
Stepping Through Book Blast



Author Bio:

After years of hearing characters chatting away in her head, CJane Elliott finally decided to put them on paper and hasn’t looked back since. A psychotherapist by training, CJane enjoys writing sexy, passionate stories that also explore the human psyche. CJane has traveled all over North America for work and her characters are travelers, too, traveling down into their own depths to find what they need to get to the happy ending.

CJane is an ardent supporter of gay equality and is particularly fond of coming out stories.

In her spare time, CJane can be found dancing, listening to music, or watching old movies. Her husband and son support her writing habit by staying out of the way when they see her hunched over, staring intensely at her laptop.

You can contact CJane at Her website is Twitter: and Facebook:

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


Cameron Wheeler’s life is all mapped out: he’ll finish business school, return home to Vermont, get a job, and marry his high-school girlfriend. He’s packed away what he really wants—a career as a musician—because he knows it’s never going to happen. But Cameron’s well-planned life is turned upside down when he walks into a musty jewelry shop in LA and meets the mysterious Apollo, who tells him to “follow his soul, not his past.” Apollo’s magical presence spurs Cameron to discover and follow his true path, in life and in love.



May I help you?”

When Cameron turned, he forgot to speak. Standing there was a man—a beautiful creature, whispered a voice in Cameron’s head. He didn’t quite look of this world. He was tall with dark hair swept off his face, its highlights of turquoise and green reminding Cameron of the peacock feathers he’d been looking at earlier. Dressed all in black, he was adorned with silver earrings, necklace, and rings, and his eyes were lined with purple. And what amazing eyes they were: sea green, ocean gray, ancient, wise, and warmly regarding Cameron as if the man knew him well. His generous mouth curved in a small smile. He looked to Cameron like some fantastic nobleman from the eighteenth century.



Tour Dates: August 20, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, Amanda C. Stone, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, SA McAuley, MM Good Book Reviews, My Fiction Nook, Reviews and Ramblings, Love Bytes, Cate Ashwood, Up All Night, Read All Day, Fallen Angel Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, Jade Crystal, The Hat Party, Havan Fellows, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wake Up Your Wild Side, MM Good Book Reviews, Emotion in Motion


Sales Links:




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Dangerous Wish Book Tour


Book Name: Dangerous Wish (Uniform Encounters 6)

Although part of a series, all installments can be read as standalones. For more information, visit Morticia Knight’s author page at Totally Bound:

Set Ablaze (Uniform Encounters 1)

Hunky fire chief Eric is out of the closet after twenty years of marriage. Can he find true love, or will a spate of arson fires destroy his chances with Tom, the sexy young firefighter?

Arresting Behaviour (Uniform Encounters 2)

Native American Quinn and Detective Jake come from two opposing worlds. But when opposites attract, the result is explosive.

Lust Emergency (Uniform Encounters 3)

The new ER doctor is smoking hot, and the exotic African American paramedic can’t keep his eyes off of him. Tricky relationships and subterfuge at a Phoenix sex club almost drive a permanent wedge between the two, but a bombing at City Hall changes the endgame.

Guarded Desires (Uniform Encounters 4)

A sexy young National Guardsman, a snarky bear of a DEA Agent and a vicious Mexican drug cartel. Someone’s going to be sorry.

Secret Fire (Uniform Encounters 5)

Police officer Zach and Fire Marshal Daryl would be perfect together—if they would ever quit fighting long enough to find out. A devastating fire and the secret behind it almost keeps them from getting what they really need—each other.



Author Bio:

M/M Erotic Romance author Morticia Knight enjoys a good saucy tale – after all, who doesn’t? Since she loves several genres, you may find your heroes in a contemporary, historical, paranormal or sci-fi setting. One of her passions is bringing people’s fantasies to life on the page, because life is too short for even one boring moment. Her stories are volcanic in heat, deep in emotion, and sprinkled with doses of humor.

When not indulging in her obsession for books, she loves the outdoors, film and music. The Pacific Northwest is the ideal spot to enjoy both hiking and beachcombing. Once upon a time she was the singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She now resides on the northern coast of Oregon, where the constant rain and fog remind her of visits to family in England and Scotland when she was a child.

She is currently working on a new series about men in uniform entitled Sin City Uniforms and a BDSM spin-off to the Gin & Jazz series entitled The Hampton Road Club.

Cover Artist: Posh Gosh

Publisher: Totally Bound



Love is a dangerous emotion that EMT Jared won’t risk. But it looks as though a sweet and sexy National Guardsman is about to make him wish for that—and much more.

EMT Jared Li loves his job, his friends and clubbing. There’s nothing like a night of fun getting glammed up, throwing on some heels and shaking his ass to the latest Britney tune. Life is all about having a good time with as many hot guys as possible.

