
Key of Behliseth Cover Reveal

Key of Behliseth


Author Bio:

Lou Hoffmann, a mother and grandmother now, has carried on her love affair with books for more than half a century, and she hasn’t even made a dent in the list of books she’d love to read—partly because the list keeps growing as more and more fascinating tales are told in written form. She reads factual things—books about physics and stars and fractal chaos, but when she wants truth, she looks for it in quality fiction. Through all that time she’s written stories of her own, but she’s come to be a published author only as a johnnie-come-lately. Lou loves other kinds of beauty as well, including music and silence, laughter and tears, youth and age, sunshine and storms, forests and fields, rivers and seas. Proud to be a bisexual woman, she’s seen the world change and change back and change more in dozens of ways, and she has great hope for the freedom to love in the world the youth of today will create in the future. You can find Lou on facebook at, or twitter @Lou_Hoffmann.

Author Contact:

Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Publisher: Harmony Ink Press (Dreamspinner Press imprint)


On his way to meet a fate he’d rather avoid, homeless gay teen Lucky steps through a wizard’s door and is caught up in a whirlwind quest and an ancient war. He tries to convince himself that his involvement with sword fights, magic, and interworld travel is a fluke, and that ice-breathing dragons and fire-breathing eagles don’t really exist. But with each passing hour, he remembers more about who he is and where he’s from, and with help, he begins to claim his power.

Lucky might someday rule a nation, but before he can do that, he must remember his true name, accept his destiny, and master his extraordinary abilities. Only then can he help to banish the evil that has invaded earth and find his way home—through a gateway to another world.



KOB excerpt graphic when something is true

Tour Dates: 8/12/14


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Amanda C. Stone, Havan Fellows, MM Good Book Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Velvet Panic, Love Bytes, The Hat Party, Angel Martinez, Fallen Angel Reviews, Iyana Jenna, Will Parkinson, The Novel Approach, Hearts on Fire, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Smoocher’s Voice, Cate Ashwood, Kimi-Chan, Dawn’s Reading Nook

Sales Links


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Wholehearted Audio Book Blast




Author Bio:

Cate Ashwood wrote her very first story in a hot-pink binder when she was in the second grade and found her passion for writing. Her first successful foray into romance writing came five years later when she wrote her best friend, who was experiencing a case of unrequited love, her own happily ever after.

Cate’s life has taken a number of different and adventurous roads. She now lives a stone’s throw from the ocean, just outside of Vancouver, British Columbia with her husband and two cats. Her life is filled with family and friends, travel, and, of course, books.

Author Contact Information:

Cate loves to hear from readers. You can find her at:






Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson

Narrator: John Orr

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


Officer Declan Grant responds to a call at the Hope Cove docks to find Lucas Hale barely alive after being beaten and tossed off his fishing boat. The violent crime rocks this tranquil community where everyone knows each other and doors are rarely locked. Despite Declan being new to Hope Cove, he wants to keep his new home and Lucas safe. He starts by volunteering to care for Lucas after he’s released from the hospital.

Lucas just wants to put the whole incident behind him and move on, but the more he gets to know Declan, the harder he finds it to push Declan and his do-right attitude away. The investigation into the assault continues, but Declan will soon face a moral dilemma, a choice that may topple his tidy life and force him to choose between Lucas and the law.



Audio Excerpt:

Tour Dates: 8/11/14


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Regular Guys, Hot Romance, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, SA McAuley, My Fiction Nook, Love Bytes, Kimi-Chan, Prism Book Alliance, Havan Fellows, Hearts on Fire, The Hat Party, Amanda C. Stone, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fallen Angel Reviews, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Freddie Feeley Jr., Iyana Jenna, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Emotion in Motion, Tara Lain, Velvet Panic


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Dissonance Book Tour



Author Bio:

In her last incarnation, Shira was a professional opera singer, performing roles in such operas as “Tosca,” “i Pagliacci,” and “La Traviata,” among others. She’s given up TV for evenings spent with her laptop, and she never goes anywhere without a pile of unread M/M romance on her Kindle.

Shira is married with two children and two insane dogs, and when she’s not writing she is usually in a courtroom trying to make the world safer for children. When she’s not working, she can be found aboard a 36’ catamaran at the Carolina coast with her favorite sexy captain at the wheel.

Author Links:



Twitter: @WriterShira



Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


British lord Cameron Sherrington has hit rock bottom. The love of his life, opera sensation Aiden Lind, is marrying another man, and Cam knows it’s his own fault for pushing Aiden away. Then someone tries to set him up and take away his family business. Facing arrest by US authorities on charges of money laundering and with no money to return to London, Cam decides to run. But with no money and no place to stay, it’s not exactly the Hollywood thriller he’d imagined.

