
Idolatry (Reagalos: Book 2 – Sequel to Servitude) Book Tour












Author Bio:

Rebecca Cohen is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and baby son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other.

Author Contact:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Shobana Apu


Upon taking the throne as High Lord of Katraman and Liege of Scura, Lornyc Reagalos’s focus on rebuilding one city and reassuring another leaves little time for his husband, Methian. Added to that, he must contend with is the unexpected revelation that his grandfather, Romanus, set up his own religion and named an enigmatic figure called The One as its deity. Through some twisted interpretation of the signs left by Romanus, the Cerulean Cult comes to believe Lornyc is their god and invites him to sanctify the Cult as part of its five-hundred-year anniversary. During the Sanctification Ceremony, the Cult’s holy relic, an orb given to it by Romanus, is split, releasing an entity that tears a hole in the dimensions. The species that guards the dimensions, the Valen, force Lornyc to fix the breach, or they will have him extinguished.

Tour Dates & Stops:

9/4: Prism Book Alliance, Parker Williams

9/5: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/8: Fallen Angel Reviews

9/9: The Hat Party

9/10: Havan Fellows

9/11: Love Bytes

9/12: The Novel Approach, 3 Chicks After Dark

9/15: Amanda C. Stone, LeAnn’s Book Reviews

9/16: MM Good Book Reviews

9/17: Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings


Sales Links:






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David’s Dilemma Book Blast


Jaguar Bk 4

Author Bio:

Rae Brewer is new to writing romance and has found a niche in the M/M paranormal genre. After growing up in San Francisco, Rae now calls Chicago home.

Author Contact:

Publisher: JK Publishing, Inc

Cover Artist: Jess Buffett


It’s been three years since David broke up with Michael. He’s ready to find his mate. Only the only man he’s attracted to at all is a hookup from a bar. After hours of passion they separate and David only discovers the next morning the man was his mate. Where can he find him again? And what is his name?



David woke late Sunday afternoon with a headache, which didn’t seem fair because he hadn’t drunk very much the night before. Damn head cold! He still remembered every minute of the night before. Part of him wished he’d broken his own rule and let the handsome hunk stay over. He got what he wanted, he would have blown me off when he saw me in the light of day. Getting out of bed he stumbled to the bathroom sneezing. He decided to take a hot shower, the steam would clear up his sinuses, for a while. He wanted a clear head so he could convince himself it was time to settle down and find a forever love. No more casual sex!

Setting the temp as hot as he could stand, he stepped into the oversized stall. The room quickly filled with steam and his nose started running. He gave a fleeting thought to the scents he was washing down the drain before he remembered his sheets. His cougar wasn’t very happy with him for kicking HH, the handsome hunk, out of their bed and was pouting by being silent. Of course his cougar was generally subdued when he was showering.

After twenty minutes in the steam his muscles were loose and he could breathe again, for now. Stepping out of the shower onto the bathmat he grabbed a clean towel off the shelf and after a quick rub down, wrapped it around his waist. Taking a look in the mirror he decided to take some cold medicine and spend the day being lazy. He was already envisioning a long afternoon on the couch snuggled in a blanket with a pitcher of lemon water and some chicken soup within easy reach. I’m wallowing, because I already miss him.

First though, he needed to strip the bed and put the sheets in the wash. Later, he knew he’d want cool fresh sheets to sleep in. And right now he was as awake, alert, and as energetic as he was going to be for the rest of the day. Walking through the door to the bedroom the scents from his sheets hit him all at once. His inner cat roared and David was so surprised he didn’t stop the shift.

Leaping onto the bed in his puma form, he rolled around in the sheets before sneezing. Sitting up in the bed he had a sheet wrapped around him, the end flopping over his head. He could see his reflection in the mirror on the opposite wall. Big tough cat, not! Mate! We found our mate!

Shifting back into his human form allowed him to say what he was thinking. “Shit! Shit, shit, shit!” Untangling himself from the bedding he began to pace around the room. I don’t even know his name!

