
Untamed Book Blast


Author Name: Madeline Dyer


Book Name: Untamed

Series: The Untamed Series

Number: One


Release Date: May 20, 2015



As one of the last Untamed humans left in the world, Seven’s life has always been controlled by tight rules. Stay away from the Enhanced. Don’t question your leader. And, most importantly, never switch sides—because once you’re Enhanced there’s no going back. Even if you have become the perfect human being.


But after a disastrous raid on an Enhanced city, Seven soon finds herself in her enemy’s power. Realizing it’s only a matter of time before she too develops a taste for the chemical augmenters responsible for the erosion of humanity, Seven knows she must act quickly if she’s to escape and save her family from the same fate.


Yet, as one of the most powerful Seers that the Untamed and Enhanced have ever known, Seven quickly discovers that she alone holds the key to the survival of only one race. But things aren’t clear-cut anymore, and with Seven now questioning the very beliefs she was raised on, she knows she has an important choice to make. One that has two very different outcomes.


Seven must choose wisely whose side she joins, for the War of Humanity is underway, and Death never takes kindly to traitors.



Pages or Words: 95,870 words


Categories: Alternate universe, Fantasy, Paranormal, Science Fiction, Thriller, Young Adult, Dystopia



The cloth is heavy over my face. Some light filters through it. I can see the flashing green and red lights of the box high up on the ceiling. It’s some sort of power-base, I’m sure. Before they brought the cloth, I saw lots of metal components and wires hanging from it, stretching to the corners of the room. My brother, Three, would love to examine it.

The cloth over my face gets tighter. It presses against my nose, trying to force it down. I can feel their hands all over my body, pushing me onto the platform with cold fingers. I know better now than to resist. But they don’t believe me. They aren’t taking chances, they say.

“Join us willingly.” It’s the same man. Always the same man who speaks. Raleigh. The one who called me a fighter. The one who promised he’d break me.

Katya’s a lost cause. She went willingly.

“No,” I gasp. My word tangles in the cloth. I blink and my lashes drag against the material.

“Very well.” He’s smiling. I know he is. His voice is always lighter and amused-sounding when he’s smiling. “Very well, indeed.”

The water slams against me.



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About the author:

Madeline Dyer is a fantasy and science fiction writer, whose fiction has been published by several small presses. Having always had a love for mythology and fantasy, it seemed only natural that Madeline would write speculative fiction due to the endless possibilities and freedom this genre offers. A number of her short stories appear in print and eBook anthologies, as well as online. Untamed is her debut novel.


Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:





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Publisher: Prizm Books

Cover Artist: Brandon Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: May 28, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Havan Fellows, BFD Book Blog, Molly Lolly, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Divine Magazine, Emotion in Motion, Iyana Jenna, Up All Night, Read All Day, Charley Descoteaux, Happily Ever Chapter, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Hearts on Fire
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From the Ashes Book Blast


Author Name: Lillian T. MacGowan


Book Name: From the Ashes

Series: Smoke and Mirrors

Book: Two

Should NOT be read as a standalone


Release Date: May 5, 2015


After a rough start to their relationship, Deck and Naim are living together and living well—except they’re not. The fire at the clinic and those behind it are still a specter in the background of their lives, soon to come to the forefront. Someone is stalking them, and as the acts grow increasingly violent and threatening, the boys make an unsettling discovery that turns Naim’s world inside out.

They’re sorely tried and tested, and even with the support of the neighborhood and Deck’s firefighting crew, people get hurt. Deck has to decide how much hurt he’s willing to take on for the sake of Naim, and Naim has to decide once and for all what sort of man he wants to be—all while navigating a terrifying world of crime, violence and depravity.


Pages or Words: 381 pages


Categories: Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



“What…the unholy…”

“Fuck?” Naim finished Jen’s statement for her as her voice trailed off. They stood wide-eyed and slack-jawed, staring at Jen’s husband, who leaned, sullen and glowering, against the ambulance while a young girl snapped photos and pleaded with him to try to smile. Or at least emote. He was wearing a hazmat jumpsuit, unzipped with the top half hanging down his shirtless back, and holding a gas mask, his hair a wild mess as though he’d just taken the mask off.