When Cam hears Galen Rusk play in a lonely subway station, he’s intrigued. But his assumptions about Galen are all wrong, and their unusual relationship isn’t exactly what Cam bargained for. Add to that the nightmares that dog him nightly, and Cam’s world is shaken to its core. Cam figures he had it coming to him, that it’s all penance due on a life lived without honesty. He just never figured he might not be able to survive it.

Note: Blue Notes Series novels are standalone stories, and can be read in any order.





Cam climbed the stairs of the Spring Street station. The wind had picked up, causing
one of his curls to tumble onto his forehead. He sighed as he pushed the hair from his
eyes and cursed his mother for her genes. They were too much alike, and not just in appearance.
They were both wanderers. Always seeking excitement. Prone to infidelity.
But whereas she seemed to revel in her freedom, he’d always sought partners. Not that
he’d had any success in keeping them. He thought of the trumpet player in the subway station. For a moment he’d felt something.
He played well. Surprisingly well, really. Had it been more than that? Something beyond the music?Of course it was more than that.
He was attractive. Cam laughed and shook his head to himself. What did it matter?

There were plenty of men in New York, and the last thing he needed was a downtrodden fuck.

Other Books

My catalog:

Blue Notes Series:
Blue Notes
The Melody Thief
(with Venona Keyes)

Symphony in Blue

Mermen of Ea Series:
Stealing the Wind
Into the Wind

Blood Series:
Blood and Rain (coming December 2014/January 2015)

Other books:
The Dream of a Thousand Nights
The Trust 
(with Venona Keyes)

Lighting the Way Home (with EM Lynley)

Tour Dates: 8/8 – 9/5


Tour Stops:

8/8 – Prism Book Alliance

8/11 – Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

8/12 – Smoocher’s Voice

8/13 – Fallen Angel Reviews

8/14 – The Hat Party

8/15 – Amanda C. Stone

8/18 – Tara Lain

8/19 – The Novel Approach

8/20 – LeAnn’s Book Reviews

8/21 – Kimber Vale

8/22 – Full Moon Dreaming

8/25 – Love Bytes

8/26 – Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

8/27 – Hearts on Fire

8/28 – Wicked Wolves and Dreaming Dragons

8/29 – Velvet Panic

9/1 – Decadent Delights

9/2 – Rainbow Gold Reviews

9/3 – My Fiction Nook

9/4 – Emotion in Motion

9/5 – BONUS DATES: MM Good Book Reviews, Book Suburbia



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Private Practice Book Blast



Author Bio:

Richard Longfellow resides in London, Great Britain. He’s tall, dark and handsome and currently unattached. When he’s not tending to his patients, he enjoys stroking cats, films with happy endings and opening the very best champagne, although not necessarily in that order. He has absolutely no connection with the school described in the text and his father never wore a Rolex watch. This is his second novella of quintessentially British, gay erotica.

Author Contact:


Twitter: @RickLongbow

Cover Artist: 3 Rusted Spoons

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press


Mark has film star looks, a body to die for and a successful career as a gynecologist, but he’s

lacking something – like a boyfriend, for instance. He’s also a porn star on the side with a

hundred DVDs to his name and a libido to match. Then, along comes a patient who seems all

set to destroy everything. Will he be able to talk his way out of the mess this time? Perhaps

he’ll need to call on divine guidance from Holy Joe, the school chaplain, who already knows

so much about his past…

Mm, that feels so good,” said Rick, who was bottoming.

“You like my big fucking dick in your pretty little arse?” said the muscular Latino top in barely intelligible English.

“Oh yeah, your big dick feels so fuckin’ awesome. I just want it to explode inside me and…”

Rick started giggling. He turned to the director. “Look, this dialogue is just awful. Can we take it again from the top and try fewer words?”

The director shrugged. He was used to Rick Longbow calling the shots. He was the star performer, after all.

The video, Private Practice, was being shot in a photographic studio somewhere in the sleazy backstreets of London’s East End. At one time it had been a meat-packing factory and fearsome-looking hooks still hung from the ceiling. In fact, it still was a sort of meat factory, although the only corpses littering the place were involuntary hysterics from the performers.

The film centred on the antics of a navy medic with a busy practice examining navy reservists for fitness to leap into action. Which, of course, they did repeatedly and in every way and combination imaginable, and usually – if Rick got his way – with the bare minimum of dialogue.

The place bristled with cameras, covering every conceivable angle: some were controlled remotely by overweight, beer-bellied technicians scratching their crotches; others were the steadicam type used by roving camera crews to get on-the-spot cinéma vérité and essential to cope with the shock and awe of an explosive ejaculation. Overseeing all of this organised chaos, the BritSpunk director was sitting in his chair watching the unfolding action and evidently looking forward to his latte macchiato and jam doughnut in approximately ten minutes time, assuming no one kept him waiting.

