
The Need to Touch Book Tour



Author Bio:

Brooke Johnson:


Brooke Johnson lives in Louisiana with her five girls, wonderful boyfriend, and many pets. When she is not working on finishing her current degree, she can be found fishing, coloring, or blowing bubbles with her kids. Just over a year ago, Brooke decided she wasn’t going to back down from her dreams, and started writing full time. With the encouragement of her family she is proud to be publishing her books for the world to read.

Brooke started reading later in life. Unlike many authors who have always had a special love for reading, Brooke didn’t pick up a book until she was in her late teens. She remembers wanting to find something to do with her mom, who has always been her best friend. One day her mom was talking about a romance novel that she just read. Not being interested in it all, Brooke gave in and read the book. She’s been her mom’s reading partner ever since. They can now sit and talk, laugh and even cry about all the books they have read over the years.

So, with great pride and honor, Brooke is happy to thank her mother for encouraging her to not only read, but to follow her heart, and write her own books. What started as simple poetry on scrap paper, at the age of seven, is now a dream come true. Brooke started writing but felt something was missing. When she started writing with Natalya Parks, everything seemed to fall into place, and now here they are. Launching books, and writing more. This may be the first you see of them, but Brooke is determined that this won’t be last. Brooke is excited for you to meet their characters, and fall in love with the men that they have spent many hours with over the last year, just for you!!



Natalya Parks:


Natalya parks lives is Louisiana with her beloved dog, Napoleon. Natalya enjoys spending as much time as possible with her children and grandchildren.

Natalya has had an ongoing passionate love affair with books since she was four years old. While her friends were getting in trouble for not reading she was getting in trouble for reading. She was late for dinner, forgot to do her chores, stayed up past her bedtime, forgot about homework and was late for the school bus on many occasions; because she couldn’t put the book down. Her most embarrassing moment caused by reading a book occurred when she was in seventh grade. The school bus pulled up to her stop and of course she couldn’t possibly stop reading. The story was just too good. So with her nose still in her book she slowly made her way down the aisle of the bus. She as she got to the top of the stairs she tripped over an instrument case that was jutting out just a bit into the aisle. Where she promptly fell head first down the stairs landing in a heap in the dirt, her feet resting on the bottom step. Natalya was wearing a dress that day.

She has wanted to be a writer since she was a teenager but never thought she could write anything good enough for someone else to want to read. Her dear friend Brooke convinced her otherwise and literally dragged her into the world of writing. Something she will be forever grateful. Now, not only does she get to love and enjoy works by other authors but also those that she has contributed to as well. Her mind still goes tilt, tilt when she thinks about the fact that she is a published author. Dreams really can come true.


Author Contact:


Publisher: Cool Beans Publishing and Editing, LLC

Cover Artist: Aj Corza


You can only win someone’s heart once you’ve captured it.

Nineteen year old Ryder Harrison grew up near a small town in Montana, working on the family’s ranch and in love with his best friend, Landon Pennington. That was until his Grandfather decided he needed to go to college in California. Ryder promised his Mom before she died that he would finish his education. Staying true to his word, Ryder packs his clothes, and heads to California, confident that it would all be one big disaster. The only thing he hadn’t planned on was meeting Bentley Carter.

Twenty year old Bentley Carter has enough emotional issues to write his own ‘How to Cope’ manual. Surviving an abusive childhood, he made a personal promise to always stay true to himself, and never let emotions overrule his common sense. Content with his current life and friend with ‘benefits’, Ben is determined to not let his new roommate affect him.

Uncertain about their places in the world, and with each other, Ryder and Ben struggle to understand the person who is not what they thought they wanted, yet who they are unable to live without. Living in a sometimes cruel and unforgiving world they are determined to embrace the reality of falling in love and the challenges that follow.




“Welcome to paradise!!” Ethan yelled over the music.

All I could see was flesh, and hard bodies. Hard everything. Everywhere I looked, half naked guys were dancing and grinding together.

“Ry, honey, you okay?” Ben squeezed my hand, pulling me out of the fog of lust.

