
Round SEVEN of prizes for the blog tour!


The Someone to Keep Me Blog Tour

Case7.0x10TemplateKey.inddFrat Boy & Toppy by Anne Tenino

Brad is great at meeting other people’s expectations. But his own? Not so much. Take the gay thing. Okay, so yeah. It took a morning meeting with a frat brother’s hairy, naked ass for him to admit it, but he knows the truth about himself now. Let the gay life commence.

Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. He hasn’t quite determined how to come out to anyone, even Sebastian, the geeky-hot TA in his history class. Sebastian is everything Brad is not. Intellectual, suave, hairy. Out. And he doesn’t seem interested in Brad, even when Brad makes a fool of himself trying to catch his notice.

Score one for foolery: Sebastian does more than notice Brad; he takes him to bed. Brad’s been with plenty of girls, but with Sebastian, the sex is something else entirely-hot, mind-blowing, affirming, and a little domineering in a way that drives him wild. But when great sex turns into something more-dare he admit the “L” word?-Brad must face the crushing realization that Sebastian doesn’t feel the same. Unless, of course, he does. After all, even grad students can be idiots about matters of the heart.






TooToo Stupid to Live by Anne Tenino

It isn’t true love until someone gets hurt.

Sam’s a new man. Yes, he’s still too tall, too skinny, too dorky, too gay, and has that unfortunate addiction to romance novels, but he’s wised up. His One True Love is certainly still out there, but he knows now that real life is nothing like fiction. He’s cultivated the necessary fortitude to say “no” to the next Mr. Wrong, no matter how hot, exciting, and/or erotic-novel-worthy he may be.

Until he meets Ian.

Ian’s a new man. He’s pain-free, has escaped the job he hated and the family who stifled him, and is now—possibly—ready to dip his toe into the sea of relationships. He’s going to be cautious, though, maybe start with someone who knows the score and isn’t looking for anything too complicated. Someone with experience and simple needs that largely revolve around the bedroom.

Until he meets Sam.

Sam’s convinced that Ian is no one’s Mr. Right. Ian’s sure that Sam isn’t his type. They can’t both be wrong . . . can they?




ForeverYoungForever Young by Jeff Erno

In less than a summer, shy and introverted Robbie Myers goes from eighteen and never been kissed to the passionate intensity of first love that could last forever. Literally…

Eighteen-year-old Robbie Myers has difficulty talking to people. Not only is he shy, but he seems to say the wrong thing every time he opens his mouth, especially to the mysterious, handsome stranger who shows up at his supermarket job, defends him from an aggressive colleague and then asks him on a date. He can’t believe a hot, worldly badboy like seventeen-year-old Colt Abernathy is actually interested. Yet he can’t deny that the ardor burning in Colt’s dark eyes is just for him. In the space of one breath, Robbie is launched from his plan to attend community college while living at home with his mom and saving up for a car to the tender yet passionate exploration of intense first love. Little does Robbie know…

Brought across during the height of the Civil War, Colt has remained trapped in the body of a lonely seventeen year old. When he spots the slim, blond-haired, blue eyed young man, pushing a line of shopping carts across a parking lot, Colt knows instantly they’re destined for each other. There’s just one major problem: if he survives the impending battle between vampires and the Matarians – an army of brutal vampire slayers – he’s going to live forever. Robbie isn’t…






ClausThe Counterfeit Claus by Cherie Noel

It’s just an average day at the local mall’s Christmas Village… there’s an elf shortage, no manager in sight, and an unknown person hiding behind a big white beard. Still, everything is under control. Mostly. Sort of… until the klutziest elf of all slips onto the scene in slick bottomed, pointy-toed shoes… and slides right into the waiting arms of the Counterfeit Claus.


WorthWorth a Thousand Words by Cherie Noel

Meeting the “one” at the local Christmas Village where he’s playing Santa and you’re on-call as a sexy elf in shimmering Elf-A-Go-Go shorts, getting to happily ever after should be a snap, right?