Tour Dates: 9/4/14

Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Prism Book Alliance, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Velvet Panic, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Guilty Indulgence Book Club, Andrew Q. Gordon, The Hat Party, Cathy Brock Romances, MM Good Book Reviews, Hearts on Fire, Multitasking Mommas, Up All Night, Read All Day, Iyana Jenna, Redz World, Nic Starr, Carly’s Book Reviews, Michael Mandrake

Sales Links

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Love & Punishment Book Tour

Love and Punishment2SM


Author Bio:

Susan Mac Nicol was born in Leeds, Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom. At the age of eight, her family moved to Johannesburg, South Africa where she stayed for nearly thirty years before arriving back in the UK in December 2000. Currently, She lives in the rural village of Bocking, in Essex, with her family.

Sue is a PAN (Published Author’s Network) member of Romance Writers of America and a member of the Romantic Novelists Association in the UK. Also, she is a member of a rather unique writing group, called the Talliston Writer’s Circle, which in itself has a story all of its own to tell. She has written nine novels, two novellas and a screenplay since February 2012 and clearly believes in keeping herself busy. She has found herself wanting to stay in the sub-genre that is M/M Romance so more can definitely be expected.

Her plan is to keep writing as long as her muse sits upon her shoulder. Her dream is to make enough money to give up the day job and get that big old house in the English countryside overlooking a river, where she can write all day and continue to indulge her passion for telling stories.


Author Contact:









Cover Artist: Boroughs Publishing Group

Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group


On the search for a serial killer, Detective Anthony Parglietto and Flynn Parker learn that every man must make a choice: to kill, to live, to love.



Someone is leaving a trail of bodies throughout London, and Detective Anthony Parglietto is determined to end the violence. Then he’ll return to the man he loves.

Tough, street-savvy, and used to dealing with lowlifes, Flynn Parker is the last person Anthony thinks he has to protect. Then the Bow-Tie Killer strikes close to home and the world turns upside down. Right is wrong, black is white, and a policeman might become a monster. But in the name of love, justice must be served. In the name of love, pain can be endured. In the name of love, a man can taste the very essence that defines him.



Anthony walked down the hall. He reached the bedroom and gently pushed the door open. He saw Flynn framed in the light of the lamp shining from the lounge. He lay, apparently asleep, on the leather and wood divan Anthony had brought over from Italy. Its dark burgundy colour contrasted with what Flynn wore, which was nothing but a black thong lying stark against his pale skin. The divan was under the window. The bed covers were rumpled, as if Flynn had been sleeping. His robe was draped across the foot of the bed. Anthony moved towards the gleaming body of his supine lover.

Flynn’s face was turned away towards the back of the sofa. His dark hair was tousled and his arms stretched above his head to the right. He wore a blindfold. Anthony felt a stir in his groin seeing those lean, hairy legs stretched out wantonly, inviting him to run his hands up and over his groin. Even appearing asleep, Flynn had the power to excite him, to make Anthony hard and ready. He stepped towards him, watching the rise and fall of Flynn’s chest with their already hardened nubs. Anthony wanted to run his tongue over that chest, with its smattering of fine hair, to take Flynn’s nipples in his mouth and suck them until Flynn groaned in pleasure. As he got closer in the dim light he saw the hands with their bonds of silk. Green bonds lay dark against Flynn’s wrists, fastened to the wooden struts of the upright chair arm. His hands were tight fists. Anthony chuckled softly, a noise that sounded loud in the stillness of the room.

“Been waiting long?’ he whispered as he took off his jacket. ‘I tried to get home as soon as I could.”

Anthony knew the bonds would be loose so Flynn could break free if needed but he also knew he wouldn’t. It was the way the game was played.


Do all of my books take place in the same world- could I do a future story where characters cross over into other books
One of the reasons I love writing my stories set in the UK is because in some way, I know in real life all my men could probably know each other. I mean, they are all Facebook friends. I create FB profiles for my characters so they can role play and they all friend each other and make ribald jokes at each other’s expense. I’ve even written a couple of short pieces where they’ve all got together, like at the fairground. You can read it here
So there are definite possibilities for all of my chaps to meet up in a book and have a pint, share a saucy tale or two and just let their hair down. I could even create a story where some of them are peripheral characters and bring them together that way. However I doubt I’d ever do this. I don’t really know why; I see it done all the time by other authors, even to the point where they include real people as characters in their stories. *nudge nudge, wink wink* I think this is a great idea which works in some books but I personally prefer to let my men stay in their own worlds. To be honest, if Quinn Fairmont met up with Rain Engel, they’d probably circle each other like dogs and snarl, they’re both such Alpha men. And if Shane Templar and Owen Butler got together, there would be mayhem as these two guys love to cause mischief.
The world all these guys live in is Now ; Nick and Owen live in a lighthouse in Norfolk, Quinn and Cade in a regal house on Hampstead Heath, and Toby and Rain in a quaint hotel in the middle of the English countryside. And to be honest, I think that’s where they’ll all stay unless I go off on a whimsy.