I hadn’t realized I wasn’t blinking, until my eyes started to water. Ben noticed my current state, smiled and pulled me onto the dance floor. He had me turned and pressed against him so fast I was dizzy. My hands trembled. He started grinding against me with his hands on my lower back. The press of bodies around us didn’t allow for additional space between us, and the music only encouraged our hips to gyrate.

I could feel his nipple rings through our thin shirts. Our thighs rubbed together every time Ben wiggled his ass and pressed his hips to mine. I growled in the back of my throat, holding him a little tighter.

We’ve been in the damn club all of five minutes, and I was about cum in my pants.

“Ben, I need a drink.” I leaned in to speak directly into his ear.

He must not have heard me because he pulled me closer, moving us to the rhythm of the music. Ben’s hard-on was pressed my thigh. I made a mistake looking into his eyes. Their intensity was magnified by the eye liner. I’d never seen anything so beautiful in my life. Ben leaned into me, and I tightened my arms around his waist, wanting what he offered.

Starting at the sensitive skin behind my ear, he licked his way down to my collar before lightly biting me.




Two days since meeting Ryder and I was considering changing majors.

It’s been thirty minutes since this lecture began, and I couldn’t remember one word the professor said. The cause of my distraction was chewing on his pen, two rows down from me. I groaned, and then tried to cover it with a cough. My face felt hot as the girl next to me glared in my direction. Why did he have to do that with his pen? It wasn’t until everyone closed their books that I realized I had stared ay Ryder through the entire lecture.

I continually found reasons to spend time with him. So I shoved my stuff in my bag and rushed out of the classroom. I was eager to run into him in the hallway, maybe then I’d get him to talk to me.

I rushed past a bundle of people gathered in the hallway. It wasn’t as though he was hard to find. Ryder was tall and solid muscle; I bet he looked even better naked. Ryder smiled as I fell into step next to him.

“So, what did you think?” I asked as we took the stairs to our dorm room.

“It was okay. I could swear someone was watching me the whole time.” Ryder said.


Benefits of Working Together:

I have been asked a few times what’s it like writing with someone? Why write with someone? I’m going to attempt to address the positive aspects of writing with a writing partner or co-writer.
First my co-writer, Brooke Johnson, is a good friend of mine. We’ve known each other for over five years and we get along very well. When we get together to talk about our books it really is as if we’re just hanging out talking about something we enjoy. We have a lot of fun talking about our books. I think when you have two people brainstorming ideas, more ideas are brought up and discussed. I think there are more possibilities brought into the picture than if it’s one person thinking through their own ideas. We encourage each other.
Another advantage for me is Brooke has more time to write and is a faster writer than I am. This pushes me to write more. This is also a disadvantage that I will address in a later post.
I honestly believe that the benefits of working together have been our ability to agree on the direction the story is going to go. What I mean by that is the fact that we can talk about and it just jump back and forth. Before we know it, we have a story outline. One day Natalya and I sat down to start talking about a book, and ended up coming up with two different stories. We now have the outline for 4 books, and are working on one. The other benefits I would say are good for us, is the fact that we can use constructive criticism. We can be open and honest about what we like and what we don’t like and it works out well for us. There are no hard feelings at the end of the day. I guess it’s pretty much the fact that we know that we are just trying to help each other grow and not berate each other.


Tour Dates/Stops:

8/25: MM Good Book Reviews

8/26: Andrew Q. Gordon

8/27: Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

8/28: Jade Crystal

8/29: Amanda C. Stone, EE Montgomery

9/1: Parker Williams

9/2: LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Iyana Jenna

9/3: The Hat Party

9/4: Love Bytes

9/5: Kimi-Chan

9/8: Cate Ashwood

9/9: Prism Book Alliance

9/10: Hearts on Fire

9/11: Fallen Angel Reviews

9/12: Foxylutely Book Reviews

9/15: Love of Bookends

9/16: Wake Up Your Wild Side

9/17: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/18: Hearts on Fire

9/19: My Fiction Nook


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Final Exam Book Tour


Author Bio:

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.

K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…

K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.

The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.

