
Out of the Blue Book Tour


Book Name: Out of the Blue

Series? Yes, this is book one.

Release Date: February 27, 2015

Goodreads Link:

Author Name: RJ Jones

Author Bio:

I started as a reader and eventually made the progression to reviewing. It wasn’t until two men pop into my thoughts, insisting on telling me their story that I started to write. It started with one scene. A hot and dirty one in the shower.

My initial thought was if I could write their scene then they’d shut up and allow me to concentrate on other aspects of my day. That shower scene was 3000 words long and three hours of work. But they didn’t shut up. They told me their entire story and I didn’t sleep for days. Sometimes I couldn’t keep up with what they were telling me and I had to keep a notebook by my bed.

Whilst I was writing their story a side character decided he needed his story told too. Then other characters followed suit.

You see the problem? If I ever want to sleep again then I need to write.

I’m a wife and a mother to two boys. Even my dog is a boy.

I am surrounded by males.

Where to find the author:




Publisher: Self-published

Cover Artist: LC Chase


When everything happens Out of the Blue…

Lt Cameron Cooper has been with the San Francisco Fire Department for fifteen years. He’s seen and dealt with a lot of horrifying situations. He’s always considered himself mentally tough, but when he attends a multi-vehicle accident and sees a dead boy with features remarkably similar to his long-time boyfriend, his mental health takes a hit.

All Jake Montgomery wants is to propose to his boyfriend on their ten-year anniversary. He’s already bought the perfect rings, but when Cameron struggles to look at him after a tragic accident, he has doubts about their future. Cam is withdrawing, and Jake doesn’t know why.

With heated arguments and cold shoulders, Cam and Jake’s life starts to fall apart. Just when Cam thinks he can overcome his issues and finally talk to Jake, memories from Jake’s past threaten to push them apart forever.


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, M/M Romance, Romance


Exclusive Excerpt:

Cam caught me by the arm as I reached the street. “Hey, babe, what’s…?” He glanced away from me quickly and focused on the ground, and my anger boiled over.

I placed my sunglasses on and hissed at him, “Better? Can you talk to me now that you can’t see my eyes?” Cam remained silent as he stared at the ground. “Fuck you, Cameron. Just… fuck you.” Cam looked up, his eyes wide. We had never spoken to each other that way, and he deflated, his shoulders slumping in defeat. He looked sad and weary, and if I wasn’t so angry, I would’ve felt sorry for him. Instead, I felt sorry for myself.

Without another word said between us, I turned and left.


Our apartment was empty and quiet, and after changing into my running gear, I took off. It was going to be a long run; I needed to wear myself out. A run usually emptied my head, but it didn’t work that time. As I ran through Golden Gate Park, I couldn’t remember how I’d gotten there. My head was so full of everything going on I couldn’t recall which route I’d taken. It was late and the park was eerily dark and silent as the moon above shone through the trees with fingers of silvery light, the dull thud of my feet hitting the path my only company. I came to a wooden bench and dropped onto it, exhausted from the run but also emotionally wrung out. Cradling my head in my hands, my shoulders heaved and the lump in my throat threatened to choke me. Tears welled in my eyes, and I was powerless to stop them. I cried then, my body wracked with confusion and grief. I cried for everything I had and for everything I could feel slipping away from me.


Pages or Words: 60,000 words

Tour Dates/Stops:


Carly’s Book Reviews



MM Good Book Reviews



The Novel Approach



Molly Lolly



Parker Williams



3 Chicks After Dark



Love Bytes



Havan Fellows



BFD Book Blog

The Blogger Girls



Amanda C. Stone



Prism Book Alliance

Inked Rainbow Reads

Sales Links:





a Rafflecopter giveaway

Early to Rise Book Blast



Author Name: V. L. Locey


Book Name: Early to Rise


Release Date: April 1, 2015



There are few things worse than being left at the altar by the man you thought loved you. Just ask Simon Wilder. He knows all about it. He also knows a thing or two about getting fired. It`s been a rotten week for Simon and making major life decisions during such turmoil may not be the wisest thing Simon has ever done. Or is it?