Hearing Jen’s voice, he looked up at them, cringed, and groaned. “Fuck. You called them, you fucktarded bag of ass?” Keller shouted up toward the ladder truck while the girl clicked away, hoping for some good, angry “passion” shots.

“Naim!” Deck called down from the cherry picker, looking anxious but glad to see him.

“Oh God,” Keller groaned, falling back against the ambulance and dropping the mask.

“Oh God.” Jen stared at her husband.

“Oh God.” Naim looked up to the cherry picker, eyes widening, where Deck was grinning awkwardly, wearing nothing but bunker trousers with one suspender over his unscarred side, and a helmet.

Naim shifted, horrified at his sudden, Pavlovian state of arousal. He reached for Jen’s hand. She squeezed.

“What…what…” Jen stammered, tearing her eyes from her husband long enough to jump, startled by the big black smiley face plastered across Peyton’s bright yellow butt as he climbed off the hose bed.

“Thank God you guys are here,” Deck called out, unlatching the cherry picker.

“No!” Naim panicked, squeezing Jen’s hand tighter and pointing at Deck. “You stay there!” This was bad. He was never coming back to the firehouse again. Ever.

Jen snorted.

“Fuck.” Fucking cherry picker. “No. Get out of there.” Naim squeezed his eyes shut. “But don’t…don’t come down here!” He turned and buried his face in Jen’s shoulder, groaning. She cuddled him and whimpered quietly.

“Why are they doing this to us?” she asked Naim.

He pulled his face out of her shoulder. “What the fuck is going on?”

“They’re making a fucking calendar. Well, more like a date book.” Freya wandered up to them, fully clothed, a shit-eating grin on her face, and her braids a messy, rumpled disaster. She was covered in green glitter, and there seemed to be some on her teeth.

“Oh, but you’ve got clothes on?” Naim growled.

“What… Why…” Jen glanced at Freya, then back at Keller, who was glowering harder at the camera. The photographer asked him to turn around, and he snarled. She snapped away. “Why are… What happened to your hair?” Jen asked Freya, a little breathless.

“Are you kidding?” Freya still had the shit-eating grin, and Spellacy popped up from where he’d been relaxing on the hose bed; he wore a pair of bright green shorts printed with pints of Guinness, and his turnout coat had green glitter all over it.

“Hey. What are you two doing here?” he asked.

“Oh God.” Jen sounded like she wanted to cry.

“Can I come down now?” Deck yelled from the ladder.

Naim refused to look at him. “No. Not until you…give…put…put something on.”

“He can’t. He’s next,” Freya explained, grinning harder.

“Next?” Naim whimpered again.

“Naim, please? I really gotta talk to you!”

“Get a turnout coat!”

“Hey, what are you two doing here?” Liebgott saw them as he strolled out of the kitchen, munching on a cupcake.

“Liebgott.” Jen managed to glare and whine at the same time. “Why is my husband half-naked, having his picture taken against an ambulance? Why is everyone half-naked?”

Liebgott rubbed his neck and glanced with a guilty expression over to the ladder truck where Deck was yelling at Spellacy to give him his turnout coat. Naim heard bells jingle somewhere.

“Well. See—”

“It wasn’t my idea. I didn’t even know about it!” Deck got a face full of green glitter as he caught Spellacy’s coat.

“We, uh, we thought it would help raise some money.” Liebgott looked to Naim sheepishly. “To help rebuild the clinic.”

“Wh…” Naim blinked. “Can I sit down? Is anyone else in the kitchen?”

“Peyton, but come on. I’ll boot him out.”

Naim tugged on Jen’s hand as he dragged her away from the sight of her husband. “Jen.

“Shut up.” She tripped a little. “You’re in this with me.” They heard Freya cackle.

Deck was right behind them, trotting into the kitchen as Naim plunked down into a chair, still refusing to look at him. This was insane, but he really had no business being surprised.

“I swear to God, I had no idea, love. This is not my fault,” Deck exclaimed.

“That’s true, Naim. I’m not sure why he’s so bent out of shape about it, but we didn’t want to tell you until the money came in, so we kept it from Deck until the last possible minute.” Liebgott took a seat at the opposite end of the table while Deck danced nervously next to Naim, and Jen peeked from the door.