To see more of K.C.’s titles, click here

Author Contact:

K.C. can be reached via email (, on Facebook ( or through comments at the K.C.Wells website ( ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


One house, three couples, and one year left until their final exams….


Evan and Daniel want to take their D/s relationship to the next level. When Daniel suggests conducting a little research at a BDSM club, Evan is more than up for it. Trouble is, one of their housemates isn’t happy about this.


Finances tighten for new couple Josh and Chris. Wanting to ease some of the pressure on Chris, Josh starts as an agency nurse. But tackling a heavy workload at medical school and working late-shifts leaves little time for the couple. Something’s gotta give.


In Spain, Sean was diagnosed as suffering from migraines. But after the medications have no effect and he starts suffering from other complaints, he decides to get a second opinion without telling Michael. When Michael finds out, Sean’s usually laid-back husband’s reaction shocks everyone. But Michael needs to get his head sorted fast, because Sean needs his strength.


As their school career comes to a close and the one person who holds them all together starts to fall apart, the final exam is a true test of friendship.




SEAN WAS getting really fed up with his housemates.

Ever since he and Michael had got back from Spain, the four men had turned into mother hens. Sean was constantly aware of them watching him. At least, it felt like they were. When he’d brought it up, Michael had said he was imagining things, but then again, Michael was guilty of the same thing in Sean’s book. He knew Michael was keeping a close eye on him. Sean hadn’t said a word. These days, he didn’t trust himself to do so without biting Michael’s head off, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Okay, so I’ve had a few migraines. Why the scrutiny all the time?

He loved his housemates to bits, but recently he’d found himself snapping at them on occasion, and that just wasn’t like him. He could see the same thought in Michael’s eyes and that hurt. He hated it when Michael worried, especially if he was the cause.

He wanted to scream at them all.

Look, I’m fine! It’s just a few fucking HEADACHES, that’s all!

He wouldn’t, of course, tempting though the idea was. And besides, there was that tiny voice in his head that wouldn’t go away.

What if it’s more than just headaches? What if there’s something else wrong?

At first he’d pushed the thought aside. He’d been to the doctors in Spain, hadn’t he? The doc had been perfectly happy with his diagnosis of migraines

Only now the headaches were occurring more regularly, which was worrisome. The fact that his bloody pills were useless wasn’t helping either.

Then DO something. Get another opinion.

Now that made sense.

Sean picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts to the clinic where he and Michael got tested every few months.

The sooner he got this sorted, the happier he’d be. And maybe then his housemates would stop mothering him.

He listened for a moment. Michael was downstairs in the kitchen with Chris, Evan, and Daniel. Josh was at the hospital. If Michael knew he was making an appointment, he’d only worry even more.

So that meant only one course of action—Sean wasn’t going to tell him. He’d go see another doctor, see if there were any tests they could run, and maybe get some medication that actually worked. He glanced at the notice board where his and Michael’s timetables were pinned. Being on the same course had its drawbacks, especially if he wanted to book an appointment when Michael wouldn’t be around. The only time available was when Michael saw his personal tutor. At least the clinic was on campus, but he might have to book it a week or two in advance to be sure of getting the slot he wanted.

And if he were completely honest, Sean was starting to get concerned. He rarely got sick, he ate healthily—Michael made sure of that—he didn’t smoke, and his alcohol intake amounted to a couple of glasses of wine per week. So putting up with headaches was pissing him off.

Make the call, Sean. While Michael’s not in earshot.

Sighing, he pressed Connect.