Packing up his clothes, his collection of Tony Orlando CD`s, and his cat, Sambuca, Simon leaves the hustle and bustle of Philadelphia behind and heads out to live on his uncle Tiberius` farm in the mountains of Pennsylvania. Starting over on the farm where he vacationed once as a child is a going to be just what the doctor ordered, as long as that doctor is the good-looking large animal veterinarian, Gentry Martin. Is a sexy country vet the cure for a love-sick city boy?


Pages or Words: 112 pages


Categories: Erotica, Gay Fiction, Humor, Romance



“Welcome to Elderberry Grove. You passing through?” He offered his hand and I shook it. Then I reluctantly released his hand and busied myself with putting my watch back on.


“No, actually I’m going to be moving into–“


A sharp blast on a horn cut me off. Handsome-As-Hell and I both whipped around to find a huge white pig tooting the horn of the old blue Chevy pickup parked beside my Captiva. My mouth literally dropped open.


“Shit. I forgot how she gets when her coffee is late. Nice meeting you!” the man who saved my life grinned. Good thing I had my vehicle behind me or I would have melted like an ice cream cone in August at his flashing white teeth.


Dumbstruck, I watched the man grab a takeout container holding two large cups of coffee off my hood then run to the porker resting her cloven hooves on the steering wheel.


With a grin and a wave, he and his swine friend rattled off down the two-lane in the direction of Elderberry Grove’s booming downtown section. I closed my mouth.


“I get the feeling we’re not in Port Richmond anymore,” I muttered, eyes glued to the departing blue tailgate. Sambuca hissed at me in reply.



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About the author:


V.L. Locey loves worn jeans, belly laughs, reading and writing lusty tales, Greek mythology, the New York Rangers, comic books, and coffee. (Not necessarily in that order.) She shares her life with her husband, her daughter, one dog, two cats, a flock of assorted goofy domestic fowl, and three steers.

When not writing spicy romances, she enjoys spending her day with her menagerie in the rolling hills of Pennsylvania with a cup of fresh java in hand. She can also be found online on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, tsú, and GoodReads.


Where to find the author:






My blog-

tsú –


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press

Cover Artist: Brandon Clay

Tour Dates & Stops: March 25, 2015

Parker Williams, Bike Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie,

Cate Ashwood, Molly Lolly, 3 Chicks After Dark, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Cathy Brockman Romances, Vampires, Werewolves, and Fairies, Oh My, Inked Rainbow Reads, MM Good Book Reviews, Hearts on Fire, Charley Descoteaux, Velvet Panic, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon, Emotion in Motion, Amanda C. Stone, The Hat Party





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A Shot of J & B Book Tour

A Shot of J&B 400x600



Book Name: A Shot of J & B

Series? Yes Title: Vasquez Security: The Next Generation If yes, what number? Book 1

Release Date: March 16, 2015

Author Name: Lou Sylvre

Author Bio:

Lou Sylvre lives and writes on the rainy side of Washington State, penning mostly suspense/romance novels because she can’t resist giving her characters hard times but good love. Her personal assistant is Boudreau, a large cat who never outgrew his kitten meow, and he makes a point of letting her know when she’s taken a plot tangent too far. He (Boudreau) invites readers to give their feedback as well!

Where to find the author:


Author Page:


Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Reese Dante


Six years ago, Brian Harrison helped save the life of Jackie Vasquez, and he’s never really forgotten him. After the rescue, Brian ended his employment with Jackie’s uncle Luki and left the US for England, aiming to distance himself from the confused feelings—not lust, but not brotherly—that then sixteen-year-old Jackie engendered. Now Jackie has become a man, and when they meet again by chance, lust with a dose of D/s rope kink is definitely on the list of possibilities. As they get to know each other, though, lust shows every sign of growing into love, deep and true.


When Jackie moves to London for graduate studies in criminal psychology, he and Brian hope they’ll be able to enjoy each other’s frequent company. But they haven’t factored in the claim Brian’s police job with Scotland Yard will make on his time, especially when the “Gaslighter crimes” sap investigative resources. An abandoned aide dog named Soldier leads to a breakthrough clue, and a chain of discoveries fall like dominoes. As Brian rushes to beat the criminal’s game before it escalates to true terror, he comes to an undeniable conclusion: Jackie Vasquez, the man he loves, is in mortal danger.


Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, BDSM (light), Suspense, Romance



(From Chapter Two: December 26th, after a day with Luki and Sonny)


Brian had trouble keeping up with conversations and events for the rest of the evening. The only element he remained fully aware of was Jackie. Every time Jackie moved, Brian marveled at some little thing he hadn’t noticed before: the way a golden-red shine off his hair formed almost a halo when the light was behind him; the way thick, loose curls tumbled over his shoulders when he stripped the leather tie out and brushed his hands through the loosened locks; the way his pale eyes seemed more silver than gray when he laughed; the pattern of the freckles on his cheeks; the richness of his voice—slightly lower in tone and smoother in timbre than seemed expected.

In the few hours he’d studied the young man—not entirely on purpose—he’d become familiar with Jackie’s habits. Jackie bit his bottom lip when thinking just like Luki. He canted his head to the side and squinted slightly when listening. His laugh seemed always sudden and sincere—as if it took Jackie by surprise. When he spoke, intelligent words came readily to his tongue, without hesitation, but he only spoke with true purpose. And he was kind, watching for other’s needs—refilling a coffee cup, turning off a light that shone too bright in someone’s eyes, giving Bear a generous scratch behind the ears.

When it came time to leave and Jackie left the room to gather his things, Brian at last turned his full attention to his hosts. He thanked them and quite sincerely said he’d been very happy to see them again. He added, “And the food was fabulous, Luki!”

Luki chuckled, and said. “Thank you, Brian. But as preoccupied as you were, I think if I asked you tomorrow what you ate for dinner tonight, you wouldn’t even remember!”

Brian couldn’t pretend surprise that Luki had noticed. Before he could think of a reasonable response, Luki squelched any possibility of a speech with the biggest hug Brian had ever seen his former boss give anyone besides his husband, and then a giggling Sonny circled his long arms around them both and joined the squeeze. Brian’s ribs hurt a little by the time it was over.

When Jackie came from the back of the house with two suitcases and a backpack, Brian took the luggage from him and went to put it in the rental car while Jackie made his farewells to his uncles. He put the backpack in the backseat, thinking Jackie might want that available, and then laid the suitcases in the trunk. They seemed to fit perfectly in there with his own bags, but when Brian had that thought, he realized what a strange thought it was, and tried to talk himself back into his usual, more sensible perspective.

Don’t be ridiculous, Brian. Even if there was a God and that God made one person to perfectly match one other person in the entire world, luggage fitting in the trunk wouldn’t likely be a sign they’d found each other. He was able to laugh at himself a little, then, and it did help him take a mental and emotional step back. Not too far, though. Now that he and Jackie had crossed paths again, he had no desire to step back too far.

He admitted in a moment of clarity that the prospects for any future development were a bit disheartening. He lived in London, had a career and a flat and a club and a cat there. Jackie lived in Nebraska—at least Brian thought he still did—was in college, still and had years of study ahead of him pursuing the education he needed to pursue his field of interest. And who knew where in the world that would take him?

Just then, Jackie turned toward him, smile clear and lovely in the glow of the porch light, but somehow more reminiscent of the boy of six years ago than he had been at any earlier time that night. It reminded Brian who Jackie was, what he’d been through, and he thought, if ever there was a sub that required a cautious approach, Jackie is it. Brian had enough savvy to know Jackie had become interested in him, but he decided that, though he wouldn’t discourage Jackie’s interest, he also wouldn’t do anything to deliberately foster it. For the time being, he’d let Jackie take the reins, solo.



Rain had begun to fall heavily just as they’d pulled out onto the main road, which would take them back to Port Clifton. Visibility on the road was poor at the best of times, but on a moonless night in heavy rain, Jackie thought the chances that Brian would be able to pass the slow-moving, overloaded-looking log truck ahead of them seemed slim at best. He sighed, but not unhappily, only settling in. The ride would be longer than expected, but they’d left early so they’d likely make their flights in plenty of time.

