
Baked Fresh Book Blast


Author Name: Annabeth Albert


Book Name: Baked Fresh


Release Date: April 13, 2015


From its famous coffee to the mouthwatering fare at its cafés, restaurants, and bakeries, Portland, Oregon, has a lot to whet the appetite, including the hard-working men who serve it all up—hot, fresh, and ready to go—with no reservations…

Vic Degrassi is a baker on the rise, and it’s all thanks to his rare ability to make—and keep—his New Year’s resolutions. Whether it’s losing weight, giving up smoking, or graduating from culinary school, Vic goes after what he wants—and gets it. This year? He wants Robin Dawson, the sweet-hearted hottie who volunteers with him at the local homeless shelter. When he learns that Robin is suddenly single after being unceremoniously dumped, Vic is more than happy to offer a shoulder to cry on—or at least a fresh-baked pastry to bite into. But it’s been a long time since Vic’s gone on a date, and he’s nervous about risking his friendship with Robin. So when their flirtation turns into a steamy night together, Vic and Robin have to figure out if they’re friends with benefits or lovers in the making, and if Robin is ready for something more than just a rebound. There’s only one way to find out: turn up the heat…


Pages or Words: 45,000 words


Categories: Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



“So, what’s your plan this year?” Cliff asked as we unloaded pallets of food for Victory Mission. The stinging December wind whipped through the loading dock, howling against the concrete walls. I had to strain to hear Cliff’s booming voice. “Sky diving? Marathon? How you gonna top last year, Vic?”

“Dunno.” I hefted a box of tomato sauce cans. That’s what everyone wanted to know—how I was going to top last year’s resolution to lose a hundred pounds. Truth was, I was pretty good at resolutions. Four years ago, I’d resolved to go to culinary school. Three years ago, I gave up smoking. And last year I lost 111 pounds. But this year I had a smaller, simpler goal in mind.

“Thought I might try dating.”

“Dating? As in a boyfriend?” Cliff snorted, a dry sound that echoed off the metal loading bay doors. “I’d go with a marathon.”

My stomach churned as I grabbed another box of rolls. I had my own doubts. I was hardly a prize catch. I hadn’t dated anyone in the four years I’d been working for Cliff. Never had a boyfriend beyond the rare three-peat hookup. ’Course, Cliff didn’t know about my hookups, but I hadn’t even had one of those in eight long months. Up until a few months ago, I hadn’t realized what I was missing. Ever since then, this weird, restless longing had plagued me. New Year’s was the perfect excuse to do something about it. Get out there.

“You guys done out here? Whole stack of boxes waiting inside. We don’t have all day.” Robin bustled out onto the dock, bringing a shit-ton of bad mood with him. A far cry from the sunny, talkative guy who made me think crazy thoughts, like that maybe dating wasn’t a terrible idea. He was gone before either Cliff or I could reply.

“What’s up with him?” I asked Cliff once I heard the pantry door shut inside.

“Melissa said Paul broke up with him.” Cliff always found the gossip. The food bank volunteers were like bored high schoolers, passing rumors around their shifts like joints at a party.

“Finally.” I didn’t realize I’d said the word aloud until Cliff laughed.

“Aha! On second thought, I highly approve of your resolution. I’m gonna have to get a bet going with Trish about whether or not you can land your man. Talk about aiming high though, kid.”

“Didn’t say anything about dating Robin,” I mumbled into a sack of rice. The last time Robin was single, I had spent months thinking about him. Wondering if he was out of my league. Knowing he was out of my league but trying to work up the courage to ask him out anyway. Coming to volunteer more often just to be around him. Then Paul swooped in like a star pitcher and sent me back to the minor leagues, where I belonged.

I readjusted my grip on the sack so I wouldn’t accidentally tear the darn thing in two. No, I wasn’t stupid enough to make a resolution to date Robin. I just wanted to get out there. Give myself a chance to maybe meet a nice guy who wouldn’t care about my food issues and my loose skin and my bald-by-choice look.

But now that Cliff had planted the dating-Robin idea in my brain, I couldn’t stop thinking about it. Which irked the hell out of me. I’d worked hard to deep-six my crush on him. Finding out he was single was a stupid reason to unearth it. Robin was the nice guy of my fantasies. And fucking gorgeous. He was sex walking around in KEENs and hipster T-shirts. He was everything I wanted and everything I wasn’t ever going to have.


