Murder in Torbaydos Book Blast


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Author Bio:

I am a gay man in my early forties. I escaped the London rat race by buying a small hotel in the beautiful coastal town of Torquay, England with my civil partner. My career has been in business but I have written articles on a freelance basis for a gay website that is part of the Gaydar group. I am passionate about reading and writing and try to squeeze both into my busy week. My hobbies include watching films, travelling and I am a keep-fit fanatic. The hotel provides me with a constant source of writing material, given my interactions with the weird and wonderful British public. I served briefly as a police officer in London and considered writing a story about this, but I do not think anyone would believe me. I am an alumnus from the great seat of learning known as Portsmouth University.

See the hotel Ian owns!


Author Contact:

Publisher: Torquere Press Publishers

Cover Artist: Ali Futcher


Old houses hide secrets, sometimes dark ones.


In the 1970’s, London based family, Marjorie, Stanley and their theatrically bent son fall in love with a dilapidated Victorian seaside villa. Dreaming of a better life by the sea, they transform the property into a luxury guesthouse, ignorant of the tragic events that occurred there at the beginning of the century. They discover that their guests are not the only other occupants in the building.

The souls trapped within the house offer the temptation of wealth and power, but all come with a deadly price. Stanley, supported by his ambitious wife, enters political office. Marjorie will stop at nothing to achieve her goals for her husband, no matter who gets in the way.


Thirty years later, an affluent gay couple, Jez and Graham, purchase the hotel, which now unoccupied has once again fallen into disrepair. They are blissfully unaware of the building’s grisly past. Jez falls under the influence of the spirits within the house, rapidly achieving fame, fortune, and a life beyond his wildest imagination, but the price is ultimately the corruption of his very soul.

Bound by a common destiny, both Marjorie and Jez’s fates lie inextricably intertwined across time and connected to the house. Their gruesome realisation is that death is not necessarily a release.



Categories: Fiction, Gay Fiction, Historical, Horror, M/M Romance, New Adult, Paranormal



I write this book in my twilight years. Though considerable time has passed since these tragic events occurred, there is no doubt in my mind that it will be controversial. Some people will suspect me of profiteering. However, if I am privileged enough to see this work published, then I will donate any proceeds to the affected surviving family members. The money would be of little use to me now, as I am elderly, and I have no heirs.


Perhaps writing this is a form of therapy, a way to assuage my own guilt. Goodness knows, I have spent much time reflecting on the ‘what ifs.’ Over the years, I have learned to forgive myself the errors of my past. However, I will never forget the pain that I have caused others through my poor decisions.

Words: 97,600 Pages: 298

Tour Dates: December 2, 2014


Tour Stops:

Parker Williams, Inked Rainbow Reads, Molly Lolly, Havan Fellows, BFD Book Blog, Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Cate Ashwood, MM Good Book Reviews, Queer Town Abbey, Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents, Andrew Q. Gordon, Fallen Angel Reviews, The Fuzzy, Fluffy World of Chris T. Kat, Elin Gregory



Multitasking Mommas

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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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