Planning to write
It’s a question I’m often asked. “Are you a plotter or a pantser?”
Mostly a plotter, I think. I like to know where I’m going with a book. Okay, so now and again my characters will lead me off in a totally unexpected direction (This happened very recently), but yeah, I like to write an outline before I start, or at least get the main scenes clear in my head.
Planning when you’re co-writing a book is essential, especially when you’re in two different time zones and thousands of miles apart. It pays to know what lies ahead.
So how do I plan?
Well, I start by thinking about the characters. This is a recent thing, and I owe this to Max Vos. He said once that he starts with the characters, and by the time he’s finished getting a clear picture of them in his head, he lets them start to tell their story. So I now write notes on each main character—and some secondary ones—before I start. The usual things, of course: physical characteristics, family, career, and then I move onto any important events that have a bearing on the story. Nowadays I try to find a photo that fits what I see in my head.
Sometimes at this stage I also start planning the cover. My cover designers—the wonderful Meredith Russell and AJ Corza—like to have some notice, so I give them some ideas to think about. This did lead to the situation where the cover for my WIP was done last year, and I only started writing the book in late July this year. LOL
Then I sit and think about the key events that will take place in the story, and in what order. I can tell immediately if I have enough and if I don’t, then more thinking is required. Of course, my ideas can change as I’m writing, but that’s not a problem. Sometimes the best ideas come out of the blue, like when I’m walking into the village to the store, driving somewhere or—and this one happens sooooo often—in the shower.
Why in the shower, for goodness’ sake? (And you can all wipe those smirks off your faces for a start 😛 )
What happens next might surprise you. I sit down with a friend—a gay friend—and run through the plot. This matters to me a great deal. Above all things, I want the story to be realistic. If I get the reaction, ‘Er, no, that wouldn’t happen,’ then it’s time for a re-think. I don’t write for a particular audience—I know there are some MM writers out there who aim their books specifically at women readers of mm romance—but I’d like to think that gay readers could read my books and find the plot realistic, challenging and of course, sexy.
So I’ve got my characters clear in my mind, I’ve got my key episodes planned out… Then it’s that wonderful moment—time to start writing.
And off we go on the roller coaster…


Tour Dates/Stops:

8/25: Reviews and Ramblings

8/26: Wake Up Your Wild Side

8/27: Prism Book Alliance

8/28: Hearts on Fire

8/29: Parker Williams

9/1: Jade Crystal

9/2: Angel Martinez

9/3: Amanda C. Stone

9/4: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/5: Love Bytes

9/8: Regular Guys, Hot Romance

9/9: MM Good Book Reviews

9/10: LeAnn’s Book Reviews

9/11: Cate Ashwood

9/12: Velvet Panic

9/15: My Fiction Nook

9/16: 3 Chicks After Dark

9/17: Fallen Angel Reviews

9/18: SA McAuley

9/19: Iyana Jenna

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The Rest of My Year

What’s new in Parker’s World you ask? Oh, you didn’t ask? Well you sit your ass down and pay attention because this could be important to you!


Wet Paint 400x600I’ve got Wet Paint coming from Harmony Ink Press on October 18th. It’s available for pre-order on DSP and at Amazon.



If it’s received well, there will be another story featuring at least two more books with two more people from the series.


There is at least two more stories with me and KC Wells for the Collars & Cuffs series (plus one that she will write herself). First is the single issue she’s writing. Then we’re going to turn Collars & Cuffs on its ear with a new couple that doesn’t quite fit the mold.

And finally, we’re going to start a book that grabs us with an act of violence and threatens the cohesion of the subs.


For Parker himself, we have Protector of the Alpha which I just finished yesterday and is now at the beta readers who will tell me what needs to be tightened up and made less stupid.

Then it goes off to the editor who will race through it with a huge pair of scissors and neuter my poor boys. If they make it off the chopping block they’re going to be self-published.

If they succeed in moving onto the next round, there is another group hot on their heels.

And another project that’s at the editor is the rerelease of ‘Lost Time’. Almost 2k more words and an alternate ending.



Storming Love with Bear & Travis from MLR comes out in September, too. Part of a series of six books, Storming Love events revolve around Hurricane Lauris and how it affects the lives of twelve men (six couples).

In Bear & Travis, Bear is going to make a perilous journey to get to the man he’s fallen in love with through their communications. When Lauris strikes, it becomes a battle for survival. 










And Paul said I should be able to work 3 jobs at once.



Satyr’s Lure Book Blast


Saytr's Lure Cover


Author Bio:

After living a checkered past, and despite an avowed disinterest in domesticity, multi-published erotic romance author Anya Richards settled in Ontario, Canada, with husband, kids, an adorable pup and two cats that plots world domination, one food bowl at a time. Her slightly darker alter-ego, Anya Delvay, emerges occasionally to write erotica.


