Law By Jess Buffett

Law By Jess Buffett


Author Name: Jess Buffett

Book Name: Law

Release Date: February 29, 2016



Being in the internationally successful boy-band Right Time had been everything I had ever wanted and more. Well, except for one thing, or should I say one person? But I had long ago acknowledged that I couldn’t have both the life and the person and I should be happy with what I had. That worked until he showed up in my life again. And then nothing made sense.


For years I had pretended I didn’t care. Ignoring my feelings had become second nature to me. That was until my niece begged me to take her to see her favorite boy-band, Right Time, for her birthday, and I came face to face with him. In all fairness, she had no idea the can of worms she’d be opening. And to tell the truth, neither did I.

Pages or Words: 63 pages

Categories: Bisexual, Contemporary, M/M Romance, New Adult, Romance


“OMG. He knows your name, Uncle Byron?”

Byron flushed, glancing down at his niece before he flicked his gaze back to mine. “Ah … yeah, Emma, I do.”

The girl began to ramble while her friends stared on in awe. “How? Why? When did you become so cool?”

“Hey, I’ve always been cool.” I chuckled at Byron’s offended expression, grateful that he was momentarily distracted. The man’s gaze had always left him feeling open and exposed.

“Well, I mean sure, you are the cool Uncle Byron who bought my friends and me these really awesome tickets, but this…”

“But this is like a whole new hemisphere of awesomeness,” another one of the young girls finished, almost breathless in her shock.

I had honestly never felt so self-conscious before that moment. Not because of the girls. As shallow as it sounded, I was used to the lust filled expressions on women’s faces of varying age groups. Byron was another story. I wondered what he must be thinking, of me, of the situation. Even after all these years the man still had it in him to make me second guess myself. A nervous tension I felt only in his presence. It was ridiculous. I was ridiculous.

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Meet the author:


Jess Buffett was born and raised in New South Wales, Australia. She is a mum of two, married to her high school sweetheart.

Jess is a hopeless romantic who is a huge fan of M/M and M/F romance with a happy ending—anything with hunky men in all their glory, whether they be Shifters, Vampires, Cowboys, or the boy next door.

A caffeine addict who shamefully can’t make a decent cup of coffee to save her life, Jess believes in soul mates, happily ever afters, and in love at first sight, but that sometimes people need a second or a third for the brain to catch up.

Where to find the author:


Facebook Author Page:

Twitter: @JessBuffett

Goodreads Link:

Publisher: Evernight Publishing

Cover Artist: Jay Aheer – Simply Defined Art

Tour Dates & Stops:

Parker Williams, Divine Magazine, A.M. Leibowitz, Bayou Book Junkie, Oh My Shelves,

Open Skye Book Reviews, BFD Book Blog, Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews, Alpha Book Club,

Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, MM Good Book Reviews, Full Moon Dreaming, Unquietly Me,

Gay Book Reviews, Happily Ever Chapter, Up All Night, Read All Day, Making It Happen, Nephy Hart,

The Hat Party, Charley Descoteaux, Outrageous Heroes, MM Book Escape, Inked Rainbow Reads,

Velvet Panic, Havan Fellows



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