
The LD50 of Memories Book Blast


Author Name: A.R. Moler


Book Name: The LD50 of Memories

Series: Part of the ‘Division P’ world

Book number: Four


Release Date: June 10, 2015



Navy Pilot Cameron Bradshaw and orthopedic surgeon Mason Flynn are fast working towards solidifying their new family. But life is full of bumps and bruises– from a sudden lack of diapers for their daughter to Mason’s bigoted father passing away. Cam is having scary psychic shock episodes too. After a terrible experience doing a Division P body-finding job, Cam’s shields crash hard and he suffers life threatening physical side effects. The solution complicates their lives further. Still, between Jane, their new nanny, and the men reconnecting with an adult sibling apiece, they can see their new family forming around them. Maybe it’s time to make it all official?


Pages or Words: 41,600 words


Categories: Bisexual, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Urban Fantasy



Can’t breathe. No air. Try harder. Pressure. Blackness. Fear. Can’t Breathe. Can’t breathe.

“Cam! Cam! Wake up! It’s not real!” The voice was familiar. He wanted to touch it so badly. The dirt was cold and heavy and he couldn’t draw a breath to scream. Suddenly, there was warmth against his lips and a pinching sensation on his nose. Hot air was forced into his lungs. A heavy surge of tingling energy roared through his body. More air. The blackness was lifting. More air. He coughed. His lungs objecting to the force. Gasping. Sucking in clean cool air. Warm hands on his skin. Cam’s eyes slowly dragged open.

Mason was staring down at him, an expression of blatant concern on his face. “You stopped breathing.”

Cam realized he was lying flat on the hospital bed, head tipped back a little, with Mason kneeling beside him. The woman doctor that had sedated Cam earlier was a step behind Mason. She handed Mason an oxygen mask and he pressed it gently against Cam’s face.

“Try to breathe normally,” Mason said, taking Cam’s hand and placing it over the plastic mask.




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About the author:


A.R. Moler is a chemistry professor at a community college, a homeschooling mom and an avid science fiction fan. She is a devotee of first hand research for her writing whenever possible and to this end has – learned to fire a handgun, been rappelling, ridden with both EMS and the police, flown a helicopter, bought a motorcycle and learned to ride it. She has traveled to nearly all the places where her stories are set and taken hundreds of photos for documentation. She has been writing since her high school years, but only recently has become published. She recently launched a website for her writing


Where to find the author:




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: June 16, 2015

Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Full Moon Dreaming, Jessie G. Books, Inked Rainbow Reads, Kimi-Chan, Havan Fellows, Happily Ever Chapter, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Hat Party, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Bayou Book Junkie, Redz World, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Velvet Panic, Iyana Jenna

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The Bohemians Book Blast



Author Name: Sean Michael


Book Name: The Bohemians


Release Date: June 3, 2015



Topaz is a free-spirit, loving easily, though searching for his true soul-mate. As soon as he meets Quincy, he realizes this is the man who has been calling for him in his dreams and he offers his whole self, body, heart, mind and soul, without thought.


Quincy gives away his heart too easily, and has been hurt in love more than once. Still, that doesn’t stop him from falling head over heels for Topaz when he first meets the man.


It seems like a match made in heaven, but Topaz lives with two men who are his best friends, and also his lovers. Will Quincy ever be able to understand that Topaz has more than enough love in his heart for his best friends and his soul-mate, or will Topaz’s bohemian ways be too much for Quincy to understand?


Originally published in the Bus Stories Anthology.



Pages or Words: 28,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Ménage/Poly, Romance



Topaz parked the bicycle in the back yard and backed into the kitchen, bags in hand. “Daisy? Ku? I brought tomatoes and cilantro and some spinach on my way home from Rosa’s. They had beautiful honeydews, too.”

Grinning Leonaka grabbed the sacks with huge, calloused hands, shiny black hair held back in a braid. “What did she say, Topaz?”

He sighed, heading for the refrigerator for some tea. “She said I have to wait for him to come to me. That the spirits want me to be patient and calm.” He poured a glass and then brought the pitcher to the table, refreshing Leo’s and Stephan’s before kissing Stephan’s cheek. “I don’t do patient so well, Daisy.”