Interested in all things historical and hysterical, Anya describes herself as intensely curious, (although the word ‘nosy’ has been bandied about) and a life-long people-watcher. Using what she’s discovered about people, places and various weird and wonderful things, Anya has written contemporary, historical and paranormal/fantasy romance novels, novellas and short stories for Samhain Publishing, Ellora’s Cave, Cleis Press and Spice Briefs.


Author Contact:

To find out more, please drop by Anya’s website at, follow her on Twitter or like her on Facebook.


Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: Lea Barrymire


Summer in the high mountain pastures, in the shadow of ancient Greece’s Mount Parnassus, is usually Iason’s favorite time of year. A time when he feels happiest, surrounded by nature and free to take a lover from among the other shepherds. But this year he’s chosen his companion poorly and the resulting scars, of both body and soul, have left him questioning his worth.


It is only in the arms of the enigmatic and enthralling stranger Telesphoros, who rescues him from a storm, that Iason begins to heal. Yet the secrets both men hide overshadow the magic of their encounter, and foreshadow the heartache to come.




The tenor of the music changes, seems to call to me once more, and I am bound to heed the summons. Turning my head, I squint to see beyond the fire pit in the center of the small room. Through the heat-haze I see a man seated on the floor, the pipes to his lips. Only his face and upper torso are visible above the leaping flames, but looking at him causes a rush of something wild and hot to flood my veins.

There is the impression of a radiant, powerful face, a nose like the blade of a scythe, high, finely wrought cheekbones and black curls falling to almost impossibly broad shoulders. But those attributes are cast into shadow by the dark, sparkling eyes, deep-set and compelling, which meet my gaze and hold it in an unwavering stare. My heart pauses between one beat and the next, then begins to rush. Looking into those eyes is like falling off a cliff or being swept away by a torrent—completely overwhelming.


Tour Dates: August 28, 2014


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Velvet Panic, Prism Book Alliance, Cate Ashwood, Jade Crystal, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, MM Good Book Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Carly’s Book Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon, Amanda C. Stone, For the Love of Bookends, Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons, Up All Night, Read All Day, Love Bytes, Up All Night, Read All Day



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Secret Energy Book Blast

The bane of my work—finding a title

Parker, thank you very much for the opportunity to be a guest on your blog. Dreamspinner Press will publish my new release, Secret Energy, on August 29th. Secret Energy is a shape-shifter story, and the sequel to Secret Chemistry (

Coming up with titles is really not my strongest suit. It’s often the last thing I know when I write a book. At the beginning I labeled my manuscripts with character names, lately I’ve changed this tactic to a short abbreviation of sorts. My current WiP is a science fiction story, which means it was labeled as sci_fi. Very original, right?

In the middle of writing a book, I usually have at least a vague idea for a title, but sometimes I’ve finished the book and only during the revisions and talks with my betas do I come up with a title. Then there’s also the fact that I like short titles but I also don’t want one that a lot of others have already used. One of my books is named Silver Lining, which, although it’s fitting, wasn’t one of my best ideas, for example. 😉

Finding a title for Secret Energy was a real pain in the ass. While Secret Chemistry came easily, and was also self-explanatory because of Tim and Jay’s special chemistry, I couldn’t settle on a title for Secret Energy. Even when I submitted the manuscript it was titled as Secret Chemistry 2. It couldn’t get any lamer, right? Since Dreamspinner Press avoids labelling sequels with numbers, I knew the title had to change. I just had no idea how!

Erika Orrick, my editor, rescued me. She suggested a couple of titles, and since I wanted to keep the ‘secret’ in the tile, it’s now Secret Energy. Not only that but this book is centered around special energy lines only Robin, his mate, and a few other people can see.

How important are book titles for you? Do they pique your interest or is it all the same to you?















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When wolf shifter Robin agreed to cover for his older brother Tim and Tim’s lover Jay, he never imagined feeling so stifled. Tim’s overprotective attitude suffocates him. Pressure from within—the urge to find his own mate—mounts daily. With a little help from Jay, Robin finally convinces Tim to let him go for a run alone, but he has no inkling that his life will change forever as a result.

