




a Bittersweet Dreams novella from Dreamspinner Press

e-book $4.99

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With his ten-year high school reunion approaching, Harold wonders whether Mario will be as muscular, sexy, and tantalizing as he remembers. As a teenager, it was love at first sight for Harold while tutoring football star Mario, until homophobia and bullying drove Mario deep into the closet. Now they’re both married men. Mario, a model, is miserable with his producer wife, while Harold, a teacher, is perfectly content with his businessman husband, Stuart. When the two meet again, will the old flame reignite, setting Harold’s comfortable life ablaze? How can Harold be happy with Stuart when he is still infatuated with his Adonis, his first love, Mario? Harold faces this seemingly impossible situation with inimitable wit, tenderness, and humor as he attempts to reconcile the past and the future.

Joe Cosentino is the author of An Infatuation (Dreamspinner Press), Paper Doll, the first Jana Lane mystery (Whiskey Creek Press), Drama Queen, the first Nicky and Noah mystery (Lethe Press-releasing this summer), and The Nutcracker and the Mouse King (Eldridge Plays and Musicals). He has appeared in principal acting roles in film, television, and theatre, opposite stars such as Bruce Willis, Rosie O’Donnell, Nathan Lane, Holland Taylor, and Jason Robards. His one-act plays, Infatuation and Neighbor, were performed in New York City. He wrote The Perils of Pauline educational film (Prentice Hall Publishers). Joe is currently Head of the Department/Professor at a college in upstate New York, and is happily married. His upcoming novels are Porcelain Doll (the second Jana Lane mystery), Drama Muscle (the second Nicky and Noah mystery), A Shooting Star (Dreamspinner Press novella), A Home for the Holidays (Dreamspinner Press holiday novella).

Web site:








The Altered Book Blast



Author Name: Annabelle Jacobs


Book Name: The Altered


Release Date: April 9, 2015



Twenty years ago the UK’s water supply was contaminated with an experimental pathogen, Lycanaeris, causing widespread panic across the nation. Terrorism was suspected but never proven, and when nothing happened–no epidemic, no unexplained illnesses–the whole episode was written off as an elaborate hoax. But Lycanaeris was selective. Only those of a certain age, and with a specific gene in their DNA were infected. Time would reveal the pathogen’s true nature, when those susceptible grew up Altered.

Daniel is one of thousands forced to hide his altered status by living a quiet life. He’s not like the others, though. Daniel can’t help looking so distinctive or being able to see every altered for what they really are. To those abducting altereds, that skill makes him valuable.

For Jordan, shifting from human to wolf means living under the radar to avoid unwanted attention. Meeting Daniel complicates matters. Daniel’s existence is a threat to Jordan and his friends, but Jordan can’t seem to shake the strange connection between them. When danger threatens, there’s little time for Daniel and Jordan to work out their feelings before lives are at stake.



Pages or Words: 209 pages, 75,000 words


Categories: M/M Romance, Paranormal



He laughed at the joke Matt was in the middle of telling, chipping in for a bit and teasing him, and then he felt it again, creeping up the back of his spine like icy fingers. Daniel stayed perfectly still, suppressing his body’s natural reaction, and carefully turned to place his empty pint glass on the bar.

He let his gaze wander along to the end of the bar, past the couple he’d spotted earlier, and—

Bloody Hell.

He sucked in a sharp breath before he could stop himself. Usually he got a flash of images, depending on how much they’d been altered—claws, teeth, and fur if they changed fully, but never anything like this. One minute Daniel was looking at a tall dark-haired, really hot man, and in the blink of an eye he’d changed into a huge black wolf, fangs bared in a snarl—clearer than anything he’d seen before.

The image vanished almost as soon as it appeared, and the noise from the bar suddenly jarred Daniel back to his senses.



Sales Links:


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About the author:


Annabelle Jacobs lives in the South West of England with her husband, three rowdy children, and two cats.

An avid reader of fantasy herself for many years, Annabelle now spends her days writing her own stories. They’re usually either fantasy or paranormal fiction, because she loves building worlds filled with magical creatures, and creating stories full of action and adventure. Her characters may have a tough time of it—fighting enemies and adversity—but they always find love in the end.


Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:





Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Annabelle Jacobs

Cover Artist: Natasha Snow

Tour Dates & Stops: April 9, 2015

Parker Williams, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Cate Ashwood, Amanda C. Stone, Gaylist Book Reviews, Havan Fellows, Molly Lolly, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Rainbow Gold Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Chris McHart, MM Good Book Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, The Hat Party, Lee Brazil, Bayou Book Junkie, Emotion in Motion, Divine Magazine, Carly’s Book Reviews
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Spice Book Tour

Spice 4x6x COVER-Front-1

Book Name: Spice

Release Date: April 2, 2015

Goodreads Link:

Author Name: Lilah Suzanne

Author Bio: Lilah Suzanne has been writing actively since the sixth grade, when a literary magazine published her essay about an uncle who lost his life to AIDS. A freelance writer, she also authored a children’s book and has a devoted following in the online fan community.