The cavernous interior had two sets currently in use: on the far left was a mock-up of a medical consulting room with a generously-sized examination couch equipped with stirrups, and a trolley covered with speculums, probes and other intriguing metallic instruments; on the right, an interior of a minimalist, Californian condo with a black, faux leather sofa and the image of a glistening pool drenched in artificial sunlight visible through floor-to-ceiling windows.

Rick Longbow knew exactly which set he’d prefer to be on, but the director had made sure he didn’t have any choice in the matter. He’d entered the examination room wearing a fetchingly tailored uniform which hadn’t remained on for long. Rick currently had his feet up in stirrups and he was being enthusiastically attended to by a Latino guy covered in exotic tattoos who’d cast aside the rented doctor’s outfit ten minutes ago and was now sweating profusely. He’d never come across a health professional with a dragon quite so extravagantly displayed on their body, and particularly one destined to incinerate his left nipple at any moment.

It had also been rather ironic undergoing an examination by someone who didn’t even know how to use a stethoscope. His co-lead’s technique with a tendon hammer had also left a lot to be desired and his right patella was still suffering from his sledgehammer approach at eliciting the knee-jerk reflex. And then there was that annoying abdominal x-ray on the viewing box, which someone had put up the wrong way around; the ascending colon was descending, the descending colon was ascending, and the transverse colon didn’t know right from left.

He tried not to let all of that distract him too much as he had a job to get on with, and he was actually rather enjoying his partner’s pile-driving exploration of his nether regions. He might have zero medical training, but he was certainly an expert when it came to sex and his prostate was being very pleasurably stimulated.



Tour Dates: 8/8/14


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Prism Book Alliance, MM Good Book Reviews, Love Bytes, The Hat Party, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Jade Crystal, Amanda C. Stone, Cate Ashwood, My Fiction Nook, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Hearts on Fire, 3 Chicks After Dark, Fallen Angel Reviews, Iyana Jenna, Smoocher’s Voice



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Prevailing Winds Book Blast


Author Bio:

Raised in California, Laura likes it hot, which explains why she ended up in Arizona via such diverse places as Japan, Maine, and Florida, and many more places in between. After retiring from the US Navy, she found a niche working for land management agencies, including the National Park Service and the Bureau of Land Management. Though she has held many jobs around the world, her favorite was working and living in Grand Canyon National Park. Working (and eating) in New Orleans was a close second. You will find many of her books are set against the rich backdrops provided by coastal Louisiana and northern Arizona.

When asked how she started writing, Laura tells of waking on Boxing Day a few years ago, with a woman named Elena MacFarland yammering in her dreams, demanding her story be told. Despite never attempting to write fiction before that morning, Laura ignored all of the holiday visitors and the Highland Destiny series was born. She doesn’t believe it was a coincidence that the great grandmother who died when Laura was just a baby was named Elena MacFarland. Destiny does play a hand.

Laura became a full-time writer in 2012, and now she spends her time writing, watching her Arizona Diamondbacks, and working on her very own version of the Willow Springs Ranch in northwestern Arizona. She is a multi-published author of erotic romance, mystery, and urban fantasy and her books can be found at all major online retailers.”

Author Links:

Cover Artist: Laura Harner

Publisher: Hot Corner Press


Two years ago, Jamie Mainwaring and Remy Remington had nothing in common except missing boys and a blazing hot mutual distraction. When the case was over, so were they. Although they went their separate ways, life—and death—keep the men connected.

After another deadly tragedy touches both their lives, the men say what they believe must be their final goodbyes—only to have their worlds collide once again. This time they end up in Las Vegas, one man for work, the other to try to mend a very personal pain.

Although Jamie and Remy once excelled at mixing business with pleasure—this time, the stakes are much higher—they’ve got forever on the line. When they discover Jamie’s case has an unexpected connection to Remy’s son, they must put everything aside to find Toby before the young man makes a decision that will change all of their lives. One thing is positive, time is running out.





“I don’t know if I can do this, cowboy,” Jamie whispered. Even while his heart was busy trying to put on the brakes, his traitorous hands slid to Remy’s waist. He leaned up to steal another kiss. The slide of slick tongue, the wet heat, familiar taste all insistently telegraphed the same message. This is right.

Jamie arched toward Remy, tugging at his shirt, sliding hands along the hot flesh, pulling him closer. Returning the kiss, Remy made a noise halfway between a groan and a growl, then took a commanding control, forcing his head back, their tongues dancing in an addicting blend of white-hot urgency.