Dan Harrison has been in the National Guard for about six months and out for not much longer than that. At twenty-two, he’s somewhat innocent, a little shy and not interested in meaningless hook-ups. One night at a karaoke bar changes everything for him when his fellow Guardsman Joseph introduces him to his friend Jared. Dan’s never met anyone like the luscious twink who’s filled with so much life and laughter.

A night of passion shakes them to their very cores. Jared really likes Dan, but doesn’t want to get caught up in any type of exclusive thing. Dan wishes there could be more between them, but is willing just to be friends in order to remain near the androgynous stunner.

Hanging out strictly as friends proves to be almost impossible for them both. Not only does Jared continuously lust after the muscular soldier, but he’s also falling for the caring and compassionate man. Dan’s every sex fantasy stars Jared in one of his daring club outfits, but his heart is what really matters and it’s already been lost to Jared.

A traumatic event breaks down the barriers between them and gives them the chance to be together the way they both want. But after Dan is called up by the Guard to assist at a natural disaster, the same bravery that Jared admires in Dan might be the final thing that separates them forever.


Dangerous Wish Fact:



Fact #10 – Guardsman Dan Harrison’s favorite cocktail is ‘Adios Motherfucker’.



Dan had never been drunk before and he couldn’t figure out why—it was fucking awesome. He supposed the only reason it actually was so awesome was that he was experiencing it with Jared, sharing the decadent fun with an angelic creature who obviously had a lot of devil in him too. Dan wanted to fuck him so badly it hurt. The startling part was that it seemed as though Jared wanted him too.
I hope he can’t tell how inexperienced I am.
Jared laughed loudly at something someone had said, his incredible smile seeming to telegraph messages to Dan’s cock. Dan wasn’t sure what it was that had set Jared off. His own head seemed to be floating slightly above his body.
I wanna get out of here.
He was pretty sure that if he whispered into Jared’s ear, his angel would agree to go home with him. There had never been a time when Dan had possessed the nerve to ask a guy to do that, let alone someone as stunning as Jared—someone who could have absolutely anyone on Earth that he wanted. At least that was how Dan viewed him. He took a deep breath, followed by a healthy swallow of his drink.
Jared glanced his way right then, a wicked gleam in his eyes as he sucked on the straw of the drink Dan had bought for him. He finished drinking, set the glass down then inclined his body toward Dan, allowing his arm to press against him.
“You wanna do another Britney tune with me?”
Jared’s eyes were hooded.
“I’d rather you come home with me.”
There. Did it.
Leaning closer, Jared whispered into his ear.
“Are you sure?”
Dan wanted to break into hysterical laughter. Sure? Oh yeah. He was quite fucking sure. If everything else about Jared hadn’t already convinced him, the feel of the man’s warm breath against his skin and the sweetness of his smell that had been taunting him all evening would have done it.
Looking directly into Jared’s eyes, he nodded.
“Extremely sure. Do you wanna?”
Jared’s breath hitched. “I wanna. Did you bring your ride? Cuz I’m thinking you might’ve partaken of too much fruity drink to drive.”
“I snagged a ride with Joseph and Stephen.”
Jared grinned. “Perfect. I took a cab. Are you far from here?”
Dan shook his head. “Nope. Let’s get the fuck outta here.”
With a bit of a surprised expression, Jared laughed, grabbing his hand. They stood, both a little wobbly, sort of leaning on each other for support. The giggling was another uncharacteristic move on Dan’s part, but he was having so much fun he didn’t care. If he got to get laid by someone as stunning as Jared, he would giggle all the time.




Tour Dates/Stops:

August 8: Kimi-Chan, Rainbow Gold Reviews

August 11: Hearts on Fire, MM Good Book Reviews

August 12: Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Love Bytes

August 13: The Hat Party

August 14: Prism Book Alliance

August 15: Tara Lain

August 18: Parker Williams, The Blogger Girls

August 19: Emotion in Motion

August 20: My Fiction Nook

August 21: Decadent Delights, Lee Brazil

August 22: Smoocher’s Voice

August 25: Amanda C. Stone

August 26: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

August 27: LeAnn’s Book Reviews

August 28: Reviews and Ramblings

August 29: Nephylim

Sales Links:

Totally Bound:



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Wet Paint Cover Reveal


Wet Paint 400x600


Author Bio:


WILL PARKINSON believes that no matter what obstacles are thrown in the path of young love, it will always find a way to win in the end. He wants his characters to have their happily ever after, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to come easily.

None of this would have happened if he had followed the advice he was given many years ago. “What are you wasting your time on that for? It’s never going to amount to anything.” He believed it for the longest time, abandoning characters he’d created in his childhood.