Where to find the author:

Facebook: Lilah Suzanne

Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @lilahsuzanne



Publisher: Interlude Press

Cover Artist: Cover Art by Gladys Garcia; Book Design by BuckeyeGrrl Designs


As writer of the popular “Ask Eros” advice column, Simon Beck has an answer to every relationship question his readers can throw at him. When it comes to his own life, the answers are a little more elusive—until computer troubles introduce him to the newest and cutest member of his company’s IT support team. Simon may be charmed by Benji’s sweet and unassuming manner, but will he find the answer to the one relationship question he has never been able to solve: how to know when he’s met Mr. Right?



Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Rom-Com




“How about you? Did you always want to be a writer?”


“Yeah. I think I did.” He finally gives up on work completely and closes the laptop. “I mean. I guess what I write about is kind of pointless, but I wanted to be a poet once upon a time, so I guess it could be even more pointless,” he jokes.


Benji’s eyebrows knot. “It’s not. Why would it be pointless?”


Simon gives a humorless laugh. “I mean, I write a sex column for women. Not exactly moving prose or hard-hitting journalism.”


Benji scoots over little on the desk, sitting with his legs so close to where Simon is sitting low in his chair that he can smell Benji’s crisp laundry detergent and citrusy soap. He suddenly has to fight the urge to move a fraction to the left, press his nose to the inside seam of Benji’s jeans and breathe him in.


“You listen to people. You remind them that they’re valuable and worthy of love and respect. How is that not important?” Simon is struck speechless, chest tight and breath caught. Then Benji claps him on the shoulder and hops off the desk. “Come on. Let’s go have lunch.”

Pages or Words: 228 Pages


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Do I have any pets?

I do! I have two cats and a dog, and even though I love animals and have always had pets, I wound up with all three of them by random happenstance.

Tank is a mix: Half Chihuahua, half gremlin, I’m pretty sure. Or maybe it was half Jack Russell Terrier. I got him when I lived in Seattle, from a friend of my sister who had to move suddenly and couldn’t take any of her pets. She was desperate to keep them out of a shelter and having trouble finding homes for them. I lived in a tiny apartment at the time, didn’t really want a dog until I had a yard, but I felt badly for her, so I said I’d come by and see the dogs, but only just to see. Tank was home with me a few days later. He spends a lot of time looking out the window, viciously barking at whatever passes by: People. Dogs. Cars. Plastic bags caught in an updraft. He’s can also be very sweet and affectionate and he loves to play ball. And yes, his ears always look like that.

The cats I found abandoned on the side of the road; three tiny orange kittens, spotted after a shopping trip with a car full of stuff. The rescue was swelteringly hot and tense, and they were terrified; skittering away dangerously close to the cars speeding by whenever we tried to scoop them up. A giant spider landed on my head at one point. But eventually, skinny and starving, they gave into the slices of lunch meat we had to offer. I wasn’t really in the market for one cat, let alone three, but every no kill shelter and rescue group in the area was full. Actually I think a few of them tried to unload some of their cats onto me they were so full. I decided to keep one. Found homes for the other two. One of those homes fell through so I kept two. Dandelion is a light buff orange who will hit me repeatedly with her paw if I don’t pet her when she wants me to. She’s doing it as I type this. Buttercup likes to eat spinach and sleep in dirty clothes hampers and has a petting quota of approximately one head scratch every other month.

There’s also a bird but she doesn’t do much. Just looks and sounds pretty and drops seed husks into the carpet. The dog in Spice is my dream dog: A big, happy, lovable goof. Maybe someday. I’m still waiting on that yard, though. And I probably have my hands full. But who knows, maybe I’ll accidentally wind up with one anyway.

Tour Dates & Stops:


The Novel Approach

The Hat Party

Because Two Men Are Better Than One



Multitasking Mommas

Bayou Book Junkie

MM Good Book Reviews



Hearts on Fire

The Blogger Girls

Love Bytes



Michael Mandrake

Inked Rainbow Reads



Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Bike Book Reviews



It’s Raining Men

Parker Williams




My Fiction Nook



Velvet Panic

BFD Book Blog



Cate Ashwood

Cathy Brockman Romances

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

Amanda C. Stone



Molly Lolly

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words


Sales Links:

Interlude Press Web Store:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Crossed Hearts Cover Reveal

Young man


Author Name: K. Vale


Book Name: Crossed Hearts Book one in the Hearts and Scars series


Release Date: April 27, 2015



Kory Vansant doesn’t deserve to be alive.