“I… What…” Naim squinted at the table, then reached for a cupcake, wondering if he was turning into a stress eater.


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About the author:


You can usually find Lily MacGowan reading, knitting herself into the sofa, or writing. Lily has been a carpenter, a circus aerialist, a Sunset Strip club kid and a corporate mogul, but she gave all that up to teach middle school on the east coast and is happier than ever. Lily’s hobbies include food, household renovations and avoiding laundry. She’s a huge fan of comfy jammies and happily ever after.


Where to find the author:


Twitter: @LilyMacGowan

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Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Kalen O’Donnell

Tour Dates & Stops: May 27, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Havan Fellows, BFD Book Blog, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Molly Lolly, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Kimi-Chan, Happily Ever Chapter, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Nephylim, Rainbow Gold Reviews, The Hat Party




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The Right Time Cover Reveal


Author Name: Lane Hayes


Book Name: The Right Time

Series: Right & Wrong Stories

Book number: 3

Can be read as a standalone


Release Date: June 26, 2015


Workaholic Nate Erickson is a successful real estate developer who thrives on long hours and stress. When a Los Angeles project prompts him to relocate to Santa Monica, he welcomes the change of scenery. Nate has always considered romantic entanglements trouble, but his sexy next-door neighbor isn’t easy to ignore. Which makes no sense, because Nate is straight… or so he’s always thought.



Alex Reyes is a retired professional soccer player turned West Hollywood business owner with an insatiable lust for life. He loves his family, friends, and work. But there’s one life challenge left to accomplish: coming out publically. Respect for traditional Latino values has kept him in the closet, but Alex begins to think he and his new neighbor might help one another combat their fears. As Alex and Nate forge a strong friendship, they soon realize facing their personal demons will take more courage than either man bargained. The reward is immeasurable… if the timing is right.



Pages or Words: 225 pages, 80,000 words



Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance



Excerpt for The Right Time by Lane Hayes


I hadn’t worked out with a professional in years, and it felt foreign to wait for someone else’s direction.

“Any issues with your shoulders or arms? Any injuries I should know about?” he asked, handing me the weights.

“No, I’m good.”

“Great. Start with your palms facing your thighs, lift them both over your chest, then lower the left. Good. And now the right.”

He stood over me diligently, making slight corrections when needed. My supine position gave me an interesting perspective. When I looked up, I noted how his strong brow offset his twinkling eyes. I swallowed uncomfortably and turned my head, only to find myself staring at his crotch. His dark shorts seemed to hint they were covering a generous package.

Holy fuck.

“You doing okay?”

“Uh yeah. Hey, weren’t you going to tell me about your Friday night?” I needed him to talk. I didn’t trust my thoughts anymore, and I was stuck in my current position crazily aware of a man in a way I hadn’t been in over fifteen fucking years. Diversion in any form was welcome.

Alex snorted. “I already told you. I went dancing, and oh yeah, I did get lucky.”

He added the last part with a hearty chuckle, no doubt catching my wide-eyed expression. I hadn’t expected that.


“You asked.”

“Right.” I did? The strong flash of jealousy took me by surprise, but I pressed on. “Did you go back to the beach to get those girls’ numbers last weekend?”

He looked confused for a second, but a slow cocky grin soon spread across his handsome features as he crouched so his face was close to mine.

“No, I told you they weren’t my type.”

I gulped and watched his eyes lower to my throat. He licked his top lip and reached out to adjust my wrist.

“Lift ’em both at the same time, Nate. That’s it. Push it. Harder.”

I sent up a quick prayer I wasn’t sporting a tent in my shorts. Alex’s voice, touch, and yeah, the unintentional innuendos were making me nuts. And horny. I felt terribly out of my element. I wasn’t sure what we were talking about anymore, but the potent silence made me more uncomfortable than speech. Keep talking, I thought.

“So a dance partner?”

“What? Oh. Yeah, I think so. I can’t remember. It was just one of those things, you know? Sit up. Let’s give your arms a break.”

“Just one of those things?”

“Yeah. One night. No numbers exchanged. No hassle, no fuss.”