He picked up his very first m/m story by a writer named Eden Winters, who was an absolute joy when they corresponded. She asked him if he wrote and he told her the story. Eden explained to Will that the voices in his head would never go away and how he needed to let them out. With that thought in mind, Will put e-pen to e-paper once more. It was truly a liberating experience and one he has no intention of giving up again.


Author Contact:






Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press

Video trailer:


Although Addy’s heart and body bear the scars from his life before he was adopted by the Deans, he’s ached for something he thought he would never find. Until he met Benny. He isn’t sure how anyone can care for someone as broken as he is, even though he wants it desperately.


High school senior Benny Peters has his whole life planned out for him, until a chaste kiss at summer camp opens a new world of possibilities. Determined to erase Addy’s insecurities, Benny works to take away his boyfriend’s pain and replace it with love.


When Addy’s past intrudes on their future, it’s going to take everything Benny can muster to show that no matter what – or who – they face, they belong together.



Benny cast a glance at Addy, noticing how his eyes kept darting to him and then to the floor. He seemed troubled, unsure.

“Addy? Is there something wrong?”

Addy heaved a deep sigh, then was quiet for a moment. “Do I embarrass you?” he finally asked.

“What? No, of course not. Why would you even think that?” Benny was genuinely perplexed.

“Jackson and Taylor don’t seem to have any problem touching each other, but you act like I’ve got germs or something and won’t come anywhere near me when there’s other people around. I have to wonder if you’re ashamed to be seen with someone like… me.”

“Oh God, no,” Benny replied sharply. “Please don’t ever think that. You know what? C’mere.”

He grabbed Addy’s arm and dragged him into the lounge.

“Listen to me, little man. I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be ashamed of you. If anything, you should be ashamed of me.”

Addy looked puzzled. “Why?”

Benny slid his fingers through his stubbly hair, then rubbed the back of his neck before he spoke. “I’m not really comfortable with being… like this. I really do care for you, but I’ve never felt this way about a guy— well, about anyone—before, and I don’t know how to handle it. So no, I’m not ashamed or embarrassed of you at all. I’m just not sure how to deal with everything.”

Addy took Benny by the hand and peered into his eyes. “That’s all I needed to know. I don’t want to rush you. If you need time, you’ve got to know I’ll give it to you. I just wanted to be sure that you wanted me.”

Benny regarded his boyfriend. Yeah, hisboyfriend. Benny had never been afraid to stand up for anyone in his life. Why should he be ashamed to stand up for himself now?

“C’mere, little man,” he growled, putting his hand on Addy’s neck, pulling him in close.

Addy’s eyes went wide, excitement dancing in them. Benny licked his lips and then pressed them to Addy’s in a deep, thrilling kiss. Someone whimpered. Benny wasn’t really sure which one of them it had been. He felt his synapses fry. It was the most incredible thing he’d ever experienced. A voice called out, startling them both.

“Benny? Is there something you’d like to tell me?”

Benny looked up and stared for a moment at Taylor, who had a wide smile across his face. Benny could feel his cheeks heat up. This wasn’t the way he wanted this to go, but damn, right now he needed Addy in the worst way.

“No, Taylor, not right now,” he replied quietly.
Then he went back in for another one of those amazing kisses.

Tour Dates: 8/18/14

Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Angel Martinez, Hearts on Fire, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Amanda C. Stone, SA McAuley, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Love Bytes, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, Havan Fellows, Emotion in Motion, My Fiction Nook, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Charli Green, Jade Crystal, Lee Brazil, Trisha Harrington’s Blog, Will Parkinson, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wake Up Your Wild Side, EE Montgomery, Inked Rainbow Reads, Full Moon Dreaming, Top2Bottom, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Fallen Angel Reviews, Sinfully Sexy, Iyana Jenna, Andrew Q. Gordon



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Say Yes Book Blast

Say Yes Cover - Silvia Violet


Author Bio:

Silvia Violet writes erotic romance in a variety of genres including paranormal, contemporary, sci fi, and historical. She can be found haunting coffee shops looking for the darkest, strongest cup of coffee she can find. Once equipped with the needed fuel, she can happily sit for hours pounding away at her laptop. Silvia typically leaves home disguised as a suburban stay-at-home-mom, and other coffee shop patrons tend to ask her hilarious questions like “Do you write children’s books?” She loves watching the looks on their faces when they learn what she’s actually up to. When not writing, Silvia enjoys baking sinfully delicious treats, exploring new styles of cooking, and reading to her incorrigible offspring.

