Hitting Black Ice Book Tour



Author Bio:

Heloise West, when not hunched over the keyboard plotting love and mayhem, dreams about moving to a villa in Tuscany. She loves history, mysteries, and romance of all flavors. She travels and gardens with her partner of 10 years, and their home overflows with books, cats, art, and red wine.


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Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Syneca Featherstone


ER physician’s assistant Hunter guards his heart carefully, but that doesn’t stop him from falling for Shawn, the front desk clerk. He keeps his distance from relationships for a reason, but just can’t help himself when it comes to Shawn.

Shawn is on the run from the law and love to protect himself and anyone else involved. One man is dead because of him, and his life now is simple and easily thrown into a bag at any hint of danger. Until he meets Hunter, and he no longer wants to run.


Forced into a hostage situation, buried passion explodes in the aftermath, and sex in the supply closet brings their hearts back to life. Tentatively, step by step, they begin to explore a relationship together until the past catches up with Shawn.

FBI agent Nick Truman has finally found his man, but when Shawn escapes, he focuses his attention on Hunter. Shawn returns, even though it means sacrificing himself to save Hunter from the man who framed him for murder.



Categories: Contemporary, Crime Fiction, M/M Romance, Mystery, Romance



It was nine o’clock. They’d long lost the reservation. Hunter turned away from the warm lights of the restaurant, heart heavy. Shawn was too good to be true. For all he knew, he had a problem like Jerry’s, who’d often left him waiting, wondering, and ultimately fearing as dinner sat cold on the table. He gave in and took a step toward home.


He whipped around.

Shawn rushed toward him. He slipped on the snowy sidewalk, nearly going down, but Hunter ran at him, and they crashed together so hard his teeth clicked. Shawn’s arms went around him and his around Shawn, and they managed to hold each other up.

“I’m sorry,” were the first words out of Shawn’s mouth.

“All you deserve is pizza crusts,” Hunter mock-growled and kissed him, unconsciously trying to taste booze on his breath. Like Jerry and too many broken promises. Relieved it was only peppermint mouthwash, he didn’t stop kissing him.

When Hunter let him speak, Shawn said, “I’m starving, I’ll take it.” He pushed Hunter a little away from him. “Jesus. You’re freezing.”

“And starving. There’s a Greek pizza place down this way, come on—”

“I’ll make it up to you,” he said, taking Hunter’s hand.



1 – What was the most nerve wracking part of writing ‘Hitting Black Ice’?

The most nerve wracking was writing the ending when the guns come out, every plot point had to be firing on all eight, and dealing with the aftermath. I almost wimped out, but a friend shoved me in the right direction.

2 – Do you see yourself visiting this world again?

I didn’t for so long. I really thought this was a one-off, but the very last chapter surprised me with a twist that has led me to a sequel.  My editor has also suggested that Nick needs to tell his story, too.
3 – What else is on your ‘To Be Written’ pile?

Besides the above, the stories in my queue are another contemporary romance with a mystery at its heart and a number of historicals. There’s a fantasy romance and a medieval fantasy lurking back there, too.
4 – How did you celebrate when you got the contract for the book?

Prosecco, as I don’t like champagne. 😉
5 – What do you think you’ll be feeling as the clock ticks toward release day?

I’m swinging between elation and terror right now.

The terror:  Like that dream where I’m in school and the teacher is giving a test in a subject I’ve never heard of, I’m naked, and there are tables nearby that need to be waited on and someone tells me they’re in my station.

Elation because a lot of hard work and time went into getting this story into shape and just the reactions of my editor and writer’s group make me feel like it’s a good story.

Thanks so much for having me here, today!


Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Jade Crystal

Molly Lolly



The Blogger Girls

Amanda C. Stone



The Hat Party



Parker Williams



Charley Descoteaux

3 Chicks After Dark



Elisa – My Reviews and Ramblings



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Because Two Men Are Better Than One

Book Reviews, Rants, and Raves



Love Bytes



Inked Rainbow Reads



LeAnn’s Book Reviews



Multitasking Mommas



BFD Book Blog



Prism Book Alliance



MM Good Book Reviews

Fallen Angel Reviews


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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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