Tour Dates/Stops:

8/29: The Hat Party, It’s Raining Men

9/1: My Fiction Nook, Tara Lain

9/2: MM Good Book Reviews, EE Montgomery, Sarah Madison Fiction

9/3: Love Bytes, A_TiffyFit’s Reading Corner

9/4: Parker Williams, Amanda C. Stone

9/5: Full Moon Dreaming, Andrew Q. Gordon, Penny For My Thoughts

9/8: Hearts on Fire, Rainbow Gold Reviews

9/9: Jade Crystal, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

9/10: Prism Book Alliance, Fallen Angel Reviews

9/11: Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Book Suburbia

9/12: Havan Fellows, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

9/15: Decadent Delights, 3 Chicks After Dark

9/16: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Because Two Men Are Better Than One

9/17: Regular Guys, Hot Romance, Joyfully Jay

9/18: Louise Lyons, Foxylutely Book Reviews

9/19: Cate Ashwood, Iyana Jenna

9/22: The Novel Approach, Crystal’s Many Reviewers

9/23: Inked Rainbow Reads, Wake Up Your Wild Side

9/24: LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Emotion in Motion

9/25: The Blogger Girls, Velvet Panic

Sales Links:

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A Tooth for a Fang Book Blast

ToothForAFang[A]ORIG final

Author Bio:

Liv Olteano is a voracious reader, music lover, and coffee addict extraordinaire. And occasional geek. Okay, more than occasional.

She believes stories are the best kind of magic there is. And life would be horrible without magic. Her hobbies include losing herself in the minds and souls of characters, giving up countless nights of sleep to get to know said characters, and trying to introduce them to the world. Sometimes they appreciate her efforts. The process would probably go quicker if they’d bring her a cup of coffee now and then when stopping by. Characters—what can you do, right?

Liv has a penchant for quirky stories and is a reverent lover of diversity. She can be found loitering around the Internet at odd hours and being generally awkward and goofy at all times.

Author Contact: Stop by her place at for the latest news or visit her blog at for occasional rants. She also regularly spamificates Twitter at and Facebook at For The Win.

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: AngstyG


Three days. Three dead bodies. One newly turned, broken-hearted lycan tracker to figure out the connection.


The one summer Rick Barton takes a vacation, all hell breaks loose. Running from an abusive relationship leads him into the arms of hard-nosed lycan Travis Chandler, who gives him little choice but to become a lycan too and join the Paranormal Bureau of Investigation. Out of options, Rick joins the weird organization, expecting some two weeks of training and an adjustment period. Tough luck, he doesn’t get either. On his first day, his new partner offers to promote him to field agent if they get mated – less time wasted on training, more time on the field, and considering Rick is the only tracker the Bureau has on hand when a wave of strange murders hits the community, time is of the essence.


Someone’s killing the leaders of the paranormal world and mutilating the bodies. Investigating and tracking clues is enough of a challenge, and Rick must contend with an impatient Council, Travis’s advances, and actually adjusting to being a lycan. Only one thing is certain: Rick’s new life promises plenty of interesting adventures—as long as he can survive.

Categories Per the Author: Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Erotic





“Hey,” he said.

I looked up at him, the deep tone of his voice making the little hairs on my nape stand up on end. Goddamn, he had the sexiest voice I’d ever heard.

I smiled. “Hey.”

His eyes were almost scary intense as he stood there before me and gazed down into my eyes. Most guys would feel awkward about prancing around in snug Speedos and talking to someone who’s sitting down right in front of them. This guy had no issue whatsoever with it. Why would he? He was a god of summer, with the skin and the eyes and the package to make it work.

