
The Biker’s Omega Book Tour

Cover copy

Author Name: Lisa Oliver


Book Name: The Biker’s Omega


Release Date: December, 2014


Marly Miles has been happy in his life as a lone Omega wolf, living and working among the humans of Orlando, Florida. When an attack on him and his friend brings Marly to the notice of the Sergeant of Arms of the Epitaph’s Motorcycle Club, he realizes immediately that the man carries the same scent as his attackers. Not a very good start when the same man is also his mate.

Alpha wolf, Trent Beaumont has spent a lot of years living as a human when he walked away from his home pack. Forced to live as a straight man, because of the Epitaph’s club culture, he walks away from Marly after checking the man is safe. But no wolf, not even an Alpha, can refuse the mating call from the Fates. But with his President looking over his shoulder, and a woman panting after him to share his bed, Trent isn’t sure it will ever be the right time to claim his own Omega.

Fights, misunderstandings and a lack of communication aren’t the only problems Trent and Marly face. Trent has a history that has clouded his judgment and when Marly gets attacked again, Trent realizes he could lose his mate permanently, if he doesn’t get his head out of the sand.

Warning: Contains one hot biker, a beautiful twink with a sassy mouth, and a ton of misunderstandings. Graphic m/m sex, violence and strong language.



Pages or Words: 130 pages


Categories: Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance



Trent had been waiting hours, freaking hours, for his mate to get home. He had pulled into the apartment block about an hour after he left the club, figuring a shower and a change of clothes was a good idea. But from the scent in the hallway outside of Marly’s apartment door, it seemed he had just missed the little man. Oh, well. Maybe his mate had gone out for food. Four hours later, Trent had to leave his post to get his own food and to take a bathroom break. But in less than thirty minutes, he was back at his post, waiting for Marly to get home. He didn’t remember falling asleep, but being awoken by a mini biker vision in black was more than Trent’s control could handle, especially when Marly smelled of so many different men. The little shit had been clubbing and while Trent wasn’t silly enough to think that Marly had been with anyone else, his wolf’s need to cover the man with his own scent was overwhelming.

Yes, he meant to talk to Marly first – get to know a little bit about the man he was about to become bonded to. Trent wasn’t some crass shifter who fucked first, and then talked after. Not with his mate at least. With most men he had enjoyed in the past it was fuck first and then fuck the talking. But Trent wanted to explain to Marly about his position in the club and what was happening there. He needed to find out about Marly’s pack status and explain his own lack of one. But then the sexy man just had to put a wiggle in his step as he walked passed him and that one little movement shattered what was left of Trent’s resolve, already weakened by his long wait. It had been so long since he had enjoyed a man in his arms, and this one was already deemed perfect for him by the Fates. He didn’t have the strength to argue with that sort of situation.

And right now? With Marly’s mouth open under his, Trent couldn’t think of one goddamn fucking reason why he had wanted to wait at all. The hint of pineapple and cream suggested his mate liked those frou-frou drinks that Trent had never tasted because they looked too girly. The lack of anyone else’s scent on Marly’s tongue meant the man had behaved himself while he was out, and Trent made sure to check, thoroughly, in every crevice and corner of Marly’s mouth.

It wasn’t only Marly’s mouth that was driving Trent insane. Marly’s slim but solid chest was rammed tight between his own and the wall, not a cigarette paper gap between them. Trent moaned as he felt Marly’s cock throbbing behind his jeans, against his own abs, and his Omega’s fingers gripping his shoulders was pure heaven. There was nothing hesitant about Marly – not the way he opened his mouth to accept Trent’s tongue, nor the way he clasped Trent’s shoulders as though the bigger man would try and get away. When Trent felt Marly wrap his lean legs around his waist, opening out that delectable denim covered ass, Trent couldn’t help running his fingers along the seam covered crack. Marly’s full body shiver and the way he pressed even closer into Trent’s chest was proof his mate was as eager for their mating as he was.

His cock threatening the construction of his zipper, Trent was on the verge of coming in his pants and that just would not do. Wrenching his lips from his mate’s enticing mouth, Trent looked down to see Marly’s bright blue eyes were now the shade of a stormy sea.

“Bedroom,” he said roughly. “Or I swear I’ll take you right here, right now.”

Marly blinked for a few moments and Trent wasn’t sure if the man was thinking about his options, or just trying to get his brain to function.

“Through there,” Marly said finally, his voice almost a whisper, pointing over Trent’s back.

Holding onto Marly tightly, unwilling to let him go for even a second, Trent spun around, spying a door set in the opposite wall. Noting it was the only door in the room, Trent figured he had to be on the right track and he covered the distance from one wall to the other in just five long strides. Thank god his little mate didn’t live in a mansion or he might have been forced to mate with the man on the stairs.


