Confetti, Cake, and Confessions Book Blast

Confetti, Cake and Confessions jpg


Author Bio:

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.

K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…

K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.

The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.


Author Contact: K.C. can be reached via email (, on Facebook (, on Twitter (@IslandTalesPres or through comments at the K.C.Wells website ( ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.


Publisher: Island Tales Press

Cover Artist: Meredith Russell


Tony Porter and Marc Powell had lived in the same house for the past eight years, since their single parents moved in together. When Tony’s mother Marie and Marc’s father Dennis decide to tie the knot at last, it should be an occasion of great joy for everyone. Except all Marc can think about is having to spend the next two weeks with the young man he’s been in love with since he was sixteen.

Tony feels so torn about Marc coming home from college. He keeps telling himself that it’s wrong to feel this way about him. After all, in two weeks’ time they’ll be related. So when the two young men are thrown together to prepare for the wedding, tensions rise and discoveries are made.

It’s going to be a very long two weeks, and a wedding that no one will ever forget.

Categories: Contemporary, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, New Adult





Hannah’s sigh filled his ear. “I have some news for you.” Marc said nothing but waited, the skin on the back of his neck getting in on the act. “Tony has a girlfriend.”


Marc swore it was so quiet in his room, he could hear the second hand on his alarm clock as it marked time. Tony has a girlfriend. Well, crap.


“Marc? You still there?”


Marc pulled himself together. “Yeah, sure. So, who’s the lucky girl?” He tried to ignore the ache in his heart.


Well, what did I expect? He’s straight, after all.


He could hear the sympathy in Hannah’s tone. “Marc, you don’t have to pretend. This is me you’re talking to, remember?”


Marc threw his arm across his eyes, as if that would block the images that were firing up in his brain. Tony kissing a girl. Fuck—Tony having sex.


It’ll come. It has to. Only, Marc would make sure he wasn’t around to see it. He could put up with sharing a room with Tony for the rest of the summer, but knowing his soon-to-be stepbrother was off somewhere fucking a girl? That was more than Marc could bear.


He laughed quietly. “I suppose it had to happen sooner or later.”


“Do you think he’d have acted differently if he knew you were gay?”


Marc frowned. “What does me being gay have to do with anything? It’s not like that would change anything, right? Han, he’s straight, no matter how much I might wish it were otherwise.”


“I think you should tell him.” Hannah’s words were soft.


Marc barked out a bitter laugh. “And say what? ‘No, don’t do it, Tony. I’ve been in love with you since I was sixteen. And by the way, in a fortnight, I’ll be your frigging stepbrother.’ Yeah, I can see that conversation going down really well.”

Tour Dates: September 29th, 2014


Tour Stops: Carly’s Book Reviews, Parker Williams, Havan Fellows, MM Good Book Reviews, Rainbow Gold Reviews, Jade Crystal, Prism Book Alliance, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Multitasking Mommas, Cate Ashwood, Queer Town Abbey, LeAnn’s Book Reviews, 3 Chicks After Dark, Fallen Angel Reviews, Iyana Jenna, Michael Mandrake, It’s Raining Men, Kimi-Chan


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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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