Just like the first time they’d kissed, the effect of Remington’s kiss was like no other. It wasn’t just a kiss, it was an assault on his senses that left his head spinning and his lungs desperate for oxygen. Even his toes tingled. Intense. Passionate. Perfect. They fit together in a way he’d never been able to duplicate with any other man. Yin and Yang. Black and Tan. Fish and Chips. Breaking their kiss, Jamie nearly snorted with laughter.

Immediately, Remy dropped his hands to his sides and took a giant step backward. “I’m sorry, Jamie. I didn’t mean to—” His eyes were heavy, the lush lips swollen from their kisses, the dress shirt untucked and rumpled. Jamie wanted to finish undressing him, to use his mouth to ravish that beautiful body.

Trying to focus, Jamie said, “No—it’s not that. I was thinking—”

“Always dangerous with you,” Remy interrupted.

Jamie laughed again. “Too true. I was thinking about how perfectly our kisses seem to fit together. The things you do to me are like no one else…then I lost the thread.” He repeated his thoughts.

“Like fish and chips? Seriously?” Now Remy was laughing, too. “How do I go from being your best kiss to being compared to a piece of cod?”

Jamie shook his head. “I don’t know. Nerves, maybe?”

Remy nodded. “I’ll go back to my room.”

“No,” Jamie practically shouted. Remy tilted his head and blinked. The man probably thought him mad. Maybe he was.

“Jamie, help me out here. What can’t you do? How can I help?” Remy took Jamie’s hand and started to lead him toward the couch. Jamie tugged him to the bedroom instead.

“I don’t want you to leave, Remy. Really, I don’t. Let’s go to bed.”

“Jamie, you don’t have to do this. In fact—shit, I can’t believe I’m saying this—but I’d rather we not do anything if you’re not sure.”

“That’s just the trouble, Remy. I’m sure I want this.” He used two fingers to point back and forth between them. “What I’m afraid of is what happens afterward. I’m not sure I can…survive watching you walk away again. And God, I’m so sorry. I know it’s way too soon for both of us—too soon after Miggy—too soon for this to be something you can commit to. That’s what scares me.”

Remy pulled Jamie so they both sat on the edge of the bed. Their hips touched, but Remy leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees, the position he always assumed when he needed a bit of self-protection. “I get that. I’m scared, too, you know. It nearly killed me to watch you walk away in Phoenix. And you’re right, it’s too early to search out Elvis and put on wedding bands. But Jamie, I don’t think it’s too soon to say we can try.”

Jamie’s stomach twisted, and his heart thudded erratically. Remy turned his head, and gave him a half smile. “Miggy…his death was ugly, beyond senseless. It was a fucking bomb, set two years ago by that asshole Cortez. And we never knew. We all went about living our lives—never once considering we were running out of time. All of us, Jamie—not just Migs. But here’s the thing…I don’t regret the journey, even if I hate the ending. But I have to wonder, what other time bombs are waiting for us? What regrets would we have if one of us died tomorrow?”

The words released the binds around his heart. As if someone opened the starting gate, Jamie surged forward, knocking Remy back onto the bed with an oomph. Like the crazed man he was beginning to suspect he was, he fumbled until he managed to get Remy’s shirt and slacks open. He was making splendid progress until he was distracted by the warmth of the big hands that slipped under his shirt and the roll of Remy’s hips. Even through their remaining clothes, hard length pressed against hard length.

“Jamie,” Remy said his name like some sort of incantation, weaving a spell with his voice. Jamie cried out when he was flipped over, his back landing on the mattress with a thud, and he was pinned by the weight of Remy’s body. His mouth was plundered as Remy tasted and pulled back before tasting again. So much like their first time.

Breaking their kiss, Remy rose to his knees and tugged his shirt over his head, then stood and gave Jamie a long look. Jamie remembered the taste of those finely pebbled brown nubs, the scrape of the coarse brown chest hair, the heat of the golden skin. Still Remy waited, thumbs hooked inside his waistband, the zipper unfastened, more than a hint of cock showing, since he’d obviously gone commando. Jamie licked his lips and glanced up to meet Remy’s heavy look. Only then did Remy finally let his slacks drop to the floor. Jamie unfastened his own pants, but Remy pushed his hands aside and finished undressing him, adding his clothes to the growing pile. Then they were pressed naked together and Remy’s mouth found his once more.

“Say my name,” he demanded.

Jamie smiled. “Remy,” he mumbled against the warm lips that branded him as claimed. “Remy. Remy.”

“Fuck, Jamie. I love the way you say my name,” Remy whispered.

Tour Dates: 8/6/14


Tour Stops: Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Love Bytes, Havan Fellows, SA McAuley, MM Good Book Reviews, EE Montgomery, Iyana Jenna, Emotion in Motion, Amanda C. Stone, My Fiction Nook, Lee Brazil, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Prism Book Alliance, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Fallen Angel Reviews, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Smoocher’s Voice, Jade Crystal

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