Topaz settled into a padded chair, watching Leo wash the food in the bright, sun-drenched kitchen. One of the kittens climbed up for her love, his fingers stroking her soft ears without hesitation.

Stephan smoothed the edge of Leo’s t-shirt down with graceful fingers and then came over and began to rub his shoulders. “You don’t do patient well? Leo, do you believe that?”

“Little bit, I have seen you sit for hours and hours, untangling a single skein of thread. You might be eager, but you are the most patient man I know.” Leo chuckled, gaze warm. “He’s that special?”

Topaz relaxed under Stephan’s magical fingers, the worries and negative energy of the day fading. “You should see his eyes, Ku. There’s something about them. Something I want to know all about.”

“They are a pretty blue,” Stephan added. “I haven’t seen you this excited about someone in a long time, Sunshine.”

“Oh, Daisy. It’s been so long since I had a soul mate. Someone who looked at me like Leo looks at you.” He turned his head, kissed Stephan’s fingers. “I know you two love me, but part of my heart is missing. Maybe making those eyes laugh is a piece of that.”

He heard Ku’s soft cluck, the worried sound that meant that Leo was sure he was leaping into open air without a net. Again.

Stephan’s hands tightened on his shoulders and then pet him gently, his friend sitting next to him. “How can we help, Sunshine?”

“Rosa did my cards, Daisy. She says he’ll come. That I should be still.” Topaz grinned, taking Stephan’s hand in his. “That doesn’t mean we can’t let the universe know I’m interested though. I’m thinking some long meditations, a cleansing bath, a few candles lit in hope.” He gave Stephan a grin. “Maybe some more wildflowers?”


Sales Links:

Amazon Kindle link



About the author:


Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.”

A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.



Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: seanmichael09




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: June 15, 2015

Parker Williams, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Kimi-Chan, Havan Fellows, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Hearts on Fire, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Happily Ever Chapter, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Hat Party, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Bayou Book Junkie, Mikky’s World of Books, Redz World, Rainbow Gold Reviews, TTC Books and More, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Velvet Panic, Iyana Jenna, Up All Night, Read All Day


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Pure Innocence Book Tour

Pure Take 3a

Author Name: Victoria Sue


Book Name: Pure Innocence

Series: Pure

Book: Three

Series should be read in order. Book two should definitely be read to understand book three.


Release Date: June 6, 2015



They’d finally caught the madman who had been kidnapping, torturing and murdering submissives. Damon had knelt in that warehouse, clutching Oliver, the boy barely alive, and somehow in the weeks that followed Damon never seemed to be able to let him go.


Oliver is broken, in body, mind, and spirit. And for the first time since he brought him home from the hospital, Damon starts to question himself. Is he going to be enough for Oliver? If he can somehow find all the pieces of Oliver’s broken soul, will he be able to mend them? Or have the horrors that ripped through Oliver left too many holes for Damon to repair? And finally, if he tries and fails to put Oliver back together, will Damon be able to stop his own heart from shattering in the process?



Pages or Words: 48,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, BDSM (though only mentioned due to background. There is no direct BDSM in this book.)




Chapter One


Oliver breathed. A breath so shallow and so insignificant, the urgency and determination with which his lungs insisted on it surprised him, because breathing had been so hard. It had become so impossible to expand his lungs fully; the futility finally stopped him from trying.

He took another small hesitant breath, and stilled in shock, almost. He hated the dampness, the cold, and he tried to protect his lungs against that, but he’d caught a scent of something else—something clean, fresh, that came with a strong voice and gentle hands that didn’t hurt. Oliver desperately wished it was real.


Just four letters. Such a small word for something that filled his mind and summed up his existence. It wasn’t just the horrific hot pokers that stabbed at his fingers and needled his heart. It was the black feeling that caged him, wrapped him up and would never let him go. He wanted to die, but it wasn’t just him—everyone wanted him to die. From the time he was little, his mom had screamed, “I wish you were never born.” He hadn’t been old enough to understand the words but he knew what she meant. Then came the nightmare that was school. He had no idea why he’d been picked on.

Yes, yes I did. The bullies knew he was from the trailer park, and knew no one would complain. It wasn’t just his looks; he knew what the word “fag” meant before sixth grade. When his mom had said he was done with school at twelve, he’d been secretly relieved, until he’d found out what she’d expected him to do instead. That was the first time he’d started wishing he was dead instead of just listening to other people say it.

