
Songbook: Paulo and Preston Shorts Book Blast


Author Name: Lee Benoit


Book Name: Songbook: Paulo and Preston Shorts


Release Date: May 20, 2015


Cue the music! SONGBOOK collects, for the first time ever, all of the stories in the Paulo and Preston series!


PRESTON is a lifestyle Dominant, recently retired from a career on stage at an exclusive BDSM club. When the series begins, he’s single and looking forward to a quieter life. All that changes on the night of Preston’s last performance when PAULO, a complete novice, takes the place of Preston’s usual stage submissive. By day Paulo does odd jobs and sings in the Sister City Gay Men’s Chorus. After that first night with Preston, however, he wants more. He wants everything. Can a newbie sub and a gracefully aging Dom learn to harmonize?

Each story chronicles a new phase in Paulo and Preston’s relationship and features song lyrics mangled in deliciously naughty ways by Paulo.



Pages or Words: 59,300 words


Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance, Multicultural, May/December, Disability



He was flying from my flogger, and I knew I could break him with the whip. I shouldn’t — he was too new — he’d imprint on me like an orphan nestling. I decided once more on this mad, unexpected night, to trust myself. I would whip Paulo, not break him, and let him down gently once our performance ended.


I examined my control for a split second as I drew back my arm. No uncertainty, no sense of wrongness intruded. I was flying, too, and as much I trusted myself, I found I trusted my surprise sub too. This was right.


He screamed around the gag at the whip’s kisses anyway, though mine were not blows that would shatter him unless I’d read him very, very wrong.


I dropped the whip and removed the obscene gag, kissed the swollen lips, swallowed the last notes of his strange, wild song just as our finale music burgeoned around us. A choir of boys sang John the Beloved’s hymn “Shine on Me,” the perfect song for my last Epiphany on this stage and, I knew now, my first on a new path.


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About the author:


Before dawn and after dark, Lee Benoit is a writer of queer fiction, some contemporary, some speculative, some historical. During the daylight hours she is a professor of sociology & anthropology. In the old days, Lee traveled the world doing field research. Now she lives in the middle of a New England hayfield where being a single parent provides more than enough excitement. Proudly pansexual, whenever she gets itchy feet and misses the world of research and advocacy, Lee invents a new world in her head and takes notes on what happens there.

Discover more about Lee at


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Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: May 19, 2015

Parker Williams, Molly Lolly, Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, Charley Descoteaux, Happily Ever Chapter, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Chris McHart, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, 3 Chicks After Dark, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Velvet Panic, Up All Night, Read All Day,

My Fiction Nook, Rainbow Gold Reviews
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Light in Endless Darkness Book Blast


Author Name: Huston Piner


Book Name: Light in Endless Darkness


Release Date: May 13, 2015


Kevin Reeves lives with his mother and abusive father and dreams of going to Dickerson University. Lonely and easily cowed, he works as a janitor to save money and signs up for night courses at the community college. There, he meets Dominic Pierce, a sexy emo who also happens to be blind. Kevin is immediately attracted to Dominic and soon a mutual attraction develops into a full-blown romance. After a violent confrontation with his father leads to Kevin moving in with Dominic, he discovers that the neighborhood gang is terrified of the blind emo, referring to him as El Sanguijuela.

Meanwhile, Jacky Larson, who outed Kevin as a sophomore, begins blackmailing him for sex at work, leaving him ashamed and panicked that Dominic will dump him if he finds out. But Dominic has dark secrets of his own, including a job he won’t discuss that keeps him away from sunup to sunset and secret nightly excursions. Can Kevin get away from his blackmailer without losing Dominic in the process? Will he ever discover what Dominic does all day and where he sneaks out to every night? And can their love survive when Kevin finally uncovers the truth?

Pages or Words: 57,500 words


Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, Horror, M/M Romance, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance



We were no sooner on the couch than Dominic had me in his arms and I was really flying. He nibbled on my neck, sending waves of pleasure through me. The sharp edge of his teeth grazed my skin, ready to bite into me. But he stopped and froze all over for a second, leaned back, and his sightless eyes betrayed a confused indecision that startled me. For a moment, he seemed lost. But before I could formulate words to ask him what was wrong, his expression changed, his lips returned to mine, and his tongue renewed its attack.

