
Damian’s Discipline (Collars & Cuffs #5) Cover Reveal




Author Bios:

K.C. Wells:

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.

K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…

K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.

The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.


Parker Williams:

Parker Williams began to write as a teen, but never showed his work to anyone. As he grew older, he drifted away from writing, but his love of the written word moved him to reading. A chance encounter with an author changed the course of his life as she encouraged him to never give up on a dream. With the help of some amazing friends, he rediscovered the joy of writing, thanks to a community of writers who have become his family.


Parker firmly believes in love, but is also of the opinion that anything worth having requires work and sacrifice (plus a little hurt and angst, too). The course of love is never a smooth one, and Happily Ever After always has a price tag.


Author Contact:

K.C. Wells:

K.C. can be reached via email (, on Facebook (, on Twitter (@IslandTalesPres or through comments at the K.C.Wells website ( ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.

Parker Williams:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond


The man who pimped Jeff may be in prison, but Jeff is still living the nightmare, selling himself to men and relying on pills to manage. Then he meets Scott, a young American man who could easily have been where Jeff is now. Scott’s friends extend a helping hand to Jeff, and he grabs it.

Leo and Thomas bring Jeff to stay with Dom Damian Barnett until they can find him someplace more long-term. Still grieving from losing his sub to cancer two years before, Damian agrees to help. But when he glimpses the extent of the damage, Damian wants to do more than offer his guestroom. Jeff is not a submissive, but Damian can see he desperately needs structure in his life. It’s up to Damian to find an answer.

He never expects that what he discovers will change both their lives.




I LOVED it when it was evening and all was quiet and peaceful. No traffic noise intruded into the house, and in the lounge, the only sound was the slow ticking of the clock on the mantelpiece. Give me a mechanical clock any day. Not that I had anything against more modern timepieces, but there was something soothing about the sound. The clock had been my grandmother’s, and I took loving care of it, making sure it was oiled and wound. Right then my evening was perfect: the tick of the clock, a glass of Cabernet on the table next to me, and a worn, hardcover Sherlock Holmes novel in my hands. I’d lost count of how many times I’d read The Hound of the Baskervilles, but re-reading a favorite book was a warm, comforting experience. The wine created a warm glow inside me. I took another sip.

And then my phone rang.

The temptation to ignore its clamoring call was huge. I was happy, comfortable, and anyone ringing me at home during the evening had to want something. All my friends knew my routines, especially since Oliver….

I closed my eyes. I could almost hear that edge of amusement in his voice. “You going to answer that, Sir?” And yes, I could see the gleam in his eye as he awaited my reaction, tense in nervous anticipation. Brat loved pushing my buttons. With a sigh, I picked up the call.

“Damian? It’s Leo. We need your help.”

I placed the wine on the table. “What can I do for you?” My interest was piqued immediately. It had been quite a while since the co-owner of my BDSM club had called me at home.

“Sorry to disturb you, but you were the first person I could think of. We have a boy. He’s nineteen, and he needs help.”

Tour Dates: September 24th, 2014


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Romance the Night, My Fiction Nook, Inked Rainbow Reads, 3 Chicks After Dark, Cathy Brockman Romances, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Twinsie Talk, Emotion in Motion, Prism Book Alliance, MM Good Book Reviews, Love Bytes, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Sinfully Sexy, Havan Fellows, Multitasking Mommas, Cate Ashwood, Fallen Angel Reviews, Nephylim, Iyana Jenna, Smoocher’s Voice




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Driving into the Sun Book Blast


Driving into the Sun_FinalSM


Author Bio:

Dev Bentham writes soulful m/m romance. Her characters are flawed and damaged adult men who may not even know what they are missing, but whose lives are transformed by true love.

Author Contact: email:, website:

Publisher: Loose Id

Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance


Bad choices. We all make them, some more than others. Dusty’s choices have left him unemployed, broke and practically homeless. Despite the major issues he has with his family, his only rational choice is to sell everything and move into his parents’ basement. At thirty. Looking for a ride west, he answers a phone ad. The voice at the other end of the line flows like dark, rich honey. Finally something to look forward to—listening to Joe’s voice all the way from Illinois to Idaho.

