
Coming soon from Parker Williams/Will Parkinson

September is a busy month for me and my alter-ego. I’ve got THREE stories coming out this month.



In October I’ve got Damian’s Discipline coming out with K.C. Wells (book five in the Collars & Cuffs series) and hoping to have Protector of the Alpha ready to go by then, too!


Check out the goodies:








Key of Behliseth Book Tour

Key of Behliseth



Before we begin, a letter from Lucky!



Lucky’s letter…


Hi, this is Lucky, or really Luccan. I guess it’s safe to tell you my name now, since I’m saying goodbye to Earth. You see, in the past week I met some really frightening people, but turns out most of them were trying to help me. And I’m glad they did, because otherwise I wouldn’t be here to write you this note.


Couple things I want to say. First, I know I’m a bit young to be handing out advice about life, but I’m going to say this anyway. Pay attention to the people around you, the ones you love. Never take them for granted, because you never know when they’ll be taken from you—or you from them. Maybe you’ll see them again, maybe not.


Another thing, when you meet people? Don’t think you know who they are. You may think you can see them, but there’s more hidden behind the ordinary than you might think. Maybe someday you’ll know that person you met on the bus, but only if they decide to show themselves. And then, be prepared to be surprised.


If you find a place that feels like… well, unusual, kind of like the air is heavier or things you thought you saw aren’t there, be real careful. It might be like Black Creek Ravine, which is more than it seems, as my friend Thurlock says. There are places in Earth where you might walk through a portal and find yourself adrift in a big vat of nothingness. If that happens, think of home and the people there that you love—think it as hard as you can and don’t stop until you’re on solid ground again.


That’s all the advice I have, but I’m going to miss some of you a lot. Like Henry George, and Safianu, Rob the bus driver. More than anything, though, I’m going to miss my best friend, Maizie. I found her when she was a little pup, way too skinny and mostly ears, paws, and tail. She stuck with me through thick and thin, but now she’s there and I’m on my way to my home, even though it’s a place I don’t really remember. So if anybody sees her—she’ll come if you call her name, I think—please take care of her for me. Maybe someday we can be together again, but if not, I want her heart to be happy and her life to be long and full of good days.


If I ever owed you thanks, please know that I appreciate you, and I wish everyone who reads this letter the best their own worlds have to offer.


                                                                                    ~~Lucky, AKA Luccan


Author Bio:

DEC2013LAPTOP - Hoffmann










Lou Hoffmann, a mother and grandmother now, has carried on her love affair with books for more than half a century, and she hasn’t even made a dent in the list of books she’d love to read—partly because the list keeps growing as more and more fascinating tales are told in written form. She reads factual things—books about physics and stars and fractal chaos, but when she wants truth, she looks for it in quality fiction. Through all that time she’s written stories of her own, but she’s come to be a published author only as a johnnie-come-lately. Lou loves other kinds of beauty as well, including music and silence, laughter and tears, youth and age, sunshine and storms, forests and fields, rivers and seas. Proud to be a bisexual woman, she’s seen the world change and change back and change more in dozens of ways, and she has great hope for the freedom to love in the world the youth of today will create in the future. You can find Lou on facebook at, or twitter @Lou_Hoffmann.

Author Contact:

Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (Dreamspinner Press imprint)


On his way to meet a fate he’d rather avoid, homeless gay teen Lucky steps through a wizard’s door and is caught up in a whirlwind quest and an ancient war. He tries to convince himself that his involvement with sword fights, magic, and interworld travel is a fluke, and that ice-breathing dragons and fire-breathing eagles don’t really exist. But with each passing hour, he remembers more about who he is and where he’s from, and with help, he begins to claim his power.

Lucky might someday rule a nation, but before he can do that, he must remember his true name, accept his destiny, and master his extraordinary abilities. Only then can he help to banish the evil that has invaded earth and find his way home—through a gateway to another world.




Isa left her four Ethran servants to tend the boy until she could return and summoned her recent Earthborn recruits. She gathered them in the vast circular sanctum, the better to show them their insignificance, to inflame their need to serve the Demon Queen. She preferred dimness and shadow, but weaker, ordinary eyes needed light. With a dark word and a flick of thin, sharp fingers, she set a ring of torches burning behind them, blue and cold.