Friday night, his kisses had been tentative and delicate, but now he pressed his lips to mine with animal-like ferocity and gripped me in a powerful embrace. He licked and nibbled on my neck while unbuttoning my shirt, and then he nudged me forward to remove it.

I started to lift his pullover, but he pushed my hands away. His fingers explored my naked torso and roamed over every inch of exposed skin, adding to the tension building up inside me.


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About the author:


Huston Piner writes books prominently featuring gay characters. His first book My Life as a Myth was nominated for the 2014 Stonewall Book Award for Children’s and Young Adult Literature and was a 2013 Rainbow Awards finalist. His second book, the highly anticipated Conjoined at the Soul, was published in February 2015. In the edgy Light in Endless Darkness, his first New Adult offering, he explores the supernatural romance of a gay vampire. Huston lives in the mythical town of Chadham, Virginia, with his partner and three domineering cats.


Where to find the author:



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Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: May 11, 2015

Parker Williams, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Kimi-Chan, Molly Lolly, Inked Rainbow Reads, BFD Book Blog, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bike Book Reviews, Decadent Delights, Bayou Book Junkie, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Divine Magazine, Chris McHart, Boys on the Brink Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Velvet Panic, Nephylim, 3 Chicks After Dark, The Hat Party, Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My
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Would I Lie To You? Book Tour

SMLieCover 2

Author Name: Brad Vance


Book Name: Would I Lie To You?

Series: The Game Players

Book: One


Release Date: April 24, 2015


Software billionaire Marc Julian’s orderly life is shattered one night by a cyber-intrusion into his company’s servers. He’s always surrounded himself with the best people, but finding the culprit behind this might require a real expert…and sometimes it takes a thief to catch a thief.


Jesse Winchester and his team of “grey hat” hackers are suddenly available to Marc. Marc doesn’t know if he should trust Jesse with the keys to his company’s kingdom. After all, Jesse’s a convicted felon, sent to prison for violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. A felon sentenced to thirty-five years in prison, who mysteriously served only three years before being released…


Marc’s first company, his whole life, was shattered because he trusted the wrong person. This time there’s even more at stake, but few other options. Especially when his evil enemies, the billionaire industrialist Krom brothers, are revealed to be the source of the intrusion.


Is Jesse there to help Marc, or does he have his own history with the Kroms, his own score to settle? As Jesse and Marc spend more time together, their growing intimacy is at war with their need to win their respective battles. Soon the game they start to play with each other, against each other, becomes more exciting, more exquisitely frustrating…and more dangerous.



Pages or Words: 289 pages


Categories: BDSM, Crime Fiction, M/M Romance, Thriller, Cybercrime



He’d made a mistake with Marc. He’d thought they could play a game together, to pass the time, let off steam, release stress. Marc was smart enough to know that that’s all it was.


But the look on his face, when Jesse said goodbye… The shock. The disappointment. The…

Say it. The hurt. That was when Jesse knew that for Marc, it had been more.

That was when Jesse knew that it had been more for him, too.


1 – Which was the hardest to write?
The hardest books for me are the most emotional – the one where I really put the characters through the wringer. I’d say “The Worst Best Luck” was the hardest because Peter had a hard childhood, lost his mother, then ended up with an abusive boyfriend. Man, talk about angst! I’ve had that kind of relationship, and really digging deep and bringing all that up again to put it on paper…ugh. I’m so glad that “Would I Lie to You?” doesn’t have all that darkness!

2 – Which one are you most proud of?
I’m most proud of “A Little Too Broken.” It’s enabled me to donate $3,600 to veteran support organizations, including Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America. And since one of the MCs is a Afghanistan veteran who lost his lower legs, I burst into tears when I get reviews that say, “I work with these guys and you nailed it.” It was the hardest story to write – a guy who’s lost his legs and an HIV+ guy, who fall in love. OMG it could have been insanely awful if it had gone wrong, like the worst Lifetime movie ever, but it didn’t.

3 – Which one do you wish more people knew about?
“Apollo’s Curse.” It really is the best book I’ve ever written, and probably the best book I ever will write. It’s about being a writer, about the romance industry, it’s got myth, fairy tale, a literary-meta undertone and yes, romance… I should be on the cover of the NY Times Book Review for that one! But it’s a gay novel, and it’s a gay romance novel, and worst of all it’s self-published, so, that’s that.