Rather than the hip crooner of Dusty’s fantasies, Joe turns out to look more like a panhandler. Is that because Joe dresses down, or are Dusty’s preconceptions about Native Americans clouding his vision? Joe is silent more often than not. He has a complicated past and still has amends to make. But he is ready to move on. Dusty feels trapped. Two damaged men, one small car driving two thousand miles into the sun—sometimes things need to break down before they can get fixed.



When Joe finished with the hand, he put his fingers under Dusty’s chin and tipped his face toward the light. His touch was gentle, like a lover right before a first kiss. Dusty’s lips opened as he stared up into Joe’s dark brown eyes. Joe’s gaze flicked to Dusty’s mouth, then away. He wet some gauze and began dabbing at Dusty’s cheek. Dusty had forgotten about scrape on his face. Now it stung. So much for the moment before a kiss. He bit the inside of his lip to keep from pulling away.

“Don’t worry.” Joe’s voice was soft, amused. “This won’t scar your handsome face.”

Dusty rolled his eyes. Handsome was about the last thing he’d call himself tonight. Still, he found himself smiling at the thought.

Tour Dates: 9/23/14

Tour Stops: Carly’s Book Reviews, Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, My Fiction Nook, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, MM Good Book Reviews, Full Moon Dreaming, Love Bytes, Amanda C. Stone, Andrew Q. Gordon, Iyana Jenna, Smoocher’s Voice, Fallen Angel Reviews, Multitasking Mommas, Prism Book Alliance, Michael Mandrake, It’s Raining Men, Queer Town Abbey, Dawn’s Reading Nook, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Cathy Brockman Romances, Cate Ashwood



Sales Links:

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Wet Paint Book Tour

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Author Bio:


WILL PARKINSON believes that no matter what obstacles are thrown in the path of young love, it will always find a way to win in the end. He wants his characters to have their happily ever after, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to come easily.

None of this would have happened if he had followed the advice he was given many years ago. “What are you wasting your time on that for? It’s never going to amount to anything.” He believed it for the longest time, abandoning characters he’d created in his childhood.

He picked up his very first m/m story by a writer named Eden Winters, who was an absolute joy when they corresponded. She asked him if he wrote and he told her the story. Eden explained to Will that the voices in his head would never go away and how he needed to let them out. With that thought in mind, Will put e-pen to e-paper once more. It was truly a liberating experience and one he has no intention of giving up again.



Author Contact:






Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press

Video trailer:


Although Addy’s heart and body bear the scars from his life before he was adopted by the Deans, he’s ached for something he thought he would never find. Until he met Benny. He isn’t sure how anyone can care for someone as broken as he is, even though he wants it desperately.


High school senior Benny Peters has his whole life planned out for him, until a chaste kiss at summer camp opens a new world of possibilities. Determined to erase Addy’s insecurities, Benny works to take away his boyfriend’s pain and replace it with love.


When Addy’s past intrudes on their future, it’s going to take everything Benny can muster to show that no matter what – or who – they face, they belong together.



ADDY SAT in the car, worry creasing his brow. Not even an hour ago, he’d been so happy. Why was he so nervous now? His thoughts drifted back to his conversation with his dad. Would Benny still want him when he found out what had happened? Would he think Addy was too broken? Addy shivered. He tried to tell himself Benny would never be like that, but how could he know for sure?

“What’s up, little man? I can hear you thinking from over here.” Benny chuckled.

“Nothing, Benny. I’m okay.”

“Addy, c’mon. I can tell you’ve got something on your mind. I need to know what it is. I can’t help if you won’t let me.”

Addy took a deep breath. “I’m afraid,” he admitted. “Of what? Camp?” “No… of losing you.”

“I don’t understand. Why would you think you’d lose me?”

“Benny.” Addy sighed. “I need to tell you some stuff. It’s not going to be easy, and it’s really not going to be nice.”