Once Vic resolves to be Robin’s rebound guy, can he convince Robin that they’re meant to be? Find out in BAKED FRESH!

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About the author:


Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf, she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.

Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two toddlers.

Represented by Saritza Hernandez of the Corvisiero Literary Agency




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Publisher: Kensington

Cover Artist: Fiona Jayde

Tour Dates & Stops: April 14, 2015

Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, Divine Magazine, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Tara Lain, Hearts on Fire, Bayou Book Junkie, My Fiction Nook, Inked Rainbow Reads, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Love Bytes, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Bike Book Reviews, Molly Lolly, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews,Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Cathy Brockman Romances, Cate Ashwood, Three Chicks After Dark, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Because Two Men Are Better, Than One, Charley Descoteaux, Foxylutely Book Reviews, Elin Gregory, Andrew Q. Gordon





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Under Glass Book Tour

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Author Name: Rebecca Cohen

Book Name: Under Glass


Release Date: April 6, 2015



Creating planets and guarding the stars leaves novice planet builder Kai Faewiva lonely. For members of Kai’s species who are born with an organ called a caerellon, their true love, their Sun or Moon, is identified at birth. But the novices are people who have lost their perfect love, and Kai’s Sun is long dead, killed in an accident when he was five years old. Or so everyone thought.

After recovering from another bout of the unidentified illness he has battled for years, Kai returns to work. But his quiet day at the planetarium is thrown into chaos when scans of Goka Prime, one of the planets in the Sol-Alpha2 system, picks up a life-form that shouldn’t be there. Kai’s Sun, Oliver Gyin, is alive and well, but how he got to be on Goka Prime, no one knows. Now he needs to be brought home.

Ollie has lived most of his life in the City of Harrea, never guessing he is from another planet. Surprised to find a stranger means the world to him, Ollie wrestles with his loyalties and the drive to return with Kai. To leave Goka Prime, he must give up everything and everyone he knows. But twenty years apart means Kai and Ollie face a fight to secure their destined future.


Pages or Words: 108,000 words


Categories: M/M Romance, Romance, Science Fiction




The East Terrace had clear views of the city and the hills in the distance, and the setting sun bathed the world in hues of red, purple, and orange. “One of the best views from the palace,” Ollie said. “Guests aren’t usually allowed here.”

Kai glanced back to the door. “Will we get in trouble?”

“No, Menish is a personal friend. He won’t mind.”

“Must be good to have a friend who rules the city.”

Ollie chuckled. “We went to school together. I often have to remind myself that he’s the sultan and not the kid who helped me toilet paper the housemaster’s study windows.”

“Very good friends.”

Ollie didn’t think Kai needed to know just how good a friend Menish had been at one point, although what they had enjoyed was nothing more serious than teenage exploration. “Put it this way: he’d have no problem with me showing you this terrace.”

“The sunset is quite beautiful,” Kai said, turning to face it, and Ollie thought Kai wanted to steer the conversation away from Menish.

“Yes. It changes through the seasons, but I think this is my favorite time of year.”

“Then I am fortunate we chose this time to visit and a place on the mission became available.”

Kai’s choice of word in calling his visit a mission was a little strange, but Ollie thought better of mentioning anything. “Oh, you were. The festival to celebrate the end of harvest starts in a few days, and the city is awash with stalls and street entertainment.”

Kai turned back to him, cocked his head to one side, and smiled. “Perhaps you would agree to be my guide for that as well?”

The hopeful expression and the slight smile made Ollie swallow thickly as he stared into Kai’s dark brown eyes in the failing light. Kai bit his bottom lip and tilted his head back a little to look Ollie in the eye, making Ollie lick his own lips involuntarily. His hand twitched to cup Kai’s cheek and rub his thumb across his cheekbone to prove his hypothesis that Kai’s skin would be soft and warm to the touch.

The little voice in the back of his head returned, and it bluntly reminded Ollie he wasn’t a single man. The pang of guilt made him turn away, and he saw a confused look on Kai’s face. Not only was he in danger of betraying Rica, but he was also leading Kai along on a dance that Kai didn’t know Ollie already had a partner for.

He stepped away, shaking his head. “I’m sorry, Kai. I can’t do this. While I can’t deny you have caught my eye like no one else, I am not the type of man to be unfaithful.” There, he’d said it, made it clear he was attached, and Kai’s expression morphed first to confusion and then into hurt. “I don’t understand.”

“I have a boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” asked Kai weakly.