4 – Which one is your favorite cover?
Oh, that’s tough. I just “remastered” all my novel covers to have the same look and feel, the same font. But I’m gonna go with “Apollo’s Curse” again, that picture of Francesco Cura as “Paul/Apollo” …sigh. Is it any wonder I wrote a whole novel with him as the main character’s muse?

5 – Which was the most controversial?
Well, the one that got me blocked at Amazon was for “Kyle’s New Stepbrother II,” which to my eyes, was pretty tame, but OMG TWO MEN IN BED TOUCHING OMG! Some bluenose in Arkansas will have our heads! [I’m attaching a copy, it’s so stupid.] So many gayroms have two dudes in soft focus looking in opposite directions like U2 album covers, and now I know why – heavens forfend they touch each other on the cover… So I ended up with all these innocuous covers on some of the dirtiest, filthiest stories I ever wrote, and now Amazon’s happy!


Sales Links:

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About the author:

Brad Vance writes gay romance, erotica and paranormal stories and novels, including the breakout hits “A Little Too Broken” and “Have a Little Faith in Me.”



Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:





Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Brad Vance

Cover Artist: Brad Vance

Tour Dates & Stops: May 11 – May 29, 2015


Parker Williams



Prism Book Alliance



Decadent Delights






Bayou Book Junkie



Velvet Panic

3 Chicks After Dark

Inked Rainbow Reads



Divine Magazine

Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My



Love Bytes



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance



BFD Book Blog



Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents



Iyana Jenna



Molly Lolly

MM Good Book Reviews



My Fiction Nook


Because Two Men Are Better Than One
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A Counselor Among Wolves Book Blast


Author Name: Liv Olteano


Book Name: A Counselor Among Wolves

Series: Leader Murders

Book Two

(Recommended to be read in order)


Release Date: May 8, 2015



Sequel to A Tooth for a Fang

Leader Murders: Case Two

Five dead leaders, their bodies arranged in a pentagram. Treason, lies, and backstabbing. A make-believe affair that turns into a real mating.

Timothy Sands is a PBI counselor, half-fey, half-elf, with a secret crush on Herman Weiss, PBI director. As a new chapter is added to the Leader Murders, it is Weiss’s responsibility to investigate what seems an impossible-to-solve case. The other problem? Weiss is suffering from rages, and his only salvation lies in Tim’s emotional-grid-balancing skills. They only have to pretend to be a couple for Tim to use his talents, and he owes Weiss a big favor. Piece of cake, right?

The fey might be involved in the Leader Murders. Someone on the Council might be their ally, and another prominent PBI figure looks more and more suspicious as they investigate. The stakes are upped when Timothy’s father, the Fey King, threatens to leave the Council destitute if they don’t hand Timothy over to him. Weiss’s brilliant solution? Mating Timothy and forcing the Council into protecting him.

There’s only one small hitch in that plan: instead of protecting one, the Council might decide to get rid of two.



Pages or Words: 230 pages


Categories: Crime fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy



He looked up, those gorgeous eyes focused on me like lasers. “Until we sort this out, Sands, you’re my new partner.”

No freaking way. “What?”

“You heard me,” he grumbled. “In case I get a rage, you have to be there to prevent me from lashing out. We both know you can, as fey.”

Of course he had to use the right word now that he was angling for something.

“And we both know I’m not allowed to,” I added, shaking my head. “The Fey Act prevents us from exercising our… special abilities on Council territory. Going against that would make me a criminal before the Council. I might like you alive, but I like me alive even more.”

Weiss stood to his full, impressive height and stepped close to me. I expected some sort of intimidation act. He was Weiss after all—that came to him naturally. His hulking shape loomed over me, his breathing becoming the only thing I could hear. I swallowed and fought the urge to run the hell out of there.

“Look up, Edelweiss,” he almost purred.

The tone was so incongruous with everything Weiss was that I did look up, wide-eyed. All the better, since him standing and me sitting gave me an almost cruel close-up with his crotch.

“There’s an exception from the Fey Act,” he said, grinning crookedly.

“What?” I screeched, shaking my head.

“Think about it, it would fit. You’d watch over my temper, make sure I won’t do anything I’d regret later. Buy me enough time to find out what’s going on,” he added, his gaze turning sad.

