
The End is coming….

The End is coming….

Many years ago, I wanted to write. I enjoyed crafting stories, making the characters do the dance. I found it liberating and fulfilling. And then stuff happened, and the magic that I found vanished in a puff of angsty teenage smoke.

Decades passed, and with the exception of two porn stories (don’t ask, I won’t tell), I never wrote another thing. Until I had a dream. Two young men–Taylor and Jackson–and a story that grew between them. When I wrote it down, a few people–Eden Winters and Anne Tenino–told me I should try to make an actual story out of it. So I did. It became the first story I ever sent out. While I was waiting for Harmony Ink to get back to me to let me know if they would publish it or not, I found a call from MLR Press for stories relating to music in the 80s. My first song was already taken. Then I found 500 Miles by the Proclaimers, and the story laid itself at my feet. I decided I’d give it a try. And it was accepted! It became my first contract, which was shortly followed by a contract for Pitch.

Hector and Steele By A.C. Katt

Hector and Steele By A.C. Katt

Hector and Steele-HighRes

Author Name: A.C. Katt

Book Name: Hector and Steele

Series: New Mexico Series

Book: Two

Can be read as a standalone

Release Date: June 21, 2016


FBI Special Agent Steele Adams has been living with Sandoval County Sheriff Hector Gomez for six months. They are occasional bed partners. Then one afternoon Hector gets a call for a domestic dispute that leaves a bad feeling in his stomach. He arrives to find a man, obviously high on meth, waving a gun around, kicking, beating and shooting at a ten-year-old boy lying on the rockscape of the front lawn. The father goes to lock up but when Hector tries to take the boy, his younger brother, Felipe, runs out screaming for Matteo not to leave.

Both children are seriously abused by their cruel, drug addicted parents and Matteo has been taking care of his brother for years. Hector is a certified foster parent and he winds up asking for and receiving both boys into his home. In falling in love with the boys, Hector and Steele realize how much they love each other. Everyone is safe and happy until the Penas’ get out on bail.

Too Good To Be True By Deanna Wadsworth

Too Good To Be True By Deanna Wadsworth


Author Name: Deanna Wadsworth

Book Name: Too Good To Be True

Series: 1Night Stand

Book: This is Deanna’s 5th offering in this series. Characters from her previous stories have cameos, but book can be read as a standalone.

Release Date: June 17, 2016


Disgraced former FBI agent Tim Burkhart desperately wants to reclaim his life and find happiness. Relocating his fledgling private security company to Miami—where his ex-wife moved their two daughters—hopefully is a start. When he’s hired to provide protection for an antiques dealer on his way to Scotland to sell a priceless ancient dirk, Tim believes the break he’s been waiting for has finally arrived. Maybe now he can make enough money to hire a lawyer and get shared parenting of his little girls.

Elliot James runs the antique shop he inherited after his grandfather’s death. Lonely and swimming in debt, he longs for a way to turn his life around but keeps making one mistake after another. Then he finds the ancient dirk tucked away among junk as he’s cleaning out his grandfather’s home. Placing it up for sale, he is thrilled when an out of country buyer purchases the priceless antique. The buyer wants the dirk immediately and sends Tim to ensure Elliot safely delivers it on time.

The moment Tim and Elliot meet, however, everything falls apart. Between break-ins, shoot-outs, stalkers, totaled cars, and the cops, it seems Tim and Elliot will never get to Scotland by the deadline. Despite all the obstacles, an unexpected attraction pulls them together, offering each man a glimmer of hope. But if they don’t deliver the dirk on time, they won’t get paid and neither of them will be able to pick up the pieces of their lives.

Will they complete this job and find a happily ever after, or is all of this really too good to be true?

500 Miles – Eric’s Story

500 Miles – Eric’s Story

Becky Condit reminded me of 500 Miles today. For those not in the know, 500 Miles was the first published book for me. Kris Jacen said I made her cry, which made me happy.
For a special visit to Mrs. Condit Reads Books, I wrote a story just for her and her readers. Today she posted a reminder about the story, and since the review site is no more (though she DOES do reviews for USA Today!) I decided to add the story to my blog. If you want to check it out, you can read it here:


Going the Extra Mile – Eric’s Story

By Parker Williams

Something special for Mrs. Condit’s readers.

Stained By Chris T. Kat

Stained By Chris T. Kat


Author Name: Chris T. Kat

Book Name: Stained

Release Date: June 1st, 2016


Blair Clark has reached his breaking point. Forced to leave one job because of sexual harassment, he’s having difficulty finding another. Since no one believes what happened, Blair’s left with a stain on his employment record that he can’t get rid of. He’s had to move back home with his mother. As if that’s not bad enough, he realizes his crush, Travis, is simply using him. His romantic life looks as hopeless as his job search.

Jack Ross is sure he’ll never find anyone who’ll love him for who he is. All anyone sees is the port-wine stain on his left cheek—not the man behind it. Even his mother thinks he should get rid of it. But the procedure is difficult and painful.

When Blair applies for a secretarial position with Jack’s firm, both men learn that beauty is, indeed, in the eye of the beholder. It’ll take a lot of trust to chase away their insecurities, but if they take a chance on one another, love will find a way.