Tour Dates/Stops:

9/22: Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Joyfully Jay, Velvet Panic

9/23: The Hat Party, Iyana Jenna, Rainbow Gold Reviews

9/24: Prism Book Alliance, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/25: LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Havan Fellows, Andrew Q. Gordon

9/26: Hearts on Fire, Lee Brazil, Dawn’s Reading Nook, EE Montgomery

9/29: Decadent Delights, Foxylutely Book Reviews, The Novel Approach

9/30: Jade Crystal, Wake Up Your Wild Side, MM Good Book Reviews, Cathy Brockman Romances

10/1: Cate Ashwood, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Kimi-Chan

10/2: Amanda C. Stone, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Fallen Angel Reviews

10/3: Emotion in Motion, Love Bytes
Sales Links:



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Slide Book Tour


Author Bio:

Garrett Leigh is a British writer and book designer, currently working for Dreamspinner Press, Loose Id and Black Jazz Press. Her protagonists will always always be tortured, crippled, broken, and deeply flawed. Throw in a tale of enduring true love, some stubbly facial hair, and a bunch of tattoos, and you’ve got yourself a Garrett special.

When not writing, Garrett can generally be found procrastinating on Twitter, cooking up a storm, or sitting on her behind doing as little as possible. That, and dreaming up new ways to torture her characters. Garrett believes in happy endings; she just likes to make her boys work for it.

Garrett also works as a freelance cover artist for various publishing houses and independent authors under the pseudonym G.D. Leigh. For cover art info, please visit

Author Contact:

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Cover art enquiries:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: G.D. Leigh

Categories: Gay Fiction, Romance, Contemporary, M/M Romance, Fiction


Don’t look back. Don’t you ever look back…


Shy tattoo artist Ash has a troubled past. Years of neglect, drug abuse, and life on the streets have taken their toll, and sometimes it seems the deep, unspoken bond with his lover is the only balm for wounds he doesn’t quite understand.


Chicago paramedic Pete is warmth, love, and strength—things Ash never knew he could have, and never even knew he wanted until Pete showed him. But fate is a cruel, cruel mistress, and when nightmares collide with the present, their tentatively built world comes crashing down.


Traumatic events in Pete’s work life distance him from home, and he doesn’t realize until it’s too late that Ash has slipped away. Betrayal, secrets, and lies unfold, and when a devastating coincidence takes hold, Pete must fight with all he has to save the love of his life.



Ash was Texan by birth, but his southern roots only laced his speech when he was too tired to repress them… too tired to block out all the horrible shit that kept an invisible barrier between us.


He was just seventeen when his friend Ellie found him drawing on the streets of Philadelphia. He was homeless and drew comic book characters on the sidewalk for money. The way she told it, he was one of the best street artists in the city, but he said he just did it to survive. Ellie was in college at the time, and she spent the next three years trying to get him to go to a shelter. Eventually, she got her way, and when she moved back to Chicago a few months later, she asked him to come with her. It took him a year of procrastination and pulling his shit together, but after finishing his tattoo apprenticeship in Philly, he did just that.


Living together was a huge adjustment for both of us. Some days I thought we’d cracked it, but others….


I draped the comforter over us and tucked it around his shoulders. He settled against me with his arm stretched out across my torso. I ran my hand absently along his bicep and enjoyed the rare moment. Though he could be tactile when his mood was right, he rarely cuddled up to me so freely. Most times, he preferred our positions reversed—him on his back with his arms around me.


Curious, I pressed a kiss to the top of his sweat-dampened head. “You okay?”


“Yeah, I just missed you.”


I smiled into the darkness. “I missed you too.”


A light hum was his only answer, so I held him a bit tighter and made the most of having him curled against me. After a while, I felt him shift. I opened my eyes and quirked an eyebrow, too mellow to speak. He just stared at me, but his blazing eyes told me what I knew he found so hard to articulate.


I put my hand to his head and nudged it back down with a sad smile.