She stood tall in the center of the space, robed as always in blue. Acolytes surrounded her, all Earthborn and easily enslaved by magic. They numbered fifty-two, and huddled in kneeling quadrants of thirteen each. Not as many as she would have liked, but a fair number considering the limitations of time.

Mordred waited in the dark outside the circle, bearing a small stone dagger and a mirrored tray holding four large crystal goblets. Each cup contained a potion brewed of red elder, skullcap, bindweed, and rue. As Isa had taught him, Mordred had, in each cup, drowned a wolf spider and weighted it with moonstone and jet. The final ingredient, the one that would bind them to Mordred, and through him to her and to Mahl, would be added later, in ritual sacrifice.

Having earlier cast a glamour to mellow her voice and visage, Isa lifted her draped arms and bade the supplicants raise their eyes. She began to speak, preaching with a rhythm and flow designed to mesmerize. As eyes glazed in the audience, she blended her words into Dark Chant, low and guttural, sending shadows into their hearts to bleed them of heat.

The last syllables of the spell echoed into the vastness of the sanctum. From the slaves, no sound, no movement.

“Mordred,” she called, and all heads turned to follow him as he came forward, placed the tray at her feet, and went to one knee. He turned the knife and offered it. She took it and then pulled him to his feet, raising his hand to present him to the gathering.

“Here is your captain,” she said. All bowed their heads, and a slow smile of satisfaction twisted Mordred’s face. His eyes glittered in anticipation of new power.

After a moment, Isa instructed the Earthborns to stand in their places. “As is proper, your captain will fortify you with his own strength, through his own sacrifice.

“Behold his gift.”

He knelt again before her, and she drew the knife three inches down each of his forearms, turning the knife to slide under the skin and increase the flow of blood. The smile didn’t leave his face. He uttered no sound. He held his arms over the tray and let his blood, dark with the taint of Mahl, fall into the cups drip by drip.

Quietly, Isa said, “Sufficient.”

Mordred stood, bearing the tray, and waited while she instructed the supplicants.

Isa had named a leader for each quadrant of thirteen, a person with some small portion of magic underlying their greed. To each of these four, while his tarnished blood still flowed down his arms, Mordred entrusted a crystal goblet. They did not drink first, but passed the cup each among their twelve.

When all the others had partaken, the leaders took the cups again and drank, draining every drop of potion until stone and spider fell upon their pallid lips, a sorcerer’s kiss.



Tour Dates/Stops:

9/11: Velvet Panic

9/12: Amanda C. Stone

9/15: MM Good Book Reviews

9/16: Prism Book Alliance

9/17: Hearts on Fire

9/18: Love Bytes

9/19: The Hat Party

9/22: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/23: Parker Williams

9/24: Iyana Jenna

9/25: The Novel Approach, Dawn’s Reading Nook



Sales Links:
Paperback :



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Most Beautiful Works Cover Reveal


Author Bio:

Called “Queen of the Sweetness” (well, two or three people said it anyway!) Raine O’Tierney loves writing sweet stories about first loves, first times, fidelity, forever-endings and…friskiness?

Raine O’Tierney lives outside of Kansas City with her husband, fellow Dreamspinner Press author, Siôn O’Tierney. When she’s not writing, she’s either asleep, or fighting the good fight for intellectual freedom at her library day job. Raine believes the best thing we can do in life is be kind to one another, and she enjoys encouraging fellow writers. Writing for 20+ years (with the last 10 spent on M/M) Raine changes sub-genres to suit her mood and believes all good stories end sweetly. Contact her if you’re interested in talking about point-and-click adventure games or about which dachshunds are the best kinds of dachshunds!

Author Contact: | Dreamspinner Press Author Page | The Hat Party (LGBT Author Interviews!)

Facebook Fan Page | Twitter

Cover Artist: Brooke Albrecht

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


Twelve-year-old Autumn’s world is shattered when her beloved Great-Pop, Tommy Johnson, suffers a stroke that leaves him comatose. With everyone around her resigning themselves to the inevitable, Autumn is the only one not willing to give up. She and Great-Pop have more secret stories to share with each other, after all. More stories about Roy McMillan—the great love of Tommy’s life whom he lost fifty years ago.

Autumn struggles to keep Great-Pop on this side of death’s door. But how can she compete with the beautiful and mysterious Valley—a place of surreal magic where the sun never fully sets? Especially when there’s someone familiar in the Valley who will do everything he can to keep Great-Pop from returning to her.