The longer we stared at each other, the bigger his grin grew. Those lips had a wicked effect on my pulse. My heart began to pound. And the more awkward I felt, the more he seemed to get off on it. Whatever this guy might’ve been thinking, I wasn’t a blushing virgin. Or at least I wasn’t a virgin, with the heat and all I couldn’t tell if I was blushing or not. Hell, who even cared? I sure didn’t.

“So,” I said in a strained voice, “how was the water?”

He hummed a bit, as if he was thinking on that. It was water. How difficult could it be to say something about it? Instead of saying anything, though, he reached out a hand and kept it that way until I grabbed it. He got me up to my feet, gave me one of those blinding grins, and began walking toward the water and dragging me along.

“So you’re one of those ‘show, don’t tell’ kind of guys?” I asked as calmly as I could.

He chuckled. “Definitely.”


Tour Dates: 9/3/14

Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Cathy Brock Romances, Love Bytes, Prism Book Alliance, The Hat Party, My Fiction Nook, Jade Crystal, Velvet Panic, Queer Town Abbey, 3 Chicks After Dark, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Rainbow Gold Reviews, A_TiffyFit’s Reading Corner, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Foxylutely Book Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Multitasking Mommas


Sales Links: (ebook) (paperback


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No Fae Is An Island Cover Reveal




Author Bio:

While Angel Martinez is the erotic fiction pen name of a writer of several genres, she writes both kinds of gay romance – Science Fiction and Fantasy. Currently living part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware, (and full time inside the author’s head) Angel has one husband, one son, two cats, a changing variety of other furred and scaled companions, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.

Author Contact:

Website: Erotic Fiction for the Hungry Mind

Publisher: MLR Press

Cover Artist: Lex Valentine



Three years ago, Danu banished Diego for a time from the human world. Three years and three days doesn’t seem that long to be away from home but living among the wild fae can change a man and the human world returns the favor by changing while he’s gone. There’s a vampire on Tearmann Island’s security force. A curious selkie’s followed him home. So much to do to keep the world safe…but Diego’s no longer sure he has the right to interfere.

Theo Aguilar started his vampire life on the wrong side of the law. He’s killed and knows he’s dangerous if he doesn’t stay in control every moment. But the fae took him in and Prince Lugh has given him a position of trust. So when Diego and Finn are arrested on a diplomatic mission far from home, he knows his duty. He’s striking out on his own to rescue them, a lone vigilante once again, this time for the good guys. The only glitch? The selkie, Limpet, can’t seem to understand the alone part.


Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy



“You don’t need to come with me.” Theo fought clenched teeth. The selkie was a friend of Mr. Sandoval’s and Finn’s, too—Finn who had been so kind to him after accidentally squashing him in dragon form. No need to be rude.

“Quite all right. I’ve nothing better to do.”

“You can’t come with me,” Theo said in the chilliest, sternest tone he could muster.

“Oh, of course I can. I see quite well at night.”

Theo squeezed his eyes shut against the headache. It shouldn’t have been there. He’d fed that morning and napped the rest of the day in lethargic, sated bliss. Fine. He’ll get bored and leave soon. “All right. But you have to be quiet.”

“Yes, yes, of course. In case something bad is here. A pack of nixes maybe. Oh, they’re bad. Or a kraken tries to swim close and ambush you, yes? You’re a real warrior, then? Have you seen many battles? Do you have scars? I have scars, but only because I was very young—”

“Limpet.” Theo stopped and took the selkie’s chin in his hand, holding his head still. “Whispering is not being quiet.”

“Right you are. Sorry. You have beautiful eyes.”

Theo dropped his hand and walked away, shaking his head. It was going to be long night.


Tour Dates: 9/2/14


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Multitasking Mommas, Velvet Panic, Love Bytes, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Tara Lain, Amanda C. Stone, Hearts on Fire, Fallen Angel Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon, Cate Ashwood, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, Gaylist Book Reviews, Romance the Night, Queer Town Abbey, Cathy Brockman Romances, Kimi-Chan, MM Good Book Reviews, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Smoocher’s Voice, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake



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