Well, not if you’re Adrien Jimenez, possibly the only pretend elf in the world whose picture comes up if you do a Google image search for Murphy’s Law. Mix in a brother with a penchant for creating embarrassing videos and an itchy finger on the YouTube upload button, a brand-spanking new boyfriend with some tricky issues of his own and a bff trying to dress you up in his kid sister’s Ren-Faire cast-offs, anything that can go wrong is almost bound to do so.

Oh, and don’t forget the unbalanced stalker coming for his one true love… Come on back to the land of The Rescue Twinks. We’re calling a level seven Black-Sparkle Glitter Alert, so heist up your hose and come at a run!



Crossing Borders by Z.A. Maxfield

Tristan’s got issues; he knows he does. So when his most recent girlfriend dumps him via messenger, and he can’t stop staring at the messenger’s cock while he’s breaking the news, Tristan figures it’s about time he makes some changes. He formulates a foolproof plan to get himself someone who can show him what he’s been missing — until who should crash his little adventure but Officer Michael Truax, the man who gave him a really expensive ticket for boarding without a helmet back when he was in high school.

Michael has been trying to catch Tristan for years…to give him a second ticket. Suddenly he’s faced with his ‘Sparky’, all grown up — and looking to get laid. The habit of protecting him isn’t gone completely, but the opportunity is too much to resist. He figures the kid must know what he’s getting into, so he takes him home. There, they carry on a cautious dance, only to find out that neither is what the other expected, and that together, they’re hot enough to melt glass.

Round Six! The Laura Harner Round!

While there have been so many great people who have helped to make this blog tour a success, Laura Harner has gone above and beyond. This is why Round Six is all about her! Not only is she one of the founding members of the Pulp Friction group (who were kind enough to donate TWENTY-ONE books!), she’s also giving several of her own stories! It is with deepest pride, and greatest pleasure, to present Round Six: The Laura Harner Edition! (BTW, she also gets the HOT COVER award with pictures from DW Skinner Photography!)


The Willow Springs Ranch Series:



This was my introduction to Laura Harner. Ty Hard was…wow. Hot, sexy, amazing, and left me wanting more. So. Much. More. Laura delivered in a big way, giving me gruff men with attitude, but they all have one thing in common: They love deep.


After six long months in rehab, Navy Veteran Tyler Hardin received his medical discharge and heads west to visit with his mentor and surrogate father, only to arrive minutes after his old friend passes. Ranch owner Cass Cartwright takes one look at the handsome stranger and knows he’s in danger of doing the one thing he swore never to do: fall in love. Cass works to convince Tyler to overcome his past and give a relationship with another man a chance, even while someone is working to sabotage his ranch and his one true chance at love.


Sheriff Holden Titus had organized his fresh start down to the last detail. Except for the part about the bomb that blew his plans all to hell. Now he’s running out of time, without a job, without a home, and struggling to get back on his feet. Literally.

Despite the impolite rejection, Drew knows he didn’t have the wrong impression months ago when he asked the sheriff to dance, but he never expected to have Holden’s life in his hands. Literally.

Thanks to some meddlesome matchmaking, the two men are now temporary housemates at the Willow Springs Ranch and Drew is determined to help Holden heal, both physically and emotionally. Even if it means he has to drag the other man kicking and screaming to physical therapy…and out of the closet. In fact, that might be kind of fun.

The problem is, Holden doesn’t consider himself in the closet…but not all secrets are created equal.


Officer Chance Carter is pretty sure he’d still enjoy being on either end of a good ass reaming—just not the one from his supervisor that lands him on an involuntary extended vacation. Another holiday season with nothing to do except visit an old friend.

Former hospital corpsman Bryan Mitchell doesn’t feel less than honorable, but that’s what his discharge paperwork states. Now he’s down and out in Kingman, Arizona until the charity of a stranger lands him a temporary job for the holidays.

