
Room 1024 Book Blast


Author Name: Racheline Maltese & Erin McRae


Book Name: Room 1024


Release Date: April 8, 2015



When Cameron takes his submissive boyfriend Noah to a gay men’s leather convention in San Francisco, Cam expects to spend the week exploring their relationship and experimenting with non-monogamy. What he doesn’t expect is to run into his own former dom, Lou, in an embarrassingly public reunion.


While Noah is enthusiastic about the opportunity to play with the former international leather title-holder, Cam is more wary. He and Lou have unfinished business. A four-way encounter with Lou and his sub Stephen could be great fun—or it could show Noah that Cameron can never quite be the dom he wants and needs.


As Cameron and Noah work through the uncertainties in their relationship, Noah is offered everything he ever wanted, in a completely different way than he ever expected, leading all four men to discover that sometimes the only way forward is to revisit the past.


Pages or Words: 13,000 words


Categories: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Romance



Between dinner and dessert—which is clearly going to be all about dessert wine because Lou loves a ritual, whether of a meal or of a certain sort of sex—Lou walks his fingers across the table toward Noah, stops just short of touching him, and says, “So what do you like?”


Lou glances at Cameron to make sure it’s all right he’s asked, only after the fact, and Cameron gives a little nod. Among other things, he’s curious how Noah, who agitated for this trip and is constantly saying he wants them to be more a part of the community, will take the reality of it.


Noah glances around and blushes slightly at the impending necessity of mentioning spanking and flogging and CBT in public. Cameron finds it completely endearing. It also reveals, while Lou smirks over them all, just what it takes to turn Stephen into a chatterbox: comparing notes.


Eventually, Lou runs a finger around the rim of his wine glass and says, “Well then, we should all play together tomorrow.”



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About the authors:


Erin McRae and Racheline Maltese are authors of the gay romance series Love in Los Angeles, set in the film and television industry—Starling (September 10, 2014), Doves (January 21, 2015), and Phoenix (June 10, 2015)—all from Torquere Press. Their gay romance novella Midsummer (Love’s Labour 1), about a summerstock Shakespeare company, is from Dreamspinner Press (May 2015). They also have a story in Best Gay Romance 2015 from Cleis Press and edited by Felice Picano. Racheline is a NYC-based performer and storyteller; Erin is a writer and blogger based in Washington, D.C. They write stories and scripts about the intersection of private lives, fame, and desire. You can find them on the web at


Where to find the authors:



Facebook Author Page:

Erin’s Twitter:


Racheline’s Twitter:
Other: Joint Blog:

Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: April 3, 2015

Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, Love Bytes, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Inked Rainbow Reads, 3 Chicks After Dark, Molly Lolly, BFD Book Blog, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Charley Descoteaux, My Fiction Nook, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Cate Ashwood, Amanda C. Stone, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Island Keepers Book Blast


Author Name: Kristopher Quentin


Book Name: The Island Keepers


Release Date: April 1, 2015



They could hardly have been less alike. 
David is striking, tanned, smooth, charismatic, blond with an ice melting smile,
and possesses an unmistakable gift as a fiction writer, even at twenty-one.
Wyatt looks as plain as paper, short by comparison, white as a ghost, graceless,
a celebrated oil painter. He is single and he is out. David, raised a strict
evangelical fundamentalist, is embarrassed by his own virginity. Both men
are sent to Puffin Island and, within days of their arrival a young woman washes
ashore, frozen and unresponsive after her kayak crashes against the rocks. 
David and Wyatt save her life. Days later, Wyatt is charged with rape. While
the authorities investigate, the woman’s nineteen year old identical twin
brothers paddle their way to Puffin to teach Wyatt a lesson. Their goal, to
avenge their sister.
The bond between David and Wyatt increases during island duty, and his heart
struggles with the imbedded childhood dogma and lethally homophobic
parents, propelling him to bond with Wyatt, but, when the inthinkable happens,
Wyatt is once more left alone. Wyatt has no option but to move on because
there is a lot at stake and he turns to the unlikeliest of characters to fill the
void, a person who will teach him an important lesson; that love is all about
choice. By making a decision, Wyatt must sacrifice a need that had been
created by his past with David. 