Tour Dates/Stops:

9/12: Rainbow Gold Reviews, Nephylim, Iyana Jenna

9/19: Parker Williams, Velvet Panic, Jade Crystal

9/26: MM Good Book Reviews, Smoocher’s Voice, Cate Ashwood

10/3: EE Montgomery, Inked Rainbow Reads, Regular Guys, Hot Romance

10/10: My Fiction Nook, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

10/17: Emotion in Motion, Queer Town Abbey, Foxylutely Book Reviews

10/24: Fallen Angel Reviews, The Blogger Girls, Love Bytes

10/31: Amanda C. Stone, Prism Book Alliance, The Novel Approach


Sales Links:



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Death Gets a Boyfriend Book Tour



Author Bio:

Sophie Bonaste is a novelist who never set out to be a novelist. As a child, she wanted to a Broadway actress and spent her childhood in numerous productions. But when adulthood set in and reality took over, Sophie chose to give up the theatre for a steady paycheck and instead turned to writing as a creative outlet. She stumbled into the M/M genre through fanfiction and never looked back. Sophie is quite happy with her change in artistic expression and doesn’t plan to stop writing for a long time.

A self-proclaimed nerd, Sophie is an avid fan of all things Star Wars and Harry Potter. (Sophie is a member of the Slytherin house, for those who were wondering.) Sophie also spends many hours watching and re-watching nerdy television shows. When she is not obsessing over the latest and greatest in nerdy entertainment, Sophie can be found screaming at her television during American football games. (Go Pack Go!) Sophie currently lives in Pennsylvania, about twenty minutes from her childhood town of The Middle of Nowhere.

Author Contact:

Sophie loves to hear from readers! You can reach her by e-mail at, on Twitter at or on Facebook as Sophie Bonaste. You can also check out updates on Sophie’s writing and other musings on her website at

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Christy Caughie


Death is in a lonely business. Since the beginning of time he’s been reaping souls then returning home to his little condo in the sky. It’s not a bad job. There are perks. But Death would kill to meet his soul mate, no pun intended.

Tommy Neilson is the next human slated for death. But when he can see Death, Tommy turns his whole world upside down. Curious, Death seeks Tommy out. The chemistry between the two is immediate and soon an unlikely romance starts to form. While Death may not be lonely anymore, he isn’t allowed to interact with humans. Consequently, he must make a choice: billions of souls or the one that makes being immortal worth it.





I am Death.

Well, that’s one of my names anyway. I’m also known as the Grim Reaper, the Angel of Death, Azreal, and the list goes on. Some people have even called me Satan, but I would like to say right now, that’s a lie. I am not Satan. I know Satan. He’s not as bad of a guy as you would think. Sure he can get a little violent if you get out of hand, but as long as you stay on his good side, you’ll be fine.

And there I go getting off track again. You’ll have to forgive me. I’m not very good at staying focused. I guess that comes from the fact that I can jump around the world at an alarmingly fast rate. Thankfully that’s not very hard. Well, at least not for me. I guess, in the human population, that’s a skill many people want for some reason. I don’t know why, though, considering how scattered it makes your brain. It really does. That’s why I try to avoid using that skill. Causes headaches.

Anyway, this is a story about me. Don’t worry, though. It’s not too gruesome or anything like that. This is a story about how I fell in love. Yes, I know that’s kind of hard to believe. Death falling in love. Believe me, it shocked the hell out of me too. (No pun intended.) But it’s true. After thousands of years in existence, I finally found someone whom I wanted to spend my time with.

Tour Dates/Stops:

9/15: Prism Book Alliance

9/16: Hearts on Fire

9/17: Love Bytes

9/18: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/19: Book Suburbia, Nephylim

9/22: Decadent Delights

9/23: Havan Fellows

9/24: MM Good Book Reviews

9/25: Wake Up Your Wild Side

9/26: Amanda C. Stone

9/29: Fallen Angel Reviews

9/30: The Novel Approach

10/1: SA McAuley

10/2: Velvet Panic

10/3: LeAnn’s Book Reviews

10/6: Book Reviews and More by Kathy

10/7: Louise Lyons

10/8: The Blogger Girls

10/9: Up All Night, Read All Day

10/10: Dawn’s Reading Nook



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