
Justice Prevails Book Tour



Author Name: Morticia Knight


Book Name: Justice Prevails Series: Sin City Uniforms Book: Three (Can be read as a standalone)


Release Date: April 6, 2015



Never judge a sexy man by his cover.

Detective Beau Williams is hard-working, dedicated, and professional. He enjoys the finer things in life, but with his heavy caseload that includes what Beau suspects is a new serial killer, he has no time to enjoy much of anything. What the tall redhead needs is someone to shake him up a little.

Investigative Technician Austin Kent never met a snarky joke he didn’t like – or a set of stairs that couldn’t trip him up. One night after a devastating episode at work, Austin sees something else he likes – the handsome detective he’s seen around the station whom he’s always wondered about. But after he makes a drunken fool of himself in front of Detective Williams, he’s sure there’s no hope.

Beau and Austin’s worlds collide right away when Austin is sent to pick up some evidence at the station. Amidst a myriad of twists and turns in the troubling serial killer style murders of Vegas conventioneers, Austin and Beau discover that there’s more to the other than they’d originally thought. There might even be more they’d like to give – unless the killer has the final say.

Pages or Words: 50,662 words


Categories: Contemporary, M/M Romance, Men In Uniform, Mystery, Thriller




Beau disconnected the call, sighing. Austin bit his lip. Suddenly the idea of being trapped alone with Beau for several hours seemed incredibly ill-advised.
“I’m sorry.”
A disgusted grunt came out of Beau. “It’s not your fault this case is a clusterfuck.”
Austin arched his eyebrows. “Wow. I don’t think I’ve heard you curse like that before. I must be a bad influence. As usual. But that’s not what I meant when I said I was sorry.”
“What did you mean then?”
“I’m sorry that with all the other things that are genuinely important going on in your life that you got stuck with my sorry ass last night.”
Beau didn’t respond right away and Austin was afraid that his latest blurt might have caused Beau to rethink the wisdom of having Austin tag along. Right when he was pondering how easy it would be to hitchhike back to Vegas after Beau had dropped him off by the side of the road, Beau spoke.
“Tell me about Vinnie.”
He clenched and unclenched his fists a few times, then intertwined his fingers before settling his hands in his lap. He then proceeded to squeeze them so hard he thought the digits might snap in half.
“You’re just sitting there. How could you have hurt yourself?”
“You’d be amazed.”
“Quit trying to distract me.”
“I’m not… Well. Maybe a little.”
“Austin, won’t you at least let me be a friend?”
He bit his bottom lip as he gazed out at the stark desert scenery flying by. The sun was getting much lower in the sky and the shadows from the mountains surrounding them played out across the dirt. They were halfway between Vegas and Pahrump, the first good-sized town on the way to Tonopah—one of the only ones as well. They should stop and eat before too long. Austin was starving and a milkshake sounded really good.
“Austin? Friends?”
He angled his body toward Beau then shook out his hands. One of them had a cramp in it already. “You might want to rethink that whole being my friend thing. It hasn’t always worked out so well for the other guy.”
“I’m a big boy.”
Austin snorted. “Oh yeah? Good to know.”
Beau glanced his way with a frown and pursed lips.
I wonder how that beard would feel dragging over my balls?
He coughed behind his fist before placing his hands in his lap again.
“Okay. Yeah. I could use a friend. But if I start to annoy you, it won’t bother me if you tell me to shut up.”
“You’re annoying me right now.”
Austin grunted. “Damn. Record time.”
“What I mean is that I’d prefer not to hear you denigrate yourself constantly. It’s not necessary for you to throw it out there first, just in case someone else does it before you.”
Well shit.
“I…don’t know what to say. Shocking—”
“Don’t.” Beau let the word draw out as if in warning.

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About the author:

M/M Erotic Romance author Morticia Knight enjoys hot stories of men loving men forever after. They can be men in uniform, Doms and subs, rock stars or bikers – but they’re all searching for the one (or two!) who was meant only for them.

When not indulging in her passion for books, she loves the outdoors, film and music. Once upon a time she was the singer in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. She is currently working on more installments of Sin City Uniforms and The Hampton Road Club, as well as the follow-up to Bryan and Aubrey’s story from Rockin’ the Alternative.