I had no words. Literally.

Alex chuckled gleefully as he led the way to a leg machine. He gave instructions and stood back to observe me for a moment.

“It’s not necessarily my favorite kind of sex, but hey….” He shrugged his shoulders with his hands outstretched as if to say “what’s a guy to do?”

I recognized this cue. It was my opportunity to commiserate about the trials and tribulations of being a single man with a healthy sexual appetite. Now was my chance to admit it was nice every once in a while to have sex of the nonsolo variety with someone who knew the score. But I was tongue-tied and equally aware of a completely different undercurrent. One I wasn’t brave enough to explore.

“You can stop having fun at my expense any time.”

Alex squeezed my shoulder and smirked playfully. “You’re easily rattled.”

“How so?”

“You seem like someone who has a place for everything and likes everything in its place. You have a routine, and you don’t appreciate any deviation. I should be flattered you came to the gym with me at the spur of the moment.” He paused, running his tongue over his plump bottom lip. “If you’re not careful, I’m gonna think you like me.”

The air between us crackled. Alex leaned forward so his handsome face was mere inches from mine. His proximity alone seemed to issue a challenge. Daring me to confess I was more than I appeared to be. I doubt he expected any revelations, but his intent was certainly to… how had he put it, rattle me. And damn, it was working.



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About the author:


Lane Hayes is finally doing what she loves best. Writing! An avid reader from an early age, Lane has always been drawn to romance novels. She truly believes there is nothing more inspiring than a well-told love story with beautifully written characters. Lane discovered the M/M genre a fews ago and was instantly hooked. Her debut novel, Better Than Good, was a 2013 Rainbow Awards finalist. She loves travel, chocolate, and wine (in no particular order). Lane lives in Southern California with her amazing husband and their very old dog in an almost empty nest.


Where to find the author:


Facebook: Lane Hayes

Facebook Author Page: LaneHayesauthor

Twitter: LaneHayes3

Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Aaron Anderson

Tour Dates & Stops: May 26, 2015

Parker Williams, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, Carly’s Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, 3 Chicks After Dark, Andrew Q. Gordon, Chris McHart, Cate Ashwood, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Love Bytes, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, TTC Books and More, Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Molly Lolly, Charley Descoteaux, Divine Magazine,

Velvet Panic, The Hat Party, Mikky’s World of Books, My Fiction Nook, Carly’s Book Reviews




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Delivered Fast Book Blast


Author Name: Annabeth Albert


Book Name: Delivered Fast

Series: Portland Heat

Book: Three

Standalone: Yes! Each book is connected by the city, and are all standalone


Release Date: May 26, 2015



Portland, Oregon, aka Hotlandia, where the coffee shops, restaurants, and bakeries are ready to serve everything piping hot, fresh, and ready to go—like the hard-working, hard-bodied men behind the counters—with no reservations…

Sure, Chris O’Neal has problems. His restaurant is still co-owned by his ex. His flannel-and-tattoos style is making him accidentally trendy. He can’t remember the last time he went out and had fun. But he’s not lonely, he’s driven. And the hot bakery delivery boy is not his problem, no matter how sweet his buns.

Chris is old enough to know Lance Degrassi’s sculpted good looks and clever double entendres spell nothing but trouble. Lance is still in college—he should be hitting the clubs and the books, chasing guys his own age, not pursuing some gruff motorcycle-riding workaholic. Especially when he’ll be leaving for grad school in a few months. But Lance keeps hanging around, lending a hand, charming Chris to distraction. Maybe some steaming hot no-strings indulgence won’t hurt.

Then again, maybe it will…



Pages or Words: 45,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



From Chapter One of Delivered Fast

The delivery boy had sweet buns. Not to mention prize-winning rolls. He wore a pair of those fancy over-the-ear headphones and shimmied around the white bakery truck, his hips and ass working in time to what was apparently a killer beat. Even the way he climbed into the back of the truck was a choreographed dance. I wasn’t usually one to get distracted by eye candy, but that ass . . .


I’d propped open the service door at the rear of my coffee shop about fifteen minutes earlier, hoping to coax a cool breeze into the stuffy storeroom where I’d been working. I leaned against the door frame, appreciating the unexpectedly fine view in the alley.