“So what’s my prize?”

“I’m gonna let you kiss me,” Roy said with a big, devious smile.

“Yeah?” Tommy asked, thinking he was being put on. “All right, I guess I’ll take the consolation prize then.”

“That leaves me with the grand prize by default.”

And he leaned in, and as sweet as anything Tommy had experienced in his whole life, Roy kissed his slightly parted lips. Even when Tommy stiffened, Roy did not pull back. Instead, slowly and deliberately, he gathered Tommy to him with a hold that was loose enough for him to escape from, but tight enough to be a real, romantic embrace. He kissed Tommy until he had to draw breath, and even then he did not let him go all the way.

“You… really wanted to?” Tommy asked, his head spinning. In that moment he had a single, solitary regret. It wasn’t coming out here to shoot arrows, and it wasn’t that he hadn’t pulled out of Roy’s embrace or even that he’d been kissed. It was that he hadn’t kissed Roy first. Because Tommy liked the kissing. A lot. And he wanted to do it more.

Tour Dates: 9/10/14

Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Prism Book Alliance, Cate Ashwood, Velvet Panic, Fallen Angel Reviews, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Iyana Jenna, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Love Bytes, MM Good Book Reviews, Amanda C. Stone, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Up All Night, Read All Day, A_TiffyFit’s Reading Corner, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Nephylim, EE Montgomery, Inked Rainbow Reads, Andrew Q. Gordon, Emotion in Motion



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Less Than All, A Gentleman Never Does, Randall’s Romance Book Tour

Author Bio:

Somewhere in a small town in up-state New York are a librarian and a second grade teacher to whom I owe my life. That might be a touch dramatic, but it’s nevertheless one hundred percent true.


Because they taught me the joy of reading, of escaping into worlds crafted of words.


Have you ever been nine years old and sure of nothing so much as that you don’t belong? Looked at the world from behind glasses, and wondered why you don’t fit?


Then turn the page and see… there you are, running from Injun Joe in a dark graveyard; there you are fencing with Athos; there you are…beneath the deep blue sea- marveling at exotic creatures with Captain Nemo.


I found myself between the pages of books, and that is why I write now, it’s why I taught English and literature for so many years, and it’s why my house contains more pounds of books than furniture.


If I’d had my way, I’d have been a fencer…or a starship captain, or a lawyer, or a detective solving crimes. But instead, I am a writer, and that’s the best thing in the world to be if you ask me, because as a writer, I can be all those things and more.


If I hadn’t learned to value the stories between the pages, who knows what would have happened? Certainly not college…teaching…or writing.


Author Contact:


Twitter: @leebrazil

Facebook Group:

Publishers: Lime Time Press, Breathless Press, Evernight Publishing

Cover Artist: Various

Blurbs/Excerpts/Sales Links:


Less Than All

Nicholas Danville doesn’t trust his lover to share the depth of his attraction.

He knows full well Victor must marry to fulfill his duty to his aristocratic family.

Assuredly marriage will mean the end of their liaison.


A youthful indiscretion leads to a humiliating encounter between Nicholas Danville and Lord Victor Ware. Nicholas is sent home in disgrace, and Victor continues life in the Ton. Years later, Nicholas’s reproving parents send him to town to attain a degree of polish before he prepares for life as a member of the clergy.


A chance encounter with an old friend leads to a new confrontation between Nicholas and Victor. This time, the attraction between them burns brighter, Nicholas is old enough to know his own mind, and Victor is done with self-denial.


From ballrooms to gardens and opera houses, Victor sets about proving that a passionate liaison between two men is possible even under the narrow gaze of the Ton

Less Than All excerpt:

Peter had evidently taken the time to pull his glossy Hessians back on because Victor had swallowed half the glass before he heard the door click behind him. Lifting the glass to study the amber liquid in the firelight, he spoke without turning around. “I pay you an adequate allowance to cover your own establishment Peter, exactly because I do not wish to find hordes of drunken revelers have invaded my home.”

“I’m glad for Peter’s sake that you’re a generous man, My Lord Ware. But I’d hardly call our little gathering a horde.”