“His name is Rica. He’s away at sea.” The devastation on Kai’s face almost made Ollie step closer and gather him into his arms, but he forced himself to put more distance between them. “I’m sorry, Kai. I was so wrapped up in the connection we seemed to share I lost sight of things. I should never have let it get this far, and I must stop it going further.”

“I see.” Kai turned away. “I wish you a good evening, Mr. Gyin. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to enjoy the view a little longer before I find one of the servants to show me to my room.”

“Of course. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Kai didn’t reply, and Ollie retreated back inside, part of his mind protesting that he was going the wrong way, the other part telling him he was doing the right thing. He turned back to see Kai still standing on the terrace, his head bent. Ollie fled, fearing that if he stayed a moment longer he’d do something he’d really enjoy but regret later.


  • What character in ‘Under Glass’ was your favorite?


Without hesitation I’d say Kai. In ‘Under Glass’, certain people are born with an organ called a caerellon. The caerellon governs a biological process called psychogenetics which links an individual with their perfect partner. Kai thinks he has lost his true love and has made the best of it by joining the novices, giving him the chance to learn to build and look after the planets. But it hasn’t been easy for him, having been bullied at school and pitied for losing his true love. He is pretty resilient. I loved reuniting him with Ollie, but I’m afraid the path of true love doesn’t run smooth.


  • Did the story go exactly as you expected, or did the characters drag you off in a different direction?


I’m what you could call a plotter, and I planned a lot of the story before I started writing with most of the big elements in place. What did happen was I had to move a few things around and change the order to help the flow and pace of the overall story.


  • What do you hope people get out of ‘Under Glass’?


On paper, reuniting Kai and Ollie should mean they get their true love. But as you can imagine it’s not that simple. Here I wanted to show that just because you think you deserve something doesn’t mean you don’t have to work for it. But something precious is worth the wait and work needed to achieve it.



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About the author:

Rebecca Cohen is a Brit abroad. Having swapped the Thames for the Rhine, she has left London behind and now lives with her husband and young son in Basel, Switzerland. She can often be found with a pen in one hand and a cup of Darjeeling in the other.


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Goodreads Link:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: L.C. Chase

Tour Dates & Stops:


Prism Book Alliance

Multitasking Mommas

EE Montgomery

Carly’s Book Reviews



Love Bytes

The Novel Approach

My Fiction Nook



MM Good Book Reviews


Molly Lolly



Because Two Men Are Better Than One

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews



The Blogger Girls

Amanda C. Stone



Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Bayou Book Junkie



Cate Ashwood


Parker Williams



Divine Magazine

Velvet Panic



Hearts on Fire

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

Inked Rainbow Reads



Tara Lain

BFD Book Blog

Up All Night, Read All Day
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100 Days Book Tour

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Book Name: 100 Days

Release Date: April 7, 2015

Goodreads Link:

Author Name: Mimsy Hale

Author Bio:

Mimsy Hale has been a contributing ghostwriter to several bestselling nonfiction books. She is also an established writer in online fan communities, where her stories have hundreds of thousands of reads. 100 Days is her first novel. She lives in Suffolk, England, with her roommate and four cats.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @mimsyhale


Publisher: Interlude Press

Cover Artist: Front cover concept by Abbi Lawson

Cover design by Buckeyegrrl Designs




Jake and Aiden have been best friends—and nothing more—since the age of six. Now 22-year-old college graduates, they take a road trip around the USA, visiting every state in 100 days.


As they start their cross-country odyssey, Jake and Aiden think they have their journey and their futures mapped out. But the road has a funny way of changing course.


Fifty states. Two boys. One love story.


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance



Because anything really could happen, couldn’t it? What if what happened in Philadelphia wasn’t a total mistake, but simply the prelude to Jake finally listening to what his instincts have been telling him for weeks? What if, what if, what if…

“What are you doing? Come see this!” Aiden calls out.

Jake takes a deep breath and steps out of the shadows. Aiden is silhouetted against the fading sun, the light picking out the auburn in his hair, and as he stretches his arms up over his head, one finger hooked through the woven bracelet he bought earlier, he grins out at the horizon. Jake feels as if he’s watching Aiden through brand new eyes; he knows that there is rescue in those arms. Suddenly he wants to fall into them and hold on until he feels safe.

Aiden turns away from the vista, pushes his sunglasses up on top of his head and looks down at Jake, his eyes sparkling with warmth and light. He leans forward and holds out his hand, and he looks… beautiful.


