Master of No One Book Tour


Book Name: Master of No One

Series? Yes If yes, what number? Book one

Release Date: February 24, 2015

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Author Name: Tricia Owens

Author Bio:

Tricia has been writing m/m fiction since 2002 when she opened her fiction website JuxtaposeFantasy to great success. She later partnered to create Joyboy Island. After a decade of writing for the sites, Tricia decided business demands were distracting her from producing novels, so she closed the sites and now writes at her leisure. An avid traveler, Tricia has visited over 60 countries and tries to include aspects of her global experience in her books.

Where to find the author:

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Publisher: Loose ID

Cover Artist: Valerie Tibbs



Aleksander is short-tempered, antisocial and though he’s unaware of it, wildly sexy. He’s also a naturally dominant shape-shifting monster who’s sliding into madness. He needs a human ‘grounder’ to submit to him and draw forth his protective human side. Instead he is given two humans: Constance, a fledgling sub with a reckless streak whose intense desire to serve has brought her nothing but heartache, and Kirk, a former NYPD cop who’s trying to subdue his own alpha instincts and play submissive in order to fulfill a family debt.
But once these grounders meet their new master, they quickly discover that in order to save Aleksander from himself, they must alter their assigned roles and form a unique triad of domination and submission that goes against Aleksander’s very nature. Constance needs to convince Aleksander he can be gentle and protective, while Kirk wants to show him there is freedom in surrendering to another dominant. The task isn’t easy, though: Aleksander fights them every step of the way, and a conspiracy surfaces which not even a creature as powerful as Aleksander may be able to overcome.



Categories: BDSM, Bisexual, Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Menage/Poly, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance, Thriller, Urban Fantasy



Aleksander huffed. “That’s right. You told Michel you’re my grounder. Interesting strategy putting yourself in an immediate position of inferiority against him.”

“Is it inferior? I got the impression a grounder is the only thing that’s going to keep you from falling apart.” Kirk smiled as the other male clenched his jaw. “Seems like a pretty important role, if you ask me.”

“And how do you expect to fulfill your role?”

Kirk idly adjusted the fit of his jeans, hoping Aleksander hadn’t noticed that they’d begun to grow tight in the crotch. Something about Aleksander got him going. Maybe it was the attitude, which seemed to be a prerequisite amongst chimera. It made Kirk want to take him down a peg and stand over him after he’d fallen.

Nothing like some homoerotic imagery there, he chided himself.

“I’m here to help,” he said.

Aleksander traced his tongue across his bottom lip. “As Constance ‘helps’?”

Kirk resisted the impulse to laugh and play it off. It would be a nervous tell and he wasn’t about to give Aleksander the satisfaction. “I was thinking more along the lines of being a friend who helps you let off steam. Physically.” When the chimera’s lips twitched, he quickly added, “I mean like boxing. Or sports. Whatever it is you do to keep in shape.” He motioned vaguely at the other male’s body. “Do you run, or workout or—”

“You couldn’t last with or against me, little human. You’re no use to me in that way.” Aleksander panned down Kirk’s body. “Though you’re fit and…large for your kind.” A crease appeared in his forehead and he resumed staring into his glass.

Fit and large? If you only knew, buddy.

Pages or Words: 74,000 words


1. Fortunately I didn’t need to do too much research for this story because I travel quite a bit (I work on a cruise ship) and I’ve personally visited all of the locations used in the book except one. This one location I researched via the internet using Google maps and several national parks websites. I enjoyed incorporating the exotic locales in this story and I plan to take advantage of my travel experience to include more such settings in future books.
2. The original ending wrapped up the storyline to make everything peachy keen. But after editing, I realized these characters’ relationship dynamic is too interesting to end so quickly. I love the tension between them and I want to further explore that. Aleksander can’t give in too quickly, after all. So I rewrote the ending to allow me to further develop this triad in the sequels. In the next book we’ll see how they’re handling their relationship while dealing with Aleksander’s health and new outside threats. It should be a lot of fun (and super sexy). I also intend to use these characters as a bridge to new characters who will be introduced in subsequent books.
3. My favorite character from the beginning has been Aleksander. I think he’s fascinating in that he’s weak and dangerous at the same time. I’m also a fan of characters that aren’t easy to love. This way when they finally do give in, as Aleksander does (or does he?), the reader feels a sense of accomplishment and feels closer to him for having shared his challenges.
4. While I’m working on the cruise ship, I write in the evenings after my shift is over. Once my contract is over, I’m fortunate to get two months off, twice a year, and that’s a great opportunity to really put my nose to the grindstone and crank out the words. I’m a pretty fast writer. I finished the first draft of “Master of No One” in two weeks.
5. Adding an epilogue might have been a good idea, just to tease what’s coming next. But I think readers will realize there’s a signficant loose end left to deal with, and I’ll do exactly that in the sequel. We’ll find out what’s happened to Kirk’s younger brother Leo, and more importantly, who’s with him.

Tour Dates & Stops:


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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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