This was just too much. “Is this a prank?” I asked incredulously. “You can’t be asking me to hook up.”

He grabbed my arms and pulled me to my feet. “Listen, Edel. If you report me, they’ll put me down. You know they will—it’s the law. The Council can’t afford to do me—of all people—any favors, not after Amanda. They won’t invest the time to look into it. What they will do is write it off as terminal rages and cap me. I’m not asking you to hook up. Just pretend that we’re together for a while… until we figure out what’s going on with me. If we can’t find anything that can be solved in a couple of weeks, I’ll go to the Council and turn myself in. Please,” he whispered. “Do it for Alf at least, if not as a favor to me.”

I gulped. “That’s low, Weiss, bringing your seven-year-old into it.”

His gaze darkened. “If I get a rage when he’s around….” He trailed off and shook his head. “I’m asking you to prevent me from killing innocents. Begging isn’t my thing. But I am begging you to help me now. I’m that desperate.”

“Must be. Nobody ever comes through the door unless under dire circumstances,” I said flatly. “There are other fey around. You could hook up with one of them—for real. They’d level your emotional grid on instinct. Why do you need me?”

“Because I trust you,” he stated simply. “And so does the Council. Trusting someone new would be… difficult right now, for everyone.”

“I understand that, but if you got a fey to fall for you for real, then—”

“Then I’d make the same mistake I did with Amanda,” he said, looking down. “I may have been an idiot then, but I’d like to think I’ve learned some lessons from the whole fucking ordeal. You’re my only option, Sands.”

Weiss leaned in closer, too close. His scent invaded my lungs, the warmth of his body bringing sweat to my temples again. Blood pounded through my veins, the illusion I could somehow, by some miracle, get to touch his lips getting me high. I focused on my thoughts, ignoring my body. This was when it really mattered that I didn’t give myself away. This was when I had to stand my ground, not let my private desires get in the way of my ethics. Ethics were important for a therapist… but Weiss wrapped his arms around me slowly, as if giving me time to bolt. I didn’t try, I didn’t move… I didn’t even dare breathe, waiting to feel his arms close around me. I hated myself instantly for it, but after years of dreaming, and hoping, and stealing glances… the man of my hot, sweaty dreams was going to hold me.

“If I have to actually seduce you, then I will, Edel,” he whispered with a grin in his voice.

I flattened my lips. “Oh, because I’m that easy, you think?”

He chuckled in a self-deprecating way. “Because I’m that desperate.”

My heart broke a little. Of course he’d think seducing me was such a terrible task that he’d only resort to it out of sheer desperation. I tried to hide my hurt feelings, brush them under the carpet. I looked down, hoping my gaze wouldn’t give me away. “You’re not my type,” I stated coldly.

“You were Travis’s boyfriend for a while there, so I know you like the leader type.”

Shit, this was just what I needed. His mentioning Travis didn’t help at all with my conviction to not do this. I’d broken up with Travis because I’d realized I was actually pining away after Weiss the whole time Travis and I were together. Either Weiss knew, or his killer alpha instincts were pushing him in the right direction. If I balanced his emotions without us being a couple officially, the Council would find out. They had fey consultants to keep an eye out for anyone fiddling with emotional grids. They’d take me in, PBI counselor or not. And Weiss did have a point on the trust thing. He’d have to trust some stranger with a secret that would get him killed, were it to get out.

When alphas got terminal rages, it wasn’t treatable. Their hormones turned them into wild, senseless monsters—they had to be put down, for everyone’s sake. A raving mad Weiss would be even more dangerous than anyone. His family was known for their incredible genes and strength. The thought alone gave me the chills. If the Council got wind of this, they’d put him down—no doubt about it. I couldn’t, in good conscience, turn down his plan, not under these circumstances. Not when a seven-year-old kid—whose mom was going to be executed this week—depended on him.

Weiss was all Alf would have. I couldn’t allow the poor kid to become an orphan. Nobody would ever take in a Weiss alpha-to-be, and we all knew Alf had the alpha hormones. Weiss had gotten him tested. Only a matter of time before the kid reached adulthood and the hormones started flooding his system. I couldn’t just leave Weiss to his

fate, not when he’d saved my life five years ago. Not when the thought of a world without him strangled me.