Pages or Words:
346 pages


VBT - 100 Days - April 13 - Parker Williams - Chunk VBT - 100 Days - April 13 - Parker Williams - Hershey VBT - 100 Days - April 13 - Parker Williams - Jinx VBT - 100 Days - April 13 - Parker Williams - Nina (left) and Jinx (right)
Your bio says that you live with a roommate and four cats. Can you tell us about the cats?

All girls, so I live in a very estrogen-heavy household! Chunk is the eldest, about to turn six. I got her when I was nineteen, only a couple of months after I moved out of home. She’s a Bengal mix, so she’s a tabby with spots on her tummy, and the biggest eyes you’ve ever seen. If I had to pick which one of the cats ruled the roost, it would be her. She has this imperious way of wandering around the place as if everything is beneath her. But when she wants cuddles (which is actually pretty often), she isn’t afraid to show it.

Hershey came next, and she’s nearly five. She moved in about a week before Danii (my roommate) did, and we named her after Barbara Hershey—not the candy bar! Hershey is probably the dumbest cat you’ll ever meet. She’s adorably cross-eyed, and all she wants out of life is constant cuddles. She keeps us entertained, though—one summer, there was a moth fluttering around outside of the living room window and Hershey jumped up, hit the glass, and slid down as if she was something out of a cartoon. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard in my life!

The most recent additions are Jinx and Nina, and they’ll turn two at the end of the summer. I never intended for the cats to outnumber us, but our local vet posted on Facebook about this pair of sisters that had been found abandoned. Usually, kittens are snapped up within hours, but these two were with the vet for about a week. They must have been waiting for us! They’ve got vastly different personalities—Jinx was incredibly shy, hissing every time you came near her. It took me two weeks of consistent affection and reassurance to bring her out of her shell, and now she’s all over me. She’s actually sitting on my feet as a I type this, and she gets into bed with me most nights. Nina, on the other hand, is openly affectionate with most people, and an absolute terror. No matter how many times we stand up the freaking bin in the living room, five minutes later we find it knocked over again. At this point, I’ve given up caring—we brought them home, and I wouldn’t change it for the world.

What were your feelings the first time you got a book contract?

Oh, man. Well, I’d known it was coming for some time, so it shouldn’t really have been all that surprising when the documents landed in my email inbox. But it really was! I just kind of stared at the email for a while, thinking that it was all some kind of joke. I spent about half an hour wandering around my flat, phone in hand with the email open on the screen, and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

I read it, signed it, and sent it back—still thinking it was all a joke. It really didn’t actually hit me until about a week later, when I had all of my closest family (parents and step-parents, plus all three siblings and Danii) gathered in my living room for my birthday. I said, “I have something exciting to tell you. Last week, I signed a book contract.”

There was a beat of silence that felt endless. I thought to myself, Oh no. It’s a joke, and they’re all in on it. Worst birthday ever. And then my dad strode forward, put his arms around me and said, “I’m so proud of you, mate.” (Yeah, my dad calls me ‘mate.’ He’s Suffolk born and bred, just like me.) My mum did the same, and then my step-parents in turn. My brothers and sister were standing somewhat awkwardly (they’re all teenagers; everything is awkward to them) but smiling at me, and Danii was looking pleased as punch.

That’s when I knew it wasn’t a joke, and that’s when it became real. What a sucker punch!

Tour Dates & Stops:



Cathy Brockman Romances

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

The Hat Party

My Fiction Nook



3 Chicks After Dark

Bayou Book Junkie

Molly Lolly



Hearts on Fire

Cate Ashwood

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Book Reviews and More by Kathy



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Prism Book Alliance



Amanda C. Stone

Parker Williams



Carly’s Book Reviews

Velvet Panic

Inked Rainbow Reads



Boys on the Brink Reviews

Wake Up Your Wild Side

BFD Book Blog



Divine Magazine

Prism Book Alliance



The Blogger Girls

Love Bytes



MM Good Book Reviews

Rainbow Gold Reviews

Dawn’s Reading Nook

Sales Links:

IP Web Store:





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Depending On You Book Tour


Author Name: J.E. Birk


Book Name: Depending On You Series: Dating In Denver Book One

(This is the prequel story to the short that appeared in the Grand Adventures Anthology)


Release Date: February 4, 2015



It all started with a diabetic kid who wouldn’t stop eating cookies. And a best friend who’d just announced his bisexuality and hit on everything that moved. And a kind pediatric nurse with an amazing rack, a lying ex-boyfriend, and a nasty case of the chicken pox.