The sound of the rain and the way it dripped down the windows seemed to close them in, to make the car’s interior seem cozy, its dash lights comforting. And Brian… he seemed steady behind the wheel, relaxed, perhaps even a masterful driver, reminding Jackie of Sonny. With the heat on low, Brian’s scent permeated the air—something with a touch of incense like quality soap, and slightly sexed, and a faint tang of end-of-a-long day man-smell. And….

“I smell leather,” Jackie said.

“Oh!” Brian flashed a smile at him. “My brother gave me a jacket for Christmas. It’s on the backseat. Still new enough to have a pretty noticeable smell. I admit I like the smell, but most of the time I hardly notice it, and I know there are people who don’t like it.”

“I like it!” Jackie laughed at his own enthusiastic answer. He knew he wasn’t being subtle, but then subtlety was not a quality he’d ever been known for. “Quite a lot, in fact. It’s one of the reasons I took up leatherwork.”

“Like tooling?”

“Tooling, burning, sewing. I like to work with soft, lighter weight leathers. I think the tooling and painting people do on heavy leather is fabulous—some of its museum quality. But I like the feel of the softer stuff, the way it responds if I treat it right, the way it looks when the right people wear it.”


“No. Well, heh. Yes I have a few things I wear from time to time, in certain… situations.” Jackie hesitated, knew he was taking the conversation somewhere unexpected. “I had some leather that matched the color of the darkest streaks in my hair, and I made myself a harness—but that one I’ve never worn.”

“No? Why?”

“Well,” Jackie said, drawing the syllable out slightly, “the occasion just never seemed right for it, yet.”

Brian glanced at Jackie, turned his eyes back on the road, and said in a husky voice that had to be one of the sexiest sounds Jackie had ever heard. Finally, he sort of smacked his lips, chuckled once, and then said, “I’d bet good money you’ll wear it well when you decide to do so.”

Jackie said only, quietly, “Thank you, Brian.”

They didn’t speak for a while, but Jackie had no sense of awkward silence. After a time, Brian seemed to notice the classical music station playing on the radio, and said, “Oh, hey, you can change the station or turn it off if you want. I’m so used to it I forget sometimes not everyone listens to music by long-dead composers.” He laughed, a pleasant, understated sound.

Jackie answered, “No, I like it! Especially this Renaissance music—that’s Palestrina if I’m not mistaken.”

“Yes, I think you’re right.”


“Probably,” Brian said, and for a few minutes they fell back into silence. They were passing through Port Clifton, but most of the town’s lights were off, and the streets deserted. Somehow, the lonely darkness inside made the inside of the car even more intimate. Jackie turned toward Brian and asked, “So, you don’t have a boyfriend, but you have a club.”

“Right,” Brian said, though he seemed to be hesitating. “I go there maybe once a week or so. I’m not going to pretend you don’t know what kind of club I’m talking about, so I’ll just say, sometimes I have a scene, occasionally I watch one. Sometimes I only have a shot of J&B and a good-natured argument with the bartender, Jamie. Sometimes I have lunch. And…,” Brian started but paused for some time before finishing his sentence. “And, when I do have a scene, it’s most likely to involve ropes or leather, and someone submitting to me.”

Jackie thought that held promise, and he felt something like a flutter of butterflies stretching their wings somewhere under his navel. He wanted to laugh, but he bit his lip and limited himself to a smile. He tried to picture what kind of place might appeal to Brian. Of the few BDSM clubs Jackie had been in, one could only be described as sleazy, one quite swank, and the others landed somewhere in-between on the classiness scale. Jackie was betting Brian’s club would be on the classy side, and he decided to test the theory.

“So,” he said, “what’s the club like? The place itself, I mean.”

“Very pleasant—very British, to my American sensibilities. Things are all polished wood and brass and subdued colors up front—understated and elegant. In the back, brick walls, tile and marble floors with lots of thick carpets, steel equipment, lots of leather. Expensive, unfortunately, but other than yarn and my cat, I don’t spend my money on much else.” He glanced at Jackie, smiling.