Pages or Words: 108,000 words


Categories: Gay fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance





“ I need to ask you a point blank question.”

“You can always ask, David. You know that.”

“I…I want to…I want know if…fuck this is so hard. Just a sec. I need to breathe.”

I waited a few moments, listening to him breathe deeply.

‘Okay, I’m ready. You still there?”

“Still here. What’s bothering you David?”

“I…I’ve never done this before so please forgive me for botching it up.”

“Talk to me, David.”

“Okay. Okay.” He whispered, and then taking a deep breath, said, “I want to know if you love me. I mean, are you in love with me?”


* * *


Knock me over with a feather.

I’d been staring out the window watching a couple of kittens chasing each other up and down a pair of maples in our yard.

Somehow, I suddenly identified with the chaser.

“I’ll answer that if you promise to answer the same question. Deal?”

I heard a gulp in my ear piece. “Perfect. I’ll answer it first since I asked it,” he said. “You need to know that I love you. I am in love with you. And I’m fucking miserable not having you by my side. I’m even more forlorn knowing you’re dating someone else.” He paused and took a deep breath. “Okay? There, I said it.”

“Do you feel better?”

“That depends on your answer.”



Sales Links:




About the author:


Kristopher Quentin has been writing for decades. He is a businessman
and broadcast journalist by trade, a man up at 3:45 every weekday
morning for a stint on the news desk; a little earlier on weekends to
write fiction in his man cave. An upstate New Yorker by birth, he now
lives in the most rural area of far northern Maine, USA, on 54-acres
of land: wooded, lawns, driveways, and a few buildings including his
four thousand square foot home which he calls the white house; because
it is. His property is home to moose, deer, rabbits, raccoons,
porcupines, fox, weasels, black bears, and one Bard owl.
He loves reading gay romances among other forms of fiction;
non-fiction; and memoirs most of which he considers to be fictional.
Travelling, dining out, boat riding are among his passions; that and
flying his own single engine airplane when he was younger.


Where to find the author:



Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Cool Dudes Publishing

Cover Artist: Louis C. Harris with photography of lighthouse supplied by author

Tour Dates & Stops: April 2, 2015

Parker Williams, Cate Ashwood, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Molly Lolly, BFD Book Blog, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Andrew Q. Gordon, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Bayou Book Junkie, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Hearts on Fire, Elin Gregory

Opposites (book 1, Opposites – The Library, an Opposites novella – book 2, Appearances – The Cellar, an Opposites novella) Book Tour



Author Bio:

Author Ink

A military brat born and raised at Ft. Benning Georgia; Smith is an avid reader, reviewer and writer. She now calls Texas home from her small town on the outskirts of the DFW Metroplex. Most days you can find her curled up with her kindle and a good book alongside a glass of something aged and red or a steaming cup of coffee!

At 42 years young, she’s decided to enter the next phase of her life by adding the title of “author” to her list of accomplishments that includes single mom of three disturbingly outspoken and decidedly different kids, one of which is Autistic. Smith is and outspoken advocate for Autism and equal rights for the LGBTQ community.

Her Opposites series is based outside the normal parameters of social acceptability, examining a ‘what if’… What If to be gay or lesbian were the norm? What if to be straight labeled you as an Opposite and made YOU the Outkast?


Where to find the author:

Author Amazon page:

Author website:

Author Twitter –

GoodReads book:

GoodReads author:





Publisher: TTC Publishing

Cover Artist: T.L. Shreffler of Runaway Book Design



In the year 2081 our planet survived global warming of an apocalyptic scale. When the dust settled and the water receded Dr. Anthony Smith, one of only a few hundred survivors of GWI, started society anew. Having come to the conclusion that injudicious breeding played a huge role in the destruction of Earth as we knew it in the twenty first century, he worked closely with other survivors to isolate the Dionysus gene. This gene has the ability to manipulate human DNA to ensure that all male children be born gay, and all female children be born lesbians. A new society is born.

In the year 2300 Dr. Smith’s descendants are ushering in the twenty fourth century having maintained control of the government that still rules society. Twins Aiya and Aiyan are preparing to meet their matches and take control of House Gaeland, the current ruling House. But not everything is as it seems.