When two federal employees go missing during a highly controversial wild horse roundup, the two Willow Springs Ranch newcomers are drafted to help in the search, but if rumors of a local anti-government militia are true, Chance and Bryan may be in serious trouble—and from something far more dangerous than their mutual attraction.


A Willow Springs Ranch Romantic Short Story.

Valentine’s Day should have been their wedding day, but Ty put a stop to all the foolishness weeks ago. As peace offerings go, a chocolate three-layer cake with buttercream icing isn’t much, but he expects Cass will forgive him. Eventually. Cass has other plans…


For Chad Ollom, landing on the Willow Springs Ranch after his teaching career crashed and burned last year was a lesson in irony, considering he’d sworn off all things related to horses and cowboys after a near fatal fall as a child. Now with a new mission in life, Chad plans to bring critically ill children to the ranch for a special celebration.

Aging rodeo cowboy Jesse Duran lives life eight seconds at a time, and whether it’s broncos or men, it’s always been get on and get off before anyone gets hurt. When he’s required to take a break from the circuit and ends up on the WSR, the enticing ass of a stand-offish teacher turned contractor might just be enough challenge to keep him entertained for a week or two.

As attraction flares, personal boundaries start to crumble, and the lines between seducer and seduced begin to blur. When the series of on-going attacks against the WSR moves from sabotage to arson, Jesse steps up to help, but when Chad is forced to return to his past to face charges, the men of the WSR want to know if Jesse will stick or leave Chad hanging.

The Separate Ways Series:


This series is a roller coaster ride. One moment your stomach will be in your feet, the next your heart will be in your throat. You will smile. You will laugh. You will get angry. You will cry.


Detective Remington frickin’ hates the missing persons detail, but a cold fury builds in the pit of his stomach when he realizes that over the past three months six boys have disappeared from the smaller communities that surround the greater Phoenix area. All reported to be runaways looking to escape their shitty lives, but Remy’s starting to put together a different picture and he doesn’t like it one damn bit.

Inspector Jamie Mainwaring stares at the six reports, willing them to make sense. Six boys, six months, all from just outside of London, which meant six different investigations. All of the boys were between the ages of ten and fifteen, all purportedly runaways from dysfunctional families. Something was rotten in Denmark.

There are always runaways. Every small town loses them—every big city collects them. Kids look for freedom and discover they have more to lose than they ever thought possible. London and Phoenix, culture and cowboys, nothing linking these two sprawling metropolitan areas. Nothing except a hit on a computer data search.

Two cops, one a cowboy, the other a Lord. A secret government agency, human trafficking, and a blazing hot mutual distraction.

What the hell have Remington and Mainwaring gotten themselves into?


It’s been two years since Lord Jamie Mainwaring and Detective Remy Remington worked and loved their way through their one and only case before going their separate ways.

Now Jamie is once again mixing agency business with pleasure as he and his partner, Agent Ryan Whiteside, are assigned to a case involving piracy in the Caribbean.

Remy and his old friend Miggy are still detectives, but they’ve gone private in Phoenix. When their biggest client sends them to supervise an unusual diamond transfer, they think their toughest challenge will be maintaining their cover as a gay couple on a barefoot-style cruise.

When murder connects the dots between the two cases, the four men must learn to work together as relationships and loyalties are tested amid misunderstandings and memories on the high seas.


It’s easier to move a mountain than escape the past.

After the ultimate betrayal results in the death of his lover, Jamie Mainwaring looks to the past for answers, and discovers his entire life is a lie. When uncovering the truth leads to a more devastating loss, there’s only one place he can turn for understanding.

When former-detective Remington left the police department, he never looked back. Now, his glory-stealing ex-boss is dead, leaving Remy’s real name scratched in the dirt at the brutal murder scene.

Two years ago, Miguel Rojas left New York in the back of his best friend’s car, in real danger of falling victim to the same addictions that left his twin sister in bed with the drug lord he’d been deep undercover investigating. When she shows up looking to make amends, misplaced guilt mixed with curiosity open old wounds.