But mostly, it started at table 42.

When Benjy Moreland almost collapses during his restaurant shift, Dr. Kyle Penners wants nothing more than to take care of him… but if there’s one thing former foster kid Benjy values, it’s his independence. A dying man and a sick little boy force Kyle and Benjy to work together, and both of them have to make some important choices about what it means to depend on someone.



Pages or Words: 103 pages


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Romance



YEARS LATER, when people would ask Benjy and Kyle how they ended up together, Benjy would usually say this: “Oh, he came into my restaurant one night, and I thought he was cute, so I dumped beer all over him. Saw it in a romantic comedy once, so it seemed like a good idea.” People always laughed at that, and Kyle always rolled his eyes. And then they’d slyly smile at each other, and maybe Kyle would wink a little bit, because, as Benjy was fond of telling him, he liked winking way too much, and both of them would think about how there was so much more to the story than that.


Like a diabetic kid who wouldn’t stop eating cookies.


And a best friend who’d just announced his bisexuality and was intent on hitting on everything that moved.


And a kind pediatric nurse and her amazing rack.


And a lying ex-boyfriend.


And most of all, a nasty case of the chicken pox.


But before all that, it had started with Benjy dumping beer all over Kyle—and before that, it had really started with Benjy, a twenty-two-year old college senior, waking up with a horrible taste in his mouth.


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About the author:


J.E. Birk has been telling stories since she could talk and writing them since she was introduced to the alphabet. She hails from Colorado, where you can usually find her skiing, training for a 5k she won’t end up running, or trying to figure out why a good strong housecleaning never lasts longer than two days.


Where to find the author:





Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Tour Dates & Stops:


BFD Book Blog



Inked Rainbow Reads



Hearts on Fire



Molly Lolly



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Zombie Boyfriend Book Blast



Author Name: T. Strange


Book Name: My Zombie Boyfriend


Release Date: April 15, 2015



Edward Grey is a medical student by day, necromancer by night. He lives alone with the first zombie he ever raised, his childhood cat, Boo. Edward’s life is simple: studying medicine, training his necromantic powers with his mentor, Mariel, and having weekly dinners with his parents. When he finds a very attractive corpse in a park and brings it home to reanimate, he accidentally creates a sassy, free-willed zombie who believes Edward is the one who murdered him.


With no memory of his former life, Edward names the zombie Kit and tries to win his trust. Kit slowly adjusts to his new un-life with Edward’s help, though he’s still suspicious of Edward’s role in his death and is convinced that Edward is hiding his former identity. Edward is very attracted to Kit, but understands why Kit doesn’t trust him. As they become closer to one another, Kit turns to Edward for comfort and love. The fragile trust they’ve built together will be tested when Kit unexpectedly regains his memory and seeks revenge on his murderers.


Pages or Words: 64,000 words


Categories: Humor, Romance, Horror, Contemporary, M/M Romance, Urban Fantasy, New Adult, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Paranormal



Kit took one look at the concoction and raised his eyebrows in disbelief and disgust. “What is that supposed to be?”

“It’s your food. Mmm! Delicious, brains! Zombies love brains!” I could see right away that I had gone too far.

“I am not a dog or a child, Edward. And I don’t appreciate your stereotyping.”

Oh, great. I had offended a zombie. What a schmuck. “I’m sorry, Kit. Won’t you at least try it?”

“Is that a slice of brain?”

“…yes. Technically. It’s not human!”

“Oh, it’s a brain, but it’s not human. That makes it all better. What’s in the rest of it?”

“The rest of the cow?” No, this was not going at all well. I pleaded. I cajoled. I begged.

He poured it down the sink.

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About the author:


My Zombie Boyfriend is T. Strange’s first full-length novel, though she has published several shorter works with Torquere Press. When not writing, T. enjoys gardening, spending time with her horse, and, of course, reading. T. lives in Canada with her wife, surrounded by pets.


Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:







Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: B. S. Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: April 10, 2015

Parker Williams, Bayou Book Junkie, Tara Lain, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Molly Lolly,

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Love Bytes, Charley Descoteaux, Decadent Delights, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Cate Ashwood, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, TTC Books and More, Andrew Q. Gordon, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, 3 Chicks After Dark



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