When the guy emerged from the truck—headphones around his neck, carrying a stack of pink boxes—I pushed away from the door and met him at the edge of the concrete steps. I tried to play it cool, like I hadn’t spent the last five minutes perving on his world-class bubble butt.


“You’re not Vic,” I said as I ushered him into the hallway that led back to the kitchen and storeroom.

“Nope. I’m Lance, Vic’s cousin. I’ll be handling your deliveries from here on out.” His smile—a wide, toothy grin—was almost as adorable as his butt. The only resemblance he had to my usual beefy delivery guy was in the chiseled facial features and light olive skin. He looked like he’d be right at home playing World Cup soccer for Italy with his wide shoulders, lean torso, muscular thighs and legs. And that ass.


Which I was going to stop thinking about right the hell now. He was too young—I could see that even more clearly under the fluorescent lights of my kitchen. Early twenties, if that. His gelled-up black hair fell across his forehead in artfully bleached strands. Too high maintenance for my taste.


“I’m Chris O’Neal. Here, let me help you with those.” Taking part of the stack from him, I showed him the metal racks where I stashed recent deliveries.


“Nice setup you’ve got here.” Lance looked around the cramped but efficient kitchen area.


“Thanks.” Most of The People’s Cup square footage was devoted to the coffee bar and seating area in the front, so I made do in the back with my organization system, which bordered on the obsessive. I’d installed floor-to-ceiling shelving on every wall, including over the cooktop and counters. The center prep table was where most of the action happened, and its broad expanse was covered with the beginnings of several dishes for tomorrow’s Sunday brunch.


“I’ve been here before with friends from PSU—for your Sunday thing. And during the week once or twice to study.”


I made a noncommittal noise. Great. A college kid. As if I needed to feel like more of an old, cranky perv.


“Let’s get the rest of the boxes.” I herded him back out to the alley. I was eager to get him and his distracting ass on his way. I had several more hours of staging work ahead of me to prepare for Sunday’s buffet. During the week we were just another coffeehouse, but we were known all over Portland for our Sunday brunch.


“So are you the owner? This all yours?” Lance asked as he got another load of boxes from the truck.


“Yeah. Mine and my partner’s. Business partner.” I fumbled the stack of boxes he handed me. Why had it felt so necessary to make that qualification? Like the kid would be in any way interested in my messed-up business relationship with my stubborn bastard of an ex.


Despite his pretty-boy looks, the kid was probably straight; he had a confident swagger girls his age likely found irresistible.


“I’ve been to your other place, too—the one in Northwest. Did the delivery there earlier. I like this location better.”


“Me too,” I said, my voice drier than gin. “Randy give you any issues?”


Randy had his location; I had mine. Our relationship had turned into something out of a bad chick flick, except there wasn’t any cute ending coming.


“Randy? Nah. It was some girl named Becky, with a nose ring and huge gauges.”


I nodded. That sounded about right for Randy’s taste. And I was not going to care whether he was banging her or how long she’d last as an employee. His shitty employee turnover wasn’t my problem. I’d washed my hands of what happened at the 23rd Street store.


“You want a cup of coffee for the road?” I asked before I could stop myself. It was the same courtesy I’d always extended to his cousin and to most of our other delivery people, but somehow my offer felt tinged with more than politeness.


“What do you have on offer today?” His grin was more than a little wicked.


Wouldn’t you like to know? I bit back the flirtatious retort. And what the hell was up with that? I did not flirt. Hell, anything other than bitter and grumpy hadn’t been my MO for months now.


Can Lance bring out the softer side of this cranky chef? Find out in DELIVERED FAST!



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About the author:

Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf, she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.

Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two toddlers.

Represented by Saritza Hernandez of the Corvisiero Literary Agency



Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:






Fan group:


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Kensington/Lyrical

Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Tour Dates & Stops: May 26, 2015

Prism Book Alliance, Parker Williams, Multitasking Mommas, Bike Book Reviews, Cate Ashwood, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie,

Dawn’s Reading Nook, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Molly Lolly, Tara Lain, 3 Chicks After Dark, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Carly’s Book Reviews, Foxylutely Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Charley Descoteaux, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, The Hat Party



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Lime Gelatin and Other Monsters Special Event

An interview with Wolf from Lime Gelatin and Other Monsters


Wolf: You’re not recording this, are you?


