car! And he has a ring in his nipple, which I think is really ouch, but he says people like it. I don’t understand why but Danny says I need to be older but I’m already 7.
Hugs, Melissa













But Rook had no interest in waiting for permission. He’d come forward, snaking his arms around Toren’s sheet-covered waist and pulling him hard against his body. “It’s just a kiss,” Rook breathed before he put his lips against Toren’s. Should he protest? Had he protested? Toren couldn’t remember. In that moment there was nothing but Rook’s firm lips, gently teasing his own apart. Toren kissed back, tasting the other man, sucking at his bottom lip. Rook’s mouth was intoxicating, and quite suddenly, Toren forgot why he’d ever resisted. He liked kissing Rook. But after only an appetizer’s worth of his mouth, Rook pulled away. The sensation of their mouths pressed together lingered, and Toren was dumb with the moment. Lost on it. Uncertain what they’d even been talking about.


“Do you remember me now?” Rook asked.


“Mmn,” Toren agreed, warmth lingering on his lips. “Rook.”


Silence was his reply. The arms around his waist fell away, leaving him feeling cold.


Toren slowly opened his eyes to find he was standing alone, clutching his sheet, as Rook walked away from him toward the staircase.


Tour Dates/Stops:




October 10: Angel Martinez, My Fiction Nook, Up All Night, Read All Day


October 13: Amanda C. Stone, Decadent Delights


October 14: Jade Crystal, Nephylim


October 15: LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Velvet Panic


October 16: Full Moon Dreaming, Dawn’s Reading Nook


October 17: Wake Up Your Wild Side, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


October 20:Parker Williams


October 21:Cate Ashwood, Love Bytes, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves


October 22:Regular Guys, Hot Romance, Emotion in Motion


October 23:EE Montgomery, MM Good Book Reviews


October 24:Iyana Jenna, Prism Book Alliance



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Love You Senseless (Men of London: Book 1) Book Blast

MoL_Love You Senseless_cover

Author Bio

Susan Mac Nicol was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom. At the age of eight, her family moved to Johannesburg, South Africa where she stayed for nearly thirty years before arriving back in the UK in December 2000. Currently, She lives in the rural village of Bocking, in Essex, with her family.

Sue is a PAN (Published Author’s Network) member of Romance Writers of America and a member of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. Also, she is a member of a rather unique writing group, called the Talliston Writer’s Circle, which in itself has a story all of its own to tell. She has written nine novels, two novellas and a screenplay since February 2012 and clearly believes in keeping herself busy. She has found herself wanting to stay in the sub-genre that is M/M Romance so more can definitely be expected.

Her plan is to keep writing as long as her muse sits upon her shoulder. Her dream is to make enough money to give up the day job and get that big old house in the English countryside overlooking a river, where she can write all day and continue to indulge her passion for telling stories.

Author Contact:








Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group

Cover Artist: Boroughs Publishing Group


London’s saucy up-and-coming chef, Eddie Tripp has just the right recipe to drive tragedy from the mind of Gideon Kent—and leave him senseless with desire.

From Soho to Norwich, there’s no escaping love.



An award-winning chef with his own restaurant and an inexhaustible passion, Gideon Kent once had everything. Then came tragedy. It stole more than Gideon’s home. He hasn’t cooked since.

Until Eddie Tripp. Fun-loving and vivacious, the Norfolk redhead’s a real up-and-comer in Gideon’s kitchen—and other places. Slim where Gideon’s broad, easy-going where Gideon is growly, he and Gideon seem polar opposites, and yet Eddie conjures flavors that would tempt anyone with a taste for perfection. The sauce of love is already simmering, and this pair is about to dine on the most delicious dish they’ve ever prepared. Because Eddie’s been Gideon’s missing ingredient all along.


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



Eddie kissed back, wanting nothing more than this moment, this man in his body and his lips on his. Somewhere a bell rang and for a minute Eddie thought it might be the sound of his own passion translated to tinkling sleigh bells and fireworks like in the cartoon movies when two people kissed. He smiled at that thought then as the bell got more insistent and irritating, he turned to Gideon only to find he was no longer there. Eddie scowled and reached across to where the annoying bell sound was….


He woke from his dream upright, sweating, sticky with come and tangled in musty smelling sheets that had seen their fair share of jack off action lately and needed washing. His hand rested on his mobile phone as it trilled incessantly with his Big Ben alarm. He blinked owlishly for a minute, wondering where he was, then as the dream faded, he fell back in a loose heap with a sense of loss.