Victor whirled about to find Danville lounging in altogether too close a proximity. A single lingering glance impressed upon Victor the slender lithe frame, lovingly outlined by tight buff colored breeches, fine white linen shirt open at the neck. Both his discreetly embroidered waistcoat and his black tailcoat hung open. Danville’s inappropriate dishabille enticed him as the devil tempted sinners. He held up a hand as though to ward off the smaller man, but Danville stepped impossibly closer, and Victor groaned as his blood thrummed and his head swam.

Strong arms wrapped around his neck, tugging his head down, and soft wet lips pressed lightly against his mouth. “I’ve waited years for this moment, Ware.”

Then Victor gave up listening, gave up fighting the response of his body as an agile tongue probed the seam of his lips, seeking entrance. He accepted Nicky’s kiss, opened his mouth to suck at the questing tongue. He chased Nicky’s tongue for what seemed like ages, his body hardening and heating with lust.

His arms closed around Nicky’s slender waist, hauling the man close so he could seek solace for the ache of his prick in grinding against the silk of Nicky’s evening breeches. The shattering of his whiskey glass on the hearth broke the mood, and Nicky pulled away, retreating to the door.

“I’m going now.” He paused, hand on the doorknob. A strangely earnest expression crossed his face as he tilted his head to glance back at the stunned Victor. “Shall I return? Or do you forbid Peter’s friends the run of your home?”

He slipped from the room while Victor struggled to frame a coherent response.


A Gentleman Never Does

Short of funds, Gareth proposes to wager for love. Does Gideon dare play out this hand?

Gideon Westwood is passing time at a debutante ball when he encounters a man from his past he’d give anything to avoid.

Unfortunately for him, Gareth Belmain isn’t in the mood to be pushed aside.

A wager leads to a walk in the garden and a kiss to angry words.

Will a public challenge put an end to any hope they might have for a future together?


A Gentleman Never Does Excerpt:

“If you’re short of funds, I don’t wish to gamble with you for money.”

Gareth smirked, painted lips twisting. “Such an honorable man you are. Fine then, if we shall not play for money, then we play for love.”

A chill washed over Gideon. He shifted on the delicate chair, fearing it might splinter if he abused it too much. “For love?”

Gareth whispered, “You were used to love me dearly. We could play for that.” Gideon’s dismay must have shown on his face, and again he cursed his inability to master the stoic boredom society expected of its young men and women.

“Or maybe not. What stakes would you care to play for, my Corinthian friend?”

The sardonic emphasis on Corinthian hurt a bit, as he had no doubt that Gareth intended it to. It angered Gideon that Gareth held such power over him still, to arouse his emotions, his body this way. Instead of answering the question Gareth had asked, he let his hurt and anger have sway. “Why are you without funds? Too many hours of shopping in Bond Street, my dear?”

Gareth’s blue eyes flickered and his narrow jaw tightened. Gideon’s gaze focused on the tight pinch of his full lips. Those lips had touched his… He bit back a curse as his pantaloons grew uncomfortably tight. “Fuck.” The coarse word was a hoarse whisper that he hoped no one else picked up on.

Gareth’s tension faded and his eyes sparkled with mirth. “No, dear heart. A gentleman never pays his tailor before his gaming debts. If you must know, I played a little too deep the other night at that new hell, off Curzon street.”

The lure of cards had always been impossible for Gareth to resist. They’d often played together at school and through long rainy days at home. So Gideon knew that Gareth might be susceptible to the lure of the cards, but he wasn’t a bad player. While losing wasn’t unheard of, it was rare. “I can float you a bit till quarter day if you like.” Gideon offered.

“Kind of you, but no. If you were inclined to lose to me, that would be one thing. But I am not in need of charity.” The cards were snapped down onto the table sharply. “Cut.”


Breathless Press:



All Romance



Randall’s Romance

When Randall Gretton’s father leaves his family behind to seek out his lost love, Randall finds an unexpected sympathy in his father’s actions. The dashing soldier takes completely to heart his father’s advice to his children, “If you are fortunate enough to find love, then seize it.”


Is a chance encounter at a masquerade Randall’s chance at lifetime love?


Randall’s Romance Excerpt

He closed the door behind himself and turned the key in the lock. The book room was lit by a single porcelain candelabrum on the mantel piece. In the flickering candlelight he located Terence at the fireplace, swirling a snifter of brandy in his hand. Terence turned his head, tensing at the sound of the key turning in the lock.