The Alpha or Omega?
Hello and thank you for hosting me on your blog today . What an interesting question – who would I prefer? The Alpha or the Omega? In this book, The Biker’s Omega, I have to say it is the Omega, Marly. He is so cute, pretty and he has that awesome hair. But it’s not just his looks. Marly has a strong personality. He is good to his friends, he has a job he adores and he was not afraid to leave his pack when he wasn’t being treated properly. When he gave Trent a hard time for being a bit of a dick, I really loved those scenes. Marly is a man who is secure in who he is, who he loves and what he does, and that is kinda sexy. He is the type of guy I could see as my best friend.
Don’t get me wrong, Trent has his good points. Those muscles and tattoos for a start. I admit, as the author, those types of things press my buttons. But at the beginning of the book, when Trent first met Marly, he was all about the “mine” but not about the caring, and I didn’t like that. His priorities were all over the place, when they should have been focused on his mate, so yes, I thought he was a real dick for that as well. There was a lot of times I wanted to slap Trent around the head and I was the one writing the story lol.
Aside from the book, I have to admit I am an Alpha girl. I am quite capable of looking after myself and now my children are grown I don’t want to look after anyone else. But if someone like Trent were to pull up in my driveway, covered in tattoos and having all of those muscles, I would be on the back of that motorbike in a flash. Provided it was a Harley of course.

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About the author:


Lisa Oliver had been writing non-fiction books for years when visions of half dressed, buff men started invading her dreams. Unable to resist the lure of her stories, Lisa decided to switch to fiction books, and now stories about her men clamor to get out from under her fingertips.

When Lisa is not writing, she is usually reading with a cup of tea always at hand. Her grown children and grandchildren sometimes try and pry her away from the computer and have found that the best way to do it, is to promise her chocolate. Lisa will do anything for chocolate.

Lisa loves to hear from her readers and other writers. You can friend her on Facebook here, or email her directly at


Where to find the author:








Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Oliver Group Publications

Cover Artist: Lisa Oliver

Tour Dates & Stops:


Parker Williams



Bike Book Reviews

Inked Rainbow Reads



Carly’s Book Reviews



Velvet Panic

Amanda C. Stone



BFD Book Blog



MM Good Book Reviews



Multitasking Mommas

Bayou Book Junkie



Cate Ashwood

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Prism Book Alliance



Molly Lolly

3 Chicks After Dark

Love Bytes
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Kjartan the Gentle Book Blast



Author Name: Catherine L. Byrne


Book Name: Kjartan the Gentle Series: Tales of Forbidden Love From the Danelaw, book 3. This is the only M/M book of the trilogy and can be read as a standalone.


Release Date: February 1, 2015


916 A.D. East Anglia under the Danelaw.

In Dark Age Britain, you knew your place and if you didn’t keep to it, you faced the consequences…

Hot-blooded Kjartan, accidental hero, has settled down into married life, with a baby on the way. But when he meets handsome glass maker Lini, their unlawful relationship provokes angry and passionate reactions from their kinfolk.

They have to fight back against the prejudice of Norse culture, and find out who their real friends—and enemies—are. And this conflict leads to murder.

But who is the victim, and who the killer?

Pages or Words: 33,541 words


Categories: Bisexual, Historical, M/M Romance, Mystery, Romance



Lini then went to the kiln and put the glass blowing rod into it, collecting a blob of molten green glass. He wore gloves, but there were old burns on his arms above the glove cuff. He blew into the cloth mouthpiece of the iron rod carefully, and Kjartan gasped as the bubble expanded. Lini spun it round and held a tool to it, shaping it into a symmetrical bowl shape. When finished, he put it into the low-heated oven so it would cool down slowly and not crack. He then repeated the process a few more times.

By this time, Kjartan had completely forgotten what he was talking about and stood just gazing, mesmerised.

“It’s wholly different to fighting in a battle, yes?” Lini smiled and wiped the sweat from his brow with his arm. “Quite calming.”

Kjartan just nodded, staring at the sweat running down Lini’s tanned back.

“So, the fighting school? You got as far as saying what you were going to teach them.”

“Oh. Yes. I’ll think of something.” It was far too hot in the forge and stopped his mind from working properly.



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About the author:

Catherine L Byrne amused herself writing as a hobby for some years until she had her daughter, but becoming a mum made her realise she now had a purpose and time was limited, so she must get on with writing seriously.
The winter of 2009 was severe and as she and her family live in a small village, they were house bound by unusually deep snow for southern England. So she settled down in her office (i.e. the corner of her bedroom) and began her first book, which was published in 2010.
She hasn’t stopped writing since, generally on the theme of forbidden or unrequited love, and often including erotic scenes.


Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:


Other (WordPress blog):


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Carmen Waters

Tour Dates & Stops: April 17, 2015

Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Molly Lolly, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Tara Lain, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Chris McHart, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Andrew Q. Gordon, Kimi-Chan, Wake Up Your Wild Side, The Hat Party





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Just The Way You Are Book Blast

Just The Way You Are


Author Name: E E Montgomery


Book Name: Just The Way You Are Series: Just Life #4

Can be read as a standalone, but there are elements in the other stories that will add depth to this one


Release Date: April 17, 2015



After ten years in an abusive relationship and a near-fatal knife wound, Jonathan Watson is finally free. Unused to being able to make even the smallest decision and smothered by family and well-meaning neighbors, he’s floundering in the real world. Jonathan is afraid of falling into another relationship too quickly and realizes he needs time to rediscover who he is before he attaches himself to another man.

He never counted on meeting Ben Urquhart, though. Ben tempts Jonathan to forget everything and take a leap. For Ben, it’s love at first sight, and he doesn’t want to take it slow. He wants to build a life with Jonathan, free from harm and full of laughter. But before they can take the next step, they must protect Jonathan from his possessive, threatening ex. Jonathan must find the courage to confront him and break the chains of his past before he can be truly free to build a future with Ben.

Pages or Words: 70,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance




Chapter ONE

JONATHAN SHIVERED in the early morning air but not from the chill. He wrapped his arms around himself and groaned as his wound tugged against the movement. He relaxed slowly as the pain eased. From where he stood, he could see between the two apartment blocks to where the sun glinted off the Brisbane River. Five years ago he used to watch the ferries puddle their way up and down the river, dropping passengers here at Hamilton and across the way at Bulimba. He’d missed that view for a long time. He wondered if he’d miss the house now that he was leaving it.

The house was gray—morning gray, Anthony had called it, but it had always looked like unwashed, neglected underwear to him. The lines of the house were precise and symmetrical, unlike the yard. The front lawn bore scars, just like his chest. They were from his Cruiser skidding to a stop the night Anthony had sent him to kill Mark. His eyes burned as he thought how close he’d come to doing what his boyfriend told him to.

At the time, he didn’t think he had any other choice. It was kill or be killed. Literally. By the end of that night, Mark had been the only one left uninjured. Liam’s leg had thankfully healed quickly where Anthony had stabbed him. Anthony was still in hospital with a self-inflicted knife wound to the stomach, and Jonathan… Jonathan was done with that life. Anthony’s knife in his chest—so close to his heart it was clearly intended to be fatal—had cured him of whatever delusions he’d held onto that let him believe he was in love with the man. Even Anthony’s assertions that Jonathan was responsible for him being in a wheelchair since the car accident two years before wouldn’t get him to stay.

He was out of it now, or at least he would be as soon as the removalists came and took his stuff away. Then he could begin to heal. The first step had been to learn to breathe again after his lung collapsed when Anthony stabbed him. The next step… he didn’t know what the next step after this was. He wasn’t going to admit it to anyone, but he was just as terrified now, starting a life of his own—on his own—as he was when he thought he was going to die.

The trembling began again. Dizzy. Couldn’t catch his breath. He leaned beside the front door and forced himself to bring his mind back to the here and now and looked around again. There was a new section of fence now, and the Cruiser had been repaired and sat at the curb, waiting for him. His cousin must have had the damage repaired while Jonathan was in the hospital—learning how to make his lung work again after his boyfriend had tried to kill him. He shook the thoughts from his head. He had to stop thinking like this or he’d go mad.

Sleep last night had been impossible. The house had been cleaned, but nothing was going to completely remove the blood splattered on the white carpet. His blood.

A low rumble burbled through the air, and a truck turned onto the street. Jonathan’s heart raced. “You can do this,” he whispered, although he wasn’t quite sure which part of “this” he was talking about. It could be dealing with strangers on his own, or it could be leaving Anthony—finally. He pressed the heel of his hand over the dressing on his chest. Staying with Anthony was no longer an option.

The truck stopped and turned to reverse into the driveway. The high-pitched beeping made Jonathan jump and, to calm himself, he focused on the two men sitting in the cab. The driver looked young and blond, the passenger older and shriveled, his hair sticking out in unkempt tangles.

“Two people. Not Anthony. You’re outside, everything’s marked. You don’t need to go inside with them at all if you don’t want to. You can do this.” He counted his breaths in and out. The beeping stopped, the engine cut out, and the driver’s door opened.

Long, well-formed legs slipped from the cab, by-passing the step completely as a muscled body slid to the ground. Khaki cargo shorts bunched enticingly around a spectacular package before settling loosely around slim hips as the man’s boot-clad feet landed on the ground and he stood away from the truck. Jonathan moved his gaze up the body. The worn T-shirt did nothing to hide the trim stomach and prominent pecs and the sleeves framed the rounded deltoids perfectly. Jonathan sighed as he lifted his focus higher to see the man’s wide smile.