While Remy returns to his police department roots to track down a killer, Miggy and Jamie team up to find the bones from Miggy’s past and bury them once and for all.

The truth shall set you free—except when the past is determined to claim you.

Round FIVE of prizes for the Someone to Keep Me blog tour!


Saving Mr Fox by Meredith Russell

How can you hope to find love if you cannot love yourself?

Eric Fox is an actor faced with his most difficult role yet—being himself. Seven years ago, on the way to his high school prom, an accident drove him from the arms of his young love, CJ. Eric ran away to LA, and CJ was left to pick up the pieces of his broken heart and broken life.

Guilt and regret has eaten away at Eric since that day, leading him to turn to the darker side of celebrity—to sex and alcohol. On a downward spiral and after a series of bad choices, Eric makes the difficult decision to return home. But returning home and having to spend two weeks with the man he left behind could be an obstacle Eric is nowhere near ready to face.

Can Eric find the strength to ask for CJ’s forgiveness? And more importantly, can he find the courage to forgive himself?



ReviewingLifeReviewing Life by Lara Brukz

Sequel to Five Star Review
A Review Story

Recovering alcoholic Marshall Ellerbee still grieves the loss of his best friend and lover, Eric. After a year of sobriety, Marshall accepts a new job with the Wellness Center, something else to help him continue cleaning up his life. Things are finally improving when his sponsor has a heart attack. The counselor hired to replace him is none other than Kyle Young, the lost ex’s best friend. Kyle has always hated Marshall, but now they must work together and move past their history. When Marshall saves Eric’s life, Kyle suddenly sees Marshall in a new light. But will romance unsettle Marshall’s hard-won new stability…




LibrarianThe Librarian – Lee Brazil

Valentine Michaels has just taken a vow of celibacy. Adrian Grey intends to take full advantage of that vow to re-create his relationship with Val.

Val is at a crossroads in his life. A college dropout, he’s gone as far as he can in his career as a cosmetologist, owning his own style salon. He no longer finds satisfaction in it, though he’s put years into proving to his bigoted parents that a college degree and the veneer of straightness aren’t the only roads to success. They’d turned their backs on him, and he proved he didn’t need them to make it.

His love life is no better than his working life. His relationships always start with a bang and fizzle into boredom, or worse, anger.

Adrian has his own agenda for helping Val: he’s been in love with Val since they were freshmen. The intervening years of listening to Val’s gossip about his lovers and relationships have taught Adrian just what it was he did wrong all those years ago, and he thinks this time around he now knows exactly how to get—and keep—his man.



The Six Degrees Series by Taylor Donovan


From the By Degrees Universe meet Christian and Remy, close friends who may be destined to be something else…

Christian Murphy is out, proud and very often loud.

Remy Benoit is an equal opportunity flirt, but he swears
guys are not his thing.

Different lifestyles had never interfered with their close
friendship, but after too much alcohol and almost kissing
under the mistletoe a year ago they’ve started to drift apart.

A special holiday event brings the men together, and this
time around they might have to acknowledge that mutual
admiration and respect are not the only things making them
seek each other out.





Six Degrees of Lust is both an ensemble novel and the first installment in the By Degrees serial. This means there are several point of views and the story will continue. Thanks.

New York City FBI team leader Samuel Shaughnessy lives for his immediate family and his job. After a marriage gone wrong he has stuck to a firm rule when it comes to relationships: he doesn’t have them. Sexually active and emotionally unavailable keeps him satisfied, especially now that he is in hot pursuit of a serial killer targeting gay men.

Former firefighter Machlan O’Bannon now manages a successful sports bar in Houston and after years of waiting he’s ready to stand up and be the man he always wanted to be: out, proud and drama-free. His politically-aligned family wants to keep him locked in the closet, but Mac just wants to meet the man of his dreams.

One man is as high strung as the other is laid back. A chance meeting brings the two men together, and one night of passion ignites a fire neither can fight. Their lives are not only miles apart, but as different as day and night. They don’t want to get involved…but will they be able to stay apart?