“Never fear. It’s just me. I’d about given up hope of finding you; there are so very many highwaymen present tonight. Next time you must choose a more singular disguise.” Checking the room carefully for any other entrance, Randall realized Terence had chosen the perfect place for their encounter.

The highwayman glanced back at him, dark eyes glittering through the slits of his long mask. “I’d hate to draw attention.” Hi voice was muffled by the mask, but Randall caught the faint foreign accent he aped and rolled his eyes.

Randall felt his blood heat as that hooded gaze traveled down his form. His cock stirred and this time he made no move to hide his interest. “Truth, Terence, attention is to be avoided, but there is something to be said for ease of recognition in these circumstances.”

He crossed the Aubusson carpet to stand in front of his lover, drew the man to him. Terence came willingly enough into his embrace, but when Randall tried to raise the man’s domino to reveal his features, Terence caught his hand in a gloved grip. “No. Just in case, we must be discreet.”

“I did lock the door, you know.” Randall buried his face in the fabric and tightened his arms, crushing Terence along his length. The man’s costume was a miracle of tailoring, for he seemed to have even added padding to his narrow shoulders and lifts to his boots.

“Yes, but that might not be the only key.”

Truly, Terence was more concerned than usual about being recognized! He’d even foregone his normal heavy drenching of spicy oriental scent in favor of a delicate sandalwood cologne that teased at Randall’s senses quite delightfully. Reluctantly Randall released his crushing grip on the domino and let his hands slide down Terence’s back to cup his taut buttocks through the thin pantaloons. “Very well, then. Come away with me for the night so we can be private.”

“I cannot.” Hard hands closed on his own buttocks, squeezed them meaningfully. Randall shivered. His cock thickened, his blood stirred. Terence pulled him closer still, so that their groins rested against one another. A few thin layers of fabric separated them, but the heat was as unmistakable as the thick ridge his prick rubbed against.

“But I leave tomorrow, I told you as much.” Randall protested, grinding into the sweet pressure on his prick. “Never mind. If this is all the moment we have, then I want more than this.” He wedged his hands in between their bodies, enjoyed Terence’s gasp when he squeezed the man’s prick through his pantaloons, and began working their garments open.

“You’re very bold tonight.” The breathless statement was followed by a swift, muttered curse as Randall caught their pricks in his hand and stroked them together.

“I?” Randall leaned into Terence and bit the man’s ear lobe sharply. “I suggested we meet in the usual place, secure and behind closed doors. You were the one who had a hankering for challenging the ton. Is it turning you on, making you hot to think that just a few feet away the others are dancing and drinking and making merry?”

“Damn you, harder!” Terence’s hand closed over his and Randall shuddered as the grip tightened, the rhythm roughened. He stared down between them, to where their hands slid up and down, squeezing drops of clear liquid from each prick that mingled and streamed down to slick the path of their movements. Terence’s hand on his cock was more erotic than ever, and maybe it was the thought of being caught out, of the scandal that lurked, but his body was tensing, and beads of perspiration formed. He threw back his head, slipped his free hand down the back of Terence’s pantaloons and into his small clothes. Terence trembled against him, Randall soothed him with a whispered word, cupped his buttock, and let his fingers trail along the crease of the man’s arse.

“Have a care…we can’t do that here.”

“I am aware,” he chuckled dryly, catching his breath. His fingers brushed over the puckered hole, Terence shuddered, his cock stiffening still further, the skin stretched so tight and fine Randal could swear he felt the man’s heart beat in the blood that swelled his organ.

“Damnation…so very good.” Terence was bucking into his grip, losing his rhythm. Randal rubbed the hole, pressed the very tip of his finger inside, and let the exultation flood him as Terence’s seed spilled along his cock, in jet after jet.

“That’s right.” He murmured. “Give me your pleasure.” He milked the softening cock of every last drop of seed, then wiped them both off with his handkerchief.

His cock throbbed with want, and he smiled at the man he’d come to realize was most decidedly not Terence. “At this point, Terence would drop to his knees and suck me. Are you of a like mind?”

“So you’ve realized I’m not your friend, have you?” The strange highwayman tucked himself away and refastened his pantaloons. “What happens now?”

