Rise of the Alpha Squirrel By Kate Lowell
Author Name: Kate Lowell
Book Name: Rise of the Alpha Squirrel
Series: Nutty Romances
Book: Two
Series should be read in order for maximum enjoyment
Release Date: February 25, 2016
Nathan’s met Vince’s family, but Vince hasn’t met Nathan’s, and Nathan would like to keep it that way. Holy smoked almonds, what else do you do when you know how completely nuts your relatives are?
Why, you ease your man into it, by introducing him to normal shifters. Assuming you can find any.
But with a gossipy werehummingbird spreading the news, and a pair of young red pandas wreaking havoc with their fainting goat friends, Nathan’s about ready to climb into a pine cone and pull it in after him.
Then the local playboy weremoose hears about Vince, and Nathan has to find his inner alpha or the consequences will be worse than moldy hazelnuts.
Pages or Words: Approximately 24,000 words
Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, Humor, M/M Romance, Paranormal, Romance, Urban Fantasy
“Breakfast,” Vince said and waved a hand toward the table.
It was a squirrel’s wet dream. Or it would have been, if good-enough-to-lick-all-over-then-eat Vince hadn’t been sitting on the other side of the table. Maybe he could say it was any other squirrel’s wet dream—whatever, it was the breakfast of Roman squirrel emperors.
A pile of thick, deep brown pancakes waited for him in the center of his plate. Raspberries and shaved almonds sprawled seductively over the side of the stack, glistening with sweet, sticky maple syrup. Some of the less audacious ones hid decorously beneath the edges of a heavy daub of whipped cream, but Nathan knew they were there, waiting for him to discover them. He could see them peeking diffidently out, uncertain whether they wanted to attract his attention or not.
And the best part—the most gorgeous massage therapist in the world was sitting across the table from him, watching him with eyes that were dark in more than just the usual way. He looked at Nathan like Nathan was a maple walnut ice cream with a peanut dip. Like he wanted to lick him all over and suck bits of him deep inside his mouth…
About the Authors
Finnley Lakewood grew up on and in Lake Michigan. A native lake trout, he grew up in a were enclave, but soon became fascinated by the bizarre and sometimes frightening behavior and beliefs of their human neighbors. Following in his environmentalist parents’ footsteps, he began an intense study of the psychology and sociology of the human species. Believing it was important to understand how the humans saw themselves, he pursued a human-led education after high school, culminating in a Ph.D. taken at the human established university of Harvard. Since then, he has worked tirelessly at establishing a set of ‘Best Practices’ for interaction with the human world, and advocating within that world on behalf of weres who find themselves on the wrong side of human understanding.
Gardnner Monk was born in an anthill in the Central Mid-West. He attended a private weres-only school while working on the family fungus farm. A tragic misunderstanding between a human neighbor and one of Monk’s many brothers inspired him to learn as much as he could about the human menace, and to dedicate his life to preparing other young weres against the possibility of meeting one of these self-absorbed and violent creatures. To this end, he has earned a Ph.D. in Human Behavioral Science from Transfigurans University, where he currently teaches and leads several research studies on human-were interaction. In his spare time, he is an instructor at a local self-defense academy, where he teaches young weres how to avoid conflict with humans, how to protect themselves in the case of attack, and how to hide the bodies afterwards.
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Meet the author:
Kate Lowell lives on the east coast of Canada, in an old farm house that has way more personality than it has any right to. During the winter, she spends her time dreading snow, cursing at snow, shoveling snow, and scheming ways to shove it down the kids’ necks. During the summer, she prays not to have snow. 🙂
Kate likes to play in ALL the sandboxes. While her main genres are paranormal and contemporary suspense, she is also interested in science fiction, fantasy and–weirdly–romantic comedy. She’s willing to pay large amounts of money to anyone who can come up with a Time Turner, or find her an agreeable Time Lord to sort out her scheduling problems.
You can contact her at katelowellbooks (at) gmail.com . If you think you’d like to try writing gay romance, come visit her critique group (Link can be found at http://katelowell.com). New members are always welcome.
Where to find the author:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008313548018
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Kate_Lowell
Website: http://katelowell.com
Other: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7132484.Kate_Lowell
Goodreads Link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28690157-rise-of-the-alpha-squirrel
Publisher: Kate Lowell
Cover Artist: Ana J. Phoenix
Tour Dates & Stops:
25-Feb: A.M. Leibowitz, Hearts on Fire, Velvet Panic, Nautical Star Books, MM Good Book Reviews
26-Feb: Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words, Wake Up Your Wild Side, Inked Rainbow Reads, KathyMac Reviews
27-Feb: Happily Ever Chapter, Molly Lolly, Love Bytes
29-Feb: Nephy Hart, Man2ManTastic, Bonkers About Books, Open Skye Book Reviews, My Fiction Nook
1-Mar: BFD Book Blog, Dawn’s Reading Nook, V’s Reads, Boy Meets Boy Reviews