Where to find the author:


Follow on Twitter: @morticiaknight

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Publisher: Totally Bound

Cover Artist: Posh Gosh

Tour Dates & Stops:


Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews



TTC Books and More



Amanda C. Stone



Kimber Vale



Joyfully Jay



Cate Ashwood



Prism Book Alliance



Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents



Parker Williams



Divine Magazine



Decadent Delights



BFD Book Blog



Rainbow Gold Reviews

Velvet Panic



Bayou Book Junkie



Carly’s Book Reviews



Love Bytes



The Novel Approach



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Molly Lolly

MM Good Book Reviews



Iyana Jenna

Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings


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A Good Family Man Cover Reveal



Author Name: Thianna Durston


Book Name: A Good Family Man

Series: Corbin’s Bend

Book: Season Three, Book 8 (This is the first M/M book of the series)


Release Date: August 6, 2015


Jack Carmichael’s natural instinct is to take care of people. In his job as a U.S. Marshal, he has done that for 25 years. Unfortunately, being married to his job has left his love life in tatters. Now classified unfit for duty, he retires and comes home to Colorado to figure things out. Dominant and used to taking control like his brother Brent, he has never been interested in spanking. Until a cute Nurse Practitioner catches his attention.

Josh Martin feels lucky. He’s not only accepted into Corbin’s Bend, but he’ll be working at the brand new Corbin’s Bend Medical Clinic as its only Nurse Practitioner. At thirty-two, he figures this is his last-ditch attempt at finding a dominant partner who isn’t abusive. He finds more than his share of dominant men in Corbin’s Bend, not the least of which are the Carmichael brothers. Brent’s dominance is both comforting and unnerving, Jack’s turns him on.

Josh is unlike any submissive male Jack has encountered and when the younger man asks him out, he decides to give it a go. One day of fun turns into two, three…until Jack, with more failed relationships than he can count in his past and unsure he can be the head of house Josh needs, leaves, burying himself once again in work. Forced to see the error of his decision, he puts aside the worries that have plagued him for months and returns to Corbin’s Bend. To become the good family man he wants to be, he has to earn back Josh’s trust and truly take on a role he’s never considered before: head of a loving discipline household.




Pages or Words: 150 pages


Categories: BDSM, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance


Leaping from his current spot, he landed on one of the pads down below, reveling in feeling alive for the first time in months. After chalking up his hands, he turned toward the man next to him who was stretching out his arms and gazing up at a particularly evil looking angle. “When do you have to go home?”
Looking over at him, for a moment Josh looked unsure of himself and finally he smiled, a cute dimple showing in his left cheek. “When I’m done. I didn’t actually forget anything. I just wanted to see you and, well, see if there was anything there.”
Grinning, Jack nodded as he looked at his watch. “Well, then. What do you think about dinner and possibly dancing later on at Tracks?”
Josh’s eyes practically popped out of his head. “I love Tracks! There’s a great bistro nearby. What do you say we meet there in…” He looked at his wristwatch. “Two hours? Then hit the club after?” The grin on his face would have been impossible to resist even if Jack had wanted to.

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About the author:

Thianna likes to say she’s eclectic, fun, and just a bit naughty. She can also add, subtract, multiply, and divide in her head, but if people ask her to do it at parties, she isn’t impressed. While she would love to say there wasn’t a genre she had read that she didn’t enjoy, it would be a lie. For some reason, she keeps skipping to the ends of mystery books to find out who done it.

The creator and acquisition editor for the Corbin’s Bend Romance series, she wants to know: Who else wants to be safe, secure, and spanked in Colorado?

Under the name Thianna Durston, she writes M/M romance. Under Thianna D., she writes M/F romance.


Where to find the author:

Thianna’s Website –

Thianna’s Blog –

Facebook Author Page –

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Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Blushing Books

Cover Artist: Anthony Walsh

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Foxylutely Book Reviews, Decadent Delights, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Molly Lolly, Bayou Book Junkie, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Bike Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, Carly’s Book Reviews, Love Bytes, The Hat Party, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, MM Good Book Reviews, Havan Fellows, Velvet Panic, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Multitasking Mommas, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, Amanda C. Stone, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Iyana Jenna, Chris McHart, Andrew Q. Gordon





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The Eye and The Arm Book Blast



Author Name: Andrew Q. Gordon


Book Name: The Eye and The Arm


Series: Champion of the Gods Book 2 (Should not be read as a standalone)


Release Date: April 14, 2015


After defeating Meglar at Belsport, Farrell returns to Haven to recover from his injuries, but Khron, the god of war, has other ideas. He gives Farrell a new mission: free the survivors of the ancient dwarf realm of Trellham from their three-thousand-year banishment. To fulfill Khron’s near impossible task, Farrell will need the help of his distance ancestor, the legendary wizard Kel. But Kel has been dead for a thousand years.