“Now, I’m still in need of release, and you are a likeminded fellow it seems. If you cannot bring yourself to suck me, then your hand will do as well.”

The black domino muted the man’s laughter, but he obligingly dropped to his knees on the plush carpet and with a little deft maneuvering of his mask and Randall’s cock, had him encased in wet heat and strong suction within moments.

Randall sighed and let his hands rest on the velvet of the mask, ordinarily he’d have twined his fingers in his lover’s hair, to give his hands something to do. Idle hands are the devil’s work his mother used to say, but then again…so was this sodomy. “You’re very good at this,” he sighed, sinking deeply into the wet mouth, enjoying the light scrape of teeth. His blood surged, an agile tongue toyed with the tip of his cock on each retreat, swirling and sucking, drawing rushes of pleasure from him as his body tensed, thighs stiffening. Heat pooled and exploded, and with it his seed pulsed into the receptive mouth.






Guest Blog
Will Parkinson

Good morning! *waves* For those readers out there who don’t know me, I”m Lee Brazil, author of m/m romance with Breathless Press, Evernight, Pulp Friction, and Story Orgy. *sips coffee* Most of my work is contemporary, but I flirt occasionally with historical and paranormal stories as well.

Every time I do a tour, I have the worst time trying to come up with blog topics. One of the things I like about working with a tour company is that they have all kinds of suggestions for topics. It’s very tempting to write about some aspect of the Regency, but then I run this awful risk of sounding more like a teacher than a romance writer. I don’t want to do history lessons for blog posts, you know?

So, instead I thought I’d talk about what got me interested in the Regency era to start with. Star Trek. That’s a gross exaggeration, by the way. ANd a really, really, long way around the block.

When I was born, Star Trek had just run its last season. My father was a fan- he liked Kirk. In fact, I think he identified very strongly with both Kirk – for his impulsive, out of the box thinking, refusal to adhere strictly to the rules and Spock- who was logical and pragmatic.

So one of our family rituals, from my earliest memories, is watching Star Trek together. There were a great many images from those early years that stuck with me, McCoy chasing the White Rabbit, the fair princess…and Sulu fencing.

Mention is made of d’Artagnan, and in elementary school, I found the fortitude to tackle The Three Musketeers based on that scene. Of course, the challenge was the language, but I persevered, and was entranced. Chivalry, deception, betrayal, heroics the like of which I’d never seen unfolded at the turn of each page. From the French Revolution to Napoleon and world domination is a small step,

The deal was sealed by George Gordon Byron, Lord Byron. My imagination was captured by the poetry and the ideology of the Romantic movement, and by Byron in particular. What’s not to love from a teen’s perspective? He was handsome, rebellious, intelligent, talented, kind of the “rock star”of his era, really.

Just that one little step in the door, and I was fascinated. There was so much going on in the world at that time, society was changing, people were shuffling, value systems were being questioned. Everything from clothing to art evolved dramatically during this era, and it offers so much variety, from the elevation of the classes to the plight of the soldier, to the foolishness of the monarchy and the aristocracy’s obsessions.
Exploring this era in m/m romance offers many challenges, chief among them the difficulty in achieving the Happily Ever After ending dictated by the genre. The fact is, if we adhere to social norms and practices of the period, a HEA was just as unlikely for any young debutant or beau. Admittedly, homosexuality was a crime punishable by death or deportation, and the heterosexual couple were at least free from that worry- but love?

Love had nothing to do with people getting married in the Regency. Especially not upper class people. Hanging out with your spouse? It just wasn’t done. A man had his friends, his club, and his own interests. His wife had the same.

For love, a man sought companionship outside his marriage, and that companionship might just as well be male as female. If discretion were maintained, then a private, quiet, HEA might be achieved – or be just as likely as an aristocrat marrying for love in a society where people married for money, prestige, and heirs.

Sorry to go on so long, I just babble at times, it seem 🙂 Thanks for stopping by, and make sure to enter the give away!

