Ringed Love By Elizabeth Noble


Six books, five years, two men: Ringed Love and endings are hard.

I’m honored and very grateful to be here on Will Parkinson’s blog today, thank you! Will has been one of the biggest and most vocal supporters of my Sentries series.

Writing a true series such as Sentries is hard. There are all these subplots and threads to keep up with along with the main story arc.

Ending such a series is even more difficult. Because this series revolved around two main characters, Todd and Nick Ruger my emotional investment in them is huge, however, all good things come to an end. We’ve all watched a series that should have ended with the previous season or a book series that went two installments too long. I certainly didn’t want that happening with my guys.

From the very beginning Sentries was meant to be a complete story with specific events tying all the books together. All of the first five books follow a simple format. Todd and Nick are presented with a problem, a case to solve and someone to save.

Ringed Love is different.

In Ringed Love we see the guys in a variety of situations and at different times of their lives. Ringed Love takes a number of ‘slice of life’ scenarios and tells the rest of the story of the Rugers. In Ringed Love we see Todd and Nick in good times and bad. They do what they’ve always done, protect others and fight the bad guys. Through it all they work hard to keep their love alive and their union strong because as they’re always reminding each other (and us) they’re in this together and that’s the way it was always meant to be.

Does that mean we won’t see any more of Todd and Nick or the Sentries? I’ll admit that after all this time it’s hard to let go of these men and if they have another story to tell I’ll be flattered if they let me tell it.

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eBook:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=7650

Paperback:  http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=7651



New Colorado Protectorate fell with the assassination of Chancellor Clarke. Like many others, Todd and Nick Ruger left the land of their birth and made a home to the north in Yellowknife. Their world was ever changing. The time came to say a sad farewell to some of their friends and loved ones, but they were taken in with open arms by others and in turn offered shelter to yet more. Through the years they remained steadfast in their duty as sentries to protect and defend those that needed it the most.

Time marches on but through it all they hold each other dear and cherish the love they’ve shared. There are still angry ghosts, Windigos and water spirits to contend with. Their lives change, offering them new roles. When the time comes, they do what sentries have done for generations prior and teach others the skills to carry on as sentries. The Rugers lives were rich and their hearts full with their devotion and love for each other. The tradition of the sentries lived on forever. It was the legacy of Todd and Nick Ruger. That was the way it was always meant to be.


The kid slipped by Todd and sat in the chair he just vacated. “You’re Todd Ruger.” He gazed up at Todd. His expression was what Nick could only describe as awestruck.

Todd stared down at the guy, and Nick snickered and teased, “Aww, that’s so sweet.”

The woman moved through the bar to the other side. The tables there had more people sitting around them. Men turned to watch her as she moved by.

“You’re hunting her,” the kid announced. He then looked directly at Nick. “And you’re Nick Ruger.”

“Don’t—” Nick waved his hands for the kid to be quiet.

Todd interrupted, “I don’t know who you are, but shut it. And get out of my chair.” He thunked the glasses down on the table. “How do you know? Keep your voice down.” Turning so his back was to the woman, he asked Nick, “What is she doing?” Bending down, he took hold of the straps to the backpack.

Nick grabbed the side of the table and pulled himself out of the chair, then dodged around Todd and Drew. “Getting away.”

He heard Todd order, “Stay there.”

Nick was reaching for the door when he felt Todd’s hand on his shoulder. Todd hauled Nick back and sprinted ahead of him as they ran outside. They each turned around, looking in different directions. Nick tapped Todd’s arm and pointed. “There.”

Todd slung the backpack over one shoulder and darted after the woman. If she realized they were following her, she never let on. Then again, Nick thought, maybe that was part of her trap. She turned a corner and slipped onto a deserted side street, her long dress fluttering in her wake. The kid appeared at the other end of the street.

“Hey, miss, wait a minute,” Drew said breathlessly. He ran right up to her. Leaning around her and at the same time grinning at Todd, he said, “I can help.” He held both hands out to the woman.

She laughed and slid into his outstretched arms.

“No! Don’t touch her,” Todd and Nick shouted together.



Elizabeth Noble started telling stories before she actually knew how to write, and her family was very happy when she learned to put words on a page. Those words turned into fan fiction that turned into a genuine love of M/M romance fiction. Being able to share her works with Dreamspinner is really a dream come true. She has a real love for a good mystery complete with murder and twisty plots as well as all things sci-fi, futuristic, and supernatural and a bit of an unnatural interest in a super-volcano in Wyoming.

Elizabeth has three grown children and is now happily owned by an adorable mixed breed canine princess and one tabby cat. She lives in her native northeast Ohio, the perfect place for gardening, winter and summer sports (go Tribe!). When she’s not writing she’s working as a veterinary nurse, so don’t be surprised to see her men with a pet or three who are a very big part of their lives.

Elizabeth received several amateur writing awards. Since being published two of her novels have received honorable mentions in the Rainbow Awards. Her novel Jewel Cave was a runner up in the 2015 Rainbow awards in the Gay Mystery/Thriller category.

Website:  http://www.elizabeth-noble.com

Dreamspinner page: http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/index.php?cPath=55_423


Circles website:  http://elizabeth-noble-circles.weebly.com/

Vampire Guard website: http://elizabeth-noble-thevampireguard.weebly.com/

Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Elizabeth-Noble/e/B0052JEZVY

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elizabeth.noble.77

Facebook page:  https://www.facebook.com/pages/Elizabeth-Noble/120757231345733

Twitter: @elizabethnoble1

Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/elizabethnoble1/

GLBT Bookshelf:  http://bookworld.editme.com/Elizabeth-Noble

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4781553.Elizabeth_Noble





by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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