Farrell finds information hinting that Kel is alive, so he moves his search to Dumbarten, Kel’s birthplace. To reach Dumbarten unannounced, Farrell and Miceral disguise themselves as mercenaries on board a merchant vessel. Their journey is disrupted when pirates attack their ship. While attempting to subdue the attack, Farrell is struck down by one of Meglar’s minions.

Unconscious and trapped in his own mind, Farrell’s only chance for survival rests with Miceral and the peregrine king Rothdin entering his thoughts and helping him sort fact from illusion. To reach Farrell, they will need to rely on an untested spell from one of Kel’s spellbooks. If they succeed, Miceral can guide Farrell home safely. If not, Farrell will destroy not only himself, but Miceral, Rothdin, and everyone around him.


 Book trailer


Pages or Words: 296 pages


Categories: Fantasy, Gay Fiction



Miceral grabbed his last javelin and crept toward the starboard rail. The tip of pirate’s prow had just reached their stern. He could see men crouched under the protection of the gunwale. “They’re almost here—be ready.”

Moving faster than the enemy could react, Miceral scaled the short staircase and quickly found a protected spot in the aftcastle. Peering through a narrow opening, he scanned the clusters of men he could see. At the rear of the largest group, Miceral spotted someone who, by clothing at least, appeared to be an officer. With no one else standing out as being the captain, this man became his target.

Springing to his feet, he hurled the spear before anyone could target him. One of the pirates huddled by the rail fired an arrow, which Miceral caught in midflight. Flashing the enemy a wicked grin, he snapped the shaft in half before dropping back behind his cover.

Miceral closed one eye and stared through the space between crates. He watched the men look toward where their officer had been standing, and from the shouts he knew he’d hit his mark. One pirate tried to pull the spear out but failed. When he turned to ask for help, a stream of blood dribbled out of his mouth and over the feathers of the arrow protruding from his neck. Everyone else ducked immediately and remained out of sight.

Miceral traced the shaft’s path back to where Peter knelt, nocking another arrow. He gave his friend a wink and a nod. Before either could enjoy the small victory, a hail of arrows and spears whistled across the deck. Under the cover of this barrage, dozens of grappling hooks landed on the deck of the Rose. Once the barbs dug into whatever purchase they could find, the two vessels inched closer. Miceral heard the faint thud of the two ships colliding and slipped the mace and axe from his belt.

With the ships tethered together, the pirates flipped long wooden planks from their ship onto the Seafoam Rose. Hooks on the ends secured the slim pathway firmly in place. The first wave of invaders ran across the boards, screaming at the top of their lungs. If they expect to scare the crew into surrender, that hope dissipated when four of their number fell dead from a round of arrows.

Miceral used the distraction to leap from his hiding place. Screaming his own battle cry, he rushed the startled pirates. From his right, Emerson and Nathan led the crew in defense of their ship.

The ferocity of the resistance appeared to catch the invaders by surprise. Miceral killed anything in his reach, stalling the attack momentarily. Peter stood next to Miceral and proved the value of all the long hours of practice he’d been put through.

Unfortunately, Miceral couldn’t defend all points of entry onto the vessel. The pirates quickly learned to avoid the armed warrior who moved with the speed of lightning.

The initial advantage of the Rose’s crew quickly evaporated as the pirates brought superior numbers onto the trading ship. To avoiding being surrounded, the defenders fell back to a predetermined, more defensible position. This allowed the rest of the pirates to cross unimpeded.

“Now would be a good time to arrive, Farrell.” Miceral didn’t know if Farrell could hear him, but if he didn’t arrive soon, there’d be no one left to rescue.

“I’m almost there, Ral.” Farrell’s voice distracted Miceral enough that he cut off an opponent’s arm instead of slicing through the man’s neck. “Hang on!”


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About the author:


Andrew Q. Gordon wrote his first story back when yellow legal pads, ball point pens were common and a Smith Corona correctable typewriter was considered high tech. Adapting with technology, he now takes his MacBook somewhere quiet when he wants to write.


He currently lives in the Washington, D.C. area with his partner of twenty years, their daughter and dog. In addition to dodging some very self-important D.C. ‘insiders’, Andrew uses his commute to catch up on his reading. When not working or writing, he enjoys soccer, high fantasy, baseball and seeing how much coffee he can drink in a day.


Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @andrewqgordon





Publisher: DSP Publications

Cover Artist: AngstyG

Tour Dates & Stops: April 15, 2015

Parker Williams, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Bayou Book Junkie, Cate Ashwood, Charley Descoteaux, BFD Book Blog, Full Moon Dreaming, Divine Magazine, Butterfly-O-Meter,

Molly Lolly, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Rainbow Gold Reviews, The Hat Party, Love Bytes, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, The Novel Approach, My Fiction Nook, Velvet Panic, Prism Book Alliance, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Amanda C. Stone, Elin Gregory, Nephylim



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Two Man Advantage Book Blast


Author Name: V.L. Locey


Book Name: Two Man Advantage


Release Date: April 15, 2015



Victor Kalinski, all-star forward for the Boston Barracudas, is one of the biggest jerks in professional hockey. Before long his aggressive attitude gets him shipped off to play in the minor leagues.

Furious, he takes to the ice with equal amounts of skill and scathing sarcasm, which doesn’t win him any friends—except for good-natured alternate captain Daniel Arou. He won’t take any of Vic’s crap, and he won’t take no for an answer.


But Vic’s troublemaking is pulling his career one way while Dan’s talent is pushing his in the other. However much they scorch the sheets, they might soon be separated by more than Vic’s fear of being hurt.


Inside Scoop: This book contains scorching gay sex and a heaping helping of no-holds-barred snark between hot hockey heroes who don’t pull their punches.



Pages or Words: Novella


Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, Erotica, M/M Romance, Hockey Romance



Have you ever just watched someone sleep and been petrified and appreciative simultaneously? I know how totally stalker that sounds, but it wasn’t like “I’m a glittery vampire who sits here and watches some underage chick sleeping” weird. Okay, maybe it was a little bit of that kind of weird. I mean, I was lying beside Dan, admiring the hills and valleys of his back as the sun caressed his tanned flesh. His skin was smooth but clammy. The blankets were tangled around his legs. He slept just like he went through life—with energy. His thrashing was what had awoken me, as it had a few times during our road trip. Instead of snapping at him then stealing the covers back, I took this time to visually adore his body. Yeah, I was that fond of it. And him. Rest assured, that terrified me no end.


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About the author:

V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted goofy domestic fowl, and two steers: one named after a famous N.H.L. goalie while the other carries the moniker of a 60s pop legend.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and GoodReads.



Where to find the author:





My blog-

tsú –

Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Ellora’s Cave

Cover Artist: Allyse Karam

Tour Dates & Stops: April 15, 2015

Parker Williams, Hearts on Fire, MM Good Book Reviews, Chris McHart, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Cathy Brockman Romances, Cate Ashwood, 3 Chicks After Dark, Inked Rainbow Reads, Bayou Book Junkie, Velvet Panic, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Michael Mandrake, It’s Raining Men
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When The Band Came To Town Book Blast

WhenTheBandCameToTown cover

Author Name: H. Lewis-Foster


Book Name: When The Band Came To Town


Release Date: April 8, 2015



In the swinging Sixties, life gets rockin’ for Jeff McInnery when a new band plays at the local pub. Caught up in lead singer Danny Speed’s cool, Jeff sneaks a kiss. But being found out as homosexual could stop Danny’s hot career fast, and even land him in jail. With harsh words, Danny leaves to head for fame and fortune while Jeff starts university. On campus, Jeff meets Archie Ballatine, a history student living as openly as possible. It’s an exciting new world of sex and friendship for Jeff, but then the band comes back to town.


Pages or Words: 30,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



“So what’ll you be studying?”


Jeff prepared for the usual perplexed reaction when he gave his answer. “Philosophy, would you believe? God knows what I’ll do with my degree when I’ve finished.”


“You’ll fathom the secrets of the universe, Jeff.” Danny sounded utterly serious as he stubbed out his cigarette in an ashtray. Then he broke into a grin. “Now come and have a dance.”


“What?” Jeff was sure Danny must be taking the piss.


“You heard me.” Danny stepped onto the dance floor and was soon moving to the music. His hips were twisting, his knees bending, and his backside gyrating in an unbearably provocative way. “Or do philosophers not lower themselves to such things?”



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About the author:

H. Lewis-Foster lives in the north of England and has always worked with books in one form or another. As a keen reader of gay fiction, she decided to try writing herself and is now the proud author of several short stories and a debut novel ‘Burning Ashes’.
H. likes to create characters that are talented, funny and quite often gorgeous, but who all have their faults and vulnerable sides, and she hopes that you’ll enjoy reading their stories as much as she loves writing them. H. has also ventured into playwriting and was thrilled to see her first play performed at the Southend Playwriting Festival.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Bree Archer

Tour Dates & Stops: April 14, 2014

Parker Williams, Bayou Book Junkie, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Molly Lolly, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Bike Book Reviews, Love Bytes, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, BFD Book Blog, Cate Ashwood, Chris McHart, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, 3 Chicks After Dark, Up All Night, Read All Day



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