Love is Love.. it knows no gender and doesn’t conform to restrictions and boundaries. Aiyan has found his soul mate in Kaden, the prince of House Devi that he is matched with and eventually marries. But when the person Aiya falls in love with tests the boundaries put in place after GWI, all hell breaks loose. And in the midst of one secret unraveling, another will emerge. There is a growing anomaly that threatens to destroy over two hundred years of progression. This anomaly is known as Opposites.

*WARNING* Opposites is an Adult Dystopian majorly M/M series that contains explicit sexual content and relationships between gay, lesbian and straight couples.*


Categories: Adult dystopian majorly MM romance. I market as an LGBT romance because I have gay, straight and lesbian couples.



Standing outside the door to the room Kaden barely occupied, Aiyan placed his hands on either side of him planting him against the wall. He stared at Kaden for several moments before he smiled, and kissed him. Kaden pulled back and shot a warning glare at him.


“You should go.” Kaden whispered breathlessly. “Goodnight Aiyan.”


Aiyan grinned that crooked smile and planted a kiss on his neck and whispered, “Go where, here?” He moved up and nipped Kaden’s ear lobe with his teeth. “Or here?” he asked. Kaden was beginning to slide down the wall as his legs turned to jelly.


Aiyan stood back laughing, his eyes glistened and he smiled. “Goodnight Kaden, I love you.” Placing a quick peck on his lips, he turned to go.


“And I you.” Kaden said and closed the door behind him before sinking to the floor, no longer able to support himself. He ran the tips of his fingers across his still tingling lips, and smiled.

Pages or Words: 199 pages (Opposites)


Hello everyone, and thank you Parker for such an fun and hopefully entertaining question! Since the basis of the world behind Opposites is an alternate society where as being gay/lesbian is the norm, to be straight is the oddity, I think the most obvious choice for opposites day would make them seem like fish out of water, so to speak.  
I suppose Maeve would be straight and Aiya would be a lesbian, so their particular relationship would still play out the same, just with the roles reversed in a way. Raven could be a gun toting, snuff spitting hetero, typical run of the mill Catholic priest that chases skirts and drinks scotch out in the open, but hides his tendencies toward the male persuasion behind closed doors. Oh, damn… did I just say that out loud? My bad! Marcus could be completely boring instead of totally psychotic, and Cillian could pull on the boots of a big ole cuddly bear. 
And while I could see the majority of my characters re-written for the typical romance novel, aside from Raven, wouldn’t it just be a total blast to see Ryan and Maya as a married couple. I just snorted so hard, I spit wine on the computer screen. Seriously, would they break the bed, or each other?
As for me, I’m just an outspoken, pig headed, hopeless romantic that lives out her fantasies through her characters. So I suppose the opposite of that would be a shy, introverted, cynical shit? Yeah, no, I’ll let the fantasy peeps sweat their way through opposite day. Me, I’ll just be me!

Tour Dates & Stops:


Velvet Panic

The Hat Party



Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Amanda C. Stone



The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat

Inked Rainbow Reads



MM Good Book Reviews

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Prism Book Alliance



Love Bytes

Parker Williams



Emotion in Motion

Bayou Book Junkie



BFD Book Blog

Charley Descoteaux



Molly Lolly

Cate Ashwood

Dawn’s Reading Nook

Sales Links:


Amazon UK –



Createspace paperback:

Print copy of Opposites/The Library from Amazon:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Emerald Keep Book Blast



Author Names: A Catherine Noon & Rachel Wilder


Book Name: Emerald Keep


Series: The Persis Chronicles Book: Two Can be read as a standalone


Release Date: April 8, 2015



When Emerald Keeper Teeka returns to the city of Reghdad and leaves the harsh desert behind, he finds that not all dangers come from the Great Valley. The dangerous Daymonth is nearly upon them and no one can survive on the surface of the planet — but Senior Hunter Quill Mayer is trying to get to Reghdad, and Teeka, before the start of it. Even if he makes it, Emerald Keep denies Teeka’s Contract with Senior Hunter Quill, and Teeka discovers his enemy is more powerful than any of them suspected and he will stop at nothing to separate Teeka and Quill — even by striking in the very heart of the city.


