
A Hard Man is Good to Find Book Blast


Author Name: Kiernan Kelly


Book Name: A Hard Man is Good to Find


Release Date: May 27, 2015


When RJ meets Chaos, a private party stripper, it’s gloves (and everything else) off as they butt heads and other body parts on their way to becoming more than just a one-night stand.



Pages or Words: 58 pages


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



The doorbell rang, nearly unheard over the music and laughter in the living room. RJ knew who it was; his gift to his sister had arrived. He made his way to the door to let the stripper inside.


Over six feet of brawny muscle straining at the seams of a tight pseudo-cop uniform waited on the other side of the screen door. Mirrored sunglasses hid his eyes, but not the sharp line of his jaw or the sexy scruff dusting his cheeks.


For the first time in his life, RJ was struck dumb. He stared at the man, letting his eyes travel slowly over the wide chest, narrow waist, and long, long legs. There was a bulge just below the buckle of the black leather belt that was worthy of some very deep contemplation.


The man’s voice was as sensuous as liquid velvet. “I’m from Strip-O-Grams. I’m here for Paula’s bachelorette party. Is this the right address?” The man cocked one sleek eyebrow, then used one finger to slide his sunglasses down a bit. He peered at RJ from over the rims. Dark brown. His eyes were dark brown, deep and liquid.


RJ’s face went red and his mouth dry. He was embarrassed to be caught ogling the man like an all-you-could-eat-buffet, and even more to his chagrin, his dick wasn’t embarrassed about it at all. It filled, pressing against the thin material of his slacks. Unless he cupped himself, there was no way to hide his erection.


The stripper noticed, and a brief flicker of heat scalded his gaze which only made RJ’s problem worse.


The man’s voice was sensual and deep, almost sex for the ears, and RJ’s cock heard it loud and clear. “Uh, yeah. This is it. I’m Paula’s brother, RJ.”


“Officer Chaos.”


Chaos is a perfect name, my man, because you are wreaking havoc with my self-control right now. I want to climb you like a ladder, rung by perfect rung, RJ thought, chewing on the inside of his cheek. He’d asked for a stripper dressed as a cop — a little private dig at Steven’s position on the city council — but he’d never envisioned how drop-dead sexy the costume would be, or the man who filled it so admirably.



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About the author:

Kiernan Kelly lives in the wilds of Florida among the gators, palm trees, and tourists, where she remains chained to the keyboard of a temperamental laptop, churning out stories of gay erotic romance. Don’t laugh – it’s not as kinky or as much fun as you’d think. Well, maybe it’s a little kinky.


Where to find the author:





Amazon Author Page:



Goodreads Link: N/A as of this posting

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BS Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: April 24, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Bayou Book Junkie, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, Velvet Panic, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Andrew Q. Gordon, The Hat Party, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves





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So this happened…

So this happened…


Yesterday K.C. Wells and I were informed that ‘Damian’s Discipline’, a book in the Collars & Cuffs world, was the winner of the 2014 Best BDSM/Kink story. To say we were honored isn’t enough. We were giddy and beside ourselves. There was some amazing books on the list, and it seems that we had the ONLY M/M book there, and we won.

To those who voted, thank you from the bottoms of our hearts. To those who read and enjoyed the book, we thank you, too. To those who haven’t read it, it’s on sale now at Dreamspinner Press! Both the e-book and paperback are available. 🙂


For your chance to win the award winning audio book.

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A Second Past Midnight Book Blast


Author Name: Rae Gee


Book Name: A Second Past Midnight


Release Date: April 22, 2015



It had come like a thief in the night, an invisible force that had wiped out life as they had known it, sending them from 1981 back to 1881. The cause of The Pulse had remained a mystery and become the cause of speculation of fear. In a heartbeat, stock markets had crashed, power plants had shut down, and the land became poisoned by sewage, chemicals and, in some areas, radiation. If it had microchips in it, it was dead, finished beyond all repair. The anomaly which had wiped out their life had become known as The Pulse and the events following it had become known as The Crash.