Interviewer: No, no, this is just between us.


Wolf: I hate this crap. Seriously. I don’t want to do this.


I: Lieutenant Dunfee promised me an officer to interview and she said you were the departmental sacrifice.


W: Figures. Fucking Loveless should be doing this. Or Monroe. It’s his story. Not like I’m even in most of it.


I: No, but you have insight into the department. The 77th Precinct in Philadelphia handles only suspected paranormal cases, is that right?


W: Yeah. Fucking weird shit cases the regular districts don’t want. I mean, half the time, we’ve got nothing to arrest, have we? You can’t arrest a ghost. Or most of the monster type things that are mostly animal. Or vegetable. Or something.


I: I can understand how that might be frustrating. But it seems like an interesting place to work, all those colleagues with different abilities.


W: *doubles over laughing, unable to stop for several minutes* Oh…hell…sorry. Yeah, interesting. Good choice of words. They’re all a bunch of messed up, broken abilities, bunch of broken freaks.


I: Um, I…see. Officer Carrington Loveless, isn’t he a vampire? How can a vampire be broken?


W: Can’t feed right, can he? Poor Carr has to get his blood from a bag, not a nice warm person. And he doesn’t even get to sparkle.


I: That sounds difficult for him. How about Jeff Gatling? *consults list* He’s a firestarter.


W: Sure. When the weather’s clear and it’s not too humid. But he’s got, let’s say, performance issues. Any bit of moisture in the air and Jeff can’t get his fire up. Not even a spark.


I: Oh, dear. How inconvenient. And Kyle Monroe? What does he do?


W: Ha. There’s a reason we call him Kirby.


I: Could you tell us about that?


W: Kyle doesn’t have any special powers of his own. He just sucks up other people’s.


I: What does that mean? How does he do that?


W: Kinda hard to explain. You’d have to see it happen.


I: All right. And what about you? Apparently, you claim to be an actual wolf. Are you a werewolf?


W: That’s it. This interview is over! *surges up, topples chair, and stomps out muttering about “stupid humans”*


Lime Gelatin and Other Monsters

Offbeat Crimes 1

(part of Amber Allure’s 77th Precinct Pax)



Officer Kyle Monroe’s encounter with a strange gelatinous creature in an alley leaves him scarred and forever changed, revealing odd abilities he wishes he didn’t have and earning him reassignment to Philadelphia’s 77th Precinct where all the cops have defective paranormal abilities.

Just as Kyle’s starting to adjust to his fellow misfit squad mates, his new partner arrives. Tall, physically perfect, reserved, and claiming he has no broken psychic talents, Vikash Soren irritates Kyle in every way. But as much as he’d like to hate Vikash, Kyle finds himself oddly drawn to him, their non-abilities meshing in unexpected ways.

Now, if Kyle and Vikash can learn to work together, they just might be able to stop the mysterious killer who has been leaving mutilated bodies along the banks of the Schuylkill.




Kyle sat up straighter, shifting to see between the heads in front of him. Soren looked like a poster boy for the model police officer, tall and straight, uniform crisp and sharp. He stood at parade rest beside the lieutenant, impassively surveying his new colleagues. A little knot of resentment lodged in Kyle’s stomach. At his own introduction to the 77th, he’d been nervous and fidgety, freaked out by the collection of…freaks. How can he be so calm?

“Officer Soren transferred from the Harrisburg PD—”

“Don’t they have enough freaky shit of their own up there?” Wolf called out in his rasping growl.

“Since Harrisburg is in our jurisdiction,” she continued with a quelling glance. “He’ll start out partnered with Monroe.”

“What does he do, ma’am? That it’s safe to put him with Kirby, er, Kyle?” Shira Lourdes asked as she flicked nervous glances across the room at Kyle. An empty chair slid away from her and fell over. Her partner, Greg Santos, shook his head and righted the unfortunate piece of furniture.