Note from the Author: This is a free interlude to celebrate Mac’s birthday, and will be available for download on May 15, 2013.

Sam Shaughnessy knows what he wants from Mac O’Bannon: monthly, uncomplicated casual encounters.

Mac is on the same page. For two months they have been enjoying each other’s company, never forgetting that their agreement leaves zero room for long-term commitment.

But a visit to a local gay club during a weekend getaway in South Beach tips the scale, and it isn’t long before Sam starts showing how much he really doesn’t like to share.

Firmly placed rules get suspiciously bent, and by the end of the night only two things are clear: body shots are conducive to extreme displays of arousal and possessiveness, and anything can be blamed on tequila.





By Degrees is an ensemble serial with continuing story lines. Six Degrees of Separation is the second installment, and it must be read after Six Degrees of Lust. Thanks.

In the sequel to Six Degrees of Lust, F.B.I. team leader Samuel Shaughnessy and bar manager Machlan O’Bannon are exploring a new phase in their non-relationship. The intention is to take it slowly but power plays are still their favorite activity, and it isn’t long before lines begin blurring. After ending their friends with benefits agreement no rules are left in place to guide them, and soon enough the only thing that’s clear is that neither man is fighting hard enough to reestablish the boundaries.

Their particular situations haven’t improved in the three months since their first encounter. Sam is still focused on his immediate family issues, and everything indicates Mac will have to go to war with his own family before he can reclaim his freedom. The last thing they need is additional complications.

But when the opening of a night club brings Mac to New York City and a break in the Leviticus investigation leads Sam to Houston, they discover how closely their worlds have been connected from the very beginning. Hiding from the life-altering collision is not an option. Will they take the easier road and go their separate ways, or will they come to terms with their past and take a chance on each other?






Honor C by C Zampa

When Honor Castillo convinces himself he isn’t gay, he begins a new life. He ends his affair with his lover, Jorge Villagomez, and marries Rebecca to establish a life with her as a respected San Antonio businessman. They have a son and he tells himself he is happy.

Eleven years later, Jorge returns to San Antonio, and his path crosses with Honor’s once more. The flame of their passion never died, and neither did Jorge’s love for Honor.

When Jorge approaches Honor to design his studio, Honor believes he can walk the line between friendship and lovers. But when a sudden crisis threatens to take Jorge from him forever, Honor must choose between his duty and his heart. Most of all, he’s forced to decide what he’s willing to lose in order to be true to who he really is.

Round FOUR of the book prizes for Someone to Keep Me!


A Cock in the Window by Sue Brown

Kit Stone hides away in his shabby gift shop, supplementing his income by editing romance books. In his spare moments Kit carves wooden cocks but he never expects the model of one of his carvings to step into his shop. Steve Mullins is gorgeous and pushes all of Kit’s buttons. For a few days they get to know each other and Kit is the happiest he’s been for years. Then one of the local businessmen is murdered and Steve discovers the body. When Steve becomes the number one suspect, Kit discovers his friends and family have been hiding a dark secret.






The Party Boy’s Guide to Dating a Geek by Piper Vaughn & Xara X. Xanakas

Ashley Byrne only wants one thing in life: to finish his tattoo apprenticeship and fulfill his dream of owning his own shop. In the meantime, he spends his nights partying, flirting, and having sex. After all, what else is there for him to worry about? Aside from his hair and his clothes, not much. He’s hot, and rest assured no one knows it better than him. He’s also used to getting what he wants—until he meets Felipe Navarro.

Fee Navarro has everything he needs: a great IT job, a nice apartment, and all the high-tech toys his geeky heart could ever want. He doesn’t do casual, and he knows guys like Ash are nothing but. Ash may burn hot for Fee, but Fee isn’t willing to take a chance on a vain, little party boy with too many tats and an oversized ego. He wants someone to share his life with, and he won’t settle for anything less. Too bad Ash has never been the type to give up easily. He has a plan, and he’s not stopping until he proves he’s more than just a pretty face—he’s someone worthy of winning Fee’s heart.