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About the author:

E E Montgomery wants the world to be a better place, with equality and acceptance for all. Her philosophy is: We can’t change the world but we can change our small part of it and, in that way, influence the whole. Writing stories that show people finding their own ‘better place’ is part of E E Montgomery’s own small contribution.

Thankfully, there’s never a shortage of inspiration for stories that show people growing in their acceptance and love of themselves and others. A dedicated people-watcher, E E finds stories everywhere. In a cafe, a cemetery, a book on space exploration or on the news, there’ll be a story of personal growth, love, and unconditional acceptance there somewhere.


Where to find the author:

You can contact E E Montgomery at; on Facebook:; on Twitter: @EEMontgomery1; or at her web site: and blog:


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Catt Ford

Tour Dates & Stops:

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Parker Williams, Decadent Delights, Cate Ashwood, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, BFD Book Blog, Love Bytes, My Fiction Nook, Chris McHart, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, MM Good Book Reviews, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Velvet Panic, TTC Books and More, Charley Descoteaux,

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews
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The Marrying Kind Book Blast

Author Name: Jay Northcote


Book Name: The Marrying Kind

Series: Owen & Nathan – Book 2

Should be read in order


Release Date: April 17, 2015



Nathan wants to put a ring on it, but is Owen the marrying kind?


Two years on from their first date, Owen and Nathan are living together and life is good—except they’re not on the same page about marriage.


A traditionalist at heart, Nathan wants it all: the wedding, the vows, and a pair of matching rings. Owen, on the other hand, believes marriage is old-fashioned and unnecessary. They don’t need a wedding to prove their commitment to each other. Love should be enough on its own.


All it takes is one moment of weakness on a night out to force the issue. Owen finds himself engaged after a half-drunk proposal, and Nathan’s enthusiasm sweeps him along. But as the big day approaches, the mounting tension finally combusts.


If he’s going to save their relationship, Owen will need to decide once and for all if he’s truly the marrying kind.


Pages or Words: 35,000 words


Categories: M/M Romance, Romance, Contemporary



Nathan glanced surreptitiously at Owen sitting beside him as Jack and Simon spoke their vows. Jack’s voice was quiet but sure, and Simon’s rang out clearly over the assembled crowd.

Owen’s gaze was fixed on the couple, and his eyes were suspiciously bright. As Nathan watched, Owen cleared his throat and wiped what Nathan assumed was a tear out of the corner of his eye.

Nathan suppressed a smile and turned his attention back to the groom and groom. So much for Owen’s protests that he didn’t see the point in weddings and that they were outdated, pointless events that were stupid even for straight couples unless they were religious. Even if he didn’t believe in the principle of marriage—gay or otherwise—it was nice to see he wasn’t totally immune to the emotion of the occasion. Nathan was going to enjoy taking the piss out of Owen later. But in the meantime, he reached for Owen’s hand and squeezed. Owen squeezed back.

Nathan’s eyes were moist too by the time they’d finished. The part where the celebrant said “I now pronounce you husband and husband” really set him off. Simon looked so utterly radiant after he and Jack finally stopped kissing and turned to face the wedding guests, hand in hand. Jack was flushed and awkward compared to Simon. He obviously wasn’t happy being the centre of attention, unlike his new husband, but his smile was genuine and the joy rolled off both of them, touching everyone in the room.

Nathan sighed. Owen’s hand was still in his. Their fingers were tangled together casually—just like their lives. They’d been in a relationship for over two years now, living together for half of that, and Nathan had never been happier. But looking at Simon and Jack, he wanted more. He wanted that. But he was afraid to ask Owen, because he was pretty sure what his answer would be, and it wouldn’t be the one Nathan hoped for.


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About the author:


Jay lives just outside Bristol in the West of England, with her husband, two children, and two cats.


She comes from a family of writers, but she always used to believe that the gene for fiction writing had passed her by. She spent years only ever writing emails, articles, or website content. One day, she decided to try and write a short story–just to see if she could–and found it rather addictive. She hasn’t stopped writing since.


Where to find the author:


Facebook profile

Facebook Author Page

Jay’s books


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Jay Northcote

Cover Artist: Garrett Leigh

Tour Dates & Stops: April 17, 2015

Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews,Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, As The Pages Turn, Bayou Book Junkie, Divine Magazine, BFD Book Blog, Cate Ashwood, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Havan Fellows, The Novel Approach, Carly’s Book Reviews, TTC Books and More,

3 Chicks After Dark, Inked Rainbow Reads, My Fiction Nook, Molly Lolly, Nic Starr, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Louise Lyons, Kimber Vale, Foxylutely Book Reviews, Velvet Panic




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