“Officer Soren’s abilities are his business, which he may or may not choose to share if you ask. And don’t bully him about it either, any of you.” Lieutenant Dunfee swept the room again, pinning each of her officers with her needle-laser gaze like captive butterflies. “Monroe, my office after briefing. Info on your current case.”

She dismissed them, stalking from the room with thunderclouds in her eyes. Kyle found himself approaching the new guy and trying his best not to be awkward. Did he offer to shake hands? Was it safe? Would the guy flinch like so many people did at the sight of Kyle’s scarred hands? Soren was even taller up close, six-foot-three of lean inscrutability, his blue eyes startlingly bright against smoky bronze skin.

“Um, hi, I’m Kyle Monroe.” Kyle fidgeted when Soren didn’t offer his hand either. “You’re with me, I guess. I’ll show you our spot in the squad room.”

Soren followed him silently and Kyle was starting to wonder if he was like Krisk in the not-speaking department until he finally spoke in a smooth, soft baritone, making Kyle startle and miss a step. “Why do they call you Kirby?”

“You’d hear it sooner or later, I guess.” Kyle shrugged. “It’s this thing I do, absorbing other people’s talents temporarily. If they’re close to me. Or touch me. Like Kirby, the little pink dude in the video game.”


Just that? Soren didn’t edge away, or change expression at all. Was he made of stone? “It’s a thing. Everyone here has a thing.”

After a few more steps, Soren asked, “Always?”

“What… Oh, was I always like this? Who knows? I mean, maybe I’ve picked up stray thoughts or something, but no. It’s pretty recent. Knowing that I do this.”

Kyle took a wide arc around Vance as he entered the squad room, pointing to the double desk in the far corner, well removed from everyone else. “That’s ours. Coffee’s over there, but you might not want that coffee. Let me grab my file and we’ll go see the lieutenant.”

“So what’s your story, Soren?” Vance called across the squad room. “What flies your freak flag?”

“Yeah, what do you do?” Jeff Gatling stopped ’porting his banana from one corner of his desk to the other.

“I don’t really do anything,” Soren answered as he hefted the empty coffeepot. “Guess I’ll make fresh since I’m the new guy.”

He opened the top to remove the filter and every human voice in the squad room yelled out, “No!”

Most people would have startled, maybe dropped the carafe. Soren just blinked at the roomful of people gesturing wildly. He took the filter out and emptied it over the trashcan. “Why not?”

“You don’t want to do that.” Kyle stayed by his desk, a nice safe distance from the coffee station. “That’s Larry’s job.”

“Larry’s not keeping up then.”

The container of sweetener packets began to rattle. It shivered across the counter and leaped to a messy end, ceramic shards skittering across the floor. The desk that Krisk and Wolf shared rose from the floor several inches and slammed back down. Wolf fled with a squeaking yelp just before the desk flipped on its side.

Soren glanced toward Kyle. “Larry’s not a cop, is he?”

“He is…he was! A dead cop. Larry’s a ghost. He gets ticked if anyone else makes the coffee. Put the stuff back, please!”

“Larry?” Soren raised his voice but to all appearances remained completely unruffled. “I’m new here. I’m very sorry I invaded your jurisdiction. See? I’m putting the carafe back. Closing the top. Are we good, Larry?”

A breeze ruffled through a stack of papers, but no further mayhem ensued. The carafe slid from its pad on the coffeemaker and floated to the water cooler where Larry, who never manifested in a visible form, whistled tunelessly while he filled the carafe.

From his dim corner of the room, Carrington said in his dry, genteel way, “Welcome to the Island of Misfit Freaks…”



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About the Author:

Angel Martinez is the erotic fiction pen name of a writer of several genres. Her experiences as a soldier, a nurse, a banker, and an underpaid corporate drone give her a broad view of the world and a deep appreciation for the astounding variety of people on this small planet.

She currently lives part time in the hectic sprawl of northern Delaware and full time inside her head. She has one husband of over twenty years, one son, two cats, a love of all things beautiful and a terrible addiction to the consumption of both knowledge and chocolate.

To contact Angel with praise, adulation, sarcasm, and complaints to the management (any management, she’s not picky, but it might not solve your flight reservation issue) please try these linky things:





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