Slippery Slope Book Tour



Author Bio:

Iyana writes M/M short stories and novellas. Her works have been published by Evernight Publishing, JMS Books, Books to Go Now, Torquere Press, Bitten Press, Leap of Faith Publishing, Breathless Press, and Alfie Dog Fiction.

Iyana lives in Jakarta, a city famous for its traffic jams, a lot of cars and motorcycles, and people selling stuff on the roads. You can spend two hours on the road going to a place you can reach in half an hour in a normal situation. Thanks to the traffic jams, though, Iyana can come up with a lot of stories, mostly shorties, as she prefers to spend the time during her trips writing into her cell phone rather than sleeping.

Another thing Iyana loves is kitties. Right now she has three of them. Their names are Cil, Horus, and Betsy, and one kitten. When she doesn’t write, she plays with them, or they would play with her when she writes.

Connect with Iyana:

Twitter: @IyanaJenna



Publisher: JMS Books

Cover Artist: Written Ink Designs


Actors Ethan Grey and Alex Haynes are gay, but in Hollywood, they can’t be open unless they’re willing to be typecast in future movies or they’re dating prominent gay producers. Since neither are willing to become stereotypes, and neither have studio boyfriends, they take another path — hiding their relationship under the cover of a pretend girlfriend.

What works for Ethan, though, doesn’t work for Alex, who screws up to the point of losing his job and the chance to get another. His manager finally finds him another job across the pond, where he meets Nathan Wells.

Nathan can be the prominent producer Alex needs to further his career, but there’s something Alex doesn’t know about the man. Soon Wells grows obsessed with Alex, and he’ll do anything to keep Alex from getting away.

Though Nathan wants Alex for himself, there’s still Ethan to think about. Is the love story between Alex and Ethan really over? Or will Ethan find a way to get his boyfriend back?


Categories: Contemporary, Fiction, Gay Fiction, M/M Romance, Romance

Words: 20,000



It was as if Nathan hadn’t been asleep at all. His mind kept buzzing with thoughts about Alex and the first thing in his mind when he opened his eyes in the morning was how stupid he’d been, behaving the way he had the previous night. He wouldn’t have blamed Alex if the man had decided to simply walk away.

Nathan rolled over and his eyes widened at the empty space next to him.

Alex truly had left him.

But the bedroom door thumped open and a pair of hazel eyes met his, full of qualms and—to Nathan’s delight—fear.

“Where’ve you been?”

Alex stepped in nervously before rushing to the bed, ignoring Nathan’s question, and plummeted straight into his arms, muttering, “Oh, Nathan, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Forgive me, please. Okay?”

Now what could he say to that?

Nathan pretended not to realize what Alex was talking about, though. He shifted and pulled himself into a sitting position, dragging Alex with him.

“Now Alex, what’s this all about?”

Alex could barely lift his face. Nathan put his hand beneath Alex’s chin and tilted his face up.

“Come on. Tell me.”

Tour Dates/Tour Stops:


Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents

The Hat Party



BFD Book Blog



Bayou Book Junkie



Up All Night, Read All Day

MM Good Book Reviews



Parker Williams

3 Chicks After Dark



Scattered Thoughts & Rogue Words

Love Bytes

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by Parker Williams

Parker writes m/m fiction where happily ever afters will require work to reach. He loves broken characters, hurt and healing, pain and comfort.

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