I looked up. “Don’t try to pull that crap with me. I’ll help you because, despite this bastard move of yours, you’re a good guy. I’ll help because you have a seven-year-old son who’s about to lose his mother, and you’re all he’s got. I’ll do this because it’s scientifically interesting to explore the case. But don’t think you can sucker me into it with a grope or a fuck. I can help you right now because I’m half fey. That also means I know when you’re pretending…. I know what you feel as you’re feeling it. You can’t bullshit me, Weiss. And stop calling me Edel.”

He chuckled darkly and took two steps back, assessing me with more interest than he’d ever shown. “Well, go figure. Little Edel has some teeth of his own, and he knows how to bite.”

“I don’t think that pissing me off is what you should go for right now.”

“Maybe not. But it’s fun.”

“Get out of here, Weiss. Go home, think on this until tomorrow morning. If you’re set on going ahead with it, we’ll start this show then.”

He stuck his hands in his pockets and cocked his head to the side. “Oh, no. You’re coming home with me. Don’t look so stricken, we’ll just pretend to be a couple. But we won’t pretend the being together part. We are going to be together, all the time, from now until we figure this shit out. I can’t take the chance of a rage happening when I’m at home.”

I shivered. “You mean you want us to be nose to nose 24-7? Are you insane?”

He snorted. “I don’t think therapists are allowed to use the word. Not nose to nose literally, unless your magic trick requires it?”

“We don’t have to be too close, but in the same house for sure. I’m not strong enough to pull it off over long distances,” I begrudgingly admitted.

It wasn’t something to be proud of. The whole couple dispensation had been given in the Fey Act because being involved with someone made fey balance their lover’s emotional grid on reflex. We couldn’t really help doing it for our lovers—those we actually loved, to be precise. It didn’t matter where they were. But for a long-term singleton fey like me, it was a rusty skill to balance emotional grids. My balancing muscles were dusty and flappy from lack of use. The fact I had a crush on him did help, though I hoped he didn’t know about it. But it would still be hard work for me.

“There you go,” he said. “You’re coming home with me until we solve this shitty situation.”

“You mean you want us to actually live together while we’re pretending?”

He nodded.

“Starting tonight?” I asked in a faint voice.

He nodded again.

“It won’t look good. You’re still officially with Amanda, even if her execution is just around the corner.”

“You think anyone will be outraged because I’m betraying her? If anything, it will show my pack that I still have some sort of balls. They might start doubting that fact after what Amanda did. Besides, a mating is just like a human marriage. Putting an end to it officially is more of a technicality when it’s clear everything is over. It doesn’t keep some from moving on. It wouldn’t keep a werewolf alpha from moving on. It won’t.”

“You’re going to use a fling with me as proof of balls? Seriously?”

“Actually, I’ll be using it as my chance to keep breathing. But if my pack thinks I’m over Amanda, I certainly won’t mind it. Nobody will. And it won’t look like a fling at all.”

“Sweet flapping wings, what have I gotten myself into?” I muttered, shaking my head and looking at him.

“You’re saving my life, Sands. Shitting around aside, I’ll owe you big time. I’m sure it’ll come in handy to have the PBI director at your mercy,” he added.

I breathed out slowly. “Yeah… I can just picture you being at my mercy, totally in character for you.”

He laughed—loud, full, and rich. The sound made my heart jump in my throat, and I found myself shaking my head and smiling. I allowed warmth to spread through my heart for a moment. Looking on the bright side, I’d get to spend a lot of time with my crush. He was probably annoying, had smelly morning breath, and farted while he slept. After a week or two of that, I’d finally get over him. And I would earn a lot of favors from him in the long run, provided he didn’t end up dead during this experiment—and didn’t get me killed either. I knew just the thing his support would work wonders on. He wouldn’t like it, I was sure, but that was the funny part about favors: once you owed them, you had to deliver.

All I had to do was spend all of my time with a man I’d been fantasizing about for years, balance his emotional grid, and not give away my stupid crush. How hard could that be?



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About the author:


Liv Olteano is a voracious reader, music lover, and coffee addict extraordinaire. And occasional geek. Okay, more than occasional.

