
Running With the Wind Cover Reveal


Author Name: Shira Anthony


Book Name: Running With the Wind

Series: Mermen of Ea

Book: 3

Series must be read in order. This is the final book of the series.


Release Date: June 8, 2015


Sequel to Into the Wind

With the final confrontation between the island and mainland Ea factions looming, Taren and Ian sail with Odhrán to investigate a lost colony of merfolk in the Eastern Lands. Upon their arrival, the King of Astenya welcomes them as friends. Odhrán, however, isn’t so quick to trust the descendent of the man who held him prisoner for nearly a decade, especially now that he has someone to cherish and protect—the mysterious winged boy he rescued from the depths.

Armed with the knowledge he believes will save the Ea, Taren returns to the mainland. With Ian at his side, Taren convinces Vurin that their people must unite with their island brethren before it’s too late. When Seria and his men attack, Taren must call upon the ancient power of the rune stone to protect his comrades. But using stone’s immeasurable power commands a hefty price—and Ian fears that price is Taren’s life.
Pages or Words: 67,000 words


Categories: Fantasy, Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance



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About the author:

In her last incarnation, Shira was a professional opera singer, performing roles in such operas as “Tosca,” “i Pagliacci,” and “La Traviata,” among others. She’s given up TV for evenings spent with her laptop, and she never goes anywhere without a pile of unread M/M romance on her Kindle.

Shira is married with two children and two insane dogs, and when she’s not writing she is usually in a courtroom trying to make the world safer for children. When she’s not working, she can be found aboard a 36’ catamaran at the Carolina coast with her favorite sexy captain at the wheel.



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Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Anne Cain

Tour Dates & Stops: May 7, 2015

Parker Williams, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Carly’s Book Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon, The Hat Party, MM Good Book Reviews, Rebecca Cohen Writes, Havan Fellows, Kristy’s Brain Food, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, BFD Book Blog, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Chris McHart, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bayou Book Junkie, Molly Lolly, Emotion in Motion, Kimi-Chan, Charley Descoteaux

Mythologically Torqued, Volume 1 (anthology) Book Blast


Author Names: Leigh Ellwood, L.J. Hamlin, Eva Lefoy, V.L. Locey, Jacey Mills, Alisha Monroe, Shiloh Sadler, Alyx Shaw, Delilah Storm, T. Strange, Carol Tierney, Angelique Voison, Max Wilde, Salome Wilde, Logan Zachary



Book Name: Mythologically Torqued, Volume 1 (anthology)


Release Date: May 13, 2015


Torquere’s largest anthology to date features a total of 15 authors please to bring you 15 unique tales from when gods and goddesses ruled the world. This collection features both m/m and f/f content for your reading pleasure. Dare you enter this realm of Mythologically Torqued fantasy? Be on the lookout for Volume 2 summer 2015.

Mythologies from around the globe receive a happy little twist in this first volume of Mythologically Torqued. A Scottish kelpie, Greek gods and goddesses, a Japanese princess, and demons delight and intrigue in these stories, each containing LGBT elements.


Whether it’s Greco-Roman gods and goddesses or heroes from tales around the globe, Mythologically Torqued, volume 1 brings together not-so-classic lovers with a Torquere twist.


Eros finds his soul mate in the arms of a demigod friend in L.J. Hamlin’s In Love with Zeus’ Son. In Shiloh Sadler’s Clipped Wings, two men on a plantation find love under the most unusual circumstances in 1842 Missouri. V.L. Locey’s Back to the Garden, Pan hits up Woodstock with the sun god Apollo—sex, drugs, and rock and roll take on a whole new meaning. In Brísingamen, Carol Tierney offers us the story of a magical necklace, and the payment goddess Freyja delivered to four dwarven sisters for it’s creation. Delphinos, by T. Strange, is a modern-age retelling of Dionysus’ creation of dolphins. In Angelique Voison’s version of the Japanese Moon Princess myth, Reiko is tasked with bringing the Emperor’s future bride, the fabled Moon Princess to court, and complications arise when Reiko falls head over heels for Kaguya. Charged with ensuring Sisyphus fails, Hercules is conflicted by his feelings for the former ruler in Angelique Voison’s How Hercules Got His Bruise. In Leah Ellwood’s Styx and Stone, Ferrying souls across the Styx is a lonely business, but Charon doesn’t mind—newly arrived Stone is more than willing to keep him company. No one believes in the Greek gods anymore, and Apollo is in a rut, Ganymede—cupbearer to the gods— tries to get Apollo to see what’s in front of him in Jacey Mills’ Another Night at the End of the World. Salome Wilde’s Eternal Grind offers a corporate take on Christian Hell, populated with horned and hoofed demons inspired by medieval monks’ fertile imaginations, which follows a pair of lesbian demon baristas, determined to find their own happily-ever-after. In the distant past, Ero was the god of desire, but in present day, he looks for love with Psy—a peerlessly gorgeous mortal man—and needs to keep a secret, in Alisha Monroe’s The Myth of Ero and Psy. Bound by chains and defenseless, Thor is being held captive by Garrick, a young man also forced to service until demands are met in Logan Zachary’s Bound by Desire. Together, attraction ignites between Thor and Garrick—can love grow if it is bound by desire? In Delilah Storm’s The Golden Balls, true love’s kiss is powerful, and Jasper’s sexuality awakens—will Anur be able to keep Jasper in this sleepy little kingdom? A spurned lover, mythical horse, and a public official walk into a pub—murder, mayhem, and everlasting love result in Alyx Shaw’s The Kelpie.