Unexpectedly, he finds his mate Peter Brannigan, an old and special soul, and the one shifter who can bring balance to Robin’s life. The new couple spend days together, developing their bond as mates. Yet even as they explore and cement their relationship, crisis looms just ahead when an old enemy of the pack shows up and kills someone Robin loves.




The scent called to Robin, setting something free within him—something unfamiliar and primal in nature. Robin’s mood alternated between exhilarated and scared, the combination and sheer intensity of both feelings troubling him.

Robin stopped near a small creek and carefully stepped inside the stream, the cool water soothing his paws and ankles. He took a few swallows of the clear water while his heartbeat slowed down.

The scent was strong around the creek, but Robin was unable to pinpoint it. After raising his snout high in the air, he inhaled the smell deeply, hoping it would infuse his lungs and from there spread to every part of his body, because whatever it was, it had a highly arousing but also calming effect on him. A long, high-pitched yowl broke free from his throat, announcing his longing.

Robin waited before he swept his gaze around. High pines surrounded the small creek, casting shadows on the water’s surface. The creek flowed slowly and smoothly, only occasionally hindered by rocks strewn in its bed. The water swirled around them, creating small vortices that gurgled.

Would anyone answer his plea? What would he do if someone did? Why was he even expecting someone to answer? It couldn’t be his mate—it just couldn’t—although everything would make sense, then.

No one answered Robin. In fact, he couldn’t even hear the usual cacophony of animal noises, just the water lapping at his feet. Robin pricked his ears, concentrating hard on what he could hear—the purling of the creek, the wind whipping through the treetops, and sometimes branches creaking. His breathing sounded harsh, closer to panting. Something wasn’t right, not at all.

Robin walked over to the other side of the stream, the earlier exhilaration dwindling. He shifted from foot to foot, darting his gaze around. An uncomfortable sense of isolation nestled into his insides. Maybe he should have listened to Tim after all?

Shivering, he stood there, not sure whether he wanted to go on with his search or go back to Tim, Jay, and Walter. Going back meant safety, whereas going after his potential mate—or whatever it was he was following—could mean anything.

Robin tucked his tail between his hind legs. He had never heard of a wolf being afraid of his mate. Wouldn’t that mean the scent didn’t belong to his mate? Or maybe his mate was nuts and he somehow recognized it? Whatever the scent was—or to whomever it belonged—it didn’t smell like a wolf.

What if his mate was female? How would that work? He had never been into girls. He liked them as friends, but any kind of advances had him running for the hills. Robin was gay, period. No, the scent had to belong to a male wolf.

No, wait. He’d already ruled out another wolf.

The darkness settling around him didn’t help the queasy feeling in his stomach. Whichever direction he turned his head, something moved in the shadows, leaving him vulnerable and scared. The moon remained partially hidden behind the clouds, but even if the sky had been clear, the moonlight wouldn’t have been able to illuminate the forest ground properly. Or at least not in a way Robin wanted.

Suddenly he started. The moon? Oh hell! Shouldn’t he have been back hours ago? Surely Tim was already looking for him. Why hadn’t he realized hours had passed? Had his wolf taken over without him noticing? His father obviously had a point with not wanting Robin to go anywhere alone in his wolf form.

Robin threw his head back and closed his eyes before he howled at the moon, the sound of his voice echoing through the forest, silencing every other animal in his vicinity. This time someone answered him. Robin jumped at the sound of a roar at the other side of the creek.

The roar didn’t sound like a wolf; it was too guttural for that. After his initial jump, Robin stood frozen, shock waves rolling through his entire body.



Chris T. Kat

Chris T. Kat lives in the middle of Europe, where she shares a house with her husband of many years and their two children. She stumbled upon the M/M genre by luck and was swiftly drawn into it. She divides her time between work, her family—which includes chasing after escaping horses and lugging around huge instruments such as a harp—and writing. She enjoys a variety of genres, such as mystery/suspense, paranormal, and romance. If there’s any spare time, she happily reads for hours, listens to audiobooks or does cross stitch.








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