She believes stories are the best kind of magic there is. And life would be horrible without magic. Her hobbies include losing herself in the minds and souls of characters, giving up countless nights of sleep to get to know said characters, and trying to introduce them to the world. Sometimes they appreciate her efforts. The process would probably go quicker if they’d bring her a cup of coffee now and then when stopping by. Characters—what can you do, right?

Liv has a penchant for quirky stories and is a reverent lover of diversity. She can be found loitering around the Internet at odd hours and being generally awkward and goofy at all times.



Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:






Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: AngstyG

Tour Dates & Stops: May 9, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Inked Rainbow Reads, Full Moon Dreaming, BFD Book Blog, Multitasking Mommas, Amanda C. Stone, Bike Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, 3 Chicks After Dark, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Chris McHart, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Blogger Girls, The Hat Party, Mikky’s World of Books, Decadent Delights
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Young Love, Old Hearts Book Blast


Author Name: A. M. Leibowitz, Adrian J. Smith, Erin McRae & Racheline Maltese, Geonn Cannon, Helena Maeve, Kassandra Lea, Lela E. Buis, Ralph Greco Jr., & Stacy O’Steen


Book Name: Young Love, Old Hearts


Release Date: May 1, 2015


Everyone hears “He’s too young for you.” “She’s too old for you.” Not between these pages. This anthology crosses the age gap with nine enchanting stories of cross-generational relationships. Some are sweet, some are sexy, some are heartbreaking. One is downright murderous. The protagonists are gay men or women searching for true love or trying out what’s right in front of them.



Pages or Words: 54,480 words, 168 pages


Categories: M/M Romance, F/F Romance, May-December Romance


Sales Links:


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About the Authors:

A. M. Leibowitz: A. M. Leibowitz is a spouse, parent, feminist, and book-lover falling somewhere on the Geek-Nerd Spectrum. She keeps warm through the long, cold western New York winters by writing romantic plot twists and happy-for-now endings. Her published fiction includes her first novel, Lower Education, as well as a number of short works, and her stories have been included in several anthologies. In between noveling and editing, she blogs coffee-fueled, quirky commentary on faith, culture, writing, and her family at

Adrian J. Smith: AJ is a Christian, author, editor, spouse and all around crazy person. She’s constantly doing something at any given time and never learned to practice the word “relax.” AJ loves stories with a dramatic flair, stories that aren’t afraid to take risk and characters that are as real as the person sitting next to her. You can find her on twitter (@AdrianAJSmith) or her website (

Erin McRae & Racheline Maltese: Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese are authors of the gay romance series Love in Los Angeles from Torquere Press. Their gay romance novella Midsummer (Love’s Labour 1), is from Dreamspinner Press (May 2015). They also have a story in Best Gay Romance 2015 from Cleis Press and edited by Felice Picano. You can find them on the web at

Geonn Cannon: Geonn Cannon has been writing for nearly twenty years. Among the genres he’s written are drama, romance, mystery, western, steampunk, and thriller. The only thing he’s completely against writing are bios. Find him at

Helena Maeve: Helena Maeve has always been globetrotter with a fondness for adventure, but only recently has she started putting to paper the many stories she’s collected in her excursions. She can usually be found in an airport or on a plane, furiously penning away in her trusty little notebook.

Kassandra Lea: Growing up Kassandra Lea wanted to be Batman or a horse, then she discovered writing and the ability to live vicariously through her characters. She lives in southern WI with a gang full of furry-feathered monsters and a ghost that’s infatuated with the bathroom light.

Lela E. Buis: Lela E. Buis lives in Tennessee and is working hard at writing just lately. In past lives she worked at Kennedy Space Center and at a couple of different colleges. She takes care of four cats and a part time dog.

Ralph Greco, Jr.: Ralph Greco, Jr. is a professional writer living in the wilds of New Jersey suburbia.

Stacy O’Steen: Stacy spends her days pedaling wares to the masses but at night she’s free to roam and explore the reaches of her imagination. She loves crafting, nerdy things and generally making a mess. Find her at


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Supposed Crimes, LLC

Cover Artist: C.E. Case

Tour Dates & Stops: May 8, 2015

Parker Williams, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, BFD Book Blog, Molly Lolly, Love Bytes, Hearts on Fire, Cate Ashwood, Divine Magazine, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, MM Good Book Reviews, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Velvet Panic, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon





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