Pages or Words: 87,900 words


Categories: Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Thriller, Dystopian





With the rifle slung over one shoulder, James made his way through the drifts of fall leaves. Miles from home, and in the depths of the Minnesota forests, he knew he was far from alone. Spread across one of the state’s many forested areas were others like himself, getting ready for open season to begin. Dressed in army surplus fatigues, and with his long brunette hair pulled through a baseball cap, he was ready. Rules drawn up by the county required hunters to wear fatigues rather than their usual orange so as not to clash with the inmate’s uniforms.


James looked at his watch. 2.40pm. Twenty minutes left. Finding a thicket of bushes, he crouched within the prickly branches and quietly prepped the gun. Peering down the scope, the brunette man aimed at a nearby tree. Perfect. Clipped to one side of the scope was a small flashlight, perfect for when the sun began to set.


All around him, the smell of fall hung in the air. Musty, and a little damp, it spoke of a long, hard winter, and evenings sat before the fire. In January of 1981, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists had moved the symbolic Doomsday Clock to 11:56pm, four minutes to the “midnight” of global catastrophe the clock represented. On October 31st, 1981, at 1:13am, the Doomsday Clock had struck midnight.


It had come like a thief in the night, an invisible force that had wiped out life as they had known it, sending them from 1981 back to 1881. The cause of The Pulse had remained a mystery and become the cause of speculation of fear. In a heartbeat stock markets had crashed, power plants had shut down, and the land became poisoned by sewage, chemicals and, in some areas, radiation. If it had microchips in it, it was dead, finished beyond all repair. The anomaly which had wiped out their life had become known as The Pulse and the events following it had become known as The Crash,.


Within days, anarchy broke out and the cities became no-go areas. The small communities furthest from the carnage were the best places to be. Diseases long thought dead flared back to life. Money was still being used but prices were sky high. No one could afford the meager crops that were produced and for those who owned farms, like James’ family, keeping animals was dangerous. While the tiny communities protected one another, there was nothing, bar the gun in his lap, to stop a stranger from stealing their animals. They still kept a few; a couple of cows and a few chickens, but that was it. Everything else, including any wild animals, were long gone, were so badly affected that they were in danger of extinction.


It had been several months before they’d truly found out what had happened on the night of The Crash. An airdrop of flyers, created between the British and Canadians, had scattered over the state. They told of the electromagnetic pulse that had wiped out their lives, retaliation from the Russians for the boycotts imposed by the United States. The Pulse, having traveled along anything metal, had destroyed the American military, leaving them helpless and unable to return fire.


The government had recognized the lack of supplies and, in ’83, had signed the “Shoot to Kill” executive order. Twice a year, a number of convicts from prisons across the country were released into wooded areas to be hunted, with a promise of freedom if they survived the seven day open season. All were felons; with DUIs, drug dealers, and thieves.



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About the author:

Born and raised in the heart of England, Rae spent her formative years bouncing around the globe with her missionary family. When she wasn’t on a plane, she was often found with her head in a book. These days she racks up air miles by learning to fly.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys making documentaries, roaming the South Downs, teasing the cat and her dad (normally at the same time!), taking photos and naming her electronics. She believes that she’s trapped in the wrong era and should be roaming the streets of 19th Century London.

She also has a tattoo of a Boeing 747 and is only too happy to tell the tale behind it. Feel free to ask; she promises not to bite too hard!

Rae made her vocal début on Spawn of Psychosis’s 2013 EP Mind Over Mania. All profits from the EP go to mental health charity Mind.

She currently lives just outside of Leicester and is partly owned by Bertie the cat.


Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BS Clay

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Bayou Book Junkie, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, Velvet Panic, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Elin Gregory, Nephylim




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In Memory of Us Book Blast

AJP_in memory of us_coverin

Author Name: Ana J. Phoenix


Book Name: In Memory of Us


Release Date: March 31, 2015



Kite’s had a crush on Shin since middle school, but never acted on it until the eve of his yearly trip to the States, when he slipped up and kissed his best friend. Shortly after, a tsunami wrecked the country and his hometown, and put all his plans on hold. Now, two years later, he’s back in Japan and he wants to set things right.

When he finds Shin, though, his former best friend isn’t who he used to be. Losing his parents changed Shin and now, instead of following his heart, he’s dedicated his life to studying for university entrance exams and ignoring everything else. He won’t let Kite get close, denying his obvious attraction and all their good memories.