Words: 85,000

Tour Dates: October 13th, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Love Bytes, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Cate Ashwood, BFD Book Blog, My Fiction Nook, Velvet Panic, Wicked Faeries Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Multitasking Mommas, MM Good Book Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Michael Mandrake, It’s Raining Men


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Lost Time + A Giveaway!

Lost Time + A Giveaway!

I found out today that my new story, Lost Time, has sold over 1000 copies on Amazon. I’m so amazed and humbled and can’t thank you enough for being part of that. And I feel like dancing!

In Lost Time there is a scene with a dancing gorilla. To celebrate I’m giving away a prize pack that will also help to save the environment of a gorilla.

The gift comes from the World Wildlife Federation and features:



  • Soft plush version of your adopted animal
  • 5″ x 7″ formal adoption certificate
  • 5″ x 7″ full-color photo of your species
  • Species spotlight card, full of fascinating information about the animal
  • FREE priority shipping
  • Personalized acknowledgment letter to your gift recipient.


If you provide an email address for the gift recipient, they will also receive the following Bonus Online Premiums:


  • Printable, personalized adoption certificate for the species adopted
  • Computer desktop Images of the adopted animal
  • Instant messenger icon of the adopted animal


If you’d like to check out Lost Time, you can do so here.



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A Closed Door Book Blast

A Closed Door Cover

Author Bio:

Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write. He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his partner of eighteen years, their young daughter and dog. In addition to dodging some very self-important D.C. ‘insiders’, Andrew uses his commute to catch up on his reading. When not working or writing, he enjoys soccer, high fantasy, baseball and seeing how much coffee he can drink in a day and not get the shakes.

Author Contact:


Publisher: Wayward Ink Publishing

Cover Artist: Lily Velden and Jay Aheer


Outted at thirteen, Orin Merritt left home after high school hoping to escape the hell his life had become. Ten years later when a tornado destroys his childhood home and kills his parents, Orin finds himself in an entirely new nightmare. One he can’t run away from.

Blaming himself for failing the two people who always loved and supported him, he returns home and confronts his past in the person of his one-time best friend, Thomas Kennett. Thomas not only rejected him when Orin came out, he led the group that tormented Orin into leaving.

As he struggles to deal with his grief, Orin also labors to fulfill the pledge he made to his parents before their death. In the process, Orin learns that sometimes when you go away to find yourself, you leave the answers you’re looking for behind.




“Orin, I won’t.” Thomas stood a bit straighter and his eyes lost the sad, pleading shine. “I won’t hurt you again.”

“You can’t promise that. Things happen.” Orin watched as his words dragged Thomas back from the brink of hope.

“If you truly believe that, then there’s nothing I can do. You have to believe there’s a chance or else I can’t prove it.”

“That’s not what I’m telling you.” He locked his gaze on Thomas’s. “If I say yes, I’ll have to take down the walls I surrounded my heart with to keep it safe. Once it’s gone, I won’t be able bring it back if I get hurt. Not now.

“So what I’m saying is, think about what you’re asking me to risk. If you really love me, ask yourself if are you willing to risk what will happen to me if you can’t keep your promise.”

He knew how unfair he’d been, but self-preservation had been a skill he’d honed over the past fifteen years. He needed Thomas to know just how serious the repercussion could be for his actions.

“Orin, I . . . I . . . how . . .?” Their faces were inches apart, and Thomas moved in for another kiss.

This felt different than the first—less urgent, but no less intense. Orin trembled at the leap he was about to take. When they stepped back, Thomas rubbed his thumb across Orin’s cheek.

“I do love you, Orin. More than I can say. So much, that I’m not willing to risk what will happen if I fail you again. I don’t have that right.”

Thomas’s lips quivered and the tears welled at the bottom of his eyes. He kissed Orin’s forehead gently.

“Good-bye, Orin. Please be happy.” Without looking back, Thomas walked to the front door, opened it, and walked away.



Tour Dates: October 10, 2014


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Love Bytes, Inked Rainbow Reads, The Hat Party, Cate Ashwood, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, Full Moon Dreaming, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Multitasking Mommas, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, Nephylim, Louise Lyons, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, MM Good Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fallen Angel Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Jade Crystal, Amanda C. Stone, Foxylutely Book Reviews, Iyana Jenna, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Smoocher’s Voice, Michael Mandrake, Rebecca Cohen Writes, BFD Book Blog



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