Jackie smiled back. “Sounds classy.” He thought for a moment, imagining, then added, “And I can see you in that environment, right at home. What about the people.”

“Variety. No one I heartily dislike, though there are only a few I really know. Tommy—he’s the man who has taught me what skills I have, and he’s still my mentor. Sponsored me into the club. Jamie, the bartender.”

“What about subs?”

“Well… I meet them because someone told them to contact me, or told me I might like to contact them, generally. I don’t go to the club to find them. I don’t see anyone repeatedly; for the most part once is good.”

Jackie nodded. He knew Brian might not have seen the motion, but he wanted to think before speaking. Before he was ready, Brian spoke up again.

“Does… does that make me sound like a cold mofo?” He chuckled, but it sounded to Jackie like his answer would matter to the other man.

He answered honestly, quietly. “No. At least, there’s too many other possibilities for me to make that assumption.”

“Never assume?”

“Right. Never assume. But, do you mind if I ask you something even more personal?”


“Um… I’m just wondering if you… think things will always be like that for you. I mean, do you think, someday—”

“Do I think I might find someone special? Would I want to?”


“Short answer: yes. Yes, I’d like to have a… have more with… the right person, someday.”

Jackie nodded again. He didn’t have anything more to ask, and thought it would be okay to just be quiet and let peace settle as the car rumbled over the noisy steel bridge deck crossing the Narrows. But Brian apparently felt differently.

“What about you, Jackie? No boyfriend now, right?”

“No,” Jackie said, not sure why the question should take him by surprise. “No, I’ve never really had a boyfriend since high school, before my brother and I left home.”

“You’re busy with school and everything, but…. Well, I told you my ‘someday’ answer. What about yours? Hopes, dreams, maybes?”

“All of the above.” Jackie hadn’t hesitated—he knew his own mind well. He added, “As you said, with the right guy.”

They did fall silent then, as Brian maneuvered the rather tricky interchange onto I-5 Northbound, then dealt with a heavy downpour, water on the road, and spray from truck tires drowning the Sonata’s windshield. Jackie had never become used to Puget Sound driving conditions, and the slap of water cutting off all visibility startled him. He drew in a breath and stiffened, but Brian, while keeping the wheel firm in the grip of one strong hand, reached over with the other and laid a hand on his shoulder.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes.” Jackie let the word out on a sigh of relief. “Thanks.”

Brian said nothing but squeezed his shoulder before taking his hand away. Jackie missed it, oddly.

Fifteen minutes later, Brian followed signs off one freeway onto another, and then onto the airport access. “If you want I can drop you at the entrance for your airline, but I think we have plenty of time. If we stay together, we can get coffee or something.”

“Yeah,” Jackie said. “Coffee would be lovely.”


Pages or Words: 76,000 words, 194 pages



boudreau demon in basket

1 – A Shot of J & B is a departure for you. Did you do a lot of research for the light BDSM scenes?

A fair amount, because my personal acquaintance with BDSM of any sort is quite limited, and was a long time ago. Yet, I knew I had to make it work for Brian and Jackie, because they both revealed their nature—Brian as Dom, and Jackie as sub—in Finding Jackie, the book the story grew out of.

I knew that Shibari would be the focus, because it can be an art, like a celebration of submission in all its beauty, in my mind. As a Dom, Brian is rather gentle—just what Jackie needs—a man who finds pleasure in receiving submission, but also in carefully executing the skills to create or emphasize beauty. I added to what little I already knew by internet research on everything related: how the knots are made and used, vids of demonstrations by Masters, the startlingly aesthetic visions of completed bindings captured in photography, and the history and guiding precepts of the art. Although I would have loved to attend such a demonstration personally, no opportunity arose. I also asked questions of people with experience, and had beta readers who had firsthand knowledge. (I confess that if I was a little younger I might go hunting for someone who would bind me up personally, but alas!) I continue to research, as Brian and Jackie will continue to grow in this aspect of their relationship as well as others. Coming in the next book, I expect them to stretch a bit to another important component of Shibari/Kinbaku.

2 – Was it hard to jump forward in time, knowing you’re aging Sonny and Luki?