Author Links:,

Twitter: @Silvia_Violet

Cover Artist: Freddy MacKay

Publisher: Silvia Violet Books


Rex Aiken recently started his own business, Grass Fed Texas, supplying organic beef to restaurants and catering companies. When he hosts an event for potential clients at a prestigious hotel in Asheville, the event coordinator, J, impresses him with more than his professional expertise. They indulge in a delicious one night stand, but Rex’s taste of J leaves him wanting more. Rex intends to savor J, and he refuses to see the distance between them as an obstacle. He’ll do whatever is necessary to convince J to say yes.



“So…um…you’re going to do some sightseeing tomorrow?” Jordan asked.


“I am. I haven’t been to this area since I was a kid, and it’s so beautiful this time of year.”


Jordan nodded. He’d picked up a pen and was rubbing the end of it over his full bottom lip. Rex wanted to replace it with his tongue. Jordan put the pen down and flipped through papers in a folder. When he licked the tip of his finger to help him unstick a few pages, Rex had to cover a groan by turning it into a cough.


Jordan glanced at him quickly before closing the file and slipping it into a drawer. “If there’s anything in particular you’d like to do, I could help you find the best—”


“I’d like to kiss you.” Rex hadn’t meant to be so bold, but he’d never been particularly good at restraining himself. His bluntness had served him well in business and almost as well in his attempts to pick up men.


Jordan made a strangled noise and looked up. “Mr. Aiken, I’m not sure that would…um…”


He looked terrified. Rex realized he was doing the same thing to Jordan that Lucy had done to him—putting him in a position where he could easily believe saying no would affect his job.


“I’m sorry. That was out of line. You did me a favor, and you deserve more respect from me.”


Jordan’s cheeks were now bright red. “I’m not offended, sir. I’m just surprised.”


Tour Dates: 8/18/14


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Angel Martinez, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Reviews and Ramblings, MM Good Book Reviews, Amanda C. Stone, Prism Book Alliance, Hearts on Fire, Redz World, Cate Ashwood, Love Bytes, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Kimi-Chan, Iyana Jenna, Smoocher’s Voice, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Fallen Angel Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Romance the Night, Rainbow Gold Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake

Sales Links:




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A Matter of When Cover Reveal

A Matter of When400x600


Author Bio:

Captivated young by story-telling, Eden Winters’ earliest memories include spinning tales for the family’s pets. Her dreams of writing professionally took a sojourn into non-fiction, with a twelve-year stint in technical documentation.

She began reading GLBT novels as a way to better understand the issues faced by a dear friend and fell in love with the M/M romance genre. During a discussion of a favorite book, a fellow aficionado said, “We could do this, you know.” Good-bye gears, motors, and other authors’ characters; hello plots and sex scenes. So far that’s produced such award winning novels as The Wish, Settling the Score, The Angel of Thirteenth Street, Duet, Naked Tails, and Diversion.

Somewhat of a nomad, Eden has visited seven countries so far. She currently calls the southern US home, and many of her stories take place in the rural South. Having successfully raised two children, she now balances the day job with hiking, rafting, spoiling her grandchildren, and stalking the wily falafel or elusive tofu pad Thai at her favorite restaurants. Her musical tastes run from Ambient to Zydeco, and she’s a firm believer that life is better with fur kids and Harley Davidsons.

Author Contact:

For more information about Eden, please visit her website at Be sure to look for Eden’s soon-to-be-published works: A Matter of When and Manipulation.

Author Links:


Author Page:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover artist: Reese Dante



Wealth. Fame. Gold record. Hookers and Cocaine front man Henri Lafontaine has it all…including a control freak manager, band members who smile as they sharpen blades for his back, and last but damn well not least, a fan out to steal his heart. Literally. Trying to write hit songs and plan a comeback in the midst of the hi-fi white noise of LA feels more like watching his world implode, until he’s offered a month in the Colorado Rockies for vocal coaching.


Sebastian Unger’s rich, classically trained tenor inspires wicked thoughts. More than a pretty choir boy, he cracks the whip without hesitation to drive tattooed bad-boy Henri to give his all to his music. Working, fighting, and finally establishing a fragile peace, they find inspiration and perhaps more in each other. But the clock is ticking. Time will pull Henri back to the grit and gold of LA’s mean streets and fame machine, while Sebastian must return to the opera circuit, where a mysterious man known as “the patron” holds far too much sway. Only the trust they’ve built on a handful of notes bridges their two worlds…and shields them from malice.




Tour Dates: 8/15/14


Tour Stops: Full Moon Dreaming, Parker Williams, SA McAuley, Prism Book Alliance, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Boy Meets Boy Reviews, Hearts on Fire, Iyana Jenna, Angel Martinez, Nephylim, Carly’s Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, 3 Chicks After Dark, MM Good Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Hat Party, Andrew Q. Gordon, Book Reviews and More by Kathy


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