Tour Dates/Stops:

9/9: Havan Fellows, Parker Williams

9/16: Fallen Angel Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

9/23: Jade Crystal, Cate Ashwood

9/30: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, EE Montgomery

10/7: Hearts on Fire, Love Bytes

10/14: Amanda C. Stone, Book Reviews and More by Kathy

10/21: 3 Chicks After Dark, The Novel Approach

10/28: MM Good Book Reviews, Regular Guys, Hot Romance


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Wolf In Gucci Loafers Book Blast












Author Bio:

Tara Lain writes the Beautiful Boys of Romance in LGBT erotic romance novels that star her unique, charismatic heroes. Her first novel was published in January of 2011 and she’s now somewhere around book 21. Her best-selling novels have garnered awards for Best Series, Best Contemporary Romance, Best Ménage, Best LGBT Romance, Best Gay Characters, and Tara has been named Best Writer of the Year in the LRC Awards. In her other job, Tara owns an advertising and public relations firm. She often does workshops on both author promotion and writing craft. She lives with her soul-mate husband and her soul-mate dog in Laguna Beach, California, a pretty seaside town where she sets a lot of her books. Passionate about diversity, justice, and new experiences, Tara says on her tombstone it will say “Yes”!


Author Contact: You can find Tara HERE:





FB Page:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson

Narrator: Max Lenhen


Socialite Lindsey Vanessen wants someone to love who will love him back—an impossibility for a gay, half-human, half-werewolf. Too aggressive for humans, too gay for wolves, and needing to protect the pack from human discovery, Lindsey tries to content himself with life as a successful businessman. But when someone starts kidnapping members of wealthy families, Lindsey meets tough cop Seth Zakowsy—the hunky embodiment of everything Lindsey wants but can’t have.

Seth has never been attracted to flamboyant men. What would the guys in the department think of Lindsey? But intrigue turns to lust when he discovers Lindsey’s biting, snarling passion more than matches his dominant side. It might mean a chance at love for a cop in black leather and a wolf in Gucci loafers.



“Much as I love the opportunity, I don’t want to waste time driving.” He cocked a grin at Lindsey in the dark car.

“Don’t worry. You won’t. Drive.”

“Okay.” He hit the accelerator. Holy shit. Instant speed. No rumble, no roar, no lag or leaping ahead. Just zero to infinity with a touch. “Wow. This is freaky!”

“Fun, isn’t it?”

“Give me directions.”

“Okay. Pull down your fly.

“What?” He glanced over, but Lindsey’s face was not smiling—intense, actually.

“You want directions? You got them. Pull out your cock!”

He swallowed but reached down and pulled the zipper on his very crowded trousers. This sounded promising.

“Get it out!”

“Okay, okay.” He reached in, grabbed his leaking rod, and pulled it from its prison. Man, just rubbing on his briefs was almost too much. That was one sensitive cock. The thing stuck up out of his fly like a puppet.

“Pull the balls out too. I like balls.”

Seth chuckled. “Your wish is my command.” He flopped his balls out of the fly. They were already so tight they barely bobbled.

“Very, very pretty. Definitely Connecticut’s finest. Can I lick them?”

“Shit, feel free.”

“Drive carefully. Keep your eyes on the road.” Lindsey laughed.

Only a small space and a brake lever separated the two seats. Lindsey leaned over, insinuated his head into Seth’s lap and breathed. Oh man, hot breath warmed the tip of his dick.

“He seems glad to see me.”

Seth could barely breathe, much less talk.

Lindsey swallowed the thing whole. Sheeee-it! Heat flashed through Seth’s balls and up his spine like he’d been shot. The car swerved. Damn. He gripped the wheel and slowed down.

Lindsey’s lips popped off. “This is your driver training course. All gay cops must drive while receiving head.” He shoved Seth’s dick back in his mouth and sucked.

Oh God. His hips bobbed. Fuck. Fuck. His knuckles on the wheel were white, but he didn’t want to give up and stop. The speed and sucking went together like peanut butter and jelly. The quiet in the car was punctuated by low growling sounds coming from the suckfest in his lap. What was up with the guy? But man, the sounds were right on the money. He felt like a fucking animal.

His balls tightened further and tingling tickled at the base of his spine. “Lindsey, I’m going to come. I gotta stop. I’ll wreck the car.”


Tour Dates: 9/9/14


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Prism Book Alliance, For the Love of Bookends, Amanda C. Stone, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Velvet Panic, Iyana Jenna, Nephylim, Queer Town Abbey, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, MM Good Book Reviews, Angel Martinez, Inked Rainbow Reads, Tara Lain, Cate Ashwood, Fallen Angel Reviews, Sinfully Sexy


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Dreamspinner Press







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