
Going to the Chapel: Don’t ask Book Blast


beautiful european night club interior

Author Name: J.J. Massa


Book Name: Going to the Chapel: Don’t ask


Release Date: March 25, 2015


Captain Zachary Smith had long suspected he was gay. Still, he could ignore that in the face of his career. He was a military man–a lifer. Everything was fine until a certain inscrutable FBI agent trampled all over Zack’s personal Don’t Ask policy.

Previously published by Torquere as part of the Going to the Chapel anthology.



Pages or Words: 14,900 words


Categories: Contemporary, Erotica, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance



Captain Zachary Smith bit back a groan when he saw the man seated in front of his colonel’s desk. It was his nemesis, his secret crush. His face serious and otherwise expressionless, he did his best to pretend that he was alone in the room, listening to a recording.

“Rest, Captain,” barked his commander, Colonel Marshall. Zack dropped his salute to clasp his hands behind his back, eyes fixed on an invisible point above the colonel’s head. “Mr. Thayer has need of your services once again,” the senior officer went on. Zack fought the urge to cringe or to look at the third man.

Federal Agent Falk Thayer lounged easily in his chair, seemingly unaffected by the scene playing out in front of him. He’d come in and announced his needs. The ranking officer had listened and offered him provision. Zack had an emotional price to pay, but Falk was apparently unmoved by it.

“Captain,” growled Colonel Marshall, “Federal Agent Thayer will require your cooperation regarding the Pavarato case.” The older man nodded toward a beige folder resting on the corner of his desk. “I expect you to assist fully with his investigation.”

“Yes, sir. Of course, sir,” Zack rapped back, focused entirely on his superior officer.

“That will be all, Captain.” The colonel nodded sharply. “You are excused. Make yourself available to Agent Thayer,” he ordered.

“Yes, sir,” Zack affirmed, turning sharply. Without even a quick look toward Falk Thayer, he left the room.


“Coffee, Penelope, would you please?” Zack asked as he passed his secretary’s desk.

Though she was an Army sergeant, Penelope Raines preferred not to stand on ceremony. They’d been instant friends since their first meeting, and he didn’t doubt that she knew most of his secrets. He’d told her half of them, and she’d likely guessed the rest. When others were present, they maintained a formal relationship; otherwise, they were relaxed with each other.

“Coming up, Z.” She aimed a commiserating smile his way, turning toward the break room.

He strode into his small office and kicked the door closed behind him. Groaning, he collapsed into his office chair, his face sinking into his crossed arms resting upon his desk.

Moments later, when the door creaked open, he didn’t look up. The scent of strong coffee tickled his nose telling him that Penelope hadn’t let him down.

“Just put it on the desk, Pen,” he said into his forearm. “Hey, d’me a f’vr?” he mumbled, lifting his head a fraction of an inch, “Gimme the Pavarato file ‘n lemme know when Ag’nt Thayer heads this way.” He dropped his head back into the crook of his arm, wondering when his luck would improve.

He heard the sound of the cup landing on his desk, but Penelope didn’t leave. He didn’t stir for a moment until, after several long seconds, still without looking up, he mumbled, “Pen? You need something else?”

“I was coming in anyway, Smith,” Agent Thayer’s smooth tenor answered, amusement thick in his voice.

Zack shot to his feet, nearly knocking over his chair. Automatically, he snapped to attention, groaning inside when he realized he’d done it. He heard the other man’s chuckle and reached for his coffee, nonchalantly taking it from the corner of his desk, hoping to hide his embarrassment.

“Now, what kind of a good soldier gets caught unaware like this?” Falk mused, causing a hot blush to sweep up and burn Zack’s cheeks.

“I, I, um, you…” he stammered, feeling like a fool. Sucking in a deep breath, he stood up straight. He was six feet and two inches tall, muscular and attractive, and he knew how to use it to his best advantage. Why wouldn’t it work on Agent Falk Thayer? “I wasn’t expecting you to just walk in,” he objected, carefully sipped at the strong brew.

“I didn’t ‘just walk in,’” the other man told him calmly. “I stopped at your secretary’s desk. She had your coffee.” He nodded toward the liquid crutch cupped in Zack’s hands.

Zack couldn’t understand it. Falk Thayer had medium brown hair, medium brown eyes, and regular features. The other man was easily four inches shorter than he was. How he could be so unremarkable and so intimidating at the same time, Zack just didn’t know. But he was.

“Um, yeah,” Zack looked away and took another deliberate sip of coffee. “Well, what is it you want me to do?” he asked grudgingly.


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About the author:


These things—author biographies—always give me trouble. Should I say I’m a single female over forty? Or would you rather know that I began writing professionally a bit over a decade ago? It’s safe to say I’m a dreamer. I love learning about people and exploring emotions. Every story is a journey, sometimes a wild ride, other times cray trip. Can you tell that I love to travel? I share my home with two cats and two birds. One of the cats is an aggressive young lady who moved in downstairs. My middle-aged guy isn’t sure if he wants to run from her or to her. I’ll let you know if a romance develops there. The birds are taking bets.


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Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @JJMassa1



Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Torquere Press LLC

Cover Artist: BSClay

Tour Dates & Stops: March 20th, 2015

Parker Williams, Divine Magazine, MM Good Book Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, BFD Book Blog, Bayou Book Junkie, Inked Rainbow Reads, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Molly Lolly, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, The Hat Party,

Cate Ashwood, Carly’s Book Reviews, Elin Gregory




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Blood and Ghosts Cover Reveal



Author Name: Shira Anthony


Book Name: Blood and Ghosts


Series: Blood Book Number: 2 Standalone? Should not be read as a standalone


Release Date: April 20, 2015


Sequel to Blood and Rain

With vampire Nicolas Lambert’s marriage to a rival clanswoman only weeks away, Adrien Gilbert struggles to come to terms with his defeat at the hands of Verel Pelletier, a vampire hunter and an immortal like himself. Adrien and his former teacher, Roland Günter, begin to explore his newly acquired abilities. But without his soul’s sword, Adrien flounders.

On Nicolas’s wedding day, a two-hundred-year old secret is revealed, sending the wedding party into a blazing battle between hunters and vampires. Once again Adrien finds himself facing Pelletier’s superior strength. Just as Adrien believes all hope of a future with Nicolas is lost, he finally learns his true gift—he can turn back time. But time travel comes with a high cost. To save Nicolas, Adrien must become strong enough to use his power without descending into madness.

Pages or Words: Approximately 70,000 words/250 pages


Categories: Contemporary, Fantasy, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Historical, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance



Adrien walked back onto the main street and over to the curb, where someone caught his eye. A man with short black hair walked toward him. Dressed in dark jeans, with a white shirt and dark wool jacket, he wore a single diamond stud in his left ear. A woman hurrying down the sidewalk dodged Adrien as he stopped, but the man behind him knocked him to his knees.

“Are you all right?” someone said with a hint of a French accent.

Adrien looked up into familiar brown eyes. Adrien inhaled slowly, hoping to head off the bloodlust that buzzed at the back of his brain. Heat tingled at the back of his neck, raising the hairs there. His palms felt suddenly sweaty. He felt sick. Not nausea—shock at seeing Nicolas here, realizing it really was Nicolas.

“Yes, I….” Adrien took the hand Nicolas offered and struggled back to his feet. The world spun and he grabbed Nicolas’s arm to steady himself.

“You’re not all right. You look ill. I should call an ambulance—”

“No ambulance.” Adrien righted himself. “I just need to eat something. It’s hotter than I realized.”

Nicolas glanced around, frowned, then said, “There’s a coffee shop at the corner.” He didn’t appear convinced by Adrien’s words. “Why don’t I help you over there?”

As if Adrien would object. “Thank you.”

Five minutes later they sat at a booth by the window, Adrien drinking coffee with a trembling hand. Adrien had watched Nicolas as they’d walked the short distance to the restaurant, his swordsman’s muscles straining against the fabric of his shirt. He looked only slightly older than he’d been when they met. “I’m sorry,” he said, coming back to himself and wondering why Nicolas was sitting with him when he could have left. “I must be keeping you from something.”

“No,” Nicolas answered. “In fact, I just came from a meeting. I’ve got the rest of the afternoon free.”

“I’m Adrien.” He forced a smile and set the empty mug down.


“It’s good to meet you, Nicolas,” Adrien said in French. He drew another long breath and his heart slowed its gallop.

“Please call me Nico,” Nicolas said, also in French.


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About the author:

Shira Anthony was a professional opera singer in her last incarnation, performing roles in such operas as Tosca, i Pagliacci, and La Traviata, among others. She’s given up TV for evenings spent with her laptop, and she never goes anywhere without a pile of unread M/M romance on her Kindle. You can hear Shira singing Puccini’s “Tosca” by clicking here:


Where to find the author:



Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @WriterShira


Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press

Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, MM Good Book Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Molly Lolly, Amanda C. Stone, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Bayou Book Junkie, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves, My Fiction Nook, Andrew Q. Gordon, Emotion in Motion, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Cate Ashwood, Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings, Charley Descoteaux, Love Bytes, Divine Magazine, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Carly’s Book Reviews, Because Two Men Are Better Than One




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Master of No One Book Tour


Book Name: Master of No One

Series? Yes If yes, what number? Book one

Release Date: February 24, 2015

Goodreads Link:

Author Name: Tricia Owens

Author Bio:

Tricia has been writing m/m fiction since 2002 when she opened her fiction website JuxtaposeFantasy to great success. She later partnered to create Joyboy Island. After a decade of writing for the sites, Tricia decided business demands were distracting her from producing novels, so she closed the sites and now writes at her leisure. An avid traveler, Tricia has visited over 60 countries and tries to include aspects of her global experience in her books.

Where to find the author:

Facebook Author Page:



Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs



Aleksander is short-tempered, antisocial and though he’s unaware of it, wildly sexy. He’s also a naturally dominant shape-shifting monster who’s sliding into madness. He needs a human ‘grounder’ to submit to him and draw forth his protective human side. Instead he is given two humans: Constance, a fledgling sub with a reckless streak whose intense desire to serve has brought her nothing but heartache, and Kirk, a former NYPD cop who’s trying to subdue his own alpha instincts and play submissive in order to fulfill a family debt.
But once these grounders meet their new master, they quickly discover that in order to save Aleksander from himself, they must alter their assigned roles and form a unique triad of domination and submission that goes against Aleksander’s very nature. Constance needs to convince Aleksander he can be gentle and protective, while Kirk wants to show him there is freedom in surrendering to another dominant. The task isn’t easy, though: Aleksander fights them every step of the way, and a conspiracy surfaces which not even a creature as powerful as Aleksander may be able to overcome.



Categories: BDSM, Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Thriller, Urban Fantasy



Aleksander huffed. “That’s right. You told Michel you’re my grounder. Interesting strategy putting yourself in an immediate position of inferiority against him.”

“Is it inferior? I got the impression a grounder is the only thing that’s going to keep you from falling apart.” Kirk smiled as the other male clenched his jaw. “Seems like a pretty important role, if you ask me.”

“And how do you expect to fulfill your role?”

Kirk idly adjusted the fit of his jeans, hoping Aleksander hadn’t noticed that they’d begun to grow tight in the crotch. Something about Aleksander got him going. Maybe it was the attitude, which seemed to be a prerequisite amongst chimera. It made Kirk want to take him down a peg and stand over him after he’d fallen.

Nothing like some homoerotic imagery there, he chided himself.

“I’m here to help,” he said.

Aleksander traced his tongue across his bottom lip. “As Constance ‘helps’?”

Kirk resisted the impulse to laugh and play it off. It would be a nervous tell and he wasn’t about to give Aleksander the satisfaction. “I was thinking more along the lines of being a friend who helps you let off steam. Physically.” When the chimera’s lips twitched, he quickly added, “I mean like boxing. Or sports. Whatever it is you do to keep in shape.” He motioned vaguely at the other male’s body. “Do you run, or workout or—”

“You couldn’t last with or against me, little human. You’re no use to me in that way.” Aleksander panned down Kirk’s body. “Though you’re fit and…large for your kind.” A crease appeared in his forehead and he resumed staring into his glass.

Fit and large? If you only knew, buddy.

Pages or Words: 74,000 words


1. Fortunately I didn’t need to do too much research for this story because I travel quite a bit (I work on a cruise ship) and I’ve personally visited all of the locations used in the book except one. This one location I researched via the internet using Google maps and several national parks websites. I enjoyed incorporating the exotic locales in this story and I plan to take advantage of my travel experience to include more such settings in future books.
2. The original ending wrapped up the storyline to make everything peachy keen. But after editing, I realized these characters’ relationship dynamic is too interesting to end so quickly. I love the tension between them and I want to further explore that. Aleksander can’t give in too quickly, after all. So I rewrote the ending to allow me to further develop this triad in the sequels. In the next book we’ll see how they’re handling their relationship while dealing with Aleksander’s health and new outside threats. It should be a lot of fun (and super sexy). I also intend to use these characters as a bridge to new characters who will be introduced in subsequent books.
3. My favorite character from the beginning has been Aleksander. I think he’s fascinating in that he’s weak and dangerous at the same time. I’m also a fan of characters that aren’t easy to love. This way when they finally do give in, as Aleksander does (or does he?), the reader feels a sense of accomplishment and feels closer to him for having shared his challenges.
4. While I’m working on the cruise ship, I write in the evenings after my shift is over. Once my contract is over, I’m fortunate to get two months off, twice a year, and that’s a great opportunity to really put my nose to the grindstone and crank out the words. I’m a pretty fast writer. I finished the first draft of “Master of No One” in two weeks.
5. Adding an epilogue might have been a good idea, just to tease what’s coming next. But I think readers will realize there’s a signficant loose end left to deal with, and I’ll do exactly that in the sequel. We’ll find out what’s happened to Kirk’s younger brother Leo, and more importantly, who’s with him.

Tour Dates & Stops:


Bayou Book Junkie





Love Bytes

Carly’s Book Reviews



MM Good Book Reviews



Parker Williams



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



BFD Book Blog



My Fiction Nook



Inked Rainbow Reads



Molly Lolly

Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

Sales Links:

Loose ID:


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Cronin’s Key Book Blast



Book Name: Cronin’s Key

Series? Yes If yes, what number? Book One

Release Date: March 13, 2015

Goodreads Link:

Author Name: N.R. Walker

Author Bio:

N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance.

She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.

She is many things; a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.

She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things…but likes it even more when they fall in love.

She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.

She’s been writing ever since…

Where to find the author:



Facebook Fan Page:


Publisher: N.R. Walker

Cover Artist: Sara York


NYPD Detective Alec MacAidan has always been good with weird. After all, his life has been a string of the unexplainable. But when an injured man gives him cryptic clues, then turns to dust in front of him, Alec’s view on weird is changed forever.

Cronin, a vampire Elder, has spent the last thousand years waiting for Alec. He’d been told his fated one would be a man wielding a shield, but he didn’t expect him to be human, and he certainly didn’t expect that shield to be a police badge.

Both men, strong-willed and stubborn, are still learning how to cope with the push and pull of being fated, when fate throws them another curveball.

Rumors have spread quickly of turmoil in Egypt. Covens are fleeing with news of a vampire who has a talent like no other, hell-bent on unleashing the wrath of Death.

Alec and Cronin are thrown into a world of weird Alec cannot imagine. What he learned in school of ancient pharaohs and Egyptian gods was far from the truth. Instead, he finds out firsthand that history isn’t always what it seems.



Categories: M/M Romance, Paranormal



Alec patted his belly, which was now full of pizza and coffee. Then he thought of something. “When was the last time you fed?”

“Two days ago.”

“Is that too long?”

“I will need to feed soon, but it’s bearable.”

“What is not bearable?” Alec asked. “I’m just curious. I guess I should know these things. I mean, is it uncomfortable for you to be near me right now?”

“Of course not.”

“Is it a hunger, or a thirst? Does your throat burn until you feed, or what?” Alec asked out of pure curiosity.

“It is a hunger,” Cronin answered. “Though not like a human hunger. It affects the whole body, not just the stomach. The whole body craves it.”

Alec considered this. “I can see that, I guess.”

Cronin gave a smile. “You talk of such matter with ease. Does it not bother you?”

“Not as much as I thought it would,” Alec said. “I try not to think about the human loss of it, to be honest. Kinda like how I try not to think about the pigs that die to give us the amazing thing that is bacon.” Alec stared out the kitchen window for a while, looking over the city as he thought about what he just said. “I’m not sure when I stopped caring for human life… I’m a cop, I shouldn’t…” he shook his head. “I don’t know when that changed.”

“When you changed,” Cronin said softly. “When you met me.”

“I changed when I met you?”

Cronin nodded. “As I did when I met you.”

Oh. Alec paused. “Is that part of the fated thing? We change?”

“Yes. Fundamental changes to our psyche, to adapt to the needs of our significant other.”

“But I’m still me,” Alec said quietly.

Cronin gave him a small smile. “You will always be you. You just adopt certain tolerances.”

“So, normally if something pissed me off with someone, like something they did—like snoring! If they snored—I ‘d hate it, but if you snored, I wouldn’t care.”

“I don’t snore.”

“That wasn’t my point.”

Cronin chuckled. “Your point was correct, yes.”

“So what pisses you off in other people, but not in me?”

Cronin thought for a moment. “I don’t like being interrupted when I’m talking. It is frustrat-”

“Like that?” Alec said with a smile. “Like me interrupting you like that?”

Cronin huffed. “Yes, like that.”

Alec snorted. “But it still annoyed you.”

“It’s a work in progress.” Cronin let out a half-laugh, half-sigh. “It frustrates me far less with you than someone else, believe me.”

“Then I shall try my very hardest not to interrupt you ever again,” Alec said, with a smirk and flick of his eyebrow which meant he shall try his very hardest to interrupt Cronin every chance he got.

Cronin sighed. “I also find sarcasm rather tiresome.”

“Excellent.” Alec laughed and finished his breakfast and made himself another coffee.

Alec leaned against the kitchen counter with his second cup of coffee in his hand, and it was as though Cronin was waiting for him. He cleared his throat. “So, given the events of yesterday, I wondered whether you wished to continue our date? Considering it was cut short.”

Alec hid his slow-spreading smile behind his coffee cup. “I would love to, but I thought research might be in order, given the events of yesterday.”

“Research of what?”

Alec was stunned. Research of what? “Uh, everything we learned yesterday, none of which makes sense.”

“Jodis and Eiji are seeking out information as we speak.”

“I thought you said they were eating out?”

Cronin smiled. “They are doing both. They’ve gone to Egypt-”

“They’ve what?” Alec cried, interrupting him. “By themselves?”

“They’re safe,” Cronin told him. “They’re verifying the information Bes gave us yesterday. Though we’ve no reason to doubt him, I wanted to be sure.”

“You asked them to go?”

“Yes. I took them.” 

“You what?”

“I was only gone for one second. The apartment is well alarmed, and you were sound asleep.”

Alec put his cup down and ran his hands through his hair. “And?”

“And they are searching out any other information we might use.”

Alec sighed. “And what about me?”

Cronin blinked. “I don’t know what you mean. What about you?”

Alec took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. “I’m a detective. Figuring shit out is what I do. I research, I study, I figure shit out.”

“Alec, I cannot risk you being out there. Please understand, it’s not my wish to see you confined here, but until this risk is over-”

“I don’t need to leave here,” Alec replied. “As much as I’d like to.” He rolled his eyes. “But we have this thing now called the internet. I mean, it is only recent in your perspective of timelines, and I know you think Shakespeare is still classed as popular culture, but it is the twenty-first century.”

Cronin glared at him for just a moment. “I take back what I said before. I do believe that I detest sarcasm more than being interrupted.”

Pages or Words: 83,000 words

Tour Dates: March 13, 2015


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Amanda C. Stone, MM Good Book Reviews, Bayou Book Junkie, Redz World, Molly Lolly, Cate Ashwood, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, SA McAuley, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Andrew Q. Gordon, My Fiction Nook, BFD Book Blog, 3 Chicks After Dark, Divine Magazine, Elin Gregory, Carly’s Book Reviews, Inked Rainbow Reads, Sinfully Addicted to All Male Romance, Because Two Men Are Better Than One, Love Bytes, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, The Blogger Girls, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Nephylim, It’s Raining Men, Michael Mandrake, Velvet Panic


Sales Links:



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IM Book Blast




Author Name: Rick R. Reed

RRR author photo orange check

Book Name: IM


Release Date: March 10, 2015


The Internet is the new meat market for gay men. Now a killer is turning the meat market into a meat wagon.


One by one, he’s killing them. Lurking in the digital underworld of, he lures, seduces, and charms, reaching out through instant messages to the unwary. When the first body surfaces, openly gay Chicago Police Department detective Ed Comparetto is called in to investigate. At the scene, the young man who discovered the body tells him the story of how he found his friend. But did this witness play a bigger role in the murder than he’s letting on?


For Comparetto, this encounter is the beginning of a nightmare—because this witness did more than just show up at the scene of the crime; he set the scene.


Pages or Words: 280 pages


Categories: Thriller, Crime Drama, Mystery



Lake Shore Drive at night has its own excitement, especially when one is hurtling toward a rendezvous with an unknown destiny. On one side of my car, Lake Michigan bears silent witness to the streams of traffic heading north and south, headlights like glowing insect eyes piercing the night. The other side of the highway is crowded with high-rises, their glass, chrome, and concrete rising into the sky, hives of activity within, quiet sentinels without.


I have a cold bottle of Samuel Adams between my legs, a Marlboro burning in the ashtray. Normally, beer and cigarettes are not my vices. I care about my health, you see. But these are props, the same as the deeper-pitched voice I use, same as my word choices, which are much less sophisticated than someone with an MA in English from the University of Chicago. The beer and cigarettes are part of my costume. Tonight I wear faded, ragged Levi’s 501s, the crotch faded, the buttons moving in an inverted question mark, emphasizing the bulge in my crotch.

When did gay men turn into no-charge prostitutes? Has it always been this way?

Whatever. I’m also wearing a Bulls T-shirt, the sleeves cut off raggedly, the neck cut low.

I take a swig of the beer, letting its cold bitterness snake down my throat, and turn up the tape player. Ironic. Leonard Cohen is singing, “Ain’t No Cure for Love.”


I press down on the gas; ahead is my exit: Irving Park Road.


When I arrive, I see the apartment is a red brick six flat, identical to others all over the city. I ring the buzzer, and the guy doesn’t even bother to ask who it is. No difference. We never exchanged names anyway.


Trudging up the stairs, waiting for the shotgun-cocking sound of a lock being turned, a chain sliding back into place. Someone waits to admit me. Someone I don’t even know.


What a friendly world this is.


A door opens above.


What waits upstairs?


I round the bend and I see him. Nothing like his description, but who expected different? I am nothing like what I told him. No matter. As long as you’re male and reasonably young and acceptable, you’re in.


The guy has a good body, and his lips curl into a grin as I head toward him, dragging on my Marlboro. He’s wearing a pair of black bikini briefs. His moment of glory, this is what he’s worked for all those long hours at the gym. Finally someone to appreciate the shaved and defined pecs, the smooth washboard belly, the bulging biceps I just know he will somehow maneuver to flex for me.


But he’s much older than what I had expected. Midforties probably. His reddish-brown hair is thinning, and the blue eyes are framed by crow’s feet. A bottle of “eye-revitalizing” cream is in his medicine cabinet, I bet. The goatee, a desperate ploy to make himself look younger and hip, is embarrassingly ineffective. A cougar tattoo snakes down one of his arms.


“How you doin’?” I exhale a cloud of smoke and pass him as he opens the door wider to admit me.


“Great. Now that you’re here.”


The apartment is small, crowded with “contemporary” furniture: a black leather grouping in the living room, chrome and glass tables, spare jagged-looking twig and dried flower arrangements. On the walls, Herb Ritts posters of absurdly pumped-up young men in various settings: a garage, on the seashore.


The guy leads me into the bedroom. Platform bed, comforter thrown back, striped sheets. The nightstand holds the tools of his true trade: a plastic cup full of condoms he probably never uses, a couple of little brown bottles filled with butyl nitrite, a leather cock ring, a metal cock ring, and a large pump bottle of Wet. On the lower shelf, a stack of neatly folded but ragged white towels.

A dresser faces the bed, and atop it, a color TV and DVD combination. On the screen, a wildly muscled dark-haired guy tries to sit on one of those orange traffic cones. Amazingly, he’s beginning to succeed.


I grin.


The guy drops the black briefs and sits on the bed. Hoarsely, “Why don’t you get undressed, man?”


“Why don’t you do it for me?”


Instantly supplicant, he’s on his knees before me, working the buttons on my jeans. I’m sure his eyes are glistening. Already his breath is coming faster.


I push his hand away. “Hold on.” I lift the goateed face up to my own and look in his blue eyes, where nothing but desire and trust mingle. “I want you to lie down on the bed. Lie on your stomach.”


He gets up and does as he’s told. The half moons of his ass practically glow in the darkness. A thin whiter line disappears in his crack, where his thong was. The definition in his arms shows up perfectly as he raises them above his head to clutch the pillow.


His legs are parted, waiting.


“I just need to do something real quick. You stay right there.” I look back at him as I exit the room. “You’re a good boy, right? Do what you’re told?”


“Yes, sir.”


In the kitchen, I go quickly through the drawers until I find the one with the knives. For the first time, I get hard, and I think of the blood pumping, filling the spongy cavities.


The blood. Essence of life.


I strip down, leaving my clothes in a pile on the kitchen floor. I hope I don’t bring any cockroaches home.


I hold the butcher knife I chose to my side, concealing it with my arm, and head back to the bedroom.


He still lies there, waiting and trustful, thinking he’s about to be penetrated.

And he is.


Sales Links:


DSP Publications ebook:

Amazon Kindle:



About the author:


Rick R. Reed is all about exploring the romantic entanglements of gay men in contemporary, realistic settings. While his stories often contain elements of suspense, mystery and the paranormal, his focus ultimately returns to the power of love. He is the author of dozens of published novels, novellas, and short stories. He is a three-time EPIC eBook Award winner (for Caregiver, Orientation and The Blue Moon Cafe). Raining Men and Caregiver have both won the Rainbow Award for gay fiction. Lambda Literary Review has called him, “a writer that doesn’t disappoint.” Rick lives in Seattle with his husband and a very spoiled Boston terrier. He is forever”at work on another novel.”


Where to find the author:








Goodreads Link:

Publisher: DSP Publications

Cover Artist: Reese Dante

Tour Dates & Stops:


The Novel Approach, Nic Starr



Parker Williams, BFD Book Blog, Kimi-Chan, Inked Rainbow Reads, Divine Magazine, Book Reviews and More by Kathy, Rebecca Cohen Writes, My Fiction Nook, Bayou Book Junkie, 3 Chicks After Dark, MM Good Book Reviews, Fallen Angel Reviews, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Kristy’s Brain Food, Cate Ashwood, Amanda C. Stone, Molly Lolly, Andrew Q. Gordon, Hearts on Fire, Love Bytes, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Velvet Panic




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