
Secrets… We’ve all got them

Book one of the Secrets series, Before You Break, comes out on May 26th. This series sparks a fresh beginning for several of our characters, especially Eli & Jarod who have gone to London to open a BDSM club.

We’re going to see a whole cast of new characters, including Wayne and Ellis, our first couple. Check out the stunning cover done by the absolutely amazing Reese Dante!


Six years ago Ellis walked into his first briefing as the newest member of London’s Specialist Firearms unit. He was partnered with Wayne and they became fast friends. When Wayne begins to notice changes—Ellis’s erratic temper, the effects of sleep deprivation—he knows he has to act before Ellis reaches breaking point. He invites Ellis to the opening of the new BDSM club, Secrets, where Wayne has a membership. His purpose? He wants Ellis to glimpse the lifestyle before Wayne approaches him with a proposition. He wants to take Ellis in hand, to control his life because he wants his friend back, and he figures this is the only way to do it.

There are a few issues, however. Ellis is straight. Stubborn. And sexy. Wayne knows he has to put his own feelings aside to be what Ellis needs. What surprises the hell out of him is finding out  what Ellis actually requires.

We’ll be meeting others, too. Vic, a friend of Wayne, is going to be dealing with a huge brat in the form of Rob Daniels–brother to Alex from Collars & Cuffs–who has a secret of his own.

There will be others, too. KC and I have planned a series around this. But the first book? There are already secrets there, too.

Who are those people who make it to the club opening? Some are familiar, some may not be, but they’re definitely welcome. (They’ve never been seen in a Collars & Cuffs book, but that doesn’t mean they don’t appear elsewhere.)

When Eli and Jarod left, Jarod’s mother, Maggie, went with. She’s going to show up, too, along with her new accomplice Maxwell. That woman could lead an angel astray.

We’re very excited about this, and we hope you’ll join us as we embark on this new journey!


Eli paused at the wide main door. “Ready to see how it’s all turned out, pet?”

Jarod nodded, his heart pounding. Months of preparation, consultation, and any number of phone calls were finally over, and the results of their endeavors lay beyond that door. “Ready as I’ll ever be.” He took a deep breath. Eli unlocked the door and ushered him inside. The interior lay in darkness, and with one hand, Eli plunged them into light.

“Oh my God.” Jarod gasped.

The place was gorgeous.

A wide reception desk in dark wood sat to one side, and beyond it was the social area, with leather-topped stools placed neatly along the length of a gleaming bar. The rest of the area was filled with tables and chairs, and the hardwood varnished floor reflected the LED recessed lighting up above.

“And we haven’t even seen the main floor yet,” Eli reminded him excitedly. He led Jarod through the bar to another wide door, and once through, the atmosphere changed. The floor was covered in a black material that appeared eminently more suitable for a BDSM club, and the lighting was cooler. Mirrors interspersed with racks covered the walls, and various benches and chairs stood around. Equipment cabinets hinted at delightful implements and devices hidden within them. There were slings, three or four set up against one wall, and wide frames complete with rings set into them, ready for someone to be restrained. The stage was located midway along the left wall, commanding attention even without being set up for any demonstrations. They’d had all of the gear custom made, and the quality shone through.

At the far end of the floor was the former service elevator, which Jarod knew had been renovated to allow access to the floor above, where the private rooms, group room, lockers, and showers were located.

“Fuck,” Eli whispered reverently. “It’s even more amazing than I’d imagined.”

Jarod agreed. The workers had done an amazing job and somehow managed to come in under budget. He stood in the middle of the main floor, gazing at the club. Not long now and it won’t be so quiet in here. He could almost hear it: the soft swish of a flogger, a single-tail whip slicing through the air, the thwack of a paddle connecting with a bare arse, and below all that, the sound of men engaged in various activities, low cries of mingled pleasure and pain.

Ben & Scott are having a baby!

Ben & Scott are having a baby!

At the end of ‘Endings and Beginnings’, Scott told his friends that Ben’s sister, Annie, was expecting their baby. Of course, everyone was super excited for them. Now that we’re nearly done with book one of ‘Secrets’ (titled Before You Break), KC and I are ready for that tyke to be born, and we want YOUR help!

We need to know the gender of the baby and the name you’d like to see him or her have. It’s super-easy. Just reply to this post, or enter through the Rafflecopter link, and we’ll tally them up and choose a winner, whose name will be listed in the book with our thanks! Sound easy? It totally is!

So let’s hear from you.

a Rafflecopter giveaway