Pages or Words: 106,600 words


Categories: Alternate universe, BDSM, Bisexual, Contemporary, Erotica, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Historical, Humor, Lesbian Romance, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Paranormal, Romance, *Trans


*****Please remember: As an anthology, not all stories will use all categories*****



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Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: May 6, 2015

Parker Williams, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Inked Rainbow Reads, BFD Book Blog, The Hat Party, Dawn’s Reading Nook, Andrew Q. Gordon, MM Good Book Reviews, Bayou Book Junkie, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Molly Lolly, Mikky’s World of Books, Full Moon Dreaming, Carly’s Book Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Divine Magazine, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Velvet Panic, Michael Mandrake
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Secrets of Nothing Book Blast


Author Name: Liz Borino


Book Name: Secrets of Nothing

Series: Secrets

Book number: 3

Should be read as a series


Release Date: April 22, 2015



After several months overseas, Rhett and Kaden O’Neil fantasize about a return to their version of normalcy. However, the FBI mission shows no signs of completion and the men are forced to wait.
Just when Rhett reaches the end of his patience, a single phone call shatters his world. His beloved grandfather’s plane disappeared. No tracking. No landing. No crash site.
Rhett now must unravel the lies in place to protect him so he can help his family. And not even the risk to his own life will stop him.



Pages or Words: 192 pages


Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Family Saga, Romantic Suspense



Rhett shook his head. With a deep breath, he logged onto the employee portal and typed Pop’s flight number into the tracking system. Rhett blinked at the screen.

“What the fuck?” Kaden whispered, peering over his shoulder.

Without answering his husband – because he couldn’t – Rhett dialed Jasper. One ring. Two rings. Please answer.

“Hey, Rhett,” he answered after the third ring. “Isn’t it early there?”

“About six a.m. Annabelle called, though, and I told her I’d try to get some information to help her relax,” Rhett said.

Silence. “About your grandfather.” Statement, not a question.

“She call you, too?”

“No, I’m not the person she goes to for comfort,” he answered with an unfamiliar edge to his voice that Rhett didn’t have time to explore. “But I’m waiting for him, too.”

Right… “Would you run a track on Trixie for me, please?”

“Can’t you?”

“Yeah, but I’d appreciate you confirming what I found. I think there might be a glitch on my end.” I hope.

Jasper typed on the other end. “Um, can you confirm the plane number?”

Rhett swallowed hard and his heart raced. “Why?”


He blew out a breath and recited the plane’s registered number.

More typing. “And he left on Friday morning at four-thirty?”

“Yes, why? What are you seeing?”

An unmeasurable moment of silence preceded Jasper’s sharp inhale. “Nothing.”

“What the hell do you mean, ‘nothing’?”

“After Lou cleared him for takeoff we have nothing. No tracking. No communication.”

Nothing. The word cleared every other thought from Rhett’s head and sucked the moisture from his mouth. If he could count on one thing with his grandfather, it was his adherence to safety. To get nothing meant his navigation system was disabled, which meant…

“I’m sorry, man.” Jasper’s voice yanked him from his thoughts. “Want me to call the FAA or Annabelle?”

“Definitely not Annabelle. Yes, I’m going to be an asshole and wait until we have some answers before talking to her.”

“No arguments there,” Jasper said. “FAA?”

Rhett leaned on Kaden, who had appeared at his side somewhere around the time he lost all the air from his lungs. “Let me ask the FBI. If they don’t know anything, we’ll start a full investigation. Can you send me a screen shot of the flight?”

“Um,” Jasper started, “sure, but why would the FBI track flights? I know he used to run missions for them, but he can’t anymore.”