Kite doesn’t want to give up on Shin, but he can’t shake the feeling that there’s something his friend isn’t telling him. Something else that happened two years ago on the day of the tsunami. He doesn’t know what it is, just that it’s destroying his friend—and possibly their shot at love.




Pages or Words: 28,000 words, 100 pages


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance



“You know I watched you all through high school.”

“Watched me do what?”

“Fuck around.”

Kite grimaced but didn’t know what to say. He had been promiscuous, no denying that.

“I didn’t have a crush on you in third grade,” Shin went on. “Not consciously.”

“When did it become conscious?”

Shin leaned back a little, as if he needed the distance to be able to think. “Middle school,” he said then. “We were having ice cream and suddenly you told me you’d kissed Kaoru.”

Kite furrowed his brow. He didn’t remember much about Kaoru, but he did remember coming out to his best friend over ice cream. Ice cream made him think of a time in California when his sister would take him out for a treat to get away from their parents’ fighting and she’d tell him that she would definitely never get married. He figured since he was kissing boys, he probably wouldn’t get married either.

“Kaoru was a test run,” he told Shin.

“Yeah? Was everyone after him a test run too?”

“No.” Kite lifted his hand and ran his fingers through the soft hair at the nape of Shin’s neck. “Everyone after him was to take my mind off you.”



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About the author:


Ana is a writer of m/m romance and erotica. Her interest in hot guy-on-guy action was first sparked by reading scandalous Japanese mangas. A dirty secret she couldn’t resist. In a long bout of insanity – also known as her life — she decided to learn the language and escape to the land of sushi, sumo, and yaoi.

She’s since moved back to Europe to be with the love of her life – delicious European chocolate.

Now she resides in the sunny part of Germany where she fills her days chasing her dreams and writing about men in complicated relationships. Her family believes she’s writing “erotic manga stories.” She’s pleased they got the erotic part right, at least.



Where to find the author:





Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Dar Albert

Tour Dates & Stops: April 21, 2015

Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, Nephylim, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Hat Party, Chris McHart, My Fiction Nook, Bayou Book Junkie, Rainbow Gold Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Boys on the Brink Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Cate Ashwood, Velvet Panic, Multitasking Mommas, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Boy Meets Boy Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Divine Magazine




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Sometimes the Cowboy Falls Book Blast


Author Name: BL Dayhoff


Book Name: Sometimes the Cowboy Falls


Release Date: April 22, 2015



Blake knows two things: riding bulls and sleeping around. So when he runs afoul of a nasty bull and is laid up in the hospital, he finds his life turned on its side. The accident leaves him tangled up inside—physically and emotionally.


Jack, his new boyfriend, is there for him during his recuperation, but it’s his demanding physical therapist, Ivan, who stars in his dreams. As Blake struggles to get back on his feet and rebuild his new life, he realizes he’s fallen in more than one way—and he wonders if Ivan is interested in wrangling a stubborn cowboy.




Pages or Words: 16,983 words


Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Western/Cowboy



John’s warm hands cupped his face, brushed down his neck as kisses caressed his lips.


“Blake, c’mon, don’t be like this. Give us a shot, won’t you?”


He pushed the hands away as gently as he could while firm in his resolve. “I’m a bull rider, John. I’m on the road more than half the time. I ain’t got room for a relationship. I told you last night, this was a one-time thing, unless you wanna screw around when I’m in town.”


John tightened his lips and jerked away, then got out of bed to pull on crumpled jeans and a tee.


“Don’t get pissy like this. I told you how it was.”


“I just — You’ve got a fuckin’ sweet mouth when you want one is all.”


“It’d be lonely on the road without it.”


John snorted, grabbed his hat from the floor, and dusted off imaginary dirt. “Well, I hope it serves you well, Blake Forrester. ‘Cause this is one fan who won’t worry when you get thrown.”


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About the author:


BL Dayhoff is working on coming out of her shell. She’s always had an interest in writing, but only recently has done it for more than just her own personal amusement. She loves to fill her time with too many things, but is getting around to actually focusing on the few that bring her joy, like writing, coding, and cooking (although she hates washing dishes!).



Where to find the author:


You can email her at or find her online:
Google Plus


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BS Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: April 20, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Bayou Book Junkie, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Divine Magazine, Bike Book Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, Velvet Panic, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Andrew Q. Gordon




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