Out of CTRL Book Tour

outofctrl_800 cover


Author Bio:

I’m SA Welsh and I write because the voices in my head keep making me. I love reading and I love letting the characters and stories in my head come to life in a book. I can’t function in the morning without a cup of tea and when I’m not writing I’m reading. I have enough books to last me through an apocalypse but don’t ask me to share them unless you are a fellow book worm and know how to treat and appreciate a good book. It is thanks to the writers that inspired me to put myself out there that I became an author and the editors that make sense of my chaos that I keep writing. You can find me on facebook or on my website www.sawelsh.com

Author Contact:


Publisher: Totally Bound

Cover Artist: Emmy Ellis


Andrew had no intention of ever going back home. But circumstances force him to face his painful past and the friend who betrayed him. Andrew Finley has no intention of going back to his hometown—ever. After he’s caught hacking into the CIA, he builds himself a new life as a computer guy for the very government agency he hacked. But over the past few months, something has been bothering him, and his boss is acting more paranoid than usual. Every time an operation fails, Andrew collects information that could prove someone is selling secrets. Now he’s pretty sure his boss is trying to kill him, so he has no choice but to go back home to buy some time. Home may be more dangerous than facing his boss. Nine years ago, his former best friend and first crush Teddy betrayed him, and let his evil sister and her minions send him running. But he’s back now and not everything is as clear-cut as he thought. Teddy may not be a Judas but can Andrew catch his fireman without getting burned, or is coming home going to kill him? One corrupt boss, one evil sister, enough family drama to fill a dozen daytime chat shows and an ex-best friend whom he’s been in love with for half his life makes for one hell of an interesting trip home.


Categories: Contemporary, Erotic, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance


Pages: 197


He brought up his search protocols and entered the name. There was nothing on the Net but he kept digging. Within a few minutes, he’d turned up quite a bit of information, not least of which was that the man was connected to a few corruption cases in the alphabet agencies.

Holy shit.

“How the hell do you know this man, Genie?”

“I dated him for a while last year before I figured out he was bi with a strong leaning toward your side of the fence. We chat when he’s on assignment abroad, which is why I know how to set up your secure thingies. We’re friends and I’m sort of his beard, I guess you’d say, when he needs to be seen with a girlfriend,” Genie explained with a shrug as if what she’d done were an everyday occurrence.

Who knew, maybe for her it was. Andrew always figured beautiful people lived completely different lives to the rest of the ordinary ones. Hell, he’d be moving up in the world if he were one of the ordinary people.

Shaking his head, he ignored the comment about his ‘secure thingies’ and continued sifting through the information. The man seemed honorable, had served two short tours overseas before being recruited somewhere. That’s when everything went a little blacked out. There was a lot of classified stuff in the file he’d found but a few hours under his software should clear that up if he needed to delve further.

From what Andrew could see, Agent Christopher Hammer was a decent man and good at his job. Apart from a speeding ticket from when he was a teen and a written warning for ‘reckless behavior in pursuit of the enemy in combat’ the man was clean. Squeaky even.

“Reckless behavior? What kind of man is he, Genie? You could be in danger! I knew you two were going to be trouble the second Mom popped you out.” Sara sighed but it was an improvement from shrieking any day.

“Yeah, right. Your life would be more boring than drying paint without us, and you know it,” Genie shot back with a mock glare.

Sara stood for a second, mouth in a comical O. She snorted. “Yeah, probably. So what do we do now?”

 “We? A second ago you were squealing and looked like you needed a Valium and now you what? Want to take on the CIA?” Andrew couldn’t help the skepticism leaking through into his words.

Tour Dates:


Parker Williams

MM Good Book Reviews



LeAnn’s Book Reviews



Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents



Love Bytes



The Blogger Girls



Fallen Angel Reviews



Molly Lolly



The Hat Party



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words



Wicked Faerie’s Tales and Reviews

BFD Book Blog



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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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