Pages or Words: 81,000 words


Categories: Erotica, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance, Science Fiction



Teeka fought not to fidget as Cordell paid the young man and unrolled the message sheet. He didn’t like the way Cordell frowned and curbed the impulse to snatch the moss paper away and read it himself.


Cordell met his gaze. “The Corsair MD Stardawn clipped a runner on rocks on the way to Kotek Stronghold from Cyrus. When she arrived at Kotek Stronghold, she couldn’t leave. Most passengers got to Cyrus on the other corsairs that had room, but with cramped quarters. Passengers that chose to stay at the stronghold received assistance with lodgings and a voucher for travel after Daymonth.”


“Does it say anything about the passengers on the Sandqueen?” Teeka clutched the edge of the table.


“There is no Senior Hunter Quill Mayer listed on the Sandqueen’s manifest.” Cordell glanced again at the paper. “The Dock Assistant says that livestock wouldn’t have been accommodated due to space constraints.”


Teeka took a deep breath and took the paper from Cordell. He pretended to read it, but tears blurred his vision.


“Maybe he hired a corsair from Kotek City to Reghdad like you did,” Cordell pointed out.


The price of a corsair would be out of anyone’s reach unless they were like Teeka’s father, a minister with the wealth to pay for it and the political pull to be able to hire it without any other passengers. Corsairs that made the run from Kotek City would be stuffed full of passengers and luggage for families journeying to caverns along the route; no one would take one all the way to Reghdad. It wouldn’t make sense.


Quill didn’t make it. He couldn’t leave the truffles alone at the stronghold.


Teeka was alone for the Daymonth.


Sales Links:




About the author:


Author Bio: For author and textile artist A. Catherine Noon, it’s all about the yarn, both metaphorical and literal – spinning a yarn, knitting with yarn, weaving, sewing, painting, sharing stories and good times over a cup of coffee with dark chocolate. She teaches creative writing, creative expression, and textile arts.

For author Rachel Wilder, it’s all about the person – from characters to clients. Image Consultant | Dominatrix | Author


Where to find the author:


My links: Blog | Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads | Amazon | LinkedIn | Pandora

Knoontime Knitting: Blog | Facebook | Twitter | Ravelry
Noon and Wilder links: Blog | Taurus and Taurus (NSFW) | Website | Facebook

The Writer Zen Garden: The Writers Retreat Blog | Forum | Facebook | Twitter | Meetup

National Novel Writing Month: NaNoWriMo | ChiWriMo | Blog | Facebook | Twitter

Team Blogs: Nightlight | Nightlight FB Page | Beyond the Veil | BtV FB Page | Nice Girls Writing Naughty | NGW FB | NGW Twitter


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: April 1, 2015

MM Good Book Reviews, Parker Williams, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, Love Bytes, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Molly Lolly, Amanda C. Stone, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Cate Ashwood, Up All Night, Read All Day, Michael Mandrake, Charley Descoteaux
a Rafflecopter giveaway

The Jewel Cave Book Tour

SMJewel Cave Final 12614 copy


Book Name: The Jewel Cave

Release Date: April 1, 2015

Goodreads Link:

Author Name: Elizabeth Noble

Author Bio:

Elizabeth Noble started telling stories before she actually knew how to write, and her family was very happy when she learned to put words on a page. Those words turned into fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M romance fiction. Being able to share her works with Dreamspinner is really a dream come true. She has a real love for a good mystery complete with murder and twisty plots as well as all things sci-fi, futuristic, and supernatural and a bit of an unnatural interest in a super-volcano in Wyoming.

Elizabeth has three grown children and is now happily owned by an adorable mixed breed canine princess named Rosie, and two cats, Murphy and Yeti. She lives in her native northeast Ohio, the perfect place for gardening, winter and summer sports (go Tribe!). When she’s not writing she’s working as a veterinary nurse, so don’t be surprised to see her men with a pet or three who are a very big part of their lives.

Two of Elizabeth’s books have received Honorable Mentions in the Rainbow Awards.