He moaned, and tried to bite the sound back. If he made a noise the nightmare would come back, and when he just lay quietly, he could pretend the nightmare didn’t exist. He had screamed for so many days at first when no one had heard him, then he had tried to be as desperately still and quiet as he could. He tried not to drink the water but he’d made him. All he’d had to do was touch his fingers, and the pain would have made him do anything. His throat burned; he was so thirsty but he couldn’t swallow. Panic wove an insidious path through his arteries. Some machine beeped faster in time with his heart.

“Hey, hush. You’re safe.”

Oh. Oh. The voice, that voice. He was back, but it wasn’t real—he wasn’t real—this was all something Oliver’s imagination had sent to taunt him, make him believe the quiet words and the gentle touches were really for him, but he knew they couldn’t be. It was the drugs—it must be—conjuring something he could never have. Playing with him. Toying with him. He tried to move his head, but everything seemed so heavy, numb.

Something had touched his cheek. He—it was soft, no not soft, that wasn’t the right word. Almost warm, almost…comforting. Oliver could vaguely hear other voices, felt movement around him, which was confusing, because it had just been him and the nightmare for so long, and he didn’t know where he was. He tried to work it out…who, or what…but he was so tired, so desperately tired…

Something touched him again, and not in anger, not trying to hurt—it was a hand. Not just any hand, his hand—the one who came and talked to him, the voice, the source of comfort. Oliver leaned, ever so slightly. He didn’t have the strength to do more, and the hand held him still, warm, safe. He breathed in a little. Yes, the same clean smell.

“You going to open your eyes today, gorgeous?”

Gorgeous? Him? He couldn’t mean him. It was a mistake. Now he knew he had lost his mind. The guys that came this close to him never smelled good, and they were definitely never gentle.

Oliver’s heart started beating faster, and he could hear some machine with its annoying beeping getting louder. He couldn’t open his eyes. If he opened them everything would become real, and he couldn’t cope with any more reality. Not yet, maybe not ever. Mind numbing terror met him whenever he opened his eyes.

“I know you’re awake. It’s like being fastened to a lie detector.” The amused voice carried on. “Would you like some water?” Oliver opened cracked lips painfully to refuse, he didn’t trust the water, but felt something cold and wet touch them, and it robbed him of sound. It was ice, and cool trickles dropped onto his parched tongue. “Those lips look sore.”

Oliver was confused with the voice, tried not to trust the soothing words. Then his heart slammed in his ribs as he felt the cold swipe of something brush his lips. Slow, confident, but infinitely gentle. It was almost…almost caring. Which was completely ridiculous. No one cared about Oliver. No one had cared about Oliver in a really long time, which was fine, because Oliver didn’t really care about Oliver any more.

“Ice is good, but water would be better.”

Oliver held his breath a little at the sound of the voice. He wanted to believe it was real, that it belonged to someone who cared.

Could he? Dare he? Oliver parted dry lips again and closed them over a straw. He sipped slowly, a tiny mouthful. The taste was different, better, fresh.

“Much better.”

He was glad he didn’t seem to need an answer, but the hand had been taken away to get the water. The water was wonderful, but he wanted, needed, the touch more. The hand moved back and the beeping slowed. Just a gentle tick. He heard a soft click and then a thumb gently smoothed something cooling over his dry lips.

“There. You tell me if anything else hurts.”

Oliver didn’t have the strength to reply, and wasn’t sure he could get his voice to work anyhow. He could feel his mind slipping away again, but he didn’t care. He moved his face a fraction, and settled deeper into the touch. Warmth seeped into him, and he heard a soft chuckle. He could have smiled almost as the warmth from the sound wrapped him up.

Whatever this was, whoever he was, if he could just hold on to the thought that someone cared for a little while longer before it was taken away…


Today I’m very lucky to be interviewing (Victoria Sue) author of (Pure – Innocence)

Hi (Sue), thank you for agreeing to this interview. Tell us a little about yourself, your background, and your current book.


  • Is there a certain type of scene that’s harder for you to write than any others? Love? Action? Romance? Tragedy? No – I can do dramatic all day long. If it wasn’t for my editor my characters would never be fed and would spend all day naked. (Hmm…maybe not totally a bad thing?)

