
M. LeAnne Phoenix: The Covenant (includes part 3 of Halley’s Comet)

CoverThe Covenant E-Book Cover with logo

Author Name: M. LeAnne Phoenix

Book Name: The Covenant

Series: Covenant Series

Book: One

Release Date: January 15, 2016


When love is forbidden, who can you trust?

Seventeen year old David has been best friends with Jonathan for as long as he can remember, but the day he sees the pastor’s daughter press a soft kiss to Jonathan’s cheek everything changes. Overcome by jealousy, his explosive reaction reveals a deeper connection that sends their relationship spiraling down into dangerous territory.

When their clandestine love is discovered, they have nowhere to turn for help. The brutal circumstances of their parting test David and Jonathan’s covenant to each other in unimaginable ways. Forced to face their fears, it is in their darkest moments that the two young men discover that the courage, hope, and strength they need to to fight for their love, has been the foundation of their covenant all along.

Farm Fresh By Posy Roberts

Farm Fresh By Posy Roberts


Author Name: Posy Roberts

Book Name: Farm Fresh

Release Date: January 28, 2016


Jude Garrity visits the farmers market every Saturday. As an environmental engineering student, he’s curious about living off the grid and sustainable agriculture.

And one particular farmer.

Hudson Oliva has worked hard to support his commune, where queer people live without fear of harm or retribution. When Jude asks pointed questions about living there, Hudson realizes he needs to be honest about his home. Few people know what the farm is actually about, but Jude is insistent.

Jude moves to Kaleidoscope Gardens, however, his sexual hang-ups make it hard to adjust. He’s an uptight virgin living among people who have sex freely and with multiple partners. When Jude finally loosens up, Hudson is flooded with emotions. Falling for Jude wasn’t part of Hudson’s life plan. But when vindictive rumors about the commune begin to spread, love might be all he has left.

The Covenant By M. LeAnne Phoenix Tour

The Covenant By M. LeAnne Phoenix Tour

CoverThe Covenant E-Book Cover with logo

Author Name: M. LeAnne Phoenix

Book Name: The Covenant

Series: Covenant Series

Book: One

Release Date: January 15, 2016


When love is forbidden, who can you trust?

Seventeen year old David has been best friends with Jonathan for as long as he can remember, but the day he sees the pastor’s daughter press a soft kiss to Jonathan’s cheek everything changes. Overcome by jealousy, his explosive reaction reveals a deeper connection that sends their relationship spiraling down into dangerous territory.

When their clandestine love is discovered, they have nowhere to turn for help. The brutal circumstances of their parting test David and Jonathan’s covenant to each other in unimaginable ways. Forced to face their fears, it is in their darkest moments that the two young men discover that the courage, hope, and strength they need to to fight for their love, has been the foundation of their covenant all along.

The Shining Ones By Dusk Peterson

The Shining Ones By Dusk Peterson


Author Name: Dusk Peterson

Book Name: The Shining Ones

Series: The Eternal Dungeon

This is a side story to the series.

Release Date: January, 2016


“He was skilled by now at making innocuous remarks in the presence of the Shining Ones. Nobody had even guessed that he knew what they were.”

The Eternal Dungeon is filled with prisoners who shine like the sun.

No one knows this except Barrett Boyd, a guard notorious for having survived a disciplinary punishment that should have killed him. He is also notorious for his rebellion against the authorities of the royal prison. At a pivotal time in the Eternal Dungeon’s history, when abusive practices of the past may finally be abolished, Barrett finds himself drawn to the mystery of a younger guard, Clifford Crofford, who claims that he and Barrett are love-mates.

Barrett has no memory of this. He has no memory of anything before his punishment. What does the past matter, compared to Barrett’s determination to protect the prisoners? But Barrett cannot ignore his bond with Clifford, and the closer that Barrett comes to Clifford, the more the danger arises that Clifford will question Barrett’s sanity. . . .

This novelette (miniature novel) of disability and love can be read on its own or as a side story in The Eternal Dungeon, an award-winning speculative fiction series set in a nineteenth-century prison where the psychologists wield whips.

The Eternal Dungeon series is part of Turn-of-the-Century Toughs, a cycle of alternate history series (Dark Light, Waterman, Life Prison, Commando, Michael’s House, and The Eternal Dungeon) about disreputable men on the margins of society, and the men and women who care for them. Set between the 1880s and the 1910s, the novels and stories take place in an alternative version of America that was settled by inhabitants of the Old World in ancient times. One of the series in the cycle, Waterman, combines elements of the 1910s with retrofuturistic imagery from the 1960s.