“He and Stuart are friends, and I have to exhaust all possibilities before involving the FAA.”

More silence. “You know best.”

No, I don’t, but we’ll pretend.

“Keep me updated.”

“Will do. Thanks, Jasper.”


2 – Favorite way to unwind at the end of the day? Playing with my gerbils and watching YouTube videos.

3 – Favorite beverage (alcoholic or non) Diet Peach Snapple

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About the author:


Liz Borino transcribes the world inside her head onto the page, and shares it with the people who are stuck in the “real world” to makes their lives a little more interesting. Because in her world, heroes fall and stand up again with the help of their partners and friends. Liz’s world is littered with formidable obstacles, which her heroes overcome with a fire of courage and passion. The beauty of love between two men is celebrated. Who wouldn’t want to live there?

When not with her heroes, Liz enjoys exploring cities, working toward social justice, and editing for other authors. Liz published fifteen books since 2012. Visit to learn more!



Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Liz Borino

Cover Artist: Sean Hayden

Tour Dates & Stops: May 5, 2015

Parker Williams, Havan Fellows, Inked Rainbow Reads, BFD Book Blog, My Fiction Nook, Full Moon Dreaming, Molly Lolly, Carly’s Book Reviews, Velvet Panic, Bayou Book Junkie, Cate Ashwood, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Multitasking Mommas, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Mikky’s World of Books, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Kimi-Chan, Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My
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Whispers of Home Book Tour

whispers of home


Book Name: Whispers of Home

Series? Yes. Number: Book one.

Author Name: April Kelley

Author Bio:

Born and raised in Southwest Michigan, April lives with her husband and two kids. She has been an avid reader for several years. Writing her first story at the age of ten, the characters in her head still won’t stop telling their stories. If April isn’t reading or writing she can be found outside playing with a farm full of animals or taking a long walk in the woods.


Where to find the author:

If you wish to contact her please email

You can also find her on Facebook


Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Carmen Waters


All Jaron McAllister wanted to do was get out of the small town where he grew up. After being bullied all his life for being gay, that’s exactly what he does. He loses all contact with everyone in the town of Pickleville, including his emotionally distant mother and the only true friend he ever had.

When his best friend and mother of the child they share, get murdered he knows he must ask for help in the one place he thought he would never go back to. Coming back home isn’t easy and finding himself attracted to the town man-slut spells disaster. Travis Heath isn’t at all what his reputation suggests though.



Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



Jaron looked through the window of the diner from across the street. His mother’s hands gripped a mug, probably full of coffee. Jaron thought he was meeting Brian but apparently Brian had other plans. Brian always did think he knew best, the bastard. Jaron was fully aware his oldest friend had set this up, probably getting in touch with Gloria McAllister right after Jaron had called the first time, telling her when Jaron would be here. Brian had never understood that the relationship Jaron and Gloria had wasn’t like the relationship Brian had with his own father.

Looking at his mom through the glass was like watching a movie of her. He had never felt the connection with his mom that he thought he should, even as a small child. Maybe that had been his fault. That he wasn’t quite what she wanted in a son and therefore kept just enough distance to make it seem like miles. Which was why he was confused she had come instead of Brian.

When he was eighteen years old he had thought he left because of a burning desire to fit in somewhere, because he certainly hadn’t fit in very well in Pickleville. He needed that connection to another human being, that knowing he was so important to another human being they just couldn’t live without him. Ironically, it was a five year old boy he felt unconditionally connected too. Now that he knew the unconditional love a parent felt for their child, he wondered at his mother’s parental instincts.

He stood on the sidewalk in front of what used to be a place called the Hobbyist’s Dream but was now an Asian market. He noticed the place was empty when he had arrived but his back was turned now, his complete attention on the woman in the window. He thought the Asian place probably wouldn’t have lasted long back in the day. Who knows now? The diner was the only one in town, or was until they put in a McDonald’s by the highway. Jaron hadn’t realized that things in this town could change until the bus passed by the fast food restaurant. Somehow he expected everything to be the same, as if time would stand still just because he didn’t feel any different now that he was here.

Standing here, he felt that maybe he left to put the physical miles between himself and the only parent he had ever known. He had never fit in with her either.

He felt a tug on his hand and looked down at sweet blue eyes. This small boy was as dependent on the next few minutes and the woman in the window as he was. “I’m thirsty,” Bobby said, around the thumb in his mouth.