Actually, I rolled their ages back from the final book in their series. The events in A Shot of J&B happen not long after the events in the ovella Yes, and about five years or so prior to Because of Jade. Was it hard? Well, as you my know I’ve jumped back and forth in time between books before, as Yes was published before Delsyn’s Blues (I think), but in story chronology Luki’s cancer battle happened about five years after Saving Sonny James. It was confusing then, and I must have decided I liked being confused, because I did again. I hope it’s not too confusing for readers, but the only time lapse that’s really important in the story is the years between Finding Jackie and A Shot of J&B, because it allows for Brian and Jackie to have arrived at a point in their lives where they’re ready for romance. 

3 – How far do you see this series going?

Short answer, heck if I know. *grin* Truthfully, I’m not nearly as good as some authors at preplanning what will happen in a series, or even in one book to an extent. Unexpected changes seem to happen to my characters and their lives, and send the series in a new direction. I’m pretty sure there will be at least three books, but probably more. The next book is in very early stages now, working title: A Cup of Kindness. It puts the series firmly on the path as planned, and we’ll see how that goes. 

4 – Of all the characters you’ve written, do you have a favorite?

I love Luki Vasquez, who loves to hate me, I think, and he seems to be the one who haunts me the most. But truthfully, I’m horrible at picking favorites of any kind. I can’t even name a favorite color, because they’re all so wonderful. Except mustard yellow and pea green…

5 – Do you have a pet and are you willing to share a picture?

Yes, I do. I have a large gray cat named Boudreau, who is also invaluable as my writing assistant. Once, for instance, when I wasn’t quite getting what he thought I should do to fix my plot, he wrote a little example for me: lllllllkkkjjjjjjjjllllljjjj;;;;;;;;;. Truly inspiring! And yes, I’ll share a picture—a shot of him possessed by the basket demon.

And, while I’m here, thank you so much, Parker, for letting me stop by on my blog tour and share my new book and my thoughts.

Tour Dates: March 16 – 27, 2015


Tour Stops:


Bayou Book Junkie



Prism Book Alliance



MM Good Book Reviews



The Novel Approach



Love Bytes



Sinfully Sexy



Parker Williams



Molly Lolly



Inked Rainbow Reads



Rainbow Gold Reviews



Sales Links:


a Rafflecopter giveaway

Driven by Fire Book Blast

SMDSJ_Driven by Fire


Author Name: Draven St. James


Book Name: Driven by Fire


Series: Firehouse Six Book Number: Four


Release Date: March 24, 2015


Taber Delane is lucky to be alive, but his career as a firefighter ended

the day a beam snapped, resulting in a crushing spinal injury. Most of his

friends are willing to give him space, everyone except paramedic,

Deacon Hall.


Deacon hasn’t met a challenge he couldn’t tackle and he knows Taber

needs someone in his corner who isn’t afraid to stand up to the big bad

fireman. The longer he’s around Taber, the more the sexy vulnerability

of the man comes through. Deacon finds he doesn’t just want to be

Taber’s live-in caregiver, he wants a chance at the passionate man

beneath the stubborn shell.


A shell that is cracking, no matter how Taber tries to hold it together.

Deacon being in his home starts to open him up—and open his eyes to

the man Deacon hides from the rest of the world. Without seeing it

coming, Taber soon craves more. A lot more.


Now if only Deacon can get Taber to see that it isn’t so bad having him

there to assist. Even if and maybe especially when Taber is naked,

dripping wet, and angry as hell.

Pages or Words: 43,556 words


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



“You’re not giving me a sponge bath,” Taber snapped and glowered at Deacon as he wheeled himself into the locker bay. The sweat ran down his temples, his shirt soaked through with it. He took in his motionless legs and grimaced before shooting Deacon another irritated look.

Deacon sat with his feet on one of the peeling dark blue benches, his back reclined against a bank of gray lockers along the far wall in the physical therapy building. A book was balanced on his knees, and black-rimmed glasses perched on his nose. His shaggy auburn hair fell to curl around his ears in disarray.

Deacon peered at him with pale green eyes. “There go my dreams of rubbing you down and tweeting the pics.”