Searching For Shelter By Morticia Knight


Author Name: Morticia Knight

Book Name: Searching For Shelter

Series: Sin City Uniforms

Book: Six

Book may be read as a standalone

Release Date: January 19, 2016


Teen shelter volunteer Rich searches for love until Diego, from LVMPD Search and Rescue, finds him.

After declaring his love life officially dead, Rich wonders if maybe he should stick with his shifter book boyfriends instead. It’s not as if he has much free time to date anyway. Between working long hours at a coffee shop, guarding his sodas from his hygienically challenged roommates, and running the programming at the Vegas LGBTQ teen shelter he founded – how could there ever be space for love in his life?

Diego Espinoza enjoys taking his downtime from working Search and Rescue, at the Lucky Cup coffee shop. He can set up his laptop, peruse good sport climbing spots and observe the blond barista he’s been pining over for a while. He imagines that the pretty boy has more offers than he knows what to do with, so it takes Diego time to work up the nerve to approach him.

Rich isn’t so sure about the rough looking Diego – even if he’s always thought he was hot – but once he decides to gives Diego a chance, there’s an immediate heat and connection that takes him by surprise. As they learn more about each other and try to find the way to a future together, strange and scary things start to happen.

It isn’t until Rich is injured in a bizarre accident that it becomes clear that there’s someone out there who not only doesn’t want Rich to find love – they want him dead.


Pages or Words: 145 pages, 51,039 words

Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Erotica, M/M Romance, Mystery, Thriller


Diego turned his attention to Rich. “Do you have a lot left to do tonight before you can leave?” He was done being subtle.

Rich’s smile turned shy. It was one of Diego’s favorite looks on him.

“No, I just have to help straighten up. But after that I –“

The distinctive ringtone of his work number sounded. “I’m sorry, Rich. Give me a sec.”

Rich nodded. “I’ll go help Austin.”

On impulse, Diego stole a quick peck on Rich’s lips. The brilliant smile he received in return had been more than worth it. As he answered his phone, he ogled Rich’s hot little ass, the light sway of his hips adding just the right touch of wiggle as Rich made his way to the other side of the room.

“Espinoza here.”

“Need you to gear up and get to the Huey as quick as possible. I’ll brief you when you arrive.”

Commander Vernon sounded unusually stressed. Diego glanced down at the bag he’d almost finished stuffing with the items he’d used for the demo. He even had the basics of his uniform already on.

“Copy that, Commander. On my way.”

He shoved his phone back into his pants pocket right as Rich bounded back to him. The moment he made eye contact with him, Rich’s smile faded.

“What’s wrong?” Rich brought his hand up to Diego’s arm as he’d spoken, as if to comfort him.

Someone who really cares about other people.

It occurred to him in that moment that endlessly explaining about his job and why it mattered to help others wouldn’t be an issue with Rich the way it’d been with previous partners.

“I’ve been called in. Looks like we’ll have to wait till tomorrow night to spend more time together after all.”

Rich nodded, not a single trace of a pout on his face. “I understand.” He furrowed his brow. “I hope it isn’t something too bad.”

Diego thanked whoever was listening that he’d finally worked up the nerve to ask Rich out. “Me too.” He hoisted his heavy gear bag off the table. “I’ll text you where to meet me for dinner tomorrow morning.”

“Um…” Rich appeared conflicted. “I know we barely know each other, but do you think you could text me when you get back from your…mission or whatever it is? Just to let me know you’re okay?”

Diego swallowed, a thickness in his throat. “Of course I could.” Diego leaned in then took another soft kiss from Rich. “Until later.”

“Yeah. Later.” Rich’s voice had been quiet, his eyes locked on Diego’s the entire time.

Beautiful green eyes for me to drown in.

It seemed like a wonderful idea.




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Meet the author:

Author Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after. If there happens to be some friendly bondage or floggings involved, she doesn’t begrudge her characters whatever their filthy little heart’s desire. Even though she’s been crafting her naughty tales for more years than she’d like to share – her adventures as a published author began in 2011. Once upon a time she was the lead singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She currently resides on the northern Oregon coast and when she’s not fantasizing about hot men she takes walks along the ocean and annoys the local Karaoke bar patrons.

Where to find the author:

Pride Publishing Author Page:


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Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Pride Publishing

Cover Artist: Posh Gosh

Tour Dates & Stops:


MM Good Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


3 Chicks After Dark


Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Happily Ever Chapter


Sassygirl Books


Bayou Book Junkie, BFD Book Blog


V’s Reads


Open Skye Book Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Parker Willams


Molly Lolly


Inked Rainbow Reads, Carly’s Book Reviews


The Novel Approach, TTC Books and More, Love Bytes
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