As time sucks him dry of energy, sapping the final ounces of strength from his congenitally enlarged heart, he’s forced to end his career as Kory Kent, porn star. Staring down death, he questions his life choices and prays for a miracle. For another chance at life, he vows to change who he is at his core.

His prayers are answered. A perfect heart now beats in his chest, but it comes at a heavy price. The donor is an innocent young man cut down far too prematurely.

And Kory’s blemished history is nowhere near an ideal match.

As his debts skyrocket, Kory can’t help but think his resolve to walk the high road is being tested. After he meets the adorable Will Squire at the gravesite they both visit, he’s doubly damned because there’s no way he can keep up his end of the bargain. What happens when a man breaks a deal with a higher power?

Will often prefers the company of the dead to that of the living. Following a bad breakup, he pours himself into his two jobs—funeral director at his uncle’s mortuary and part-time paramedic. He’s drawn ever closer to Kory, as if fate sticks her fickle hand in and pushes them together like two unlikely puzzle pieces. But sometimes history can’t be buried, and maybe divine intervention isn’t always right. Will discovers everyone is imperfect, no matter how pretty the outer package, and opening one’s heart is never easy, but can be oh so worth the pain.


Pages or Words: 70,000 words


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



The man scratched the scrub on his chin. “Heart recipient,” he said finally. “I’m Kory—umm…Kory Vansant.” Holding out his hand, he took another step. Will’s fingers were swallowed in warm skin and bone.

“Will Squire.” Again, he couldn’t tear his gaze from the tease of scar tissue jutting from the crotch of Kory’s shirt collar. The urge to reach out and trace a finger over the pink relief of healed tissue was strong. Just like I touched Brandon’s incision. The stark difference between the two—one wound marking the end of a life and the other a salvation—was surreal. Will was nothing but an outsider looking in on a miracle, but somehow he felt he’d come around full circle.

“Want me to get naked so you can see the whole thing?”

Will closed his eyes for a moment and then looked up, his face flaming with a mix of embarrassment and immediate, fierce arousal. “I’m sorry. Totally rude.”

Kory smiled good-naturedly. “No worries. It’s a way to reclaim who I am, or was. Or some crap. I’m not just my medical status, like they keep saying at my support group.”

“No. Of course you’re not.”

He laughed loud and deep, and the warmth in Will’s face drifted down his body. “I’ve adopted it as my little icebreaker whenever people stare,” Kory said.

“Well, ice broken.” Will gulped. Hell, ice melted into a rolling boil.


Sales Links:




About the author:

K. Vale writes erotic romance of all stripes, from hot hetero to mouthwatering manlove. Find her MF work published under Kimber Vale. Come for the sex. Stay for the story. Stalk Kimber on Facebook and Twitter @KimberVale, and check her site for updates, new releases, and freebies at

Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Kimber Vale

Cover Artist: Dana Priebe

Tour Dates & Stops: April 6, 2015

Parker Williams

Inked Rainbow Reads

Divine Magazine

Molly Lolly

BFD Book Blog

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

Charley Descoteaux

Carly’s Book Reviews

Cate Ashwood

TTC Books and More

Bike Book Reviews

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Bayou Book Junkie

Love Bytes

My Fiction Nook

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings

MM Good Book Reviews

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves

Rainbow Gold Reviews


Enter to win a copy of Crossed Hearts by adding it to your Goodreads “Want to Read” shelf. Kimber will pick a winner on release day. Follow the link:




Moment of Clarity hires MomentsinTimeFS

Thank you so much for agreeing to be part of my double cover reveal for MOMENT OF CLARITY (book 3) and MOMENTS IN TIME (the paperback) on April 3.

Blurb for MOMENT OF CLARITY (Book 3 of the Moments In Time Series)

Spending the summer together on Fire Island brought Collin and Tanner closer than ever, but back in their conservative college town, challenges confront them at every turn.

As they search for their new normal in their old environment, Collin’s brother Sean surprises them with help when they need it most. But when word about their relationship gets out, trouble erupts with friends and family. When Collin’s relationship with Tanner becomes an issue in his brother’s custody battle, and Tanner struggles with his feelings for a heartbroken Wendy, Collin wonders if everyone he cares about would be better off without him in the picture. In order to save them both, Tanner must make it clear to Collin that their love for each other is all that matters.
MOMENTS IN TIME is the paperback version and contains all three novellas (Moment Of Impact, Moment Of Truth and Moment Of Clarity) in once volume.
Both books are available for pre-order at Dreamspinner Press.
They will be available at all major retailers on May 6, 2015
These books should be read in order so if anyone hasn’t read books 1 and 2 they should read those first. Moment Of Impact and Moment Of Truth are available at:

Karen Stivali

Novels about love…like real life, only hotter

Passionate Plume 1st Place Winner 2012 – ALWAYS YOU
Bean Pot Readers’ Choice 1st Place Winner 2013 – MARRY ME