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About the author:


Draven St. James is a born and raised Oregonian. She has traveled extensively in search of mischief and mayhem to fill her books. Her ventures have been quite successful in inspiring a wealth of stories. Of course at the end of the day, coffee within reach, laptop at the ready is where she finds her peace.



Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:




Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Dar Albert.

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, Bayou Book Junkie, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, Amanda C. Stone, Divine Magazine, Molly Lolly, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Kimi-Chan, Carly’s Book Reviews, Kristy’s Brain Food, Decadent Delights, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Bike Book Reviews, MM Good Book Reviews, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, 3 Chicks After Dark, Rainbow Gold Reviews



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The Sum of Everything Book Blast


the sum of everything

Book Name: The Sum of Everything


Series: Pickleville Book: Two


Author Name: April Kelley

Release Date: March 15, 2015



They say opposites attract but can they make love last?


Greg Mitchell’s entire childhood was filled with violence and abuse. That was until he came to work on the Heath Farm. His life was forever changed for the better, including meeting Brian Stockwell. From the first moment Greg met Brian he’s been in love. But a threat his father made four years ago has always held him back from pursuing any real relationship with Brian. That was until he learns his father is on his deathbed and of no further harm to himself or Brian.

Greg finds out his family ties are stronger than he thought and they hold Greg back from really getting to know Brian the way he truly wants to. Both men discover that they have more differences than they originally thought.


Pages or Words: 41,533


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance



Every time Greg Mitchell looked at Brian Stockwell, he hurt. It was like a physical ache in his chest where his heart should be. Greg caught a glimpse of the man he had been obsessed with for the past four years and that ache started up. Brian didn’t even know Greg existed and even thinking about that made Greg feel like he was in high school all over again.

Greg was coming out of the barn, just getting ready to get cleaned up for an evening class he had to commute too. This was his last semester of college and he thanked God every day for that fact. He couldn’t wait to get done. The commute from the farm to school was a bitch, especially this past winter when the snow was up to the windows of his truck and his dick practically fell off every time he went from the bunkhouse to one of the barns. Greg was just glad that it was summer for his last class ever. He didn’t have to worry about the roads being covered in ice and the cold seeping into his bones.

The sun didn’t go down until about the same time Greg got home from class, so he didn’t even have to worry about driving at night in a large city. Although, living in Pickleville his whole life meant every city was large. Living in a small town also meant driving anywhere after ten o’clock at night was an unusual occurrence for anyone who lived here. For a farmhand like Greg that was especially true. Greg had been so focused on finishing school for so long that he just didn’t have time for any extracurricular activities.

Greg sighed as he watched Brian step out of the main house. Brian had shorts on, khaki’s and a dark blue t-shirt. Even from as far away as Greg was, he could see Brian’s cute little nose wriggle his glasses further up his nose. His dark hair had that messy, spiky look that seemed to be at odds with Brian’s nerdy personality type.

Greg rolled his eyes at himself. He couldn’t blame his lack of a social life entirely on his college classes. If Brian ever did give him the time of day Greg still wouldn’t pursue any type of relationship. And he longed to have Brian under him, naked.

Greg sighed again. Roger Mitchell’s parting words four years ago were not an empty threat. Greg’s father was more than capable of following through on hurting anyone Greg even came close to dating. Roger would know too. Greg had seen him on campus more than once throughout the years he had been attending the University.

Yeah, it sounded crazy. It was crazy but it was Greg’s truth. Greg would live in it.


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About the author:


Living in Southwest Michigan, April lives with her husband and two kids. She has been an avid reader for several years. Writing her first story at the age of ten, the characters in her head still won’t stop telling their stories. If April isn’t reading or writing she can be found outside playing with the animals or taking a long walk in the woods.


Where to find the author:



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Twitter: @authoraprilkell

Pinterest: April Kelley

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Publisher: eXtasy Books

Cover Artist: Carmen Waters

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Decadent Delights, Bayou Book Junkie, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, BFD Book Blog, Love Bytes, Inked Rainbow Reads, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, My Fiction Nook, Hearts on Fire, MM Good Book Reviews, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Amanda C. Stone, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Molly Lolly
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