Author Contact:


Circles website:

Dreamspinner Circles Page:

Dreamspinner Author Arcade:



Google+ pages:

Twitter: @elizabethnoble1

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: TL BLAND


Through ten wonderful years Griff Diamond and Clint Bishop weathered good times and bad together. Lately they haven’t spent as much time together as they’d like, and their physical relationship is suffering. Then Clint loses his job at the steel mill. Instead of worrying, he sees it as an opportunity to lean on his steady partner, start his writing career, and rekindle the passion they’ve lost.


But a friendly relationship with another author turns to obsession, putting Clint’s life in danger. Taken against his will to the Jewel Cave system in South Dakota, Clint must rely on the skills he’s learned from Griff to survive.


Fearing the worst, Griff tracks Clint across the country. As a US Marshall, Griff’s always been the man who keeps everyone safe, but he doesn’t know how he and Clint will survive this.



Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Gay Fiction, Mystery, Romance




Clint nearly jumped out of his skin when someone’s strong arm snaked around his waist and pulled him back against a firm body. Warm breath blew in his ear along with the words, “You left the door unlocked again. I could be the neighborhood whack job here to bludgeon you to death after defiling you.”

“You scared the crap out of me!” Clint yelped, trying to squirm away, but it was useless. “You’re the guy on this street with all the big guns.” Behind him Griff chuckled and used one finger to move Clint’s hair away from his neck. He pressed a soft kiss to the spot. Clint glared down at the dogs. “And you two! You need watchdog lessons.”

Griff let go of Clint, turned him, and shook him by the shoulders for a second. “Lock the goddamn doors. Even if someone smashes through the storm door, you’ll at least hear them.” He raised his eyebrows and leaned away from Clint, letting him go. “For me. Please.”

“What you really don’t want is some moron busting up the storm door since you’d have to help me replace it,” Clint muttered.

Griff pointed up. “Hey, I happen to have a deep appreciation for that door. Notice I’m tactfully not mentioning how delightful you are when you work on a construction project?” Clint burst out laughing. Griff’s blue-gray eyes twinkled, and the corners crinkled in the way Clint loved when Griff smiled. “Sorry I’m late,” Griff said, leaning down to pet the dogs.


1 – What is the most difficult part of writing a book for you?

That’s a tough one for me. I really enjoy writing of any kind. For me writing a book gives me the same escape as reading one. I get to dive into another world for a little while. I guess the difficult parts are when the plot hits a snag. There is at least one part in every book that it seems I have to go over and over until it’s right and flows smoothly.

2 – What is your greatest writing distraction? The fact I have a day job and for some reason they think I’m supposed to show up and do stuff.

3 – Tell us about your first fan letter. My first fan letter was from a reader who read my fanfiction and then my original fiction. What touched me the most was her interest in me as a person. We’ve since become good friends, we have a lot in common. We discuss books of course, mine and other people’s, television, movies and a whole lot more.

4 – Is your family supportive of your writing or more of a ‘oh no, she’s at it again’? I’ve always written, though what I’ve written has varied throughout the years. My children grew up watching mom write, so I think by now they don’t think much of it. They would like to go into a bookstore and see my books someday.

5 – Cats or dogs? Discuss.

Ah, that age old question. I’m a dog person. I couldn’t imagine my life without at least one. However, I’m what we refer to at work (I’m a veterinary nurse) bi-species. I love dogs, but I do like cats very much. I have a dog and two cats. Each has their advantages, honestly I see no disadvantages to either. Dogs are great for a walk or hike, they like to ride along in the car and they can be protection. Cats are more apt to spend time on your lap. Both are good listeners and they always agree with me.


Pages or Words: 42,000 words

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Inked Rainbow Reads

Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Multitasking Mommas

Hearts on Fire



MM Good Book Reviews

Dawn’s Reading Nook

Smoocher’s Voice


Parker Williams



Romancing The Book

Because Two Men Are Better Than One

Velvet Panic

Love Bytes

Cate Ashwood



Jade Crystal

Molly Lolly

Fallen Angel Reviews

Bayou Book Junkie



Wake Up Your Wild Side

Queer Town Abbey

BFD Book Blog

Christy Loves 2 Read

The Blogger Girls

Foxylutely Book Reviews

Amanda C. Stone



3 Chicks After Dark

Prism Book Alliance



Rainbow Gold Reviews

My Fiction Nook


Sales Links:






a Rafflecopter giveaway