“Me too. Let’s go.” Jaron stepped off the curb and onto the street, gripping onto Bobby’s hand just a little tighter, pausing for a car, and then continuing until he came within inches of his mother, the glass the only barrier now. She looked directly at him, showing more emotion in those few seconds than he had ever seen from her during his entire childhood. He looked away and walked through the door of the restaurant.

Pages or Words: 44,597 words


Welcome to Pickleville

Pickleville is one of those blink and you’ll miss it type of towns. On main street there are several little shops on both sides of the road. A few years before Jaron and Travis’ story takes place, the city officials decided to redo the sidewalks. Small trees were planted at that time. Flowers are planted at the base of the trees every spring. During the football season, banners with the football players and cheerleaders faces on them fly from light posts.

The diner is downtown, right on the center and the grocery store a few shops down from that. Down even further is the police station. Four years after Jaron moves to down his good friend Detective Andrew Martinez also moves there, taking the job of Police chief. Across the street from the police station is Hessing’s Garage, which is owned by Royce Hessing. Kyler Huffington and Luis Flynn work for him. His day isn’t boring with these two, that’s for sure. TJ’s Bar is up the street and next to a flower shop. Every Tuesday they have Karaoke night which becomes an important piece of information in book two. Kendrick Ashby owns the bar. He bought it from Royce which is his cousin. Kendrick moved into town after getting out of an abusive relationship.

At the east end of town is a small highway and recently two chain fast-food restaurants have went up. Despite the fact that these restaurants exist the town is still mostly made up of farmers and factory works. A few miles beyond this highway is Jackson’s small farm.

At the other end of town, just a few miles out is Travis Heath’s farm. The farm is central, not only in the first book, but also a couple of the other books as well. So don’t worry. We will be spending time with Travis and Jaron again.    

Tour Dates & Stops:


Decadent Delights


The Novel Approach



Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves



Love Bytes

Hearts on Fire

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



MM Good Book Reviews

Prism Book Alliance



My Fiction Nook

Because Two Men Are Better Than One

Bayou Book Junkie



Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews



Divine Magazine

BFD Book Blog



Parker Williams

Bike Book Reviews

Sales Links:





a Rafflecopter giveaway

Bus Stories Book Blast


Author Name: Sean Michael


Book Name: Bus Stories


Release Date: May 6, 2015



Jonathon and Benny get on the bus separately, but are clearly together as Benny wears a tattoo on his neck that is the exact match for Jonathon’s scarring. What follows are six short stories that each explore a different tale of why they got on the bus and where they go from there.


Pages or Words: 13,500 words


Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, Romance



Okay, so I was on the bus, right?

And this guy stomps on, so pissed off that you can smell the anger, you know? Body-building kid, blond and buzz-cut, fucking melt in your chair blue eyes. He’s got the whole package, you know? Worn khakis, plaid button-down with the sleeves cut off, combat boots. Neat enough to suggest that he chooses to dress this way instead of has to, but not a poser. Sweaty, nostrils flaring, sheer fucking primal man.

He stomps on, walks down and sits, staring out the window. He’s got some odd scarring on his cheeks, but his neck is badly carved up — interesting and rough edged — this doesn’t have the intent of razor work or even that fabulous somehow snake-like violence that knife wounds leave. This is a mark of an accident.

At any rate, the bus toodles on and heads toward the next stop. There’s this skinny guy, holding a skateboard, running in the sun like the hounds of hell are after his ass.

He makes the bus, steps up — boarder all way: orange and purple spiky hair, eyebrow and lip pierced, tats, t-shirt, baggy jeans, canvas tennies — bright red and panting. He’s searching through his pockets — no change. The bus driver (a big old black man who maybe has smiled three times in his entire life and all three of those were during blowjobs) barks at him to get off and the kid just sort of blinks and a couple of tears start and he turns to get off the bus.

The big guy sighs, stands up, pays the kid’s fare without a word and takes the kid’s transfer. He walks back and sit in a 3 seat row and the kid sits beside him — not one word. The big guy looks out the window, the boarder sniffling.

Then the kid (although they were about the same age) turns his head. The kid has a tat on his neck the same size/shape as the big guy’s scar.

Pretty fucking cool, huh?

And so the Bus Stories were born. Six different tales that all begin in the same place.



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About the author:


Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker of “Maurice,” Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to “Chicago.”


A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.


Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies together to see if they spark.



Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:





Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, Molly Lolly, Amanda C. Stone, Butterfly-O-Meter, Bike Book Reviews, Dawn’s Reading Nook, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, MM Good Book Reviews, Carly’s Book Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Divine Magazine, Chris McHart, Mikky’s World of Books, 3 Chicks After Dark, Velvet Panic, TTC Books and More, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews




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