RisingLove Rising by Piper Vaughn

An Isla Sagrario Story

In the 1700s on the island of Sagrario, men who love other men find safe haven. For Francis Holland, an escaped indentured servant, Sagrario offers nothing but loneliness. His life begins to change when he finds Wick, a merman, washed ashore.

When Wick awakens under Francis’s care, Francis returns him to the sea at his request. Soon after, they begin to meet in secret, and gradually, Francis blossoms under this new companionship. However, a merman is a difficult creature to entrust one’s heart to. With one trapped on land and the other at sea, the differences in their species threaten to keep them apart forever. It may not be long before Wick is gone, taking Francis’s reason to smile with him.





My Hero by Max Vos

When he was sixteen years old, Rich Miller saved a young man from drowning at his local pool. Little did he know that years later, as a senior in college and Olympic diving hopeful, Rich would meet up once again with Johnny Milloway, now a big football player – and when Rich says big, he really means ‘bear’. The shy jock remembers his savior, and the two men become friends.

Johnny isn’t put off by the fact that Rich is gay. In fact, the more time he spends with Rich, the more curious he becomes. Johnny wants to know all kinds of things – what it’s like to kiss a guy, for instance. Only it doesn’t stop there…

Rich finds it difficult to believe that this relationship can go anywhere. Johnny is straight, and Rich isn’t prepared to deal with the heartache he knows will come his way in the future. He has enough on his plate as it is – the Worlds are just around the corner, his father would rather watch a football game than spend time watching his son dive…. What he doesn’t count on is Johnny, who can be very determined. And having Johnny in his life proves to be a catalyst for some pretty earth-shattering changes.



HorseHorse of Bells by Pelaam

Manipulated into a quest of honour to obtain the Horse of Bells from the Dark Prince, Donal knows the attempt can be fatal. He and his brother set out but are joined by the mysterious Traveller. A friend or foe?

Prince Donal and his brother Caolan are sent to safety when their step-mother Queen Doireann is suspected of an attempt on Caolan’s life. Caolan doesn’t want to break his pact with the mysterious stranger from the forest who rescued him however his loyalty lies with his brother and they depart.

When recalled home Donal is manipulated by Doireann into undertaking an honour-bound quest to obtain the Horse of Bells from the Dark Prince. Failure means forfeiting his right to the throne. Further, if caught he faces death for attempting to steal the Dark Prince’s magical horse.

Caolan accompanies Donal on his quest and they are joined by the enigmatic Traveller.

But is he friend or foe?



ConquestConquest by S.J. Frost

Vocally gifted singer, Jesse Alexander, has dreams of taking his band, Conquest, to the top. Evan Arden was thought of as a musical genius when at the height of his career he vanished from the spotlight. Together, their relationship is just as intense as their music careers. With success pushing down on them, Jesse must decide between his life of music, or his life with Evan.

Round THREE of the prizes for Someone to Keep Me blog tour!

This one blows me away and deserves a post of its very own. I want to thank Laura Harner, Tom Webb, Lee Brazil, and Havan Fellows for their generosity! This is TWENTY-ONE books!

The ENTIRE Pulp Friction 2013 Library! This includes: Triple Threat by Laura Harner, City Knight by Tom Webb, Taking Chances by Lee Brazil, and Wicked’s Way by Havan Fellows. As well as Odd Man Out, the finale for 2013

City15  Triple15Chances15 Wicked15

divider_big_transparent1 (1)

And the finale!



Meet Marcus & Benjamin, Zack, Archer & Jeremiah, Chance & Rory, and Wicked & Ned. A family growing and going through the pains that all families do. Yet this family is unlike any you’ve ever met before, and they’re about to become embroiled in a fight to save their lives.

The Pulp Friction crew did an outstanding job of this serial series. If you haven’t read all the stories, you’ve only gotten part of their lives.