  • What do you think makes a good story? Oh hell – that’s like asking “How long is a piece of string?” Ask ten different readers and you’ll get ten different answers – but, because you’re asking this reader. It’s easy. A happy ending – because that’s an absolute for me.

  • Do you hear from readers much? What do they say? Are we talking readers or goodreads??? (lol)

  • How many books have you written? Which is your favorite? Three MM, and this one because I think I’m getting better with every one.

  • What do you like to do when you’re not writing? OMG – you mean there’s time to do other stuff??

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About the author:

MM Love stories – because the only thing better than one hot guy is two of them.

Has loved books for as long as she can remember. Books were always what pocket money went on and what usually Father Christmas brought. When she ran out of her kids’ adventure stories, she would go raid her mom’s. By the age of eight she was devouring classics like Little Women, and fell in love with love stories.
She’s still in love with them. Any size, any shape, any creature – love is love, no matter what it says on the box.
In fact if they don’t fit very neatly into any box she loves them even more!
She has a very patient husband and three wonderful children. In 2010 in search of adventure they all moved from the UK to the US and are happily settled in Florida. Finally, after reading love stories for so long, she decided to write her own.



Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @vickysuewrites




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dark Hollows Press

Cover Artist: 3 Rusted Spoons

Tour Dates & Stops: June 15 – June 26, 2015


Parker Williams


Love Bytes

Amanda C. Stone

MM Good Book Reviews


Havan Fellows


Hearts on Fire

Mikky’s World of Books

BFD Book Blog


Inked Rainbow Reads

Happily Ever Chapter

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


Divine Magazine


Rainbow Gold Reviews


Molly Lolly


Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My



Bayou Book Junkie





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Finally Found Book Blast


Author Name: Aria Grace


Book Name: Finally Found


Release Date: June 13, 2015



For the past six years at the University of Oregon, Trey has been completely focused on studying. With no time for relationships, he’s had to rely on the occasional hookup to fulfil his physical need for companionship. Now that he’s almost done with his Masters in Biology, his attention is on his career. Relationships will have to wait. Again.


Chuck is hitching his way down the coast, taking odd jobs to survive while trying to stay off the radar of an abusive ex. He just wants to get to L.A. in one piece so he can start over. His job skills are limited, but even working in porn will be better than what he’s running from. Hiding is hard but Chuck isn’t ready to be found.




Pages or Words: Approximately 35,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult



“Who pissed in your cheerios?” Hayden asks as he sets the glass in front of me.

“Who do you think?” Hayden has met Gary a few times and hates him more after each visit. I should listen to his advice more often.

“I don’t know what you see in that douche bag.” Hayden pulls a bowl of pretzels out from under the counter and grabs a few before setting it next to my beer. “You can do so much better.”

“Well, I think I’m gonna have to.” I take a drink before looking up at Hayden. “He might have broken up with me.”

“What does that mean?” Hayden nods to a waitress and fills two pints from the tap without taking his attention away from me. “Did he or didn’t he?”

“He told me to wait until he’s ready to come back.” I shrug and twist on the stool, hoping to see something to distract Hayden from this conversation with. There are only a few people sprinkled throughout the dark room. A couple guys in the back look familiar but their heads are down and turned away from me so I can’t tell if I know them.

“Hey.” Hayden flicks the back of my head. “You’re better off without him.”

“I know.” My brain knows it’s true but I hate being alone. I really hate it. I’ve been alone since I was sixteen and it hasn’t gotten any easier. “But he wants me to wait for him. So I can’t just move on or anything.”

“You can.” Hayden grabs my shoulder and twists me again so I’m facing him. “And you will. Just stay away from him. I’ve heard rumors about how he treats his exes and you don’t want any part of that.”

My blood runs cold at his words. I’ve heard similar warnings from people for the entire time we’ve been together. The few friends that knew I was seeing Gary were all worried about me. He has a reputation for getting too rough and driving his boyfriends away.


One guy just up and left town without a word to anyone and the guy before me committed suicide. He was found in his bathtub a week after he and Gary broke up. At least that’s what I heard from some questionable sources.

“You’re right.” I stare down at my glass, swirling the foam at the bottom. “I should just forget about him and move on. And I’m going to start right now. Can you get me a double shot of Jack?”



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About the author:


Born and raised in Los Angeles, California, Aria enjoys the year round sunshine and laid back environment of the west coast. She lives with her husband and two children on a quiet hill that gives her lots of time to read and write. Once she ventured into the exciting world of gay romance, she never looked back. She loves to hear from readers so please feel free to drop her a note or visit her at



Where to find the author:


Amazon Author Page:

Twitter: @ariagracebooks



Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Surrendered Press

Cover Artist: Kris Kendall

Tour Dates & Stops: June 13, 2015

Parker Williams, Hearts on Fire, Full Moon Dreaming, 3 Chicks After Dark, Bayou Book Junkie, Happily Ever Chapter, BFD Book Blog, Divine Magazine, TTC Books and More, Just Love Romance, MM Good Book Reviews,

Chris McHart, Inked Rainbow Reads, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, My Fiction Nook, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, The Hat Party, Molly Lolly
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Phoenix Book Blast


Author Name: Racheline Maltese & Erin McRae


Book Name: Phoenix


Release Date: June 10, 2015


Sometimes the end of everything…


Now happily married to writer and producer Paul Marion Keane, television star J. Alex Cook’s life has been a fairytale of success and romance for years. But when an unexpected tragedy throws his and Paul’s social circle into chaos, the alumni of hit TV show The Fourth Estate are forced to pick up the creative pieces left behind.


…is just the beginning


Confronted with his own mortality, Paul suggests he and Alex start a family. But figuring out what family means when your best friends’ polyamorous marriage may be melting down and you have Hollywood’s most malevolent fairy godmother to thank for your success is no easy proposition.


As Alex questions whether anyone in a profession full of make believe can truly have fame, fortune, kids, and the happily ever after of their dreams, he sets out to take control of his own life and discover that the best love stories never truly end.


Phoenix is Book 3 in the Love in Los Angeles series.




Pages or Words: 73,400 words


Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay fiction, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Romance



Alex’s eyes flutter shut when Paul slides his hands into his back pockets and pulls him closer. They’re not dancing so much as grinding together, but they’re hardly alone in that regard—at least they still have their shirts on, and if Alex is willing, Paul has absolutely zero desire to stop.


Paul can’t hear it, but he can feel the breath of a moan on his neck when Alex gets insistent about digging his fingers into Paul’s hair while he mouths at the skin above his collar. Six months apart, with only two weeks in the middle, was a very long time, and the time they’ve had since has barely been enough to get used to sharing space with each other again, much less fall back into their relationship with all their knowledge of each other’s bodies and hearts intact.


“This is possibly a stupid idea,” Alex murmurs at some point.
Paul isn’t sure how much time has elapsed since things crossed into slightly inappropriate but totally expected territory. “I don’t think you care.”



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About the authors:


Erin McRae is a queer writer and blogger based in Washington, D.C. She has a master’s degree in International Affairs from American University, and delights in applying her knowledge of international relations theory to her fiction and screen-based projects, because conflict drives narrative.


Racheline Maltese lives a big life from a small space. She flies planes, sails boats, and rides horses, but as a native New Yorker, has no idea how to drive a car. A long-time entertainment and media industry professional, she lives in Brooklyn with her partner and their two cats.


Together, they are co-authors of the gay romance series Love in Los Angeles, set in the film and television industry — Starling (September 10, 2014), Doves (January 21, 2015), and Phoenix (June 10, 2015) — from Torquere Press. Their gay romance novella series Love’s Labours, set in the theater world — Midsummer (May 2015), and Twelfth Night (Fall 2015), is from Dreamspinner Press. They also have a story in Best Gay Romance 2015 from Cleis Press and edited by Felice Picano. You can find them on the web at



Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:

Erin’s Twitter:

Racheline’s Twitter:


Other: Joint Blog:


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BS Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: June 10, 2015

Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Kimi-Chan, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Dawn’s Reading Nook, MM Good Book Reviews, Chris McHart, Inked Rainbow Reads, Mikky’s World of Books, Charley Descoteaux, Happily Ever Chapter, Carly’s Book Reviews, Havan Fellows, Cate Ashwood





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