Final Exam Book Tour


Author Bio:

Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.

K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter…

K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.

The laptop still has no idea of what hit it… it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.

To see more of K.C.’s titles, click here

Author Contact:

K.C. can be reached via email (, on Facebook ( or through comments at the K.C.Wells website ( ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.

Cover Artist: Paul Richmond

Publisher: Dreamspinner Press


One house, three couples, and one year left until their final exams….


Evan and Daniel want to take their D/s relationship to the next level. When Daniel suggests conducting a little research at a BDSM club, Evan is more than up for it. Trouble is, one of their housemates isn’t happy about this.


Finances tighten for new couple Josh and Chris. Wanting to ease some of the pressure on Chris, Josh starts as an agency nurse. But tackling a heavy workload at medical school and working late-shifts leaves little time for the couple. Something’s gotta give.


In Spain, Sean was diagnosed as suffering from migraines. But after the medications have no effect and he starts suffering from other complaints, he decides to get a second opinion without telling Michael. When Michael finds out, Sean’s usually laid-back husband’s reaction shocks everyone. But Michael needs to get his head sorted fast, because Sean needs his strength.


As their school career comes to a close and the one person who holds them all together starts to fall apart, the final exam is a true test of friendship.




SEAN WAS getting really fed up with his housemates.

Ever since he and Michael had got back from Spain, the four men had turned into mother hens. Sean was constantly aware of them watching him. At least, it felt like they were. When he’d brought it up, Michael had said he was imagining things, but then again, Michael was guilty of the same thing in Sean’s book. He knew Michael was keeping a close eye on him. Sean hadn’t said a word. These days, he didn’t trust himself to do so without biting Michael’s head off, and that was the last thing he wanted to do.

Okay, so I’ve had a few migraines. Why the scrutiny all the time?

He loved his housemates to bits, but recently he’d found himself snapping at them on occasion, and that just wasn’t like him. He could see the same thought in Michael’s eyes and that hurt. He hated it when Michael worried, especially if he was the cause.

He wanted to scream at them all.

Look, I’m fine! It’s just a few fucking HEADACHES, that’s all!

He wouldn’t, of course, tempting though the idea was. And besides, there was that tiny voice in his head that wouldn’t go away.

What if it’s more than just headaches? What if there’s something else wrong?

At first he’d pushed the thought aside. He’d been to the doctors in Spain, hadn’t he? The doc had been perfectly happy with his diagnosis of migraines

Only now the headaches were occurring more regularly, which was worrisome. The fact that his bloody pills were useless wasn’t helping either.

Then DO something. Get another opinion.

Now that made sense.

Sean picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts to the clinic where he and Michael got tested every few months.

The sooner he got this sorted, the happier he’d be. And maybe then his housemates would stop mothering him.

He listened for a moment. Michael was downstairs in the kitchen with Chris, Evan, and Daniel. Josh was at the hospital. If Michael knew he was making an appointment, he’d only worry even more.

So that meant only one course of action—Sean wasn’t going to tell him. He’d go see another doctor, see if there were any tests they could run, and maybe get some medication that actually worked. He glanced at the notice board where his and Michael’s timetables were pinned. Being on the same course had its drawbacks, especially if he wanted to book an appointment when Michael wouldn’t be around. The only time available was when Michael saw his personal tutor. At least the clinic was on campus, but he might have to book it a week or two in advance to be sure of getting the slot he wanted.

And if he were completely honest, Sean was starting to get concerned. He rarely got sick, he ate healthily—Michael made sure of that—he didn’t smoke, and his alcohol intake amounted to a couple of glasses of wine per week. So putting up with headaches was pissing him off.

Make the call, Sean. While Michael’s not in earshot.

Sighing, he pressed Connect.



Planning to write
It’s a question I’m often asked. “Are you a plotter or a pantser?”
Mostly a plotter, I think. I like to know where I’m going with a book. Okay, so now and again my characters will lead me off in a totally unexpected direction (This happened very recently), but yeah, I like to write an outline before I start, or at least get the main scenes clear in my head.
Planning when you’re co-writing a book is essential, especially when you’re in two different time zones and thousands of miles apart. It pays to know what lies ahead.
So how do I plan?
Well, I start by thinking about the characters. This is a recent thing, and I owe this to Max Vos. He said once that he starts with the characters, and by the time he’s finished getting a clear picture of them in his head, he lets them start to tell their story. So I now write notes on each main character—and some secondary ones—before I start. The usual things, of course: physical characteristics, family, career, and then I move onto any important events that have a bearing on the story. Nowadays I try to find a photo that fits what I see in my head.
Sometimes at this stage I also start planning the cover. My cover designers—the wonderful Meredith Russell and AJ Corza—like to have some notice, so I give them some ideas to think about. This did lead to the situation where the cover for my WIP was done last year, and I only started writing the book in late July this year. LOL
Then I sit and think about the key events that will take place in the story, and in what order. I can tell immediately if I have enough and if I don’t, then more thinking is required. Of course, my ideas can change as I’m writing, but that’s not a problem. Sometimes the best ideas come out of the blue, like when I’m walking into the village to the store, driving somewhere or—and this one happens sooooo often—in the shower.
Why in the shower, for goodness’ sake? (And you can all wipe those smirks off your faces for a start 😛 )
What happens next might surprise you. I sit down with a friend—a gay friend—and run through the plot. This matters to me a great deal. Above all things, I want the story to be realistic. If I get the reaction, ‘Er, no, that wouldn’t happen,’ then it’s time for a re-think. I don’t write for a particular audience—I know there are some MM writers out there who aim their books specifically at women readers of mm romance—but I’d like to think that gay readers could read my books and find the plot realistic, challenging and of course, sexy.
So I’ve got my characters clear in my mind, I’ve got my key episodes planned out… Then it’s that wonderful moment—time to start writing.
And off we go on the roller coaster…


Tour Dates/Stops:

8/25: Reviews and Ramblings

8/26: Wake Up Your Wild Side

8/27: Prism Book Alliance

8/28: Hearts on Fire

8/29: Parker Williams

9/1: Jade Crystal

9/2: Angel Martinez

9/3: Amanda C. Stone

9/4: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

9/5: Love Bytes

9/8: Regular Guys, Hot Romance

9/9: MM Good Book Reviews

9/10: LeAnn’s Book Reviews

9/11: Cate Ashwood

9/12: Velvet Panic

9/15: My Fiction Nook

9/16: 3 Chicks After Dark

9/17: Fallen Angel Reviews

9/